Garden Plans

Our Thoughts On This Years Plan For Sherpa

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The Animation 😍😍

The Snowdog & The Robin Book

Sherpa A New Beginning

Sherpa A Letter From Paris

Sherpa In Search of Snow

Got a bit of lamb chopped today and rice and some broccoli sherpe has got Apple broccoli Lily’s Kitchen biscuits sprats it’s very excited aren’t you you ready come on buddy that’s it first day entry and that’s really cool look it’s got a sticky bit where you can attach so it’s a pen

Holder very cool little things e that’s what we got same again really got a bin day today got put the bin out don’t know where sherp is he’s uh he’s gone outside somewhere there he he is over there look just doing a patrol as she’s getting soaking I’m

Going to call him in problem is when it drizzles but it’s like really really raining you kind see it he can’t feel it so he doesn’t think he’s getting wet so he stays outside and he gets soaked but he doesn’t feel it because it’s only drizzle you’re a

Fool so we’ve got someone coming over today to measure up for a an outdoor building to go over where that shed currently is at the moment I’ve got no idea what it’s going to cost I think it’s going to be extortion at prices but there’s no Home in there’s no

There’s no harm in trying and just seeing what they say so he’s coming around at 10:00 today see I don’t mess around look is the second of January and I’m already uh already trying to do things for sherper oh this is the guy turned up yep there we Go oh well at least the grass is going to be green we’ll be complaining in the summer we haven’t got rain so I don’t want to moan too much yeah the point of doing all this is I think i’ I’ve been trying to think of what to do this

Year uh even though I love my traveling I don’t think shepher is really I mean he can do traveling now but he likes his garden he can’t walk up steps he can’t walk very far you know he can’t do big old travels like we used to so I thought

Well let’s uh let’s get the house sorted this year sherper can stay at home uh in the garden every now and again I can hop on my bike and just ride to the Sea go for a swim you know cornwall’s gorgeous we can enjoy Cornwall and uh

It’s the best of both really I’ll have lots to work on if I’ve got like a a workshop there and storage over there and um yeah maybe put a little allotment in just around the corner there as well gross and veg I think that’s what it’s

Called so yeah that the plan we’re going to see what the quotes come back as because they are two big buildings the building over there is going to be 25 ft by 10 ft uh 15 for of it will be a workshop and 10 for of it will be outside space with the

Roof so yeah we’ll see we’ll we’ll see it’s yeah I’m just trying to think of a plan for this year like I said because sherp can do lots of traveling he can but when we get there he’s there’s not a lot he can do so if he can stay at home in

His garden for his retirement for a lot of it and I can have lots to do at the same time it’s a win-win really we’re working on the the house where we’re going to live forever and sherper doesn’t get carted around everywhere as well so that’s the

Plan just go see how much it’s all going to cost all right time for this one to retire with the rest on to the next one what’s the kitchen temperature the kitchen temperature is 17.5 de how cool is that you can link it up to the Alexa yeah me someone’s getting some

Beef tonight aren’t they let’s get some chores done I suppose hoofing it down again today okay let’s put one of the rugs through the washing machine and see how it came out yeah it’s actually yeah I think it’s coming out fine it’s got to dry it off

Now I washed the mini thing as well the mini um cover and it’s come out really good wash one of the carpets as well it’s taking ages to dry though but yeah that’s come out really well so we got another busy day today as you can see little red isn’t there

Little Red’s gone in for a service because can you believe that it’s been 10,000 miles already since we had the last service in April and once it’s finished we’re swapping it over taking the van in the van has also done 10,000 miles since April so yeah we’ve done

20,000 miles in both of them uh in the last or nine months something like that uh eight months nine months so it was time to get them both serviced uh we’ve got somebody popping over at 10:00 to give us a quote on something uh we’ve had a couple of quotes on the shed

Outside but I don’t think it’s going to happen honestly things are way way more expensive than I think they are it’s it’s Bonkers um I don’t know if it’s labor or if it’s materials or what but you think it’s going to be a certain price and it

Turns turns out that it’s sort of eight times that amount and it’s like well no we can’t do it then uh so yeah we’re we’re still we’re still yeah we’re still trying to think of what to do for this year what the plan is this year and um

That’s what I’m struggling with at the moment but it’s morning so it’s time to make a coffee well I spoke too soon started bloody rain isn’t it oh you kidding me it was so blue just now honestly it’s like it teased us we woke up in the morning and it was lovely

And the sun was out it was really really nice have a coffee and it starts to PE it down oh dear sorry shs


  1. Sherpa is getting older and probably would like to retire now. We love your shows and do what is best for Sherpa and you.

  2. Sherps love that dinner you had for him … I hope this year will be relaxing in your new home and a big garden ❤… he is getting older

  3. We are in the middle of our summer in Australia and we are having the same weather here rain rain and more rain it’s more like winter then summer but in the next few days it is suppose to be summer we will wait and see lol

  4. So sorry to see Sherpas aging and slowing down. Y9u are giving h8m the best gift with a wonderhouse and garden! He is so lucky to have had you for a best friend and daddy!

  5. Whatever you decide will be fine! Sherpa will love to spend time with you no matter what you choose to do. As for thinking of his health and his joints, I can understand completely as this winter here has been brutal, especially with the snow storm we just had over the weekend. About a foot of the white powdery stuff fell in my hometown, and I honestly wish I could send it elsewhere to those who enjoy it most. Take care of our favorite fluff and yourself of course! We shall always watch no matter what the video is.

  6. Jamie, you seem to be having the same sort of weather as we are at the moment on the Gold Coast in Australia. One minute it’s a nice day then the next minute it’s throwing it down with rain, and this goes on all day, rain, sun, rain, sun until you want to scream in frustration! I pray the weather gets better for all of us soon. Happy New Year to you and Sherpie, we love you both. 👍👏🥰

  7. Just like old people, Sherpa likes a more relaxed life in his golden years. I know I do!☺🥰

  8. Hi Jamie, I know your birthday is coming next week, if I remember correctly. I just wanted to wish you the happiest birthday celebration 🎉 🎈 on your Special day! My Love to Sherpa, too! I look forward to seeing you both almost daily as soon as you put new one's up.

  9. Well done let him lie in the cold wet grass .It won't help his poor sore bones . Bless baby Sherpa we love him xxx

  10. So glad sherpa will still enjoy his old age by visiting people and key and enjoying his home and more importantly his garden. I love watching sherpa asleep in his garden or whatever he does.

  11. I understand about Sherps not being able to do all the walking and stairs or long travels these days. We move across the country 2 years ago and thought we’d get the 3 huskies a chance to get used to the new area before exploring/traveling. When we were ready to adventure my first Husky who is 15 now started having mobility issues which add to her stress. It’s been 2 years and really want to see things, but for her comfort we just enjoy our yard and our neighborhood. Today she’s ok with a mile, but gets cranky if she’s gone too far. I hate seeing our dogs get to their senior age I still see her as a spry girl

  12. Aw….. It can't have been an easy decision to make for you both but i think it's the best one. I for one can't wait to see your little excursions around Cornwall (It's my favourite place) and I love watching you both at home…. Sherpa in his garden and you pottering about doing your chores. Looking forward to spending 2024 with you both. 👍 Hugs and belly rubs! 🐾🐾❤️

  13. You don’t have to go anywhere fancy for us, Sherpa could just be sleeping and we’ll watch.

    Jamie, do you think – couldn’t you build a workshop/shed on your own? Wood had gotten expensive but it’s the carpenters that really cost. You’re very good at things and you can find how to on YouTube.

  14. I agree with you Jamie. Sherpa is enjoying his garden and he is getting slower! Best house for you both. Sherpa's retirement NICE!

  15. Jamie I think this years plan will work since Sherpa is getting older and loves his home and yard he will be happy for sure. Have a great day.

  16. With anything to build is expensive today, do the shed/ summer house in stages. I did this with my summer house. Got the ground work done with the electric first then shop around and boy did I do this, to get the best deal, I ve now got my summerhouse albeit it took 10 months but I did save tons of money❤

  17. If your staying home definitely start a vegetable garden. I’d say find and buy a shed or out building in a kit (if they do that in England) do the labor yourself (maybe bribe sister to help) and save the difference.. you’d get plenty of content out of the project. Get to learn new things and skills. You’ve built mutiple camper vans. I’m confident you could assemble a shed or gazebo or really anything you want to do!! 😁👍.

    Also plant a few fruit trees… in a few years Sherpa the 2nd will be loving fresh apples and whatnot off the trees.

  18. I just read some of the comments and it's all about what's good for Sherpa and you. That's love ❤. And don't worry about the shed thing, Jamie. You'll work it out. You always do.

  19. It’s Time for Sherpa to be a proper Lord of the Manner. Sherpa can be lying sleeping and I would still watch. With all those diaries you could become a writer and publish all his adventures. ❤

  20. Why don't you get a retractable awning from the back and cover the path or even part of the deck for Sherpa to lay in the rain near the house

  21. I have a 16 year old Doxie lying on my feet this instant. . .while I watch Sherps walk patrol around his lawn. I’m old and acknowledge that I am, and cannot do what I could only 2-3 years ago—same as my Doxie, same as Sherps, but we’ll all get by. Our world may get a bit smaller, but it also gets a bit more manageable. And I’m just as certain that you will find some things for entertaining Sherps that will keep us all entertained.

  22. Remember how Sherpa reacted when you got back from London?
    He couldn’t be more happier anywhere, than he is in his garden.🥰

  23. Sherpa gets most of his exercise while sleeping! Hilarious! Cute! Healthy! Don't get into morgage for sheds and other bulding projects that you can live without – wait till you have saved the amont needed. Something might even pop up, which you haven't thought about before – serendipity, you know! I wish you that!

  24. Love seeing Sherpa bit like my boy getting older so we adapt to their needs .if they don't want to do things that's ok .unconditional love all the way💙🐕

  25. Jamie you don't have to have big adventures. Sherpa loves going away and loves the beaches. As he gets older you don't have to walk everywhere and could just bring a blanket and have a lovely picnic on the beach or in a forest. He does love his garden but he loves going too…as long as you are there he is happy.

  26. HAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! 😀😁😂🤣😜🤪🤫🤭
    BUT ALSO: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 🤩🥰😍❤💞💖💝💘

    HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! 😀😁😂🤣😜🤪🤫🤭

  27. Your home is looking lovely, Jamie. Really looks comfy and adapted to your and Sherpa's well being. Congratulations. Yeah, a "staycation" suits an ease of being. New Year's blessings in abundance. Stay warm and cozy🎉💖🌿

  28. You do what's best for you and your precious Sherpa. Totally fine to do as you please and what you think best for your pup. You're a great Dad.

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