Backyard Garden

Giving our backyard a makeover – Day 3 #backyard #landscaping #renovation

On day 3 of the backyard makeover we tackled the decking plus got started on the patio area.

It’s day three of the backyard makeover and it was a busy one before installing the decking we began to prep the patio area by removing some dirt once we had our patio area dug out the next step was to add the crushed Limestone which is the base of our patio after multiple

Trips back and forth bringing in the Limestone the patio was starting to take shape we compacted the area and level things off making it nice and flat now we’re ready for the patio stones turning our attention to the deck we’re using tx’s composite deck boards which just

Got delivered after laying Joy tape we started on the border once the Border was set we were able to begin on the first row of deck boards the install is pretty straightforward measure to size cut set in place screw the clips and repeat the main deck boards took no time

At all and just like that the deck was done day three is in the books and things are starting to come together if you want to see how the patio turns out make sure to come back for day four head to my channel to watch the full

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