@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: Is there Behind the Scenes Weeding that We Don’t See? // Favorite Tree on the Property? // Recap 🌿

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  1. Your mom probably had brushed nickel hardware in her kitchen. We refinished our kitchen about 4 years ago and I played it safe with the same. Great advice about choosing colors that you love, I now wish I would have gone for the gold also. I feel the same about ribbon on a tree, I could never get it perfect so now I use bows that I can place exactly where I want. Easy to store them in a big tote too. Great conversations with Aaron 😊

  2. So glad you ditched the ribbon !!! I just always felt like the ribbon covered the ornaments and made the trees so "full" if that makes any sense . To formal I guess .?

  3. Laura,
    The day you said weren’t feeling good, yet chopping roses, you actually were informative, ie. “Getting the limbs out of pathways,” was helpful since I have wondered if that is okay to do in my roses.
    Even when you think you aren’t informative, you are! Thank you again for all you do. Also when you gave Samantha Grace marshmallows to cut, was so cute and a way to keep her involved. What a sweet mommy!
    Renee from Loveland Colorado

  4. My outdoor cats don’t like it inside either, but I have them locked up in the guest room anyways lol. Our heated water bowl broke and was frozen solid. I said NOPE… Maybe one of the neighborhood cats that are always trying to get in their heated beds and food will be able to get some use out of them while I have mine inside too. In a few days when the temp gets back above 10 and we have a new water bowl I’ll reconsider their prison sentence lol.

  5. I like having a horse barn close to the house. I live in Colorado and winter feeding can be miserable. I do not have a barn so I feed outside. but I really like my horses just outside my back door.

  6. Same here I don’t get sick often and I’ve been sick twice since Oct Hope you guys don’t get sick anymore ❤

  7. For the look you want to achieve for your horses, you need to take a look at the horse farms around Lexington, KY. Look at the place where the best are bred and raised. That is derby country!!

  8. Horses are tons of work, training, feeding, cleaning, vet, and fairer. They need lots of attention.

  9. If you can make imagine, I do not watch TV. I watch Netflix only intentionally. I watch and/or listen to your videos because they are inspirational in many different ways. I learn from you whether I use that knowledge or not. I can search your videos for certain relevant content if necessary. I’ve not seen a “bad video” in the many years I’ve watched. You are appreciated for the person/people you are. Thank you for sharing your family and knowledge ❤

  10. Thanks for this week's recap! By the way, I love the way you decorate and your style. I'm with you on the mid century modern – not my cup of tea. Have a great week:-)

  11. All cats act like they're starving to death. Ours do too and they are well fed. They don't want to stay in at night either. They would rather be outside cuddled up somewhere

  12. Hi Aaron, hi Laura. In watching your channel right now and you’re talking about not comparing yourself with other gardening Youtubers, to me it doesn’t matter how many other gardening Youtubers there are out there you’re the only one I watch so you can copy all the other things the other Youtubers are doing and I will watch it because I don’t watch them. Keep up the good work.

  13. 🐴 Jack Barnwell will know stable designers and horsey people in Mackinac and Florida, prob all over the place, since he works in those circles. Maybe take a family vacation to Kentucky before spring work hits; if so, be sure to visit Old Friends Equine in Lexington, a sanctuary for retired race horses — amazing place!

  14. Re: succulent watering. I use two trays, one has holes under each little potted plant, the other is a sold tray with a layer of pebbles. I nest the first tray into the second one while the plants drink. Once they're done drinking i lift the first tray and place it into a third tray that is solid and dry. (All of the solid trays have a layer of pebbles so it's easy to separate the trays.)

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