Gardening Supplies

Outdoor Activities | Ready, Set, Plant | Diary with Dad

It was very early in the morning when we got into our car and headed to the garden supply store. The sun was shining brightly, and I knew it was going to be a fantastic day.

First, we looked for seeds. We had a list, and I got to choose some of my favorite veggies. I picked out a packet of cucumber, pumpkin, and my favorite corn seeds. I couldn’t wait to see them grow into big, yummy vegetables.

After that, we found watermelon and tomato plants. They already had tiny fruits on them, and I was so excited to watch them get bigger. We also got some pretty flowers because I love how they make our garden colorful.

We grabbed a big bag of soil too. Good soil is like magic for plants. It helps them grow strong and healthy. I was amazed by the many different types of soil at the store. Once we had everything we needed, we paid for our goodies and loaded them into the car. I couldn’t wait to get home and start planting.

When we arrived home, we changed into our gardening clothes and went to our backyard. Dad showed me how to prepare the soil and make little rows for the seeds. He even gave me my own small shovel and watering can. I felt so important!

I carefully planted the cucumber, pumpkin, and corn seeds in their rows. Dad helped me make sure they were in the right depth and spacing. We talked about how they would grow and what we needed to do to take care of them. We then planted the watermelon and tomato plants. Dad explained how to dig a hole for each plant and gently place them. We gave them a little drink of water to help them settle into their new home.

We also planted the flowers around the garden to make it look beautiful. The colorful petals made me smile, and I knew they would attract helpful insects like bees and butterflies. After we were done, we stepped back and looked at our garden. It wasn’t much yet, but I knew that with love and care, it would become an amazing place full of delicious vegetables and pretty flowers.

This gardening adventure with Dad was so much fun, and I can’t wait to see our garden grow and change over the coming weeks and months. It’s like a little piece of magic in our backyard, and I’m so glad I get to share it with my awesome Dad!

Gardening is a great way to spend time together, learn about nature, and watch things grow. Have you ever had a special gardening adventure with your dad? Tell us and join us in our 365 days of fun.

About DWD:
WELCOME TO MY DIARY WITH DAD I am Keyaa Shah, 9 years old, and this is my Vlog Diary. This is a journey of my life that showcases “365 Days of Fun” with my dad. Just spending a day with my dad became one of the most memorable days of my life. Be it learning life lessons, cooking, fun activities, or special moments- it is a day to celebrate the bond between us two.

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Where we headed C home to do what to get to get soil and get our seeds so we can get ready to plant our little baby trees or plants for gardening season it’s springtime you have to get out for this one you have to select the seeds you

Want Miss C okay you got all the stuff decide what all you want to grow okay we got to get cucumber yeah because you guys like get all these cucumber I know for the juice the so juice why don’t you get fresh cucumber yeah let’s go let’s make some which one though lot

Uh we want the long ones I don’t know from a picture there will be you read the names you’ll find it okay pumpkin are we getting pumpkin we are getting pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin also Stu of pumpkin two types of pumpkin we want the Jack lanon Pumpkin a Jack this is a how this

Looks yeah we’ll get corn come on you corn corn corn corn corn white what color are we getting we’re getting white and dark pink dark pink okay dark pink the dark and light look good together and red will make it look like Christmas all the year

Okay go check out all the plants that you want to buy yeah watermelon oh it’s a celebrity tomato celebrity tomato okay what we should see is if we find our our seeds how long is it going to take for the plant to become that tall yeah we should check it out what if

We just get this plant saves us some time got everything I all right time to go home and get some plant seated yeah okay we got everything yeah we looks good good okay time to go time to go the garden looks nice huh K yep it’s going to look beautiful you did an amazing amazing amazing amazing Job

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