Garden Plans

Pond Tours / Dreaming and Planning Changes to Ponds. #bass #goldfish #garden #ponds

#pondtours #turtles #bass #goldfish #chatting #colaboration #dreaming #winter #planning #changingpond #beer #pondideas #goldfish #havingfun #interview #funny #ponds

In this 3rd addition of our pond tours Jim and I take two 3 great properties with ponds, both man made and natural. These videos were shot in late September. We decided to release them in the winter when we miss summer.

Hi there and welcome back to Stubs Aquatics well it’s almost Christmas time now and uh I’m getting tired of the snow even though we had a mild spell and we got rid of all the almost all the snow if you don’t know already I’m here with

Digger Jim or as I’d like to call him my good friend Jim uh if you’ve been watching any of our uh videos where we’ve been doing the tours we’ve been releasing them uh during the well the winter time when you want to see something green and with the with not

Necessarily green anything but the water anything but the water that’s true so if you don’t know obviously I’m taller than Jim or I’m standing on his Bridge because he’s a lot taller than I am I don’t you don’t have to show off about this okay Carry On I’m I’m obviously

Thinner too or not anyways um we’re just going to take a quick view of Jim’s Pond he’ll take us around uh his fish month doing what they’re supposed to be doing this time of year at his place then uh we’re going to show you what three great

Properties yeah there were three of them two of them are I would say they’re just natural pawns yeah even though one of them has three pawns they were man-made um they’re not lined and after 25 odd years or so they really look like they’ve always been there yeah

And you know these people have asked for our opinion and our help and a couple of them actually your clients that you’ll be doing some uh work for and I can’t wait to see what you’re going to be doing there uh same here well you got all winter a dream right dream and

Figure out what we’re gonna do I can’t wait was a matter of just to repair and just to get the thing running again yeah that one is that that’s gonna be a a big job but I think so you’ll be able to see that here shortly so I’ll let Jim take

Over and uh let him show you around his pawns right now not much going on but the shumkin are all there and the koi for the most part are just hanging out and uh conserving energy and there’s no ice cover on the pond so it’s a great

Time to get a good look at the fish exactly why they’re not moving around as I said there’s no ice or snow what is it December 9th or something 10th I think 10 this is great so already got a good look at fish some of these are from

Chris um three of them I got last year and then some were born in this Pond this summer and survived and they’re just hanging out in the cold water waiting for spring yeah dang leaves eh they probably got frozen in earlier and since that rain we had last

Night that got rid of all the snow well there’s that and then there’s the wind and everything blowing in from the neighbors and some Gardens that I haven’t cleaned out yet so it’s a forever job anyways trying to keep up with all the leaves yeah I’m really

Surprised that your COI hang out at the shallower end yep but they’ve been doing it all their lives there’s got to be some thermal in the ground where it just happens to be warmer in that section there must be something it would at you know four and a half five feet down

Right where they’re at now is about 20 inches deep and they’re all there yeah even the little ones there’s two little ones that were born in here this summer they’re in there they do that here obviously and they did it in the spot on the left side of that

Pond is the shallow spot and that’s where they used to hang out in that pond years and years and years they just hung out in the the shallow ends and then when the thaw comes and the ice starts to recede after I don’t know some time

They just they dive down to the bottom so in the springtime they’ll be right at the bottom of the pond and they’ll hang out there until the water warms up again but all winter they’ll just be sitting there under the ice cool I mean they know where the warm

Spots are and they’ll stay to them yep well let’s uh talking about getting warm let’s get in the house and uh we’ll uh take a look at those uh videos all right sounds good can’t wait all right after you and I did the uh first video Tracy contacted us she’s out on uh

A little bit north of us what a beautiful spot she has eh that looks incredible I didn’t even recognize it that winter scene and then all the irises she has around the pond they are beautiful now time we got there was what late uh September September well

September irises and all the L obviously had died back and you know from this view you can actually see all the Goldfish she has in there and and of course her turtles that she just loves yeah they look fantastic now she did talk to us a lot about how she wanted to

Put filtration into this Pond being she doesn’t have any zero there’s no in this clip here that she sent you the water’s a lot clearer than when we got out there um but it’s amazing yeah it’s a huge Pond and there absolutely zero filtration happening it’s it’s really

Deep and she doesn’t even top up you know she relies on uh spring water or snow melt uh to top up so we’re we’re hoping she’ll just add a little bit because she she’s got ample water there just to top up periodically but these painted turtles they are funny they’re

Fantastic I wish we could have some around we did spot a few of them when we went out to year in September they were hard to see though but this water’s a lot clear I’m not sure what time of year this video was taken but probably earlier yeah July perhaps June July

Being that she asked us for a couple ideas uh we provided her with some now she did want to keep in mind that she had her grandkids are over and she didn’t want any water running around that they could you know trip in or any lines and she wanted the view from the

House uh to be kept in mind so it was really tough trying to come up with an idea for right it was it’s pretty much an oval shape and the house is off one end of it and then there’s the highway loud highway there the highway and there’s a deck at the other

End of it it’s a great spot we had a couple of ideas we passed by and yeah she see the beautiful house she has there in for sure yeah the kids love to run all around the pond and she didn’t want to interrupt that we did present

Her with a few ideas and in the end um we decided to go with a water feature at the end of the pond where the dock is and Chris came up with a great idea of using an IBC tank we use it for mechanical and biological filtration and

We’ll send the water down underneath the dock to return to the pond and by doing that while they’re sitting on the dock they’ll be able to sit there and listen to the Natural sounds of the water beneath them and it’ll help to drown out the sounds of the highway we’re also

Going to uh come up with some fencing or some lattice panels something decorative to camouflage the tank that going to be sitting in behind the deck hi there we’re here with Tracy at her uh beautiful spot here just outside of Lindsay uh it’s an amazing Pond she’s got some future plans for

It and uh tell me what you want to do with this well I’d like to keep it natural looking which it obviously is um I’d like to make the watercolor look a lot better some sort of natural watercolor I suppose um maybe a water feature some nice trickling

Water add some more irises add some more plants that actually survive and look really nice but still keep it usable for what it for what it’s intended for that’s a just place to go and relax and get away from it at all after a long day’s work and have a

Coffee in the morning lovely I see you have lots of turtles and everything else here and hundreds of goldfish hundreds well we’ll have to get you to feed them here shortly now I understand it’s quite deep and this is a not a natural pond this is actually a man-made

Pond uh there it’s it’s a liner yep and you guys added this deck we added yep the little deck um little coffee deck yes we added some features the Driftwood some more rocks we’re constantly adding rocks to it know the feeling yep because of the grass growing through the weeding

Is a full-time job I can well imagine yes it’s it’s nice though I really like it you got some beautiful trees now I have to you know say you know because it’s late September M you know unfortunately we didn’t get all the beautiful colors of all your irises because they would have been

Amazing yeah because you said you had what how many different colors here uh probably four different colors and they’re kind of clumped throughout won’t be cursing okay feed them and see what happens this must be a great spot to sit back prod have a drink or two or 10 I’ll stick with the

Coffee see in the earlier times of the summer the fish are up right away but as it got really really hot they started to wait yeah and sometimes it looks like they’re attacking the turtles to uh to get the food I mean they’re not but it just kind of looks like that

Now I should tell everyone the snow melt and everything from the spring will fill this Pond up another two feet than it already is right now and uh they don’t do top ups and so they’re going to add some filtration uh to the pond just to

Help with the uh the color I’ve got no takers uh the pump itself does run it’s a just for oxygenation what a difference in water Clarity from now and well when we saw it in the spring or the video in the spring and then when we got to see it for

Ourselves in September in September yeah huge difference change huge but there certainly is a ton of goldfish in there and this is Pond is really deep too like I think it’s over 10 feet deep there’s just so many things you could do with a pond this size like I I

Know I would want koi but she doesn’t want koi and I can understand why with the you know herand and she just wants the the natural and a limited work involved right yeah mind you if if money wasn’t an object then it doesn’t matter how much

Work is involved and you know this guy’s a limit you could do a lot of things with this Pond yeah well we’re not all in that bracket no and uh you got to work with what you have right and this is what they want and that’s what we have to do exactly

I don’t know how they deal with that Highway noise it’s like the highway is right beside them and Tracy you know really wanted to keep the natural look about it so I really like the idea of the water flowing underneath the the dock and you know you have to do

Something to get rid of that Highway noise that’s just I don’t know how they deal with it yeah I don’t think you’ll ever get rid of it but having the sound of moving water help the camouflage exactly that’s why they have the pump going I want to

Thank Tracy for having us over what a beautiful spot she has there such a beautiful spot and what she’s asked us to help her with it just opens up so many ideas the options are endless they are they really are well thanks again Tracy it was great to visit what an amazing

Spot thank you thanks for coming we’re off to the next spot this spot has a natural pond and this elegant formal Pond that is in desperate need of assistance well thanks Jim for bringing me out to Denise’s one of your clients no problem she’s see you got a bit of

Work ahead of you yeah this is one of my newest Garden clients um she’s just been overwhelmed and things have gotten out of control so she asked if I would come in and start cleaning up the gardens then I spotted this hasn’t been running for a number of

Years not sure why um anyway we’re going to hopefully get this cleaned up fix up the plumbing get this thing running again stalk it with some koi um it is a lined Pond I’m not sure how deep it is it’s at least three feet in the Center built I think probably 20 years

Ago um all this the fellas that used to own the house used to truck uh Rock so he brought all this rock in all the gardens have a rock around them all the gardens are raised beds around the house all have Rock there’s a natural pond

Back here we’ll take a look at in a second and he lined that whole thing with big huge rocks just amazing work aside from the obvious draining the pond and cleaning it and making sure the Lin is in decent shape there’s a lot of rock in there that needs to be addressed

This could be totally beautiful like amazing and there’s also the waterfall in the structure it’s there’s been some shaing happening on some of these rocks it needs to be cleaned up and we also have to address the filtration and the plumbing and the pump um and then I look at this natural pond

Wow it’s beautiful so much you could actually do with this put the koi in here eat up some of these uh plants or even some shumkin I don’t know where you’d get those yeah there was a few you gave me last fall and I took them out to Denise’s place and put them

In that big pond and I watched them week after week they didn’t move too far they stayed in one area where I put them it was really cool yeah was so much vegetation in here you’d either want to drag it as then take some of that out because it just keeps building and

Decomposing and building and building or you want to dig it back out again well if you threw some koi in there would they in time like 10 years or so clean it up no it there’s just so much built up over the years you’d actually have to

Dig it out unfortunately that is a beautiful pond it’s natural looking it’s a great setting it it it is really is it’s just I think it needs to be dug out again unfortunately yeah yeah I mean it’s beautiful I mean the view they have from the house oh it’s fantastic yeah it’s

Amazing and I want to take full advantage of that when I first went out there it that’s one of the first things that caught my eye the glancing around and looking around the gardens and such and I looked up I like wow check that out that water level is pretty high when

You consider it’s it’s not topped up y so there’s obviously good Springs in there yeah and they they also dug a drainage Stitch from the other side of the property to catch the runoff yeah uh in the spring which will feed that and in some place I Haven I don’t know all

The details they do have an overflow yeah an overflow yeah so there’s no problem with water it’s just the am just cleaning it up yeah yeah and like I said that builds up so much over the years well we’re off to our third and final destination the winter time is really

The time to do all your dreaming and plans for the summer hi there I’m with Mark from omimi Heights green houses uh where they have some beautiful annuals and some amazing vegetables and you name it they have it here uh it’s just a great green house I

Happen to know somebody that works there he might be operating the camera right now anyways uh I’m here with the owner Mark he’s going to allow us to get some video of uh his pawns um how long have the pawns been here well uh they were

Dug in the 80s late 80s so uh whatever that math is 30 years yeah yeah yeah it’s been a long time they’ve been there for over 30 years now I guess well so you would have basically grown up with them and been able to swim and play in them and yeah

Had fish in them and yeah yeah uh I remember when they were uh digging them for sure and I had a little dirt bike and I’d go down the hill and I’d Drive in between where they’re digging and all the fresh clay and everything perfect perfect for jumps yeah yeah jumped all

Right I wiped out too and you were mentioning over here that there was not a tree on the property yeah there was there were it was just nothing but scrub scrub land you know uh just some Hawthorn bushes Buckthorn and all that kind of stuff oh we get we’ll make sure

We get a good view of that we’re just going to head down to the pawns now it’s a little bit of a walk down the driveway here oh my God I’m going to need help getting another down this is the driveway you’re not walking I’m walking aren’t you taking the truck

No I going to walk down in the end probably do me good it’s a great property um we’re up on a hill long sloping driveway down uh it actually Cuts in between two of the pawns the driveway the laneway it’s really nice there’s a big pond on one side and

Actually there’s two ponds on the other side I keep forgetting there’s two on the other side yeah it’s kind of like a Horseshoe Pond yeah yeah it’s really cool there’s an island in one of the ponds which is really nice oh I would so have like a a cabin or a trailer there

It’s just well you know it’s perfect spot to sit back relax have a campfire maybe the odd beverage oh for sure well or two or 10 yeah I think when Mark was saying when they were younger they had a dock in the one pond and a rowboat and

They would just row over to the island and they would hang out in the island for like a day sounds like a great way to spend a day when you’re a kid oh yeah I mean that’s that’s you know with water and kids are drawn to it and that’s where

Kids should be out outdoors and enjoying it instead of in front of the TV for sure yeah get out into nature and learn learn learn everything right exactly exactly beautiful day it was then too I forgot how beautiful it was I can’t believe that you know this is late

September and it looks like July it does it felt like July it did fantastic except for there was no bugs which was a bonus yeah it’s a bon bonus yeah for Canadians anyways y don’t miss those mosquitoes the only thing good about winter yep and now that we’ve released this during the

Winter this is just a beautiful spot I remember driving by this you know so many times when I was young I like wow look how how much they’re doing there and now to be able to go up and see it it’s just phenomenal well like Mark was

Saying his father dug out these pawns and today 30 40 years later they just look so natural like they’ve always been there oh yeah look at that oh there it is I hate those birds so do I I don’t miss them in the winter either no they

Can go away and not come back not come back ever I know Vince from Twisted Ki would be just all over this Pond going I can raise so many koi in this they’re just beautiful ponds and naturalized that’s what it is um some people may not

Care for the rag weed and whatnot but I would the overall of the pawns just so completely natural looking I would probably take a bush hog and get rid of the Ragweed I don’t know I’ve got mixed feelings about that you know I would put natural plants

Yeah just not Ragweed yeah but the rest of the property you know it looks well maintained and such so it’s not a huge problem having the around there that that’s you know little bit of a actual work yeah and then maybe a beverage afterwards yeah but it also there you go

With the the beverages again it also adds to some color late season that it does but just to see all this a reflection on that water well beautiful and again more Turtles this was you know one of their pawns is really clear and it’s just amazing and all the bass

That were in there I just couldn’t get a really good view of it just because the sun is so low in the sky this time of year yeah you just don’t get a great view no it’s hard to see past that surface the reflection might not be a bad Pond for

Some of your called shies could be but this one here you know what I would I would keep it with perch and bass yeah and just you know put a trailer there or a cabin and just you know what when I want to go fishing I go fishing and uh

Catch you know especially something like perch with which uh doesn’t matter the water quality The Taste Remains the Same and like a sweet uh taste and you know just relax and enjoy it because water is so calming right and here’s the island that you were talking about I

Think that uh that they used to go over to right yeah yeah I think it’s there where that Willow is can you hear that I’m drinking a beer while we’re talking about this yeah I wouldn’t talk you’re having one too yeah but I’m not drinking it while I’m

Talking well you don’t that’s kind of like isn’t that like talking with your mouthful well not if you’re talented yeah you can actually see the island here it’s it’s it’s beautiful you imagine that if it was planted with you know all natural irises yeah that would just look amazing yeah

Gary did a fantastic job digging these pawns and I I can’t imagine what he went through doing these you know L and how lucky Mark was as a kid growing up on this oh yeah yeah I would be there all day and you know now that you work at the greenhouse when

You go okay now we got to get into selling koi and shabunin because they do so well in the green houses oh yeah I’m not talking about the get some water plants happening oh yeah there’s just so many options that at this facility and it’s just a beautiful spot I guess I’ve known

Mark it’s got to be over 15 years now and I used to go out there when his mom and his dad were working at the greenhouse and it was much smaller and they’ve added on to the green houses throughout the years and make it into what it is today um

Unfortunately Gary passed away a few years ago um and that’s when I started working at the greenhouse I gave Mark a call one January and I said do you need some help and it’s like yeah we do so it’s been a great experience working there and I I drive by these ponds every

Day and sometimes on lunch in the spring when it’s a bit nicer I’ll just wander down there and just hang out by the ponds for a bit it’s just a great spot Gary did a fantastic job um the green houses are amazing they’ve got a great business

Going and that’s a you know just outside of omimi in between Peter bro and Lindsay for those who Canadians are are watching and well you can see I’m just in awe in here talking to Mark and it’s just a like I said it’s it’s a beautiful

Spot it’s just relaxing and I can see why you spend you know your Winters there oh yeah it’s the best place to spend the winter inside a greenhouse working with plants where it’s nice and warm yeah and as it’s now December looking at this clip seeing all the

Green the foliage on the trees you two in shorts yeah yeah that’s a pretty sight I’m missing it so yeah working in a greenhouse it I still got that warmth and all the light so well thanks for doing this with me wor that was fun I really enjoyed that

Yes we do we got lots of daylight what are you we’re we’re taping we’re filming right now what are you filming anyways wanted to say thank you everyone for watching I really appreciate it if you like the video don’t forget to hit the thumbs up think about subscribing and

Hit that notification Bell well you know we’re well into winter now and we HED you know we shared a bit of the last bit of Summer and now that everyone’s stuck and seeing nothing but cold crappy stuff white yeah Snow Yeah freezing yeah well we hope you enjoyed this uh thanks again

Everyone thanks uh for your help no problem it was great looking at the videos and visiting summer in the middle of winter and had a good time thank you cheers cheers bye for now


  1. Great video chris.traces pond could you move the decking farther away from the highy way allso hide speakers behind the seating arear for some nice back ground sounds to mask the trafic noise.

  2. Hi Chris! Thank you for this great interview and talk about ponds. I have to say that I really like that modular greenhouse-type structure, is there a pond inside? Even at the end of summer these water reservoirs have their charm. Good day.

  3. Great video and so beautiful…in the opening part, is that a wave maker creating those ripples on the water?

  4. Great video Chris. It's so nice to see beautiful weather, and ponds this time of year. Thank you to the folks who let you share their beautiful ponds. Huge thank you to Jim, for doing them with you. We're getting hit today with the white stuff, so we're right there with ya. Hope you, and the family, are doing well. ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ

  5. Those ponds and properties are huge and so well maintained. Imagine the size of the koi you could grow there. Unfortunately for someone like me and my tiny (by comparison) property it's only a dream. Oh well. ๐Ÿ˜ข

  6. Nothing like a great tasting Canadian fish and a drink (not ten lol). Beautiful properties and a great tour.

  7. I like tracy's pond but the highway noise would drive me crazy there has to be something they can do to quiet it down, the second nature pond is a beauty, there are a few ponds that my brother fishes in that look like that but they are so bad it looks like you can walk on them in some spots because of all the years of vegetation build up, I really like the last pond with the bass and perch a fisherman's dream.

  8. Love it Chris, I love seeing these different properties and ponds . Itโ€™s definitely a great video idea and today by me we are getting a big snow storm so itโ€™s nice to see something other than white๐Ÿ˜

  9. Great tours Chris and Jim! I really love the weeping willows around the 3rd pond. I think it's great that Tracy has made such a nice nature area so close to the highway, love the turtles. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a nice weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

  10. So nice to see some green ! Watching this as itโ€™s minus 40 in Edmonton today ! Needed this for a pick me up today ! Great video !

  11. Excellent quality content๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ฏ
    Love it, dear friend๐Ÿค—โค
    Blessings and love from Black Screen & Sounds๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™

  12. Simply stunning & beautiful landscape for those ponds you visited! Thank you Chris for sharing a bit of greenery there on the pond tours, during the winter months here! Very enjoyable to watch! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  13. Hi Chris! Love this video!!! The 1st pond, Tracy's, reminds me a lot of my childhood pond my parents put in. So lovely. My favorite was the last property ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ… That's the absolute dream.. I love all the blue spruce trees, too.. so jealous I can't grow them down here.

  14. Awesome video chris! Really enjoyed every minute of it, you certainly do have some amazing scenery around your area! Very jealous lol. You both make such a great team. Looking forward to upcoming videos with you both. Full view mate ๐Ÿ˜Š keep up the amazing work ๐Ÿ˜Š

  15. Very nice ponds, i personally REALLY like the 2nd one with the nice wall structure. That third property would be a dream to own and live at.

  16. Beautiful properties!
    I like how you and Jim interact with the property owners and with each other!
    You guys always do a great job! Well done!

  17. Great video and nice to have a great friend like Jim.! Really love the ponds and the greenhouse… thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป

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