Edible Gardening

Then & Now Garden Beds #homegrown #gardening #veggiegarden #freshproduce #vegetables #fruits

Lets take a look at were the garden beds were and how they are now.
I have to say I am very happy with how this first year garden is going.
This is not my first year gardening, but it is my first season and year on this property.
In this video, we look at then and now, so much is thriving. There is tomatoes, corn, zucchini, shallots, capsicums, cucumbers, squash, carrots, potatoes, beans, snow peas, parsnip and beetroot!

This is just a quick look at my two big rayed garden beds I have the broad beans I’m getting ready to harvest them my onions along the side there look fantastic I’m very impressed with them my garlic I’m not sure how that’s going to be but it looks healthy it looks

Great on the top I have planted started planting some Tomatoes I’ve got some zucchinis in and I’m very EXC excited about what we’re going to get out of this bed I am going to plant more Tomatoes along here probably some capss and some chilies as well so I’m very

Excited about this and then if we come around we can go have as you can see very real Garden there is overgrown grass we need to mow yet again we’ve had so much rain it just keeps growing I have our brussel sprouts which this is the best I’ve ever been

Able to grow brussels sprouts and behind them I have some Botto beans we have okra beans edamami the edamami doesn’t seem to be growing not sure what I’ve done wrong there some Royal burgundy Royal burgundy bush beans snow peas snap peas potatoes turnips beetroot corn and then there is also

Some radish and what else did I plant in here and some pickling not pickling sorry I’m trying to read the tag some pnps in here so hopefully this will be a good little producer for us as well so it’s about a month and a half 6 weeks later and the broadbands have come

Out I’ve replaced them with cucumber and capsican half of these are grown from seed half of them I’ve bought cuz I’m sort of experimenting and still learning with my seed germination and lighting setup that I’ve got going as you can see not many of my carrot seeds popped up I

Don’t know whether that’s the seeds or when I planted them so I will try filling them in a bit more these are all the tomatoes you can see coming through about I bought about eight of them the rest are actually from seed I’ve got shots down the side there that I planted

Just a little Merry gold plant excuse the random lemons that I’ve just picked off the tree and just place there to try and remember to take inside and as you can see when we go to the left the zucchini plants are thriving they have multiple Zu penies on

Each one the leaves are huge they’re massive it’s fantastic I’m very very excited to see these growing so so well there’s another lemon on the ground there they’re everywhere as you can see here lots of zucchinis lots of baking in the future I think with all of

These and over to our other raised garden bed as you can see I’ve got a couple of rows of corn they’re doing really well a single loone green bean plant my snow peas I believe these a mammoth melting snow peas they’re the ones I’ve always had the most luck with

They’ve always grown fantastically and we’ve been eating off these for at least a month now um every day I come out and I’m able to get a handful and we snack on them or put them in salads it’s fantastic and you can see down the very bottom there our snap peas are starting

To come through uh raw purple burgundy beans I believe they are just the little bush beans there they are delicious as well um I was surprised with the flavor one lone little beetroot as I’m planting some more seeds some volunteer potatoes I’m not sure what potatoes these are but

They’ve sprouted up and I’m just going to let them go and we’ll see what we get out of them and here we have our Harvest of royal blue potatoes s royal blue Royal Purple I’ll have to double check that from about nine seed potatoes I got nearly four kilos of potatoes I did

Harvest them a little bit early but I was really happy with how these came out I will be continuing to plant these they came out fantastically and they’re delicious like And subscribe to keep up to date with content and as always thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time

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