Garden Plans

An Herb Garden Tour in Winter With Spring Plans

This tour includes perennial herbs still active including lavendar, oregano, thyme and rosemary along with sage. Plans for the spring are noted.

Jamie & Chef Beth grow herbs, vegetables and fruits on a half acre urban homestead. We also raise chickens for daily eggs. Our channel includes our gardening vlogs and tips, landscaping advice and recipes for home cooking. Please join us for lots of fun videos and gardening advice.
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Hey everybody I thought we’d do a tour of our uh herb station some alums and whatnot and maybe Inspire some people to start a herb garden for uh 2024 well this is uh the west garden and this is what we call the herb station on a platform all containers of

Course uh you can see now this is the very first day of winter 2023 that’s what’s left of the cilantro actually it was looking really good just two weeks ago I was surprised by that uh there’s a couple of onion in there that is actually a chamomile so these are just hanging out

They will be freshened up in March we’ll do some starts probably late January uh there will be in these two containers the front there you see these pansies that will be be the cilantro next year you see Dill here this is another surprise um it’s made it through some

Very cold temperatures night after night but I think she’s down for the count now but there will be more Dill in that container next year over here is a little Triad of giant red mustard this thing that’s a mom pit mum that put it in triage back here kept

It alive it was looking worse than that believe it or not this is our container of lavender hanging in there nicely we could use the leaves of course no blooms well there’s two little itty bitty blooms but not worth much there’s some Greek oregano and another I’ll probably take that one and

Uh put it back in the ground somewhere in the North Garden these bags of course are growing leaks right now they will all be converted um let’s see three of it at least will be partially next year you see this is cutting celery so one bag will be new cutting

Celery this is uh green onion that we still use for Soups and whatnot it’s a little big still good for Soups and we will start more of that in this uh container there and that seed I’ve been keeping that seed for years now so I think next

Year will be the fourth fourth year so we purchased some seed from uh Johnny’s years ago we’ve been collecting our own seeds since then um now down here those are chives they’ve been around for years as well just cut them back around Thanksgiving so they’re just kind of

Hanging out they’ll be back in the spring I’m sure there’s also basil seed already in there from last year’s basil this is Asian basil and this now this one is a mix of a Lydia and red Ruben and they’ve crossed with each other for two years now so you just never know

What you’re going to get out of there kind of fun really so back to this compartment uh system so we’ll double up on this cut and celery We’ll add new in this block and we will double up with the green onion we will add new in this

Block and then that leaves these four squares there’ll be a curly Italian flat leaf and even a French uh I think it’s sherille is what how you pronounce that it’s French uh parsley which leaves one wild card I might put Killa in there not really sure so right here on the station we

Will have chives green onion cut and celery parsley oregano basil of course this uh lavender and our Dill and cilantro these will be gone by then um not sure we will add much more herbwise out here other than some chili peppers get a little heat and soups and

Whatnot now the cool thing about this sorry we’re going into the Sun that door is the kitchen door so we’re literally just a few Paces out to fresh herbs Chef Beth just loves this setup we did this a few years back got these pallets from a friend some blocks under there various siiz

Containers um there was no plan on the containers just get what you got and use what you got that kind of thing but it’s really really handy to have a herb station this close to your kitchen let’s head over to the West over here well the rais beds this whole setup

Is the west side of our Gardens here I planted 64 garlic cloves 61 came up I did actually count I basically counted the ones that didn’t come up so I’m missing three that’s okay I could have doubled it but I gave the rest of my garlic to my oldest brother

So he could get into growing some garlic and uh this will be ready to go oh gosh uh about June about June we’ll be pulling this garlic using a lot of fresh make some powder save some back to grow it again over there on that tea steak uh I’ve already

Put in the ground some uh Tabasco peppers from last year so they should germinate themselves after they do their uh natural stratification and of course there’s more pansies the leafes are edible you can jack up a salot with a little color if you want want and the rest of this area in the

Spring will probably be uh leafy greens oops Got a shadow hold on so here uh if you’re following the channel you can see I took the top off because the willow oak which in the South we refer to those as pen Oaks well some people do but

They’re not really uh the Leafs are done and here are the leak what’s left of them there’s quite a few in there they’re probably just going to hold tight through the winter now but they have a little jump about a four- week jump maybe five and I will be healing

Those up in the springtime uh I may pull half of them however in the springtime make room for shallots back here half of this should be shallots already I just could not find any didn’t want to buy them online and then pay for shipping it’s not like we’re Market gardening said it’s just

Not economical to do that um but my nurser he said they should have shallots in in the spring so let’s head over to the North Garden because we have some herbs over here as well this is the north Corner used to be a wall of aelas back

There and it was just a viny mess so I tore it all out and put some m that down um as you can see here this is Rose of Sharon I only start it with two everything else are volunteers this one got pulled down by honeysuckle years ago so we’ve made a

Nice little uh effect here walking through the Sharon to get to the back and then we’re leaving a gap right here back in the ditch area I apologize for the shadow this is where the lemon bomb was you can see on the ground there that’s that of Lydia and red Ruben

Basil and I’ll scrape that out the uh lemon bomb will come back that basil will come back so this will be a wall of a lemon bomb and basil that we can get whenever we need there will be a lot more than we would ever use and then in a container

Here is uh English time we don’t have any time at our herb station so Beth has to come out here if she wants time this one actually goes back to 2018 sentimental instead of tossing it I pulled what was left of it that was green and it was only like maybe this

Much and it’s come back I might I might put this back in the ground to see if I could uh get it to spread even more I’ll show you why in a second we also have Rosemary and a container those are cuting also from a 2018 Rosemary and this will be uh

Peppers in the uh spring so talk to keep the Rosemary here as a comp companion plant this is a barricade keep my chickens out of this thing uh it works nothing fancy but it works and then again um I’ll try to lighten this up that’s a shady little corner right

Now that is actually um lemon time also 2018 it’s always been in the ground so I moved it about 9 ft from one corner to the other but you can see the difference between this one and the previous one in the small bag they both 2018 uh and this time is just loving

Life needs to be cut back a little bit off of my border there that flag Stone’s covered up and I will probably do that in the spring it’ll be fine it’ll come back with a vengeance and it’s also in here where I may put some oregano need to do a little

Research see if oregano is good or bad more importantly if it’s bad for beans back side will be pole beans um pretty sure you can grow it with tomatoes but I’ll have a lot of sweet alysom in here this will be the Tomato stand

So um just a cover crop not a herb per se but I might move some of that oregano back in here um so that’s another way to do it if you’re uh particularly with your perennials just pop them in the ground they’ll do a lot better that way anyway

And uh you just pay attention to what you’re planting around them but for the most part herbs play well with everything um one thing to watch out for is planting your onions with your beans I think that’s correct I don’t know it’s early morning my brain’s been playing tricks on me all

Week but anyway that’s another way to do it is get your herbs into your Gardens as companion plants and then the last of our herbs we keeping our sage in the greenhouse this year uh because last year we had an Arctic plast in December and it did wipe

Out all of my sage one came back later um but I had already replaced it this is a uh golden Edge that’s your standard beer Garten and this is called tricolor so we brought them in here so that they wouldn’t uh if we do get down

In the teens at least they have a Fighting Chance inside this greenhouse uh right now it’s 40 some degrees out there maybe high 30s what time is it yeah it’s still high 30s uh but you can see this is 68 already just from the greenhouse

Effect so so we went ahead and put them in here so that we don’t have to go through that process again if we get an Arctic freeze this entire section over here in fact it’s been created in the last I think three seasons um and we didn’t have anything

Here this was just a driveway all of our herbs that’s a old compost I need to tear down all of our herbs were in this North Garden as companion plants every bit of it and we had ginormous uh gigantic lemon bomb and oregano was hip high and 3 by3 it was

Crazy um but more importantly you know in the dead of winter um along with having to stay out in the cold too long to get your herbs there’s also the fact to have to bend over to get your herbs so welcome to Urban gardening we have it off fire engines police cars

Everything anyway to keep from bending over so much and making it quicker to get the herbs in the winter we just moved it up over here um you have to watch your son this table down here actually gets a lot of shade that uh is why will push this Dill

In a cilantro that way try to delay it bolting uh later in the spring well there you have it you saw a little planning in there what we’re going to do with those bags uh if you’re new please consider subscribing and merry Christmas everybody and happy New Year


  1. You have a great collection of plants. Herbs are so easy to grow 🌱 each year we discover more varieties that will grow in our climate. Merry Christmas πŸŽ„ and Happy New Year πŸŽ† to you as well β›„οΈβ„οΈβ˜ƒοΈ

  2. Nice assortment of herbs! I have a large selection of culinary/medicinal herbs. It's so awesome to have fresh herbs. Thanks for the tour!

  3. Aloha shared πŸ’²cropsπŸ’² your birds sound like home (philly) when i watch filipino they have hawaii birds. Different morning doves (mourning?) etc. πŸŽ„πŸ•―οΈπŸŽ„… Hawaii has yellow firetrucks & they all have surfboards

  4. Dad bought 7 blue spruce tree. We moved to country. Took them they about a yr old. Some got moved. One was moved 3x ( 4 actually) two died theyre 66yr old. I was taller till 8th grade. 5 tree still around. The one that was moved is very noticably different size but if cuy they all have same rings

  5. Amazing, Christmas and you still have tins growing.
    We tucked most things in but still getting carrots, greens and bunching onions !!
    Cheers Jules πŸŒ±πŸ€žπŸ‘

  6. On my page I just post bird ball. A guy in school had hampster ball. Hampster would go around dorm. This is cage ball around chicken so can eat/graze & safe from predators

  7. Love the rose of Sharon path and the north garden with pathways too. ❀ Happy New Year PEACE ✌️ LOVE AND HEALTH.

  8. I always enjoy yours and Beth's herb garden. Although better in person, πŸ˜‰. Happy New Year to all of you!

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