
Live from Bird Garden, Robbie & Gary Gardening Easy talking tips ideas hummingbirds Happy Holidays

Birds were and the Sun is just so strong I couldn’t do it there so I’m sitting here by the bird Garden see the Sun so there’s not much I can do so let me see if I can find this so I could say hello and see who’s

There but we are having a quiet day today which is a good thing today is very quiet it’s just us and nothing going on I’m going to go make dinners soon we had um we had a cranberry oatmeal coffee cake I made so we had that for breakfast

And that was good no I thought I thought some people were coming over and then everybody made their own plans and that’s okay Gary said that’s okay so he got a lot of stuff done around here and um Mark and Emmy hello Mary Christmas Bonnie Merry Christmas so I thought I’d

Come on for a few moments Gary’s around here somewhere I don’t think he even knows I’m on I should text him and say hey I’m on um just a quiet day today but I plan on coming back on the 31st we’ll see that’s what I’m planning so I’m

Hoping everybody’s having a great day when I lived in Sunland and the kids were little I had big parties all every year big parties anybody could come and then the kids got all grown up and they kind of all do their own thing now and I

Got a family that took off and went to Europe and so I figured you know it’s okay everybody does their own thing and uh what else can I say basically that’s it so let me see who’s here because I use my tablet for that because to to

Scroll on the on the phone I end up knocking people off oh Connie hello a member hello Ken Brown hi I’m always getting your messages you had one I think it was you that you wanted me to talk about you were going to grow grass

On top of your totes you were asking me about that I won’t but I think I think it was you and now oh I’m really bad with names so remember that e n o l a Laine uh no I’m not going to get it out so hello Merry Christmas Happy New Year

Grace in the garden hello you know I should just do this afterwards otherwise I’m looking down and I’m not looking at you I can’t do that in both when Gary’s here he can help me go through through everything but I’m hoping everybody’s having a good Christmas like I said

Today is a normal day for us I baked last night and if you want to see something like a cranberry apple pie crunch cake I did do a video on that and I could launch it let’s see what else is there I’m I’m actually looking so

Forward to 2024 I’ve got so many ideas I’m really excited about a lot of these thoughts that been going through my head so if you’ve got old tool around the yard put it in a coffee can or a container and keep it because I’ve got

Ideas with old tool t l l e let’s see what else is there um I’m going to do more small gardens I didn’t do a lot on the deck because Zoe was getting into everything and I didn’t know that porceline is not good for dogs so she

Got into that so we had to get rid of all that on the deck now I’ve got some personing out here I don’t know where the birds are maybe they’re off eating Christmas dinner somewhere else there was a bunch of birds here this morning and now there’s nobody here so I’m kind

Of redesigning the deck plus I haven’t had time that was the other problem and we’ve been doing work here and then Gary’s been working in the back room setting up oh my goodness no Carmen Rand hello thank you for this super super chat thank you so much that’s a surprise

Thank you it’s greatly appreciated it’s going for hummingbird food boy Sugar’s going up oh that’s funny I went on the Walmart the other day and there’s a sugar that’s extra fine it’s cane sugar and they I shouldn’t say this cuz they’re going to they’re going to catch

It periodically they have the bags for like $7.50 for 10 lbs and it sells for a whole lot more and it goes back up to like 20 bucks a bag and then I think it was two nights ago it went down again to seven it’s a glitch in their system and

I quickly bought a few bags I like that so let’s see oh you know I’m not Donald hello Merry Christmas you got that wrench you know what to do um I don’t even know what else to say I’m sitting here by myself Gary so let’s see he’s got plans he’s

Working on a video he’s been working all day on a video he told me yesterday it was done then it wasn’t done then he went and did another ending then he didn’t like that see he’s really get he gets into his videos and he studies them

You know me already I do a video I just throw it up there I literally I did a video this morning and I could have just put that up there I’m propagating flowers oh my goodness I was so excited this morning when I went out there and found something I put something

Somewhere out there and it worked I also been analyzing propagating and I think everybody’s not telling you everything about propagating there’s a lot a lot of interesting things about propagating plants there’s a good time and a bad time to propagate there’s misinformation out there on propagating and I want to get

That out so anyways I went out there this morning and I found something and I was really excited so this will be great because you can invest in one plant and I’m working with the Emu plants back there they’re the little tiny flowers they come in all different colors and

All different styles and you can propagate those if you do it right you can propagate them and so they’re expensive they’re like $20 for a plant okay you do know I cannot go through through this oh my goodness so so let me see real quick Mary McCullen hello Merry Christmas Elizabeth Johnson hello

Kimberly Meadows happy holidays Sher U Merry Christmas to Zoe you know Zoe’s not here because I can’t keep track of her so she’s locked somewhere else right now cuz she literally will get out there and she brings in everything oh my gosh it’s like I want to eat this clump of

Mud but I don’t want chicken I mean what is this so she she is amazing um let’s see uh I think I went back too far nature girl it’s Boxing Day in Australia yes we talked to Gary’s family the other day we called his dad his uh brother

Sister-in-law and it was like catch a plane you can get here in time I should have oh wait oh hold on Mary C $19 so happy to support you guys any way we can thank you thank you so much you don’t have to do it but thank you it’s it is

Greatly appreciated believe you me I but I my big thing is I want you all to grow something I know a lot of you come in for hummingbirds like I said I was planning on doing it in the window with the hummingbirds but the the glare was

Terrible it’s still too glary I was going to put the camera outside and the sun just shines in your eyes so my goal for 2024 is to come on live more often I cleaned my kitchen yes you know there’s two kitchens okay we’ve gone through this there’s a kitchen here that’s really

Nice and I I do cook in it but very little and then they got the kitchen you already know this there’s a whole video there are two houses because we bought the property next door and I think we just looked it up today we bought it in

200 oh gosh I hope I’m going to get this right 2007 I told the whole story it was a they fix her up her I can show you real quick let me turn the camera around you can see the the house is a mess but

Let me where do you turn C there it is see that beautiful wall there with some pictures I did on there well that wall was a Target place for the guy that lived here and the whole wall was shot up so he shot the whole

Wall up there when I walked in it looked like a hurricane had gone through here I told the whole story how I came in here and everything so we bought the house as a major fixer upper and um I’m real careful on that because when we went through escrow I

Made sure certain things and we it took us all these years to even get it fixed my goal if I have a goal which I I guess I do is I like this house better but I don’t like change does that make any sense so I’m I’ve been in the other

House they’re right side by side okay okay I’ve been in that one since 1988 and then we’ve had this one since since 2007 we took every penny we had to get this house so it it and we did have some help so this house is all level this one you can drive to

Everything that’s what’s so good about this house you could drive to the back door you could drive to the front door you could drive to Gary’s Garden you know he’s getting older and he doesn’t like hiking down I don’t like hiking down there I mean literally it’s downhill it’s not a level property

And it’s kind of an open concept I see birds behind me so I like this house so the goal is to get this set up so at any given time we can come in here I don’t know if we’ll sell the other house that’s a big dilemma because the other

House when the first thing I did when I moved in there in 1988 I was not married to Gary then I started planting up the whole thing with trees I had a friend come over and he walked the property with me and he looked he goes the first

Thing you have to do is get a saw out there and take out all 32 avocado trays no and we’re not friends anymore I don’t know where he is but he was just a friend and um no I love the trees but I started planting orange trees and all

Types of citrus trees I had fig trees I was planting of course the Gophers at my couple figs uh grapefruit just all I mean we even we don’t even talk about we have sapotes growing so the that property next door where the hummingbirds are has all the trees this

Property has only what we put in here cuz it was it was nothing I mean it was nothing on the inside and nothing on there’s a little bit of citrus trees there’s two avocado trees going back to the avocado trees the 32 that were next door that I

Did count that was funny um they’ve dyed most of them they were put in in the early 1900s cuz this was all an avocado Orchard and citrus Orchard and there’s only a few of those left but we’ve been replacing with other trees I think we

Even have a pecan tree that came up so you do know I’m going to have to read all this afterwards right because this is unreal so that’s the dilemma and if you sell the house in the state of California I’d have to give half I think it’s like half

Of what you got back to you know who Uncle Sam so it’s I and you can rent oh my gosh renters I don’t really know it have to be somebody I really know and and that would be fine because you can rent a bedroom and do it

Differently so we don’t know what we’re going to do but right now this year everything stays the same but I want to get in you now know too much of my life you actually don’t know that much of my life but um this year we’re not moving in here we

Still have a lot of work to do there’s a back bedroom in here that needs to be redone we just did the B back room the kitchen was the only thing that Gary did when we bought the house you saw the kitchen because there was a company

Going on of business actually they were closing a store and we got all those cabinets for next to nothing so he did the whole kitchen for $1,000 so anyways our fig trees easy to grow oh uh Carmen yes yes don’t grow them from seed though I have some growing in the

Rainbow Garden here from seed and I looked out they were good I had two coming up behind the wall here where the birds are from seed and I think it was two of them were really bad we got two of them out and then the other I think

There was two one of them we got out chopped out right away and then the other one we’ve got we call it a strawberry fig I got to get more cuting off that and then there’s another fig if you grow them from seed it’s kind of

Like dragon fruit if you grow them from seed you don’t know what they’ll be like they may look beautiful you pick them and they could be dry or Bland in inside get a cutting if you know anybody with a fig tree if you’re living in

Let’s say 10 10 a n you can go to 9B and all that you can get a cutting they’re easy to root my daughter’s got a full-size fig tree she got from me I know exactly what fig tree it was I took a branch off next door’s got a fig tree

Too so um I took a branch off of that it was a big green fig and it’s real pinkish red inside and so juicy so she’s got that if you take a cutting and you root it you will get that tree because it’s part of that tree it is that tree

It’s just a new baby tree off of it if you take seeds from it you don’t know what you’re going to get remember you got a thousand seeds in there and it doesn’t mean all those seeds are going to grow the same get a cutting put it in

A pot get if you can get a piece about 8 in put about half of it in the soil so because you’re not sure exactly what joint or where it’s going to root from and then you should be able to grow it we we grow Ours from cuting mainly

Now from cuting let’s see um but I do plan on going live more if I go live more I can get more done so that’s my thought I can take you in my kitchen sometimes like I said I’ve been cleaning my kitchen it’s so tiny and it’s like I

Put everything out there so I know where everything is and I don’t want to put it away because Gary said why did you just put it away because out of sight out of mine and I’m working on something so I do have it clean now so I can do that

Periodically but anyways that’s what my thought is to go live more but I do want to get videos because I want to do a lot on small gardens and I’ve got I’ve got a lot of thoughts and ideas I think Gary does too um let’s see I know that uh oh

Jim col couter i’ say I hope you had a fantastic Christmas I wish to thank you for all the information on hummingbird feeders and all the little hints and and Kinks um by just looking at your feeders oh you know the best humming bird feeder is the $400 feeder from Walmart and you

Can make the holes bigger with a soldering iron and I love those feeders though I have other feeders I have a different one out there it’s bright it’s still bright the sun is just so those are really the best and you you want to use like I told you use

Something that they’re familiar with so that will work good I should I should text them until Gary let’s see Mary care care um I’m happy to help oh first I’ve seen this way to support oh first I’ve seen this way to support Merry Christmas Christmas oh thank you so much again for

This this super thing uh super super chat there’s way too many so you got stir is do I have that right yay I caught you live on my birthday oh was worried happy Happ birthday if all goes well I will go live let’s see today is Monday I think next Monday is the

31st Gary and I next week on the 31st will’ll be married 30 years I can’t even believe it it went so fast it’s so hard to believe that about 32 years ago I met him and um he’s not here he came into my life when I was not interested in anything in

The world of as as far as going out with anybody I had it really tough for the first 16 years I was married for 16 years I don’t want to get into it because it’s such a long story but I will say briefly it was not good and back then years

Ago you had a different outlook on life and it was more like you sticking out and you can only stick it out for so long and it doesn’t work out I don’t even want to get into it and then I ended up here and I ended up meeting him

And long story short actually sent him back to Australia so and he came back which is a good thing oh my gosh you don’t want to hear those stories you do not want to let’s see Zeus the king German Shepherd right Christmas Helen M Merry Christmas uh and you’re also saying

Merry Christmas to Gary and Zoe Stacy Simmons Merry Christmas from Georgia I’m going now I’m rolling backwards Rosalyn um I made one of your hummingbird fountains for my wife I hope I got that right Rosal rosalena let’s see um I made one of the one of your hummingbird feeders for my

Wife it’s the best present oh she um she got she said oh how wonderful let’s see I hear her on the phone telling everyone oh thank you for sharing it on here Merry Christmas that’s so so fun that’s why I was saying this is a good time to

Get your solar fountains if you want to get them because they’re cheap I’ve been buying tul I don’t know why I’m buying tool Gary say you do know you have box as a tool I said well can I get more he goes if you can find a place to put it I

Will I have so many ideas with tool and I love tool if I didn’t have tool I would not have any gardening when I gardened in 1988 when I moved next door um in 1989 I had a garden and I had squash and some tomatoes growing it was a nightmare

I mean between the squirrels and the rabbits and who knows what was getting in there I mean I did grow giant squash and all that but it was like a battle and when you’re battling that long somebody’s going to win and it was it was them because I I was done and that’s

When I was it was finished and then here let’s see we got this in 2007 I want to say nine but I think I looked at the paperwork today it was 2007 we didn’t Garden in the beginning at all and then we got the dog crates

You probably seen those in videos if you watched any of those videos and then Gary set those up and it was like well what are we going to do with them when he brought them home he said well we’ll put dirt in there and that’s what he did

He put dirt in there so he shoveled up all this clay and stuff and that wasn’t going to work good and then I got totes that’s what really changed for me was the totes and now we still have the dog kennels still full of Rock and dirt and

Cement and anything he could find he put in there but it’s still flowing good so I’m now working on the top of it cuz I do not want to take that apart so we started gardening here afterwards and I still had the battle with squirrels and stuff I have another idea you’re going

To get maybe tomorrow um but it was easier because I started working with different wires and wire baskets that you get from the dollar store and then you would see the burd in everybody’s putting bird nutting around and I do a lot of craft

Work and I used to sew and all that and I had gone I must have been back then I had gone to a church rumage sale and I got a giant bag of tulle for like a quarter and that’s when I looked at it and thought why don’t I use tool it

Can’t hurt anything and can’t hurt the birds I think people were afraid that it was too fine and maybe the plant couldn’t breathe good or pollinators but I started using the tool and that was the answer it was the tool bird netting I always tell you bird netting has big

Holes because they’re only thing about keeping the birds out but what they don’t realize is the birds get their foot in there and then when they try to get it out then they bring it back this way and I’ve heard a lot of nightmare stories so that’s why I don’t use any

Bird netting at all even though the 99 Cents are used to getting in for a dollar the tool is much cheaper you get I know that they sold out of the when I put the video they had had turquoise on there and they were n something $10 just under

$10 and they still have it for what and most of the other colors the white is 12 11.87 is and that’s the only one they’ve got down to that and then the rest of them were like 12 something and that’s for 54 yards not feet yards you can’t

Lose with that so I’ve got another idea for some of you it was actually an idea I had last year and I never got to it but I got to it this year I finally told Gary let’s go for it now because if I don’t do it now it’s going to sit

Another year so we’ve got it together and you’ll see it some of you are going to go nuts and say no this is crazy and this is stupid and that’s fine it won’t work for you but I think there’ll be a few and even if it’s one person I would

Be happy that may look at that and go that’s going to work because you’re going to be able to keep out a lot of stuff including oh you can keep out deer I think just just think about it when when it comes out I don’t know if

I’ll launch that video tomorrow I might it’s all done I didn’t want to do it on Christmas Day I want you to think about it with an open mind so open then I almost went and got a second one and I still might because I came up with another idea to expand it

And make it bigger than it even should be because I came up with another idea so and I don’t even need it but but it’ll keep my deer out because I do get deer I don’t know where the birds are sometimes I go out there and I go

Hey guys now they may have already eaten all day because I stepped over here now and they may not need any food so I don’t know but anyways look at it it might not be anything for you you might know somebody it can work for it’s not you do have to buy this

Though you can make it it’s not worth it you’ll see when it comes out but I think for some people it could be the answer anyways I’m talking too much because if I talk too much oh you’re here you won’t have to uh watch a

Video will you so I have like a ton of questions here and stuff you like to sit down and answer you can have my seat the glare is almost done I can actually turn it around but there’s no birds do you want to no did you say no or yes I might get

A drink oh a drink of water I didn’t bring any water here um fresh figs not dry hold on somebody asked something I don’t know what the question is so I hope you ask somebody else fresh figs not dry okay I don’t know what the question

Is so hopefully you got a hold of that oh Carmen ran um it’s so cloudy and gloomy very depressing here in Boston we’ve been that way for days today and was it sunny yesterday didn’t grab the little red stool if you want sit behind

Me there’s no birds I was going to do it in the hummingbird window you just move my phone but it was so the sun is so glary like your brother said in Australia the other day yeah yesterday it’s so glary look now you got Gary it’s

Not so much glary but see now they can’t see it’s strong well it is and it’s and maybe it’s the atmosphere and the SM and we’re not Mike just so you know but anyways you’re right here so anyways I don’t know what you’re asking about fresh or dry but if you’re looking for

Seeds I don’t know but you don’t want to grow fig trees from seeds you want to take over no I should get some water let’s see Mark hey Mark I haven’t heard from Mark in a long time or or your your messages have been hidden so how you doing Mark I watch

Both and several others okay he’s talking to somebody else about something else oh Mark has been in here I missed him you got super chats too wow you have you should put your glasses on and then car I did that was a surprise you know have

Glasses I’ve got my glasses cuz then you can read this and I can have a break I told him how I sent you back I didn’t say why I sent you back to Australia remember you went back to Australia did diry up my Affairs yeah but it

Wasn’t sure at the time what was going on I had things I had to yeah I know sell and whatever I know three f something like okay Mark’s talking to somebody else that’s good Mark is this Farm in California car Mark is in Hawaii how’s the weather in Hawaii

I think he’s talking about a farm oh he’s talking about a farm I don’t think Mark’s got a farm I don’t know he has all his pepper plants that’s what I told Deborah my daughter she needs to grow pepper Donna Bosley Merry Christmas to both of you south of the sticks it’s

Boxing day here in Australia rain and thunderstorms that’s what they told you it was it was pouring they were going to do a barbecue yeah it was going to it was going to come down in um Central Victoria the the storm the rhy Carmen God bless your marriage how long have

You been here CU it’s going to be 30 years next week that we’re married actually married 32 30 33 years in March oh but I didn’t know you in the beginning no I yeah I didn’t know you in the no were you here a year before I met you not quite no not quite let’s see you can I’m going to let you take over because there’s way too

South of the sticks is from Victor because that’s what your brother was saying yeah my brother was saying it was going to come down Christmas Day I think it was Christmas Day I think there was somebody else from austral unless it was her jine Heywood hello Merry

Christmas I know I’m going to miss people and Melinda Ross hello Melinda say hello to Mark Melinda gets very worried when when she doesn’t hear from Mark okay I think Mark toied up his name remember he had that I told Mar yes I didn’t well no no no all you know what

It is it goes back and forth we’re now live and they’re showing his name okay so when he comes in and answers I don’t know why YouTube is doing this when he comes in and puts a question or asks a question then you get this crazy at 53

No user number 532 43 W and then it’s like who is this and comes across as a code it yes well if they haven’t changed it I told them to change it and it kind of says Mark now so I kind of recognize it when I see him U Melinda Roth is in

Texas um Stacy Simmons Merry Christmas from Georgia Deborah Murray I went to work on my butterfly garden this year and my garden and my garden so I can eat oh okay I think I think that’s a good thing okay our bucket list has holes Merry Christmas Robbie and Gary much

Love um God bless go ahead there south of the south of the sticks is in Teran which is in Gibs land Australia yeah Victoria y it’s along the somebody SL the coast the bottom Coast I think there was somebody else in Australia I this is so rude to be looking down but

It’s the only way well otherwise you do this and then it’s like oh I just knocked somebody off oh you can I tried that hold my fan up like that and then you’re going to get it kind of looks weird too Mary mcen Mullen uh hello I

Say Ken is there I say hello to Ken I thought there was somebody else from Australia there so many so so many so I told them it was a quiet day today I thought things were going on and then everybody people went and did their own

Thing which is fine you like quiet days yeah you got a lap desk from me so you can in your new rooms you can sit and read with your lap desk yeah it’s a it’s an an is it an antique or what well you didn’t know it so what’s the difference

What would you say it’s it’s vintage I bought it and put it put it away like probably 25 years ago and remembered I had it I know Ros I said hello to Ros Ro rosalena rosalena I said hello to her earlier I’m trying to figure out the name Barbara oops ban banan

Bannan show I meant to say okay so she’s got a question somewhere Merry Christmas oh love your shoe show yes don’t you love spell correct oh my gosh so you talking your your computer and and your tablet and then it comes up with what it thinks is right

And some of the stuff is frightening so so don’t hit send until you see it let’s see Jane Knight um oh Corona California not too far Helen I said hello to Helen before go ahead it’s it’s um okay nature girl is in central Queensland okay nature girl was must and South the S

Sticks asked is it Christmas Day yes it’s 4:00 in the afternoon on Christmas Day 4:13 4:13 yeah I’m going to go make dinner in a few minutes I’m going to make a simple stir fry I was going to order something special yesterday from Walmart and they were full I couldn’t

Get but but you you like stir fry yeah yes so it is Christmas Day and then tomorrow we don’t have Boxing Day nice everything’s open like normal and you do Your Own Thing KT Merry Christmas to both of you we just got done eating dinner everything was delicious oh how

Wonderful cheesecake for dessert wishing a blessed new year to all greetings from North Carolina you had the cranberry apple I don’t I’ll put that up may somebody may want to make it no they can’t make it the video is absolutely crazy there’s no way the

Problem is I did it last night and I just turned on the camera and I went for it and I never stay this is why I have a problem cooking because I don’t stay at the recipe and I I got something special today um I don’t stay with the recipe

And I didn’t have everything that went for it so I just threw everything in I did explain what I was doing but I’ll put it up anyways if you want to be entertained and you’re totally bored because it’s like 40 minutes I don’t have her name in front

Of me I could probably find it but I thanked her it’s under my cookie recipe I want to know her name I’m going to leave here keep doing cuz this is very special to me now I got to go back and find my my channel and find this is very special to

Me see here it is I pinned her angry senior and this this one doesn’t have her name it’s got the numbers but it’s okay angry senior 662 an hour ago actually texted my brother she has the original Flying Saucer cookie recipe both of them that I mentioned I probably I mentioned it in

Here and her her mother used to work for the Los Angeles Unified School District and had the recipe you got water and she sent me both recipes the chocolate she said they did a peanut butter and they maybe they did my favorite was the plain one but they used

To come out with a chocolate once a month and then so she sent me the recipe I will tweak it because I wanted to do it gluten-free and unfortunately I knew there was cornflakes in it and coconut the corn flakes are not gluten-free they put something in

Cornflakes I think it’s not barley okay yeah but I can tweak it I know exactly what tastes like so that’s all I wanted to say I wanted to thank her if she’s here she probably isn’t angry senior uh that is wonderful I’m going to try that

Go ahead yeah I don’t know if you can hear us Linda Hind said she can’t hear us so you can’t hear us I don’t know that’s just one person oh now I’m going to have to look I got to find myself which I cannot find okay Melinda off can so maybe Lindy

You’ve got your volume down or I’m not M but I’m no but I don’t know sometimes there’s a glitch because sometimes I’m watching them roam around Disneyland or Las Vegas I guess and I back out of it and then I come back in you fixed it must have been her fine okay cuz

Sometimes there is a glitch yeah I can’t even find me there I am okay we got that taken care of that’s loud and clear okay Carmen says she can hear me so we I absolutely trust her and everybody else okay south of the sticks

Okay I can hear you CC cat Okay so and sometimes there is a glitch and they’ll be some they’ll be listening to somebody all of a sudden that sound goes out I just close it up and go back in and it’s fine so I want you to talk I don’t want

To do all the talking talk my throat’s dry so I’m my throat’s always dry Dusty my throat’s Dusty what did my teachers used to tell me in grammar school I have the gift of the Gap so let’s see Linda Hines good evening Mary Christmas my I see my

Husband and I were up walking in Claremont colleges and I see you coming oh and I saw you coming live we’re at home now I like to listen to your live chat and we’re not boring people don’t find this boring don’t know clont call call it clemont is an

Interesting area he’s such a good guy he really it’s right next to Montclair okay why about well there’s two places using it’s either Claremont or Mont Clair okay so you just whoever did I read it wrong no no I was just thinking whoever named those towns there’s two towns one Flip Flip the

Words around it’s near Pomona that area I want to go to the not Pomona Fairgrounds the the college has the these what do you call it the farmers’s market yeah right want to try that and then somebody sent us to go check out Brea that’s got a farmer’s market but

That’s that should be good go ahead Gary Chuck my D my right r r Ziva oh from Miami hello from Miami Merry Christmas both of you I got in the hummingbirds thanks to your videos yes I got into hummingbirds too didn’t I to think there was just like

One that kept hanging out one then there was two and then there was thousands but and I need to get more okay you know what make it full in case I need water cuz my throat gets dry really quick I really do think that there’s something with the weather you

Know now I should be able to the sun is not bad let me see it’s still it’s really odd and it’s really interesting because Gary’s brother said that when did we talk to him yeser day before yesterday yeah he was telling me because I said Gee I go

Outside and it’s so glary it’s so weird and he was telling us I told Gary that he was telling us the same thing that when he goes outside there’s something with the atmosphere or something now that the sun is really hard so it wasn’t just me and it’s it glares on the camera

I think he was saying it’s got a sting to it now too well I don’t know sting I I could raise this a little bit let me see that one anything see that worse or better now you’re out of the shots you’re going I moov the

Camera you want to see him you don’t see yeah they CH they swwa the name around changed a few letters to make one sound a little bit more French I guess oh but one is in she’s saying one’s in San Bernardino and one is in LA county

Okay so the counties are different I wonder if that’s that’s why they did that because Norco is North Corona it is so they shortened it to Norco I didn’t know that yeah so there’s different towns that they’ve have done that with and there are cities too where um on

Either side of the river they’re in different states but they got the same different states yeah like uh where where’s George from uh George Who George Nory oh um Minneapolis St Louis I think there might be a St Louis across the river too I’m not 100% sure on that one

Oh it’s a radio guy that Gary listens to um aqualu Gary is great yes he is he is a good guy okay nor Coen Riverside okay Miss P will you ever do a depth in fig trees and purple tree colors yeah I could do that pretty soon cuz now we’re going to

Start thinking about gardening in fact I’ve gotten no I don’t have purple tree collar growing on my window sill I have a purple curly kale three of them growing on my window sill and probably a h 100 pepper plants that I have no idea

What I’m going to do with but yeah I can do something on I did a short some short things but it’s really crazy I don’t know if you grow in totes but if you ever set up a tote with kitchen scraps and leaves and everything you could take

Pots and put them in the tote I’d have to show you how and everything wants to root that way everything I mean that’s why I do drink and everything talk okay Melinda with my chickens I’ve got this I don’t know whether I learn it

From a kid or I’ve got this idea that if you have white chickens they tend to have less Predators or if you’ve got a darker chicken they tend to have less Predators so the Hawks flying over may see the chickens they do have cover to run under

But but they may think they’re Ravens or something I was just thinking that and they may not be 100% sure because they’re not used to hunting chickens in our area we don’t have a a lot of people with chickens around here we’ve got a

Few but not a lot in areas where if you had a lot of chickens then they’d probably learn but here they may look down and think they might maybe they think they’re rivens I never thought about that I I heard about the black chickens they won’t bother but that

Makes sense because Hawks and Ravens don’t they don’t get along they’re fighting all the time during breing season fighting really hard though a hawk could kill them and I’ve also heard that in a chicken C sometimes when a fox gets in that they’ll get the lighter colored

Ones but leave the darker colored ones alone so maybe the fox can see them better and graub them first that makes sense so that that I knew from Australia uh hoot is saying Raptors also tend to need open spaces for swooping yeah and that that’s true there’s a lot of where

I have my chickens walk around there’s a lot of orange trees and they spend a lot of time under the orange trees and they sort of move around like maybe they know to look up and just be cautious extra cautious yeah I’ve got a hawk that’s

Swooping down here now and he came this way he hit his head he hit his head on the door today but uh I’m going to have to put more stuff out there now because I’ve got one haulk that’s kind of figured out a way to come in and I don’t

Want them here I know it’s part of life but it’s still if I can get him out of here that’s what I’m trying see Connie Davison Merry Christmas Gary I’m back for a minute oh she only came back to see you [Laughter] see hows like Houston County pronounced

Hon hon yeah what’s hon well hon i’ I’d pronounce if I saw a surname I would pronounced it I would pronounce it hon because I know I knew Hon’s in Australia and that’s how they pronounce their name it’s not Houston Texas it’s Houston Texas is the town but the county is H

Pronounced H okay okay I thought oh after all these years let’s see Kansas uh Linda Hines Kansas City is like that one in Kansas and one on the o the other one is in Missouri okay south of the sticks yeah I’m 48 and I think this is the first

Time it’s raining at Christmas that’s in Australia yeah yeah that well that’s what your brother was saying we’re planning a barbecue and and I’m saying well it’s just the beginning of Summer but he said no it’s not supposed to be this way they have to move where they’re going to move

Everything in oh they’re going to go to the park well it was cold and so oh I’ll have to text her and see how it went she told us to catch him get get the next flight out and come to Australia that would be something wouldn’t it let’s

See okay so Carmen says um Rand I like to have chickens but I don’t want the stink or bring rats I don’t think chickens bring bring rats do chickens bring rats they do they do smell if you don’t keep up with them yeah it depends how you house them and fade

Them and that’s do you want to smell I go in there and really well I constantly my I constantly keep up with it because the manure is going to my bananas okay because I was going to say it also depends on the food some of the

Food food that you buy you don’t want to know what’s in it plus ours some of them are running around so they’re eating insects and greens and stuff let’s see Melinda uh Roth my friend lost three chickens and they asked what to do I referred him to you all thank you

Depends how we lost them yeah well that’s why we can’t just let things run loose we have coyotes last night on the cameras I checked I had a skunk and coyote in the yard and skunks will eat chickens too I know that firsthand because I had a skunk that ate one of my

Chickens that was many years ago when I lived in Sunland so they will eat chickens if they can get a hold of a chicken that was my fault I guess I’ve already got mine pinned up for the night I they they wait for me they see me they

Know they’re going to get fed so they run over and I get them I’ve looked them up fairly early tonight and usually it’s later and I fade them shut the door and they’re in a pen with quarter in wire so raccoon can’t rip the wire off like they

Can’t get get a good grip so quarin wire is affected for a raccoon and during the day I have my some of my healers with them too so if that that’ll keep a coyote out during the day well we don’t have coyotes per se a problem next store

Anymore because of the roll bars and the dogs yeah but here they have never come into the bird Garden but they do go up the driveway and around other ways and one of them is a Lost Pet I was going to put it on the next door has anybody lost their pet coyote

No it’s got a collar so they’re tracking one of the coyotes it’s got a big collar on it like Le Ryan is in Perth yeah Perth is kind of sister weather like sister weather City because our our climate is pretty much the same as per our climate is similar

To per that’s the most that’s the closest climate in Australia to us I guess we’re close to per Southern California as far as climate goes so I hear birds but around they’re get wet Winters and dry Summers go back now we’re going to eat yeah you’re you’re in per you’ll be

Dealing with sand here we’re dealing with Clay the soil will be different but weather pattern weatherwise is kind of very similar that’s interesting Tara V A O How would you pronounce that Mary Christmas robing Gary everything I learned about hummingbirds is from Robbie you and your husband are love

People thank you so much how do you say the name Terra yeah yeah that bit the last bit sort of doesn’t quite I can’t quite get that one you have that color y plug Merry Christmas from all Northwest Germany oh okay I put it all together in one word that’s what I was wondering yeah I’m trying that’s far Merry Christmas

Yeah and see um have you two come over down here to Victoria I’ll shout you both out for dinner I have never been to austrialia one of these days let’s see I’d love to meet you both in person oh my goodness never been I haven’t been really many places not for many many

Years as far as is out of the country this T1 account oh my goodness where the book ends information let’s see where the book ends happy Christmas Gary and Robbie from Bakersfield thank you for all the wonderful oh information she put the information back in there because it cut

Out like it does on my phone all the time San San par p a r i k h Merry Christmas to you and Gary and all your channel followers love the waterl Ontario Oh love from waterl Ontario you’re cold aren’t you we got cold last night I just

Saw Tin Man let see cold this is rude I’m looking down but otherwise i’ have I’m trying to you’re scrolling back up as scroll back yeah I’m kind of looking around and seeing who I’ve missed because it rolls uh Tin Man wet let’s see cold wet night

Here in Maine oh Maine Maine would be cold uh Robin Gary hope all is well all is good here we are waiting for ice soon so we can go some go smelting so we can go smelting have you guys ever tried smelt no I haven’t tried smelt what SM I

Don’t even know what smell is do I it’s a fish oh I know we have smell okay all oh wait a minute isn’t that what you call the long ones the long skinny ones you get off I used to go fishing with my dad you get perch and

Smell well that could be I don’t they’re good they’re really good my dad taught me when I was real little how to clean the fish we’d go fishing and that was my job and then I’d go bury when we got home bury all the heads and everything

Under all our trees I learned that as a really young age okay so Connie had to go get her baby’s coverboard before freezing tonight you locked everybody up already yep okay let’s see um Suzanne norand Norman didn’t from U Merry Christmas from me go ahead and let you

Do no you look like you have a lot to say no I don’t no I just want to come on and wish everybody a Merry Christmas and I told them what we might come back I think it I haven’t looked at the map a map the calendar we might come back on

The 31st unless you’re planning something big fancy and something I don’t know you’re going to take me out you know what the 30 we did well we did talk about maybe that Mexican restaurant oh I’m kidding I was kidding gosh the last time we went out on on our

Anniversary you ended up with the flu like really sick because what what does everybody do when they um you know New Year’s Eve they go out to dinner and I remember you got really sick and then I caught it but I remember that even though what restaurant we got sick from

But it’s something to think about if you want if not I’ll make something really nice here we can go another time we need to party again Mar well we’ll do that next time he does it he does it a few times a year he does yeah could we could try that again and

Go over to my daughter’s house they do it almost every night oh she had a good one so I called her when we did the the live with the Mariachi and I said I just went live I told my daughter she’s like not too many miles away and she said

From oh you had a party oh yeah Mexican music and everything going on well I can outdo you I said why she said we had that going on here too and then we had the knife the knife fight in the street they were fighting then one got in the

Car and tried to run the rest of them over then the police came this is a crazy story she’s standing out there my daughter listening and now the guy is stabbed in the abdomen and the cops all show up this is all going on while we’re here watching our party and the cops

Come and pull him out of the car oh I was just going home when he already told everybody he’s going to run him over and he’s holding his knife wound and he’s begging the cop please please I’m on probation don’t arrest me and the PO

Said well we have to plus you got to get to the hospital and he’s yelling no no and this is all going on and the Mariachi uh band comes out in the street and they’re all dressed I think she sit in pink and they’re walking around like

Well what’s going on we’re supposed to be having a party and they’re having a kni she had a much more entertaining evening which she can keep I don’t need that but she she said it was like hilarious because he’s begging them please don’t take me in and they’re

Saying but you need to go to the hospital so yeah she had one too I think ours are not nicer up I guess I guess you told everyone that was our anniversary on New Year’s 8 because I see oh yes coming in happy anniversary 30 years can you believe

It’s been 30 Years cuz I can’t even believe it’s been 30 years it went mean yeah no can’t don’t do does go quick it did go quick I did mention that I had been married before for 16 years that was very long very hard still takes the toll but it’s over and

And that was you know about that yeah it’s too much to talk about maybe another time but that was another time another place this been 30 good years he is a good guy he is a really good guy I’m GNA embarrass you oh know you like this yeah stop singing that

Song Lord It’s hard to be humble I can’t remember the the country singer off hand right now oh Sandra mon yeah wait um I’m just getting on is there an anniversary no not for another week in in another week and Carmen ran at the I’m happy married to my husband for 37

Years wow 30 that’s wonderful congratulations and then now wait wait will probably come back on the 31st even if even if we don’t come come back on the 31st we’ll come back and say we’re not coming back we’re going to go do something I don’t that would be nice

Squat dinner no I don’t want to get sick I’ve been doing really well not getting the flu I can’t take a flu shot I took a flu shot for years am I am I allowed to talk about stuff like that on YouTube yeah okay because there’s certain things

They don’t want you to yeah just and my arm kept swelling up I get a big lump and um I go back to the doctor 6 months later it’s hard to raise my arm that’s where they gave me the flu shot is all swollen and they would say well you’re

Walling it off for six months and my one doctor said well it’s good and bad but yes you’re Walling off the flu shot I said well I will now it took it for years and I think I feel it to this day it’s still sore and this was uh I don’t

Know how many years ago six seven years ago I stopped I finally said look I’ll continue the flu shot if you can guarantee me it’s not going to turn into something bad so they put no you can’t take it so now even before everything happened if I went somewhere like to the

Doctor for a check or something I’d just wear a mask and I wrote across my mask I did not take a flu shot or something so people would know I don’t want to catch the flu and it works for that I think like some people don’t believe in it but

I think the biggest thing with the mask when I was wearing it before the pandemic is it reminds me to keep my hands away from my face because it’s there so when I get in the car I wash my hands and I haven’t knocked on

Wood gotten the flu in a long time no I had C but that was once yeah I so there’s a lot of people coughing where I’ve gone the past week I ended up going to the post office and had to stand in line and there’s a

Lady in front of us and a whole bunch of us was standing way back from it because she was cing like you didn’t tell me about that like 10 people could have cut in front of us right but there’s three or four of us standing way back and

There was this 10 person gap between her and US did she cough on you no she was she was covering a cough but everyone was like well we we have to wait you know because when I used to catch the flu I remember we used to go out to

Dinner a lot and I could tell you each time where I got it from we were at the HomeTown Buffet that time I was coming back to the table a guy walked by he stopped and I was trying to getting around and he coughed right in my face I

Remember coming back saying oh no and yes within a couple days I had to flow and then that happened another time at another restaurant and then I caught it from you when you got it from the restaurant so yeah I’ve always kind of known where I got it from I mean we even

Know where we got the Big C so y so anyways let’s see just take a shot of tobasco sauce every morning I just be careful I just try to I’m very aware of people around me and if they’re coughing I kind of just move away but I really

Don’t go that many places I a couple places here and there I get my groceries now whatever groceries I need delivered and I go to Aldi’s we I like Aldi there’s not a lot of people there the one I go to and then I’ve gone to Walmart a couple times but not lately

Actually haven’t gone anywhere else you’re the one that goes you go to the hardware store yeah I will start going too because I want to get flowers and I want to start propagating flowers I told them I’m doing that one on the what I found this morning oh my

Gosh I’m so excited yeah I rarely get sick I’m trying to think no you got something got something earlier this year couple months a few months ago you got real sick and then you thought it was that the sea and then they had you come in and do the test and it wasn’t

And I never caught it from you and you were real sick I never caught it everybody else was coming out with some virus going around but that was basically it um Carmen please come back you’re such an Entertainer go let’s see um don’t do the shots

Yeah no they they got me on the tetnus one though that one I I they got did you take a tetnus shot yeah take a TI sh I took a t well what B bothered me is they put in the whipping cough and you can’t

Get away from it cuz I refused to take the whipping cough and then the last time I got the tetna shot which was a few years uh couple years ago two three years ago um that had the whipping cough one and that one didn’t bother me for

Some reason the tetna shot didn’t bother me they made me take a pneumonia shot that didn’t bother me but the flu shot is the one that swells up my arm I literally get all swollen and like I said it’s been years and it’s still sore so go figure and probably was something

With the muscle um what you what do you have planned for 2024 you’re such a great educator in thinking outside the box to make things better okay so you might have just came in I’ve got a video that might come out tomorrow and they have to keep an open

Mind because there’s going to people there’s going to be some people that are going to say I don’t want it I’m not interested and that’s fine but there might be a couple people this could be their answer especially when I get it set up it’s not even set up yet CU I’m

Still thinking on how I want to do it but I already kind of know how I’m going to set it up and that’s to help people with Critter problems big Critters if it’s small Critters you might have to do a couple other tweaks to it but you can pretty

Much do it keep dogs out of it it’s going to be really good so that might be tomorrow unless your is your video done it’s done I need to upload it put a thumbnail I’m not sure if too many people are going to be interested in

Because it’s on Dragon FR you just gave away your whole video so now he’s not going to put it up no put it up yeah I didn’t give anything away but it might give people some ideas because it’s it’s not just on Dragon fright it’s well I think it’s important to have different

Things out there even if you’re not I here’s the thing with me I watch stuff that has nothing to do with what I’m doing sometimes and it could be on it’s crazy I I don’t even know what to say it could be on something on how to make a

Couch I’m looking at my couch and I could watch that video and all of a sudden I go I know how to put that together has nothing to do with the couch but my mind starts working and all of a sudden like this morning you were talking about

Something I don’t want to talk about that and I went oh my goodness sound like shley Temple oh I used to watch that a lot when I was a kid I thought oh my gosh I am running with that and then I asked you if you wanted to go with it

Because you brought it up you started talking about the s man and then you talked about the other thing oh I yeah snow and then the other thing I oh my gosh and you were asking me how you’re going to do it I’m going to do it like I did the other thing

Because I know how good it is because I made it about three years ago so of the sticks zent will be interested in the dragon fruit so dragon fruit is so good we had Dragon fr the other night we’ve got a few left I see one out the window out the door

Here it’s open um it is such a nice plant to grow yeah basically I I did a video in my back room and not everyone’s going to know about my back R because I haven’t done a video back there for for years you could go live I haven’t really

Shown much about it but I did the video on my dra dragon fruit seedlings and the back room and I guess you’ll get to see the back room and see what what it looks like it’s it’s a little different so the back no I know it is

What most people have the problem is sometimes if we talk about something the content Pirates will come in swoop in and they’ll do a video based on our videos and they don’t always get the facts right but they some of them seem to get the hits and

Then it’s like uhoh we let let things out you know that’s why it’s important to show the whole thing there was something I had done I had talked about it in the garden it was actually in here and I went through and I showed it and I said I’ll show you exactly how

You do it it’s no big deal it doesn’t cost anything it’s free and then he’s he’s a big Gardener and everybody likes him and I didn’t even comment he ran with it and he put the seedlings there he said look how it works and I thought

He didn’t do it right it’s like I don’t even work but I kept my mouth shut and I didn’t say anything and then other people came in because some knew one was a scientist said that will never work it wasn’t going to work so I kind of backed

Off I didn’t even bother with that I should one day and then there’s the one time you put a video together I’m not do not say who do not say who no I’m not gonna say he put a video together and the person that that basically came out

With the same video was tripping on himself to get the video out within hours and he did everything he said everything wrong he yeah he said it he said a lot of things but it was to get video out he said a lot of things wrong and it was actually entertaining it was

Entertaining because he was trying to do do it that quick that was stumbling over it was like he was in such a hurry that he was falling over and you could see that he was in a hurry then then there was one that I put the uh irrigation

Tubing up and I did was in the middle of getting ready to do the video but I didn’t show how to put it together and how it works beautiful I love my irrigation tubing and he did the same thing he ran out there right away yeah

The next day after my video came out he put the irrigation tubing up didn’t I didn’t even get to put the video up and while he’s talking about it it is so funny they’re collapsing they’re all falling because he didn’t know wasn’t done it wasn’t and so his collapsed and

Then he turned around and said doesn’t it look good that way it fell apart so it’s better to explain it and then when they want to run with it afterwards they can run with it go ahead yeah some some people are really competitive on YouTube and it’s like I

Guess maybe we’d be bigger if we copied them but I guess we we’re not sort of trying to out compete anyone no but I am going to mention something I saw a a short that went viral on propagating and it’s wrong and I what bothers me is

First of all he said it wrong on about the water did you and that was so wrong and it bothers me because there was a lady I haven’t seen her on here for a long time and she was um very sick I think with cancer and her husband got

Her a big bouquet of yellow roses and she texted me and she said to me I’m she wrote on a message I’m so excited I’m going to cut my roses and I’m going to plant them I’m going to have 12 beautiful plants it doesn’t work that way but she saw it

I think I know who it is and yeah and I think she’s watching oh yeah but I didn’t know how to say it’s not true it’s it’s a fake video sometimes you can get a long stem and if there’s growth on it actual growth and it’s part of the

Plant but not the flowers a lot of the stuff if you look at some of these that are growing watermelon on rooftops look at the thumbnail and look at the watermelon they’re all exactly the same they’ve been put on these plants and that’s why they’re all exactly the same it’s all basically for

Entertainment so you really want to know what you’re doing before you put all that money out there is a question you do have to answer here cuz I saw it the other day Linda fauler she sent the question and I looked at it because I there’s like so many questions and I

Didn’t know the answer I wasn’t sure I was going to say probably but I was going to ask you do you see it yeah can you grow a rubab one rbob plant in an night gallon tip because you grew them and they got massive so would that be

Possible I’m glad he’s here I’m glad you asked the question again I think it would be one plant one plant I would make sure that you really faded a lot oh their heavy feeders their heavy faders but I I think you could rhubarb yes okay it’s worth trying I would try

18 gallon toe probably a five gallon would be too you you would think a five be too small but I’ve grown zucchini in there but this gets massive I mean yours were giant yeah I don’t have R anymore I’m looking at the moon is it a full moon yeah it’s

Close but my re’s gone now I had it a couple of years but I’m trying to think the Gophers got underneath it and it wasn’t getting enough water that’s what I suspect was going on so I was watering it and the water was going into the goer

Hole and not hydrating the soil that’s why I always talk about how I grow a lot of these plants out here that I leave them in pots or I cut the bottom of the pot off or big holes but this way when I water it at least it goes to the plant

Because sometimes you go and water a plant you wonder why it died because you’re watering the plant but the waters leave it because of a gopher hole a rodent hole well other rodents or just in general creates a river and takes it away we’re not bigger and better I’d

Like to get ray B SES were bigger we’re just we just like it real and that’s very for me personally I that’s my history I want things real and I don’t want to get into my history but that’s basically been my whole life is let’s get it real and

Let’s get it right and if we make mistakes learn from our mistakes and keep going go ahead yeah Malachi is in oh hello Malachi is p par hello and Matha gon did you propagate your hummingbird lunch yes and no I’ve got one sitting by right behind us that propagated beautiful I’ve got

Two others that I just propagated and it failed why it’s a wrong time of the year so what you have to do with those is it’s a little too cold outside and the soil is too cold bring them in and propagate them either in a green house

Or on your window sill there is a right time I’m learning and a wrong time to propagate a lot of plants some when they’re so active and they’re growing beautiful is the right time to propagate them if your if your plants are starting to go dormant they’re not going to

Propagate good you can try it if you got so much you have nothing to lose you can bring it in if you want I’m just trying it that plant that I propagated right out here about four or six months ago I did it all wrong completely wrong anybody would

Tell you you don’t do it but it was the right time and because it was the right time what are you looking for I’m looking to say if one has a on it for a nine she said that’s the hummingbird lunch yeah another nine for it KIA KIA

The Kia so you have the right time and the wrong time to propagate I’m learning even uh tree collared right now they’re growing I don’t know how I mean some of them are taking in some of them may not this one this one was a big broken not this

Big but it was a broken Branch about that M that far down and I didn’t want to bother with anything I dug a hole in there I stuffed the whole branch in there covered it back and kept it well watered and it grew everybody will tell

You you take one branch take all the flowers off leave a few leaves but I stuck the whole branch in there and this thing has taken off like wildfire but the thing is it was done at the right time when the weather was still warm I

Loved that so it had damp soil and warm weather so is that what she asked me about propagating CIA someone asked you if there was another nine for Oh I thought you asked me about propagating oh common Rand ask if there was another name for it um I’ve got a whole video on

It go ahead and write in hummingbird’s lunch I’ve got a whole video just on this plant because this is so exciting got another one on my deck and I’m going to do a lot of propagating off that but they call it hummingbird’s lunch and it is a copio this won’t have a stick

Because this is mine nice no this has got some cuting in here from um other plants from some tree colar I’m looking at the moon I didn’t know itos in person it looks a bit brighter than what it looks like on the phone so I don’t know

If it’s coming through how how nice it looks it’s a beautiful beautiful Little Flower I don’t know if you can see that every morning we say hummingbirds visiting try it won’t get clear let’s see you know that doesn’t work let’s see if this will work watch I’m going to

Knock everybody off do you see that it’s just a pretty little trumpet and the hummingbirds really work this oh my goodness is it edible it’s sweet probably is like honeysuckle I used you used to eat honeysuckle yeah it is sweet that’s why they love it they

Really work it what are you looking for is there anything else we have to do before the sun goes down no I’m I’m I put food I’m good I’m just looking at the Aram the am bushes Aram muff that’s the video I did this morning when I I found that

Plant and I thought I’m going for it so I’ve got the whole video but I’m not going I’ll probably put that up in two days I might go with the other one because nobody’s going to be interested tomorrow because they’re going to look at it and they’re going to go oh I don’t

Need this but I’m so excited with it so we’ll see let’s see what is that plant Melinda that was called a hummingbird’s oh look I’m got a glare now hummingbird’s lunch is what that one was called uh where should I get mine I got it at oh that she’s in Boston

Oh do they have Lowe’s or Home Depot where did I get mine yeah they will I is it Home Depot or Lowe’s I think it was him Depot where did you get the plants you brought home for $5 Depot it was Home Depot I think

It was home but I don’t I don’t know if if they grow them Darlene C hello another member if they grow them in your area I’m sure home s them if if they grow in your area Home Depot should stock them I don’t know if they don’t

Not don’t do well outside or whatever I don’t know if they’ll carry them I yeah I don’t know how they are um I don’t have a card to look up so I don’t know if like your enu Bush can go down to 25Β° so you’d have to bring them in put

Them on a porch or something but I don’t know about the hummingbirds lunch they’re they’re going strong that one’s a giant Bush back there and one of them is a broken piece that I put out there what’s going on there that was a toe and I didn’t know he can make that

Much of a Ruckus out there well they’re big birds oh Kim Brown’s after me with the logos upside down for humming bird feeder we talked about this Ken okay Sandra montava said it’s an annual for the East Coast okay oh an annual yeah so they must bring them in and yeah I could

Say I could put them in a pot and then bring it in and put it uh someplace for the winter here’s the problem Ken let me read this again it’s a using giant Legos I have giant Legos what’ you do with my giant Legos when you moved everything they were

Right over there I right don’t know I put them everything’s on a tote the whole house is still on totes from moving everything on in the back room I’m I was going to do something with giant Legos two years ago then I was going to do it last year but it’s not a

Hummingbird feeder here’s the problem how are you going to clean all those nooks and crannies that’s the only thing I’m asking how are you going to clean them because I don’t even like hummingbird feeders when they have a lot of like little divots and everything all

All over because it gets kind of moldy and yes you can bleach it and clean it and do what you want but it’s a nightmare when you’re doing that many hummingbird feeders speaking of hummingbird feeders I didn’t even I put out a bunch before I left um that would

Be the only thing but you could make a stand out of it they would think it’s flowers they would think they would like the color how about you do that Ken and you make a video and put it up and we’ll watch it yeah there you go you have a phone

You’re you’re messaging us the only thing thing I’m concerned about that is all the divots where the where they snap together you know the the blocks but you might be able to make a holder for a hummingbird feeder and the colors would look really nice I was

Planning on doing something else with it but not a hummingbird feeder that’s just my thought and again I would still have to put a liner of some sort because I worry about the cleaning aspect of it we’re going to have to go I’m keep talking CU I’m going to check my cameras

Right now to see if the hummingbirds are okay or I’m going to have to run denture brush H said a denture brush is good for claying holes I use different toothbrushes and denture brushes and stuff that’s true but I’m trying to stay away if you’re only doing the one it won’t matter I’m

Trying to stay away from having more issues than I oh they’re good they’re good I don’t know if they can see that oh okay so there’s still food out there and see how many have food 1 2 3 4 5 six and I know the one to the right is loaded with food because that’s a big one I put one big one out it’s not a bad idea go ahead it’s it’s the it’s just I’m trying to do things simple but it might you’re going to make me do one

Aren’t you that is the problem I didn’t put all the feeders out but we’re okay cuz the feeders have been out all day and that’s what I have to do every time I go somewhere I have to check the cameras I got to tell him oh my gosh

There’s only one feeder with food go do that go ahead you talk no I’m just trying to clean my oh the bird oh you know what they probably not happy some of them no they’re fighting they come in just before it get dark they’re arguing with each other

Yeah that’s but they can’t see them now I kicked the camera U that’s the problem they can’t see them all right so now I’m back here um oh hoot it is true I don’t have 500 things that need cleaning if you’ve only got the one you can do it you can spray

It out really good with a hose and and stuff I just like for myself just for myself I want something that’s fairly easy to clean is what it is we look terrible like this we don’t have a light right here I know what I have I’ve never tried

It I’ll switch light on and see if it does anything it might make it worse it might the birds I want the birds to eat behind this they probably all left now that Gary got up sometimes they leave sometimes they don’t that change anything Ashley yeah it made me look

Red I don’t know what I did one day on a video somebody said what happened did you fall down your face was bad I said no it was I was in the look at that I am really I’m orange now no it’s just the way the lighting the camera picked

Up are you turning on more he’s turning on lights now now he’s turning on M look where my camera is do you see a light I brought one over a black disc flat with a clamp okay I may not have I thought I did okay answer questions I’ll go look

But we’re not going to stay on long I only came on to stay on for 10 minutes like this a under here I don’t know I just know that I went so crazy about them I bought three of them because they had them for 10 bucks and then they

Raised the price back to 30 so let’s see if I can do this without blind oh this is going to Blind me hold this for a minute you can answer I don’t know if this oh I don’t know where to put this see but where would I

Put oh so I brought the wrong one over this one clamps let me shut it off this one clamps onto a phone it’s got a clamp and they had them on Amazon for like9 or $10 I went nuts I bought three of them but

The other one has a shoe and this has a shoe and I have let me see if I can clamp it onto the phone or will I knock everybody off no hold on going knock everything over watch oh well I’m still orange maybe it’s the Hat no look at my

Hair yeah but now we’re orange why is it making it orange you know it’s got color on there because the birds are going what the heck can you change the color of the yeah like I’m going to figure out how to do that now it should be under

White it do anything yeah it might be under white I don’t know I think that’s white okay I don’t know well some of them you can you can make them blue you can make them Pinker and so you look more pink instead of orange the bird s

That we’re using I’m I’m going to do a video on that but go ahead and tell them about the bird see I’m not doing it today tell them no tell them it’s uh gray sunflower parate which is got white Millet Canary seed the oats what do you call it and hold dos

Oats then there’s Finch mix which has small seeds bar hello go ahead see it’s got white Millet and some millets it might have Niger red millet red millet and small white Millet small red and small white Millet there’s another name for that and I can’t think what it’s called the red millet yeah

There’s a different there is another name for it but that’s the smaller seeds and the gold finches here aren’t used to eating too much seed but they will eat some of the finch seed if it’s out if they’re interested and then you got the seed you grow

What’s the seed you grow Panic Vel grass which is from South Africa it’s a no no it’s not from South Africa dear it is not from South Africa it’s a it is not from South Africa it’s native to South Africa he’s a liar it’s native to South Africa it’s been introduced it’s

From the LA Zoo it’s been introduced to the United States and Australia it’s not from South Africa yeah I got mine from the Los Angeles suit so they were very nice to me and they gave they gave me some without um they didn’t give them anything they didn’t give nothing that

Was the day we went with the we went in the back to see the animals y Mike Cunningham got me you were going to go back to Australia no no you were already here you were already here no I was already here you were here you weren’t

Going back at that time so but we went then twice oh we’ve been there oh my gosh if I can find that video but we went there and you you were setting up finches and so we got the whole back scene we got to see the animals the

Birds everything and when we left we sat on a bench and you decided to climb up a hillside this is in the zoom on you because he wanted the grass that was growing that sounds right so he climbed up the Hillside I was sitting on the bench meanwhile we thank goodness had

Already said goodbye to Mike Cunningham see you another time he was a friend of mine he was a curator of the zoo at that part and the guard comes over they must have saw him on a camera the guy comes up to me he says do you know him I

Looked up no that’s what I said no and then he called you down and he asked what are you doing up that Hillside and you said I just wanted some grass and then you said but it’s a weed it’s not supposed to be here anyways he

Didn’t take it away from you though no he said please stay off the private property in hillsides and you can keep your grass any you want away and he planted it we now have it all over here it came in with some of the things they

Um imported is that how no it’s it’s um a grass or a Wade in places that needs a lot of water we were still invited back to the LA though so it it needs a lot of water so if you’ve got water it’s an invasive weat but here

Anything get that gets away from being irrigated dies so we don’t have a lot of Runner weeds like um what do you oh uh Devil’s grass is what I knew it as a kid Bermuda Bermuda grass it’s tough for Bermuda grass to survive here because once you get that

Away from irrigation it perishes so fortunately we when we had ber grass I brought it in with horse manure was it horse or donkey horse horse and Donkey manure and they were feeding it they were being fed Bermuda hay so I inadvertently brought in the seeds and

Then I had to go around and every time it come up I recognized what it looked like when it was like an inch tall and I kept ripping it out and and I dug around and I got the ryom out and I was persistent at it and I was able to get

It under control it wasn’t everywhere I periodically find it back here and I see it and I pull it out was mainly along the wall um in one area because the animals they don’t digest the seeds that’s what it’s designed to do so the seed went through yeah but the bird

Seed that’s not we never had it here in this area we have it the little ones that you got the no so how how did the zoo get it you told me that time they they bring in exotic plants they get the okay and they bring in the plant it might have

Come in that way no I think it I’ve seen it in different places now that I’ve been around different places I’ve seen it um let’s see I’ve seen it in Hollywood at Frank’s house out out out the front of his house I saw it there

One day the spice VCH is here love it and the spice finches the um pintails the pintails they love it so we grow that here I want to make sure that stays um H what else there was something else I was going to say and I can’t remember I I

Don’t know where that tape is but I’ve got it on a VHS tape the trip we the the what we what we got to see on the breeding program in the LA Zoo and I don’t know how I can get that off of that tape before it disintegrates and

There’s ways of sending it to people but I’ve got to find it because we got so many tapes and that one was probably an hour to two hour Longs all the monkeys that they bre back down the marmes marett that was so many years ago I

Should turn that in and see if it’s salvageable because they let me videotape the whole literally videotape the whole thing because you you used to know a lot of people that work there yeah she they she’s retired my Cunningham I don’t even know he’s still yeah a lot of these people that they

Retired a long time ago a long time ago yeah I knew from the San Diego Zoo too went to that was before you came went to see Wayne schulenberg was in his office and he had L anes The Chameleons the little ones you have for pets he had a stick and it

Would go up the from his office desk up to the ceiling and I’m sitting there at his desk and he’s talking about animals and stuff what is the stick and why is there a bowl of water on your desk and then he pointed up there and they run up and

Down cuz he had them loose in his office at the San Diego Zoo and he had them running loose in the at his office of just some funny things anyways we’re gonna we haven’t had dinner and it’s Christmas we have to have an early Christmas dinner it’s after 5 let’s see

Uh deian McFarland Merry Christmas to both of you May the New Year be a be as beautiful as you are thank you so much Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too DC I find with Horsemen are especially you get lots of unwanted plant seeds yeah that’s what you were just

Saying yeah I thought it was well composted but it obviously it hadn’t been composted enough and I guess the mut grass is really persistant you would have to really heat compost that yeah because the seeds won’t break down I think I’ve got video clips of zucchini

Seeds that were on the bottom of my totes and this is not a joke it went up a good 8 10 Ines from the bottom cuz I composted old zucchini and it came all the way up and I I thought I had to not plant zucchini in here and I dug it out

And these seeds would travel so when somebody tells you you you be careful not to plant it too deep only put a quarter of an inch on top of soil don’t put an inch or it won’t gr zucchini squash seeds when they’re ready in the spring when the

Time is right they will travel 6 8 10 inches up to to get out and you would have this long white stem you can’t even see long white stem because they came from the very bottom of the tote where I threw all my kitchen scraps so I can

Imagine the seeds out of the the donkey and HSE men or it depends on what kind of hay they’re feeding too or I guess they’re plant their seeds they they’re no the pellets would be processed if they were feeding pets that would be the Hy yeah the it would be coming out of

The high and I think it was mainly for the the donkey because the horse and you know she told me she hadn’t fed it for a long time uh she usually feeds Orchard hay Orchard grass hay she hadn’t fed her donkey she no she hadn’t fed the muta grass for a long

Time but it was still in the soil in the pen in the Corral oh you don’t get anym manure I haven’t been I haven’t collected manure from there for a while but but I should go down and get get some more before the bananas my bananas I’ll be using chicken

Manure but for squashing that squash loves that I haven’t used it in years a manure like horse or um llama oh Cal is very good for um squash llama manure doesn’t break down that easily no it doesn’t break down that’s and that’s more of a nitrogen menual

Uh Sandra okay I said hello to Sandra let’s see and just sorry about that let’s see it got dark look behind you I know yeah it’s good I checked the hummingbird feeders really are the birds 30 the red Mallet would be more the spice finches and the Lesser gold finches the red

Millet the red millet so the smaller finches tend to atat it more than the larger birds like The Sparrows I don’t think touch it are they still out there I think they gone okay cuz it got dark yeah it got dark yeah and it does get

Dark quick it does the sun just drops and then it’s gone but we’re gaining two minutes a night I think so we’re okay we should be gaining two we’re going backwards now um the finch mix when I told you to get a bag of Finch mix that

Changed things and then I’ve got the spray Millet here too yeah they saw that that I think that brought in more spice finches and you want them to stay here yeah and breed here yeah I’d like to see them breeding in the yard I haven’t I

Had when I was in Australia I didn’t live in an area where there was spice finches though were further north so in New South Wales Northern New South Wales and into Queensland you you have spice ventes but Victoria is unless they’ve moved South and that’s possible uh we didn’t have inches

Where I live could you put baskets out I know that they like to make their own but would that enti some I don’t think it would be attractive to them cuz you’ve got nests that you put oh you have to put these back up here yeah I’ve

Got I’ve got nests around the house for house finches which I made and you had some fly catchers in there too and some yeah some Pacific slight fly catches will use the concrete Nest that I made so basically I’ve created a little cup nest out of

Concrete and oh my gosh it’s kind of like a ledge I guess 93 minutes I said I was coming on for 10 minutes someday I’m going to come on for 10 minutes look at it it’s dark you can see the lights down below oh next next week at midnight if

You’re up they’ll be doing fireworks all over the city let’s see um Donna Richie a Merry Christmas to all hello roxan Moore uh I know I’m going to miss Todd Berg hello Char 8A Merry Christmas from San Antonio Texas goodness you’re fighting out there um we’re gonna have to go home and make

Dinner Julie R oh you already answered that what birds eat red millet nature girl that’s pretty good Mark is Mark is still here Mark I get a kick out of Mark people must think I’m really mean to mark because Mark will come in and make a comment I’ll try to find something

Really odd or weird to put on there and people must look and think gee they’re so mean to him like a like a no or a minus like he comes in I’m Number 342 no pretty much but when he comes in he’s first and then he fights with everybody

But then I saw somebody fighting the other day let’s see who was is that I can’t remember um what’s her name I know it I know it the chicken chicken chicken chicken I know she’s here I think it was sunshine I think it was sunshine I I think it was you sunshine I

Could be wrong you came in and said I was first the other one said you’re F I’m first I think it was you and then you went na na na na I’m first Christopher Piana Pian Pena Pena hello from I knew where he was from but now I uh let’s

See green ACR is that a Mexican flag could be I’m not 100% sure Juju be it’s tiny it looks Gary looks so handsome yes he does yeah looks like it’s a it looks like it could be a Mexican flag I see a little dot inside the white r oh another member round five

Happy Christmas and great ideas New Year’s from Queens Australia Gary cuts his own hair no I cut his hair but I I guess I was too busy to cut his hair so he says I don’t even remember you asking but you probably asked me when I was busy and he

Started cutting his hair I was we were talking and all of a sudden I’m looking at him last week and the hair is kind starting starting to look like Boose of the clown if any of you remember it’s starting to go out and out and I what

Are you doing your hair he saidou won’t cut it I said I don’t remember you asking me and it started going out and out so he was cutting it as it was growing and then all the hair was catching up to itself so it was kind of

Looking like you put a pot on someone’s head and it was just cut all the way around so then it’s it’s so easy you could do it yourself you just pull it up and clip so when you pull it up I had a friend that used to cut my hair when I

Was little and she showed me you pull it up and cut it then you get that tapered look yeah so I could I asked for a week I don’t remember and then a month later I just started chopping bits that stuck out yeah but it was still starting to stick

Out so I told you go do a video I and he didn’t want to do a video like this go do I thought that would sort of droing oh Heather White excited to make your cookies I made a cranberry thing I’ll have to get that video up this week

Actually videotaped it you’re never going to be able to make it I’ll have to do it right I gave the right recipe on it when it goes up but I didn’t do it that way it’s like well I’m out of apples we’ll use this and I I’ve got the wrong cranberries but

We’re goingon to use this and I don’t like this and we’re g to use this came out so good didn’t it I ate too much too much of it but it came out so good it’s good either way but it’s so things are so versatile you just make it with stuff

You like I absolutely love your 10 minutes Sandra yeah I know I said it was coming on for 10 minutes we do have to go eat dinner so um good job on the hair I think it’s pretty good yeah I’m happy with it I I

Used when I was young I used to have long hair oh yeah like like an afro yeah well I don’t know what they call it now it wasn’t really an afro but it was big I was I had big it was big I had big big hair

And I I I got tired of it now you know you want big hair again no I W so okay how do you say that v a s i l i k i vasel oh from Melbourne you’re from Melbourne yep um Merry Christmas to you guys from Melbourne love you guys and

Thanks for all you both do none of the videos are boring she’s lying [Laughter] too it’s my goodness uh hoot I whacked my hair yesterday today it was down the middle of my back oh wow Bob Ross’s hair oh yeah Mark is say Bob Ross’s hair pretty much no I wasn’t

Quite like that I’ve got close do we have I’ve got I’ve got F eyes but it was it was he had a lot of hair I don’t know if it was quite like Bob Ro Ross but no it wasn’t Bob Bob Ross but it you know it

Was at at the time you know she’s not lying he’s not how do you say that V vas V that’s not coming out of my mouth biki let see I’ve grown what kind of what is that rubia reia is that butterfly bush trying to think if that’s

Butterfly bush maybe that is a that would look great I’ll have to look into that and I think you’ve told me that before I want to get a lot of flowers this year I know when I started the gardening it’s like I’m not going to have any flowers I said it’s only going

To be edible food in the garden blackeyed Susan oh okay I actually think I have seeds for that and it was like oh no I’m only going to do vegetables and now the flowers look so beautiful and the hummingbirds love it they’ll go to anything people will say which ones are

Better they like citrus trees they like um Kfia P must have been sick or must be uhoh be feeling well we had a very quiet Christmas by family all got sick oh no par I hope you’re feeling better and everybody I like your hat yeah the black hat that was H and I’ve got a little pin

On there from the hummingbirds feel good feel good that’s why we we don’t know if we’re going to go out to dinner for anniversary next week I’m afraid I don’t want to get sick it was post hippie hair it was more like 70s hair I guess

It’s so pretty and clear outside yes we should go eat dinner you know we’ve been on for Holy macel 101 minutes there’s too many digits there in said 10 minutes and Zoe’s probably waiting for dinner hippie here let’s see hope it will pass soon yeah feel good par hope everybody’s feeling

Better blackeyed Susan okay I do think I bought some blackeyed Susan seeds that’s probably a rat behind me I can hear it eaten away tapping as long as there’s only one it’s like well they left the seed I’m going to go eat it so I hear him eating away back there

See I don’t like my hair long but I like cutting it every couple of weeks even less hoot all right I know I missed and I didn’t mean to miss but I’m going to go make dinner ocean B hello Barbara I didn’t say too much to Barb but I know

Barb C’s there she’s got a rent she’s a longtime member and um I hope you had a good Christmas like I said we had a quiet one we thought all these things were going I thought my daughter was coming over I thought and then we found out one went to

Europe what you were going to say but don’t say who no oh yeah one of Robbie’s family members went back to Italy went back to Italy yeah it sounds like oh you are you Italian no she went to the east coast of Italy and now she and she decided that

She didn’t say enough and she went to the West Coast she must have really liked it because that was like a few months ago so but yeah we’ve been texting today back and forth I wished her Merry Christmas in uh Italian and um let’s see and uh

Everybody had their own plans which is okay we’ve had quiet Christmases before I heard another person I know worked today I didn’t even know some of the grocery stores stayed open so it was okay it was quiet you got stepped in you finished your video

Almost Y and I ended up making a video on the U well I didn’t make it I got all the pieces I just have to put it together on my tablet and then put that up this week on propagating emu plants I really like those I want to do

The red ones you got the pink ones and now I propagated the yellow Bush does really well here well uh see Aram Muffler I had the the last name of that one one of them does really well the other one isn’t isn’t as good but there is is

One no I you brought these in today when I was looking at the plants here’s the other one is this the one I propagated that’s the good one yeah artha g uh gbra that’s a shorter sort of more um the pink one yeah it’s a lower aroa and

We’ve got a couple of varieties of that it’s faded you can’t see and that does really well and then you got these you got those for $5 let’s see the red ones yeah $5 he went they were clearing them out two three I got three of the the other

One I want to do cuting off of that because I have a firecracker plant that is beautiful on the deck and that was a piece I got over a year ago from Home Depot that was just laying on the ground so it’s growing now to a big

Plant let’s see I Mark I haven’t cut my hair for two years I’m going back to the 70s I kept my hair short I say I kept my hair short for 30 years then stitched switch back switch back to him he’s bald no I said Mark he just doesn’t want to

Say see I give Mark a hard time I do I give him a hard time Mark is laughing maybe it is true he’s laughing okay Rebecca Martis let see it looks beautiful behind you love your matching outfits are we mad oh because you’re the opposite yeah uh Merry Christmas blessings from Bonnie in

Glendora glendor where’s Glendora that’s close that’s near padana that up along the hills Hills there okay let’s see do we have an Amy Bush robot cinjun hello Merry Christmas how’s the potato mint um mine equals zil the potato mint I haven’t harvested it I’ve got a little

Tiny container on the deck you know I’m starting to think it’s a waste Carrie likes the are you growing Potato Man uh that door is closed you almost went through your dog went through once now you’re going to go through oh you oh that’s the new that’s

The one I just just show isn’t that an Aram muff is that the one you just showed I’m confused yeah this is a different okay it is a different one this is a different one that’s a red one but that’s an Aram muffa and I’ve got the little bow flowers and the hummingbirds

Really like it so this is from Western Australia near calgi and it would in our climate it would be like Riverside so it does really well here and um that’s that’s what a am Bush looks like okay I’ll have to put that back put uh going back to the potato mint you

Got to harvest them at the right time you’re going to get these tiny little potatoes and you can eat them raw so you can chop them up like heamy heamy and you can put them in a salad or you can cook them there’s nothing wrong with them they’re really nice and mine are

Doing okay they’re doing really good but you’re it’s like a onetime harvest so you’re going to have a whole bunch of these small ones I’m trying to think what the benefit really of growing poetto man you can add roll yeah but it’s a one time Harvest

You’re going to harvest it and if you’re going to eat it raw you you’re done for the year because it’s not like I like potatoes better and no I understand you like it I’m not putting it down I’m not putting it down um I’m just saying that

Once you harvest it you’ve eaten it and you got to wait till next year till it grows back it’s kind of a one hit wonder it’s um the importance is to have a variety and it’s not as productive as a potato but it’s still something well I

Still grow it I and when it almost died I decided to go back and make sure it all kept going so yes but I’m just saying if you had a small garden it wouldn’t be something I would do other stuff see I like potatoes because you can plant them I didn’t like potatoes

Before now I like potatoes cu the price went up so much you can plant them in a bucket or a container whatever way you’re going to do you can Harvest them in about three months you can take the ones that you don’t want to eat put them

Back in and three months you got more potatoes with potato mint though you don’t e potatoes raw I like raw potato but but um with potato mint when was the last time you ate potato mint since you’re on such a defense on them I’m just curious probably summer okay there there

You go that’s where I’m at yeah growing right well mine didn’t do that well this year because of the cold a lot of T of it take mine I got a tote right outside here loaded and then I’ve got a little cup I brought a whole bunch of them in I

Don’t remember what we were going to do with with them they sat on the kitchen counter with everything else for like 6 months and they started to grow and they were in a cottage cheese or yogurt container so now I’ve got them on the deck and they’re growing in a yogurt

Container you should take though it’s too cold now because they’re going to die back and just plant them I know you like a variety I well this year I’ve got one U or purple yam that’s doing okay but most of them didn’t do well because

Of the of the cold that we went through last year tie I in is from 7 Africa and I think because of the cold weather we didn’t do well with it this year it’s not that productive but I like to have a little bit of this and a little bit of

That and going to get a different nutrient I wasn’t taking care of my mushroom plants that much and I had two big bushes and one of them died back I wasn’t paying attention then I replanted the one that was doing well and I moved

It in the BD Garden here well it was in the burd garden it was right here then I moved it in a pot and then I end ended up bringing in some cuting in the house now I’ve got them all over the window sill and I appreciate them more cuz I’ve

Been using them for eggs I put them in the roast we made the other day with the chicken a chicken roast I put them everywhere and they grow so good on the window sill and I don’t want to lose my mushroom plant because it’s really hard

To get so I understand why he doesn’t want to lose the um potato plant the potato but the only thing I’m saying is I’ve devoted two totes to them which is no loss for me I mean we got plenty of room and then we never really ate I

Brought some in you might have eaten a few and then they sat now they’re growing that’s all I’m saying but you’re right we we need to keep him alive because where else would you get him I remember John coer got in a big fight with his friend because his friend threw

His out he was at a show John ker is growing Your Greens and he’s on YouTube and I think the story goes he was at a show with his friend and he left the plant I I if you’re listening John I know you’re not but if you were I think

This is a story he left the plant plant with his friends then he went wandering around probably do a video came back and he said where’s the plant and his friend said it was dead and he goes what do you mean it was dead I threw it out he threw

His plant oh they didn’t talk oh my gosh he was putting up videos how he hated his friend they talk again now and it was because he said it was so rare it was hard to find I don’t we bought it on eBay and it was hard to find and I do

Want to keep them alive I have two totes growing take all you want all you want so it’s okay I have potato M see we grew um my brother grew potatoes in bales of straw that’s Rock sand Mo yeah you can grow potatoes all different ways somebody where’s Ken want to know have

You ever grown a tomato plant on top of a potato plant oh you’re talking about grafting no but I have grown tomatoes with my potatoes he’s talking about grafting right yeah I have no reason to graft I guess it keeps it would it keep it alive longer maybe I don’t know I’m

Not into all that sort of a it’s more of a novelty thing I think yeah no I have not but I’ve grown a tomato with my potato so let’s see robot occasion let’s see I had many potato mint leaves but I had many potato mint leaves but no bulb

Harvest last year and this year in the large Kitty poles the bulbs were a few the size of a finger of your fingertip just enough to plant for next year that happened with my second tote I went in there last year dug everything out and all I had was these tiny ones

They didn’t get like usually they get about that big and they were real tiny they kind of like some of them get like pinky finger half half the pinky finger small yeah they’re not really big but say half the size of your pinky finger yeah but I know a good size one would

It’s robot right robot’s talking about they they were really tiny they shouldn’t have been that tiny I grew a lot of green growth but nothing underneath and the leaves taste horrible I was going to say you can’t eat the leaves it’s not even though it’s in the

Mint it’s medicinal but that’s yeah it’s medicine it doesn’t T so I had the same thing but as long as you save the little ones you’re right I wonder see I haven’t studied it or really looked it up why would it grow one year really good and

Then one year not too cold too much of something it means it didn’t store enough in the tubers yeah that and you lost all yours down there I’m not sure yet I don’t I don’t know take take all you want I’ll show you where the tote is just take all you want

Um let’s see but uh Melinda Roth everyone’s saying potatoes grew better in totes we have to get better at it you grow yours in totes yes I don’t but there’s nothing wrong with that I I prefer the buckets even though I know you may not get as much Deborah

Does totes I want to be able to tip it out get my potatoes out instantly I’m lazy in a wheelbarrow get my potatoes out put everything back with leaves and stuff and replant again and Dish pants I’ve done both and I think it’s done pretty good well I gra mine

In I grow some in totes but some in those raised beds that I make out of wire and cardboard so I’ve got got them grown different ways but my soil I can just dig them out with my hand I don’t want to be digging out I’ve got other things to do that’s

What I do I like the idea of tipping that’s why I do all my Ginger and turmeric and pots I know you showed me one of the pots were all bent up because they’re pushing the pot it’s so easy to just take the pot and tip it out

Turmeric goes all the way to the bottom of the pot and ginger grows along the top people never talk about that I just want to dump it get out what I need and put it all back uh Ramona from Ramona Jolly I have to work on my potatoes I

Can get any I use a 5 G bucket I don’t know what the temperature is that and it and it changes sometimes you tip it out and there’s a ton of them in there and sometimes you tip it out and you have these little tiny ones and

You know what the little tiny ones taste really good wash them real good put them in a pop steam them with a little bit of water or boil them up with a little bit of water and butter them eat them don’t peel them they are wonderful just the

Way they are so tiny is good too you know much the tiny ones cost in the store if you go to Sprouts or something it’s expensive let’s just put it that way and and then keep some of course reg when it comes to potatoes sometimes you get a good crop

Sometimes you get a bad crop but there’s a lot of people put up videos on YouTube and don’t feel bad if you don’t get 50 lb out of a 5 gallon bucket because some people I I watch them and you can see that the potatoes they get out

That mat up to the fall AG that they grew in let’s just say he they probably got him on sale at the grocery store down the block so you don’t get it that many usually no you can see I don’t even want to go there I don’t want to go

There either um Sandra monova uh my Ginger is indoors and still alive in southp window I’ve got one that’s growing really good out front I was going to tell you put it in your back room if you leave them you told me if you leave it in the pot for the second

Year it will flour yeah I had a flower once in my turmeric this year my turmeric didn’t flour for the first time in I don’t know five or six years because lot most of my turmeric I leave in the ground and they it overw as well

And if you leave it in the ground for a couple of years it’ll flour the second year and then you grow it on in another p will flour the third year but my turmeric didn’t flour this year because it was too cold it was too cold this

Year uh Carmen wants to know I have a few baby potatoes still in my refrigerator can I replant again to grow them I say why not in the refrigerator it shouldn’t be a problem take them out let leave them on your counter now they’ll think they went

Through a chill and then come spring put them outside they should do good yeah as long as they have them dried up completely I I’ve been planting pepper seeds out of the freezer but potatoes as long as they’re not dried out they should be okay you you’ve had Ginger

Flour I haded Ginger flour out there once yeah I turmeric flow I have turmeric flowering and I have a couple of other types of Ginger ornamental gingers that flour but I haven’t had regular Ginger flour in my garden so just moving them from a different climate from microclimate

From here to down into my Garden it’s it’s different but then again where I’ve got them planted is more shiny but you left yours I left I can’t if I leave my turmeric I’ll lose half of them yeah I know because it gets too cold but your Ginger actually must have been there I must have left it that

Time and it didn’t get too cold in the winter so it didn’t rot if it rain rains too much and it’s wet and cold they rot that’s why I’m wondering to take the one ginger in that’s still doing really good into your room yeah and then see what

Happens because I have so much I’ve got and I have more turmeric this year than I even know what to do with because I have a whole table in the back I’m going to have to eat more I eat it like a carrot um you know I said we’re getting

Off holy mackerel we got to go eat dinner Mary Kerr uh I’m enjoying this so much thank you for sharing your time with everyone oh no problem thank you let’s see Connie Davidsons we have lots of propagate propaganda oh propaganda oh I’m thinking of propagating that’s why I

Want you to I want the real info just think about it you I’ve seen these people come out with these potatoes I like he was saying if you notice a lot of the potatoes you pull out have little threads because the roots have been still attached and then as they dig oh I

Think there’s one here suddenly they’ve got I’m going to be really exaggerating 500 potatoes out and you’ve only got maybe two or three with the little bits of root and the rest of them looked all perfect really nice they don’t come out looking that perfect you know where they

Came from I told you I was how I was going to do a video oh my gosh car thank you both uh that’s from Carmen I I’m going to I’m looking to see if I missed anybody Mel happy New Year folks I’m going to thank my moderators for jumping in I think

Donald went to eat dinner and um barbery thank you Malachi par you know my with the wrenches um I did say Bary right and Connie Davidson and thank you what was that was that behind you yeah in the house or outside oh gosh um outside what’s for dinner tonight

I think I bought it looks so big on the internet I bought from Walmart a while ago it’s been in the freezer it said it was a sirine steak for $6 I I get I haven’t had steak in a long time because we eat chicken and tuna and different

Things and it came it was this little tiny package little tiny package and I thought you know what I put in the freezer I took it out last night when I realized nobody’s coming over I’m going to cut that up I picked a bunch from the

Garden I’m going to shred it up I’m making stir fry and I already got my potatoes is ready to go I’m going to boil up potatoes and have stir fry on that so that’s what’s for dinner so it’ll be quick cuz I already started all

That and I had a green drink so that’s why I’m full of energy because I was not did you take any of the green drink did you see it it’s in the fridge yep I put a green drink in there I I make a big

One so I’ve got a jar in the fridge you can just grab it so that’s what’s for dinner tonight well we’re really going to try to come back next week and um we’ll see how that goes let’s see I Rebecca wood Merry Christmas to you too I don’t think I said Rebecca

Earlier um uhoh did you retract I don’t know what Ken said that got retracted oh he retracted it okay that’s fine um I just don’t know if I missed I’m sure I missed Debbie haaker I think you said you were having a quiet Christmas the

Other day I think I I think I’ve got that right um okay anyways Rebecca Maris oh look that’s right I saw you it looks beautiful behind you Bonnie from Glendora that’s right I did all right well we’re going to go make dinner and get some stuff done around

Here whatever has to be done and I want to thank for the super chats which now I can’t go back up to see oh but I want to thank you for the super chats and I there was two oh my gosh you can’t go back can you CU it won’t let me go

Back if I try to go back on that I’ll knock I’ll knock everybody I know Carmen Rand and it will not let me go back thank you for the Super Chat oh my gosh I’m trying to see if you’re still here Aqua Lou hello if I didn’t see you oh my

Gosh well she gave a Super Chat and I want to thank her again I’ll have to remember for next time green door Merry Christmas I didn’t say green door I know that Barbara Samar from East Tennessee Samar with the long long a s s

Which which a is long s Sam Sam Sam I hope I got the right a uh you answered Linda and okay I know there’s going to be some Darlene C hello um Ian Ian Ian I found a different variety of kfia oh at the Walmart a different type that would

Be cool mine has purple flowers that would be really awesome I wish I could find one I’m going to start looking for flowers not yet I’m going to see how our winter goes and our spring but I am going to start keeping an eye out Donna Richie Hello okay anything else you want

To say because we’re going to have to go that’s it uh ROM five I think I said hello before I want I can’t it won’t let me go back far enough to see the Super Chat Veronica Oliver Merry Christmas Robin gar a much love from New

Orleans Mary K hi Kur and now there’s K and oh Mary ker that’s right Mary K thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you thank you for speaking up did so yes I knew it was Mary and then Carmen Rand so I I got you both thank you very

Much this was fun for my 10 minutes I’m G to put a timer on here so I’ll be in the middle of talking and then the phone just shuts down how’s the battery it doesn’t even tell me wouldn’t that be funny just the middle of talking and

Shuts down you said you wanted a big clock and you’re going to look at a big clock he wants a big clock and it costs too much he doesn’t need a big clock let’s see have a great evening everybody have a wonderful evening uh DC have a

Wonderful evening I know I’ve missed but I am going to say thank you for joining us on Christmas see we weren’t alone for Christmas what was I going to put in the title old and alone I told you I was GNA I’m going to go online put old and alone

I told him he goes you really want to do that Sandra M wants to wants me to talk about the hills i’ I still have to go home and feed them they they get mad they’ll be all lined up they’ll be mad oh Gary next time let’s chat about

The healers okay she said next time next time but you you could bring Elsie in yeah I could bring Elsie is really good Elsie was supposed to be my dog Elsie’s if I had a favorite I would say Elsie because she’s such a melee dog and she’s got she’s so

She is she is she was supposed to be mine but she would she was in the house with me it’s like please I’ve different personalities but she’s the most myland but they’re a pack and they want to be out they’re working dogs and it’s in their bloodline and that’s what they

Want to do they don’t want to sit in the house 10 minutes not going to happen that’sa fauler said yeah I had a history teacher Falkner when I was in high school and so anyways Robbie I didn’t do anything Malachi was on the ball tonight oh that’s you know I think we’re very

Lucky that I don’t think we have a lot of trolls here anyways we’ve been really good so you’re just there in case of something that’s all you don’t have to do anything but you can chitchat and if I miss a question you can answer it if you know the answer anytime don’t worry

You know that do what you want to do um but we’re really lucky we don’t have a lot of trolls yeah some people actually have to put put their um live chat to subscribers only because they have issues with people yeah well you mean a lot of trolls yeah yeah we don’t have

Issues we have good people only good people come watch us okay Sandra had a red she had a red healer we’ve never had a red no have you had a red no okay all right we’re gonna say good night I’m going to go make Gary dinner

And we’ll try to come on next week for our 30th Anniversary has it been a good 30 years are are you sorry you came to the United States and then stayed and got married I it won’t bother me just tell me the truth I always tell him that

Just no no I’m fine with it you’re laughing are you not I’m fine with it no I’m more than fine with it anyways it’s I give him such a hard time he always says why do you say that I don’t know comes out of my mouth everybody have a wonderful evening thank you

Everybody thank you and now I don’t see my ex I don’t see the ex up there oh it’s up there oh I can’t get off you’ve got the that’s why I can’t see the X because the light is on there oh my gosh I’m stiff from sitting good night

Everyone well now I got to get my light off now I have an X in the corner this is really a nice light I’m going to shut it off I love this light but they’re not 10 bucks anymore is that cool you this is yours you didn’t take it I bought two for

Me and then I actually used this to look around the house to see if the dog did anything sometimes it’s so bright it’s such a bright light I love it look that it’s got a clip it was 10 bucks and then they went up to like 20

$30 it does have oh no this battery light I think it does change color too anyway anyways have a wonderful evening good night everybody uh is it dar I can’t I can’t read it Darlene C anyways we’re saying good night bye to she’s from Australia say goodbye

Yeah that’s it ready I don’t want to hang up too early you were talking to your brother and you no your father I was talking to your father and you hang up you said bye I said he’s still talking so he called him back he’s really hurry I it takes me a

Long time to say goodbye and when Gary says goodbye he’s like that so anybody anyways everybody have a great evening mark is there laughing have a great evening bye-bye everybody we’ll see you soon we’ll see you in about a week


  1. Merry Christmas Robbie and Gary.enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.and thanks for all your gardening tips through out 2023 looking forward to what I’m going to grow in 2024.Melissa from Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί ❀😊

  2. So true! The kids do their own thing.☝️Is a good thingπŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ€” It's a MomπŸ’–thing isn't it? All the kidsπŸ’–together at one time.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈAh Well! As long as they Love each other throughout life we shouldn't complain.# sibling loveπŸ’ͺπŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Žβ˜ΊοΈis what matters mostπŸ’–.# merry christmas!πŸ’–πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

  3. Robbie. I went and changed my name to not having the number at the end. But it's back again in some chats but not all🀷

  4. My ginger flowers every year. But I grow them in pots. I water them when the pot is dry like the rest of my plants The one pot is older. I bring them inside in winter. I have some sansaveria or mother in law plants 🌡 very 20 maybe 30 yrs old and they bloom. Lol the cuttings I have also bloom. 😊

  5. Merry Christmas Robbie and Gary, your such a wonderful couple 😽 you guys look great, and happy in ❀ πŸ˜‰ Happy Anniversary and be happy and be blessed beyond measure. From Virginia

  6. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays. I love hearing you two and seeing your interactions.

    Hubby and I still wear our masks, but it is very difficult for him when hardly anyone else wears masks. Hubby wears his when I remind him.

    I used to get pneumonia, colds, flu, bronchitis, etc. multiple times every year. Then COVID happened and I discovered I do not have to get the flu or colds. I have not had a cold or flu or had to take drugs from the complications since I keep wearing masks. When I do go out, I count maybe a couple others like me. There was a month or so where I counted nobody but during the holiday season, I noticed two or three besides myself again.

    I am too happy NOT getting the flu, not getting colds, and not getting my allergies and being able to walk down the detergent aisle without coughing that I will masking for as long as I am able.

  7. Help. I have wood peckers that hang on the hummingbird feeders and knock them down. Is there something I can hang around the feeders to scare them away. Thanks

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