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Garden Answer Highlights: Do You Ever Have Snow Damage on Your Greenhouse? // How Are the Fish in the Pond Doing? // Recap 🌿

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  1. I used Gnatrol from organic bti and I only purchased a small amount. Big news I haven’t seen any soil nats and I had a huge infestation…. I I also used yellow sticky traps

  2. I don't think anyone is worried Abt what you do or don't do. People are just asking what they want to know about. They are asking are the fish freezing ? If you never ever answered their question they'd still be going about their life and never care Abt those fish. I wouldn't discourage people from asking curious questions !! It helps the comment algorithm . Just answer or don't . Honestly I've read thousands of comments for years on these online stories and videos. I've commented so much. I never fret or worry once the comment is made !

  3. I live in Yukon Canada, beside Alaska. I put my infected plants in the garage and the gnats must have died. They’re gone! I’m not sad.

  4. When you get that snowblower can you please order a unicorn costume to wear while using? Google unicorn snowblower and you’ll see the vision lol I bet the kids would love it! Dinos welcome too!

  5. No wonder my Irish moss has always died. Shouldn't even be sold here in Adelaide South Australia equivalent TO a zone 9b

  6. A few comments from Cincinnati Ohio . Our garden center told us that December 22, 2022 weather dropped 40-60 degrees over night. That was the cause of the boxwoods problem. Secondly, I can’t believe how Laura could shovel snow without wearing gloves! And lastly I feel Douglas should wear the camera to see if your house is the first or second stop. Bless your family…Happy 2024.

  7. I live in zone 9 A
    What evergreens can I plant that won’t freeze i don’t want them to grow more than 7 feet because there electricity wires where I want to create border

  8. We had snow ice cream every winter when I was a kid here in Michigan. Delicious. Maybe I’ll make some this week.
    Have plenty of snow right now.
    Please take time off for yourselves! We do love your videos but enjoy some time off.🌲🌿🌳

  9. I found someone selling smaller quantities of Gnatrol on Etsy. Either someone was unofficially reapportioning the bucket into smaller amounts, or it was a scam. I threw caution to the winds and ordered some. I didn't want another year of fungus gnats infesting my house. Two days later the package arrived. The powder looks kind of like instant hot cocoa. We'll see if it works. Hopefully I didn't buy overpriced cocoa. 😉

  10. Most winter grown Strawberries grown in the USA are grown in either Watsonville California or Oxnard California. I know Oxnard has gone Greenhouse crazy.

  11. The "RAM" conversation in that video was hilarious and I totally got it. Aaron, I'll teach you what someone taught my husband when we were engaged. I would ask his opinion about wedding details and he would say "I don't care." Um, excuse me SIR, you don't care!?! 😅 Then he learned to say "It's not that I don't care, I just don't have an opinion" on whatever subject we were talking about. That phrase been key to the last 18 yrs of marriage for us! 😉😄 Also, life is too short, eat the snow!

  12. Happy birthday to both the littles. Yes take a extra day off no problem we want you to spend time with them. Like my mom said they are only little once.

  13. We have a cat in our neighborhood who has a small camera on her collar. It's funny to talk to the owners about what she does at night. She's a really good mouser apparently!

  14. Boo for negative nellys!! You’re doing great work, please take time for family time and take advantage of the snuggle time !!

  15. My son his wife and my three grandchildren took a day trip to Tahoe my son asked me to bring the items we needed to make snow Ice cream OMG my family couldn’t stop eating it they enjoyed so much I used the recipe luara used .its nice if you get just fallen snow

  16. I am so much like you in certain circumstances,,, that I don’t care about certain things or even think of it until someone mentions it! Lol And YES , I still have a lot of clothes, shoes etc. From even longer then 15 years ago. Things go in and out of style every so many years. Haha
    Hope Benjamin had and Samanatha Grace have a very happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈

  17. I have a snow blower and it's so worth it. I don't have a huge driveway to plow but I'm getting older and even a small driveway is a lot of work especially if it's wet snow

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