Gardening Supplies

I Hope This Works

My fingers are crossed! I did mean to mention that I unfortunately forgot to reinstall the trail cam that night! So it will be a little while until we see how the fencing worked.

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Well hi folks welcome back to the plot it is properly miserable okay it was it was a bit gray and a little bit threatening before I left the house and then as soon as I arrived at the alotment the heavens have opened and it’s the sort of day where really you

Could do with kind of sitting inside with the heating on enjoying a nice cozy evening maybe doing a bit of a planning maybe even sewing a few seeds at home but as you saw in my last video my tunnel is at risk it’s vulnerable and it

Could be attacked any night I was very anxious last night so today is Thursday and yesterday I came up got the got the camera footage saw what was happening I’ll show you the damage as well where they were scratching oh God it’s absolutely horrible to look at and uh yeah I had to

Leave it again last night fortunately it doesn’t look like anything’s been touched again but it’s quite difficult what’s knowing it’s quite difficult knowing what is new and what is old scratches sort of thing they all roughly look the same so the reason I’m here putting my

Waterproofs on is to try and erect a bit of a fox deterrent fence and to be honest it’s probably going to be a bit of a JB fence you know a bit a bit ramshackle a bit first thing I could think of I did basically just go out

This morning and buy whatever I could from local stores so I’ve not got any wooden fencing and I’m just going to use the main things chicken wire this is only about 60 cm High which is you know if a fox wants to get over this it will

But the idea is I’m hoping if I just put this around the tunnel it will be enough to just deter them from scratching on it my theory is that they’re just doing it for fun they’re still doing it um just going crazy scratching it when the doors

Are wide open and they can get in here if they were getting in here to access whatever was in here they they would have just strolled in you know we saw them on the trail cam coming in willy nilly basically doing as they pleased so hopefully this will be just enough to

Deter them and I’m going to have to try and get it far enough away from the poly tunnel it’s not going to rub on it or anything like that but close enough that a fox isn’t going to want to jump over it and then maybe like get trapped in

Between the plastic or the can you imagine that um so it’s going to be a bit of a mission and the main thing I’m going to use is probably the door frames I’m going to start probably stapling it into the door frame and then using these

Just kind of these thin pins um I got a pack of 10 of these for about 30 quid I think from Wix so kind of cheap you know not like the most robust solution I was thinking about maybe getting some wooden steaks or something like this but I

Don’t know I just I decided to go with this so put this on the corners to kind of brace it and then maybe a couple along and I’ll probably try and these are 1.2 M so I can drive these really deep and even if a fox is starting to

Like push on it hopefully well definitely this going down into the clay is going to give it that distance that it needs in theory anyway the main disadvantage with these compared to like wood and steaks is you can’t staple into them with the chicken wire so I might

Have to use some cable tires but hopefully if it’s just tight at one end in the door and then tight at the other that will kind of create it its level and then these on the corners will act as bracing can you hear I’m hopeful the optimistic in me is speaking you know

We’re going to give it a go it is unfortunately going to be pretty much impossible to film this properly hopefully I can show you a little before and after try and shield the camera a little bit he’s flipping freezing today as well Plastics in the way isn’t it why hasn’t

JB cut this off that would have been a good idea I do think wrapping around might be the best idea and I’m slightly regretting going with these P pins what I think would have been a good idea is for wooden you know Timber post on the outside that could properly get in I

Don’t have one of those fence post drivers you know with the two handles that you clunk on it so that might have been a bit of a challenge but we’ll try it with the pins if I can get it in deep enough hopefully it’ll be able to take the strain of the the

Fencing I do not have a great feeling about this I’m going to give it a go we’re going to just go with it see what happens I’m just going to make sure whatever I do I’m very very careful around the plastic wish me luck what could go wrong what could go

Wrong eh got to be honest folks we’re not off to the best start already I open the packet and uh the gauge is significantly wider than I realized so uh hopefully it will still be enough like I say we’re just hoping to deter These Guys these uh little cheeky foxes

Everyone was very uh amused by the the trail cam footage they are undeniably sweet and very healthy as well loads of comments saying how healthy they were and there that is a that is a thing around here for whatever reason I know they just have a really good food source

But when I walk down the cycle track on the way here I see literally about five in the middle of the day it’s sort of a 10-minute walk along there they’re very very common around these parts and it’s just a shame that they’ve decided to use

My poly tunnel as a a toy a play thing so I’m going to try and get it relatively neat you know so we’ve got one line up here start at the bottom and then kind of tension I’m not feeling great about it guys I’m not feeling great folks you can

See it’s kind of there and that is definitely lower than this which is all of the new damage which I realized I said I’d show you and I didn’t they’ve not gone through it but I don’t know how this stuff is thick you know they’ve really gone for it I think

If I want to do this properly I need Timber I need a timber frame that I can properly pull this tight to what I might do is just staple this in one or two just hold it tight to the Bottom by stapling in to the base rail there just

On the outside into that batter and just just one or two and then well I’ll put a couple of stakes along here and we’ll have a look at whether or not it looks like it’s going to do anything or my big concern is that the foxes are just going to see as

Another toy another play you know another challenge um another thing to play with that’s what I meant to say so I don’t know guys I’m not feeling great about it but it’s good to get something up isn’t it um hopefully it’s just to give me that bit of peace of mind my

Real concern as well is that they’re just going to carry on doing it and instead of it just being their kind of Paws and Claws that are going against the tunnel they might start rubbing the metal against the tunnel and that might be even worse I don’t really know and the other thing

I’m concerned about is the wind you know if the the Metal’s blowing in the wind and it’s flapping against the poly tunnel and and maybe damaging that that way so I do want to get it really really tight but I don’t know I’ve just got to

Get the stakes in have a nice shut up JB get the staks in see what it looks like the good news is we’ve made it round to the other side staple in my mouth let me put this Staple in and then we’ll have a look the tension is

Just all over the place that’s kind of the issue here let’s just put the tension in it enough so that I can show you around and I can clip off that excess to be honest I think not that bad not that bad I’m not sure if it’s showing up on camera but

There are all sorts of bulges where it’s coming out I think that’s just kind of the nature of chicken wire unless you’ve got you know proper straining wires and that kind of thing to hold the tension in the right place I think it’s just

Going to be a bit bit kind of you know it’s got fat bits and thin bits sort of thing but to be honest hopefully that’s just enough they’re quite you know they will move a bit when a fox goes at it but it bounces back so this might just be enough I keep

Sort of going through phases where one second I think no this is rubbish it’s not going to do anything and then the other actually it’s not too bad and I’ve lined these up with the the poles themselves so I did hit the anchor plates a couple of times but um

Hopefully if it does get kind of pushed in all the way by a fox or something I mean that’s I’m putting quite a lot of weight on that there it’s not touching the tunnel none of the wires touching the tunnel I think it might be okay I might

Just put a couple of Staples in the bottom once again just to just kind of give this a little bit more strength and and anchor it and then I think I’ll do the other side it’s really tricky trying to balance sort of close enough to the tunnel that it’s going to stop things

But not too close that it’s going to uh you know rub up against it okay folks that took a little while longer than I was expecting can you tell I’ve got the light on um it’s about half four and it’s pitch black now it is it

Is so so dark and luckily my good friend Mike my alotment neighbor Mike popped by saw what I was up to an off at the hand which has been a great help now I’m pretty much done for today anyway one thing I do want to do and one of the

Suggestion from one of my patrons Carol is to put this along the bottom of the door and that’s easy done as well I can just kind of cut that and then staple that and I’m I think I think I might be wrong but I think this is going to be

Enough of a deterrent for The Foxes it’s I think just going to be enough to put them off they’re going to put their paws on it and probably go o I don’t like that that’s my fox impression a very polite Fox oh I don’t like

That and um this is one of those things where there’s a 100 and a thousand different opinions depending on who you ask and what their experience has been but I got both sides and I’m just going to show you a little bit closer of what I have done whether or not it’s an

Instructional you should do it like this or it’s a how not to do it well time will tell that’s a lot of that on this channel so what I’ve done and the kind of benefit with these Stakes is that you can thread them so you can see I’ve gone

Outside Inside Outside Inside pretty much all the way down and that just in theory kind of what that does is it allows you to get a good even tension across the the whole wire so if it was just kind of in at the top and in at the

Bottom then this bit wouldn’t be being pulled now you can see what I’m planning on doing here is pulling this tight and this is a really handy thing to have because I can staple this to it tight and it means the door isn’t going to be scraping along it or anything like that

And I’m just going to put a few in the bottom on the other side I have done that already there are just one or two little Staples that put into the Batton one thing to note with these staples fencing Staples you always want to be conscious of splitting so you want to

Try and turn it at an angle so that if the wood splits along its grain which is how it will normally split then the staple will still be held in you can see I’ve done the same on these they’re all kind of weaved in and then they hook on

At the top that’s the other benefit with these little pins is so the Staples along the bottom mean it can’t ride up and the wire being hooked on here means it can’t ride down so it’s still not going to be perfect you can see kind of

Buckles in a little bit here might just pull this one down and put another Staple in but generally it’s going to stand up to a fox coming along I think in scratching like I say they can put a lot of weight on it that’s me pushing pretty much my

Whole weight it’s still not touching the tunnel and you can see it does that they are getting higher they can get over this if they really want to they can obviously jump it um I’m under no illusions that this is like Fox proof this is definitely not Fox proof but

What I’m hoping is is it’s just enough to stop them having fun because as far as I can tell they are just doing this for a laugh which is really annoying um and yeah the the scratches are higher than the fence but I’m like I say I’m just hoping I

Know I’m repeating it a lot but I’m just hoping and then I’ve kind of gone inside on the door frame there and same same on this side just kind of wrapped it around the door frame got a decent amount of tension on it and this side looks a

Little bit better cuz I had help so I said at the start that it was going to be a bit of a JB episode and a bit of a JB solution but it’s all I could do you know I’ve been at work all day bombed out this morning kind of really early to

Pick up all this stuff and we’ll just see won’t we we’ll see sometimes you can’t do it perfect and you’ve just got to do what you can that’s that’s perfect for an allotment isn’t it this is very inke keeping with allotments maybe in time I’ll have to beef this up I’m very

Much open to suggestions if you’ve got experiences of this please do let me know in the comments if you think it’s not going to work that’s fine just be polite don’t tell me I’ve wasted my time of my evening please thank you ever so much for watching an extra special thank you to

All of my chili pepper tier patrons Tony Bill Pam Louise Mel Michael Denise socks in the garden and Andrew hopefully I’ll see you again next time and we’ll find out has it put the foxes off or not


  1. Hi as another possible idea what about a sensor light to add to the fencing inside on the door post or attached somewhere low level so it doesn’t irritate anybody locally to your allotment. Using a leisure or car battery for power. Charged by solar which would give you added uses ( power) .
    Good luck with the fencing look forward to hearing how it worked.

  2. I have every faith it’s going to work 😅 One thing I see a lot on my site is people attaching little bits of stuff to create noise and movement like little bits of ribbon, tin foil. One guy has cutlery dangling from his fence. I think usually it’s for the birds but those foxes looked a little skittish in the cam footage, might be enough to make them a bit wary if they do try again. Although it may look a bit crazy.

  3. JB this is great idea! I think to take up the slack bits just get another 4 of those bars and thread them through the wire at intervals and drive 2 each side into the ground.

  4. Friends of mine who keep chickens have told me how difficult it is to keep Foxes out if they really want to get in. I hope I'm right but I agree with your conclusion that they've decided your new tunnel is the vulpine equivalent of bubble wrap. Fingers crossed but I'd be really suprised if you haven't spoiled their fun. 🤞

  5. That’s exactly what I would have done, we don’t have any Fox, squirrels or Badgers here on the Isle of Man but we do have the largest population of wallabies outside of Australia. Regards

  6. Good effort mate!! I was thinking the same thing for mine so keen to see if this works😂
    Otherwise a very loud alarm should work 😂

  7. I did the same JB . The only difference I used releasable cable ties and a panel of twin sheet that I slot across the doorways before I leave . Next summer I will staple chicken wire on the doors. In the summer when flies are seen through the polyethylene birds peck the polytunnel . I’m trying to think of a way without using spikes to keep them off.

  8. Fingers crossed the chicken wire works, how about a few tent pegs with hooks to put in bottom of the wire to add bit of tension ?. Steve

  9. Hrhr. Erect. Giggity! Loved the fox impression 🤣Will you leave the camera there again to see if it helps? Wold love to see a follow up!

  10. I think the fox won't like the feel of that wire… as long as it's tall enough you should be okay.A spray with peppermint oil might help. Can't wait to see if this works

  11. I love the jagged plastic around the door! Why would you change it, JB? (Hoping a little reverse psychology might work to get that door cleaned up 🤣LOL)

  12. My neighbour did the same with his tunnel but used weed fabric instead of chicken wire and it's worked for him ..he knew it was the fox because it left muddy footprints ..have you got any old dog toys you could leave around your tunnel .there's always a tennis ball or soft toy brought onto the site over night even the odd shoe which proves that the foxes like to play .good luck

  13. Commenting before watching the entire video, and definitely without having read all comments previous to this one.
    JB, you do know that you can "weave" that slender stake through the chicken wire, right? We've done that with longer stakes only slightly less slender to stiffen the mesh we're using as a gate to keep the deer out of the garden—theoretically. For the gate, it takes rather a lot of stakes and branches trimmed from shrubs because the too-clever deer learned how to manipulate that mesh panel and get in, anyway. (They didn't and don't leap over the enclosure simply because deer want to feel there's a clear, safe landing area, and the garden directly outside the back door doesn't appear to have one.)

    Your foxes might be scratching "for fun" or they might be marking territory—do they have scent glands in their feet? Either way, I don't envy you. Our weather's turning cold and wet, and cold and icy/snowy, and messing about with fencing and gates at this time of year is no fun.
    Is your winter forecast for severe winter weather? Foxes will den up during very cold weather, and in urban areas or anywhere they've become habituated to humans—not friendly or fearless, just habituated—they'll take advantage of structures and they'll shelter underneath porches, sheds, or decks if the weather's very harsh. Could your foxes be anticipating a very hard winter, do you think?

  14. Are you going to keep the tunnel doors closed now or are you going to keep letting the foxes in so they can start making holes from the inside instead? 😬😂

  15. I’ve had a serious problem with foxes on my property.. the only way to keep them out is electric fencing. Don’t want to sound negative but you’re wasting your time and money with that chicken wire.. hop over or dig below.. good luck lad!

  16. I do hope it's going to work out for you and the tunnel! Perhaps the manufacturer could give some advises as well? I am just guessing that other people might have had the same trouble and reached out to them.

    Or perhaps you could combine the tunnel shielding with a higher chicken net fencing, twice as high, on solid wooden posts for growing sweet peas or something else climbing?

  17. Looks good to me. I had something similar around one of my beds this summer just to stop the cats and foxes getting in and digging up my squashes and sweetcorn. It did stop them getting in and my effort was nowhere as thought out as your fence. I have been looking for some of those stakes for something else so thanks for mentioning where they came from.

  18. I can’t believe you had to go out and spend so much money on chicken wire to keep those foxes out but l truly believe you’ve done a terrific job of it. This will work.

  19. This could work, but I feel like as time goes on it just won’t be strong enough to outlast weather and creatures. I would call this stage one. Then get some good strong posts and cross beams to make a regular firm fence. I’ve spent years battling deer and ground squirrels, and even crows. It is always a battle. Just ask Mr. McGregor, he has been chasing Peter rabbit for eons! I’ve come to realize that you can’t over engineer protecting your allotment.

  20. There is a spray you can buy in pets at home to stop you’re dog chewing furniture.
    Wonder if this would have the same effect on the plastic 🤷‍♀

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