Japanese Garden

I scored on this toy hunt! Japanese Toys, posters and VHS GOLD!

Follow me on Instagram @theo_cane_slimehouse

What’s good Slime Gang?!

Had a bunch of dope stuff in, the vintage toy and VHS hunting gods have been very kind to me recently, hit the link in my bio and story to see that gold!

‘Wittle Goblin’ by Witty, check out her awesome YouTube channel here! ‎@wittlegoblin

Shouts to

Also check out @bssterrain & @malev_minis !!!

And everyone else supporting who made this video possible, mad love!

Check out @kaijumcartney on IG for that Japanese toy hook up

‘Wittle Goblin’ by Witty, check out her awesome YouTube channel here! @wittlegoblin

Also check out @bssterrain and malev_minis for their latest game releases

Big shouts to http//www.sabercustom.com on the incredible lightsabre!

SaberCustom Dueling Xenopixel v3 Light Saber Smooth Swing Infinite Colors Changing C007

My Name is Theo Cane, welcome to Slime House TV!
If you love 80’s and 90’s action figures, games, movies and pop culture, chances are you will dig my channel.
If you liked this video, why not go back and binge the back catalogue, there is a lot of it and no doubt you will see one of two videos in there that also make you feel something. Enjoy!

Check out Toxic Crusaders Restorations video

Music by @Occams_Laser
new album now, available at:

#wittlegoblin #vhscollection #killerklownsfromouterspace

Slime House TV my selfie okay hope everybody is blessed going to have a bit of a catch up with you today got lots of new stuff in going to show you some of the new things that I’ve acquired been out and about doing some collaborations and things so yeah just going to tell

You a little bit about it in today’s episodes and uh show you some of the stuff that I’ve acquired whilst on those little missions out and about and meeting up with people before I get into any of that though I just want to say that tonight turgo goes live by the time

That you’ve seen this video turgo will have already been out the action figure that I’ve spent all this time making with rainbow ywn that actually goes live tonight as of me recording this it is the 2nd of December so he goes live tonight at 8:00 p.m. by now hopefully by

The time this video drops he’s all sold out and uh on the way to the people all around the world so just want to say a massive thank you for that in advanc and also if you did miss out on getting a turgo you really wanted one or you

Wasn’t in a position where you was able to buy one but you want to support the turgo movement and the little hype that we’ve got going on at the minute you can buy one of my exclusive art prints these are limited to 50 they come with a

Limited edition trading card these are a available right now over at slous store.com there’s still some left so if you want to be part of the little turgo hype train that we’ve got going on at the minute you want to be part of that event you want to support slime house in

A smaller way then you can buy one of them right now their 20 plus Postage and I will be personally signing them and sending them out wherever they need to be in the world so yeah slimehow store.com for that so first of all I want to shout out

My friend Kaiju McCartney over on Instagram this is a guy that Imports a loot of Japanese exclusives over here to England and then put some on his UK eBay store so that people like me who are not in Japan right now can pick up a little something and that’s exactly what I did

When I saw that he’ put so much cool stuff on his eBay store he’d had such a good lot in imported from Japan I had to get involved because his prices were really really nice and I thought you know what if I’m not buying this stuff

Then who is so yeah I pulled the trigger and bought a couple of little bits off Kaiju to uh to support what he’s doing and hopefully he’ll be really happy with the stuff that’s in this box so yeah there he is kaiju McCartney I’ll put his Instagram handle down below and if you

Want to head over to his eBay store as as well you’ll see a bunch of Japanese exclusive stuff over here in England at real nice prices so yeah man shouts to my guy for that so this is the first thing that I got off him I bought two

Things this is the first one so this is a they’re actually quite heavy as well it’s heavier than I expected this is a cool bag of an old rat toy bag actually from Japan of little colored keshi characters all from the Japanese toas satu kaiju series zone fighter a just

For a header card alone absolutely awesome little bit of trivia about Zone fighter as well this was a TV series that was kind of set in the same universe as the Godzilla shower era so Godzilla’s in quite a few episodes gigen and kadora also turn up as well whether

It’s Cannon or not I don’t know but it’s really cool to see Godzilla in a TV series so yeah as you know I love that late 70s toas satsu Kaiju stuff so I had to pull the trigger on them and I love brightly colored kesi as well I’ve got

So many of them but I can never get enough of them and the second thing that’s in here is again wrapped up really nice so this is a poster now he’s got lots of posters probably still on his eBay store he’s probably got lots still there cuz he had

Like 20 posters and the prices of them were so cheap I had to get involved I had to do it even though I’ve got so many posters and uh not enough wall space for all the posters that I own I’ve told you before I have to switch

Them around in my house and stuff so I have also got some posters to show you later I also unboxed a load of posters in that recent episode that I did where I had moisturizer on my nose and I showed you all those VHS and things so

Again yeah I’ve got more posters than any one man would ever need but I had to get this because it was awesome not even the biggest fan of this movie as you’ll know if you watch that Cosmic toys episode that we did recently I came back with a cool Bandai Mothra figure from

One of the Mothra movies that I’m not even the biggest fan of but I love the look of the movies I love the puppetry in them I love the Kaiju in them and I love the art style and stuff so I had to get this so check that bad boy I just

Love the artwork on it I love that design of Mothra it’s all in Japanese it’s a really big poster but I thought you know what in the new studio I’m thinking of having one of the walls blue that just going to look really nice on

There but I just thought it was wicked I thought you know what and it was like 20 quid for that poster as well so I thought you know what 20 quid for a exclusive Japanese poster I’m going in I’m having that it’s a real nice piece

And I like to support my boy I like to support people that are doing cool things as you know this is a guy that’s importing so much stuff over from Japan and mandari and that kind of thing so wanted to support it wanted to show what

He’s doing is a good thing and that people like me appreciate it and if you’re into that and you go over to his eBay store and you make a purchase as well obviously you’re someone that appreciates it also so speaking of posters again if you did watch the

Episode recently where you saw that I unboxed all those VHS and those old movie posters I said that these were all from a guy down in Conwell and uh I bought a bunch off him and then I got paid for a job and I thought you know

What I’m going to buy some more because that shop is soon going to be open to the public and uh I want to make sure that there’s nothing there that I’ve not rinsed through before it gets open to the public while I’ve got the opportunity to do so so it would uh it

Would have been silly for me not to go in again and buy a few things so I feel like now I’ve kind of rinsed every single thing that I would want from that shop unless he finds a bunch more stuff that I didn’t know about but the first

Thing that I’ve got to show you is a couple more posters that I got off him so this is an old video shop poster check that look Child’s Play and I’ve not looked through these since they’ve been delivered by the way I looked at

One on the top and I put it on my Instagram which was pum man but I haven’t had a look through the bags what I do basically is I get my friend to send me a photograph of the shelves and I just circle all the ones that I want

And I only get to see the spines a lot of the time cuz there’s so many to go through so haven’t actually had a look through these but check out awesome that is that’s an old Child’s Play movie post off Warner home video just another nice

One to have and why these are cool is cuz you can put them in a folder you can put these in cuz they’re like what A2 size so you can buy an A2 art folder and you can just put a bunch of these in it

And have it just like as a big coffee table book this one here is a gift from my friend Phil who sorted me out the deal check that he threw that in as well that’s an old video shop poster of Freddy versus Jason I have never been so

Hyped for a film as a kid when I was a little kid and this was coming out I was so hyped for it I dreamt about seeing Freddy versus Jason for years and finally seeing it on the big screen was such a dope moment for me and uh yeah it

Did didn’t disappoint some people didn’t like it but me as like a 15-year-old kid I thought it was the best thing ever so that’s awesome man that’s really cool that’s also going to go in my folder of posters in my big coffee table style book of posters that I’ve got that I’ve

Been saving for years I’ll show it you one day I’ll show it you I’ll get it out and we can look at it one day on an episode check that from a whisper to a screen with Vincent Price I believe that was the last movie that Vincent Price

Ever worked on if if not I might be wrong as you know sometimes my knowledge on movies is a little hazy but I’ll get closeup photos of all these for you obviously but I’ve always really liked that poster Vincent Price looks awesome he’s got the rot in hand there with the

Little haunted house down below the haunted looking house and just another really really cool poster and uh for the prices that I was getting these for like you you would anything I’m just like yeah I’ll take it I’ll take it so let’s get into some VHS I’ll just start

Stacking them up like we do in fact I’ll stack them here and already I’m seeing some absolute Banger titles so what we got Jackie Chan the protector on one home video scorpion Thunderbolt with Richard Harrison never seen that one that looks incredible I’m going to get like a VHS player set up in

The studio so that when I’m working I can just have it on in the background I’ve got it already I just not set it up yet specters another one that I’ve never seen before sometimes these have like different titles to what I might know him as but look at that that doesn’t

Even have a that doesn’t even have a title on the spine you’re not selling that one very well are you got here caty’s curse that one I just went in just cuz I like the cover that’s one of the ones that I did see the cover and

I’ve never seen that film before oh I just thought yo that cover is incredible so I had to get that look how mad this is it says I sent money to the mad house the butler scared to death I threw Nanny out the window now three of us are left

My daddy my dolly and me me me kath’s curse looks uh looks like a little bit of a Mad one oh this is real nice check this tiger jaw on an old clamshell these are the ones that I like the most on these old clam shells these are the ones

That are usually quite moldy inside H not too bad little bit of mold you can clean it off and I’ve been looking out to clean it off more and more you can like open up your VHS player and run it through with like a cloth in your hand

And some uh some special cleaner and stuff so no doubt I’ll have a whole day doing that at one point and I’ll probably video it for the channel as well make a little archive video out of it but yeah really like those old like Vietnam Rambo kind of ripoffs and this

One is also surprisingly signed by someone he said that actually because one of them signed so it looks like it could be signed by David warbeck who is the guy that starred in this movie signed by David warbeck just a little added extra a nice little happy ACC that

Is awesome who’s next I’ll have to cover that one up cuz it’s got some uh it’s got some naked female chest there so we’ll cover that one up so that we don’t get demonetized we’ve also got the creeper by knife by rope by axe another

One that I’ve not seen before you see as a kid we would watch these like back to back so sometimes you forget which ones you’ve seen we’d watch like 10 in a row and quite often they would all just blur into one and you would forget what the

Titles are and things but every now and again I’ll put one of these on and I’m like I swear I saw this as a kid I remember this scene I remember that death when you’re a kid a lot of the times you just watch these for the death

Scenes you don’t even know what the story is oh check that real nice one by the legendary Lucio fche love me a bit of Lucio fche sodom’s ghost real nice one there real nice cover bloody psycho another Lucio fche Lucio fuli presenta this looks like it’s Italian it looks

Like it’s in it looks like it’s all foreign so that’s awesome nice when you’ve got like a little bit of foreign variation on your shelf we’ve got a bunch of BTC knocking my mic over there got a bunch of VTC so I talked before about these VTC covers they really nice

They’re all in Gold they look really cool on the Shelf so I basically bought some last time and this time I just said look any VTC I’ll just take all of them because they all look really nice when they’re displayed they’re a real nice like display all together so we got the

Changeling another classic we got liquid Sky not one that I’ve seen but um my sister might have seen that one it looks like the kind of thing she would watch The Arc of the sun god check that cover you can’t beat those old like fantasy Adventure painted covers So Dope the

Black cat another absolute classic needs no introduction possession with Sam Neil another one that my sister no doubt really likes the incubus you’re starting to see like a pattern now with these gold VTC covers they like re-release movies that are already being out under the VTC label and normally I’m not

Really a big fan of that but when it comes to VTC I don’t know I just got a soft spot for him it’s called Murder baby another one that I’ve not seen at least I don’t remember seeing it but this is a top shelf mystery thriller

Could be a Jello not a Jello I’ve heard of but I could put it on them within 3 seconds know if it’s a Jello or not just because they usually start with very distinct music and like title cards and things well this is one that I did see

This is one that was on the top I put this on my Instagram because I just couldn’t not when I saw it Puma man so I’ve never seen Puma man but I have seen the Mystery Science Theater version when they’re watching Puma man which made it

A bit of a cult classic as well but having it in that cover in that original release with no certificate or anything How cool is that it just looks like absolute gold there those are the ones that you want on your shelf I’m not bothered about having stuff like Pulp

Fiction and Game of Death and All Those like Classic Movies I’ll keep them on 4K Blu-ray these are the ones that I want on my VHS shelf these real obscure ones Mal perat tuis with Aon Wells another one that I’ve not seen but got a really really dope cover there I’ve spoke about

It before VHS art is my favorite artwork of all time the movie poster art and the VHS art it all rolls into one it’s my without doubt my favorite kind of art of all time star Knight don’t know what that one is but it’s on veston International video you know I like a

Veston release and uh look looking at the back it looks a bit like rage war or dungeon master as it’s also called we called it rage War over here on the VHS that I’ve got but looks like you’ve got a dude that’s jumping through different time zones maybe cuz there’s a spaceship

There but then there’s a guy in a suit of armor there’s what looks like a dude in like robotic space armor fighting an orc definitely looks like my cup of tea that’s uh that’s one that I’m definitely going to enjoy checking out for the first time ever assassin look at that

Cover tell me that Ain one of the dopest covers you’ve ever seen half robot half man with his gun there almost making him look like he’s got a Darth Vader helmet with a robotic arm like there was a whole plethora of Terminator ripoffs that came out around the time of the

Original Terminator release and this is just one of them but yeah again I’ve not seen that for years and when I did see it was on like a really grainy rip this is probably not going to be much better I’m talking about it like it’s a 4K

Blu-ray but yeah completely mold free so hopefully that’s a nice version and I can enjoy sitting down and watching that when we’ve got the studio all set up and the last one from that bag gardien of death one that again I’ve not seen there’s so many here that I’ve not seen

The first Bunch that I bought I bought a lot that I’d seen before that I knew this time when I look through I goes you know what I’m just going to go ham with any that’s got a really dope cover and title so Garden Of Death it looks like

Yeah some crazy like killer Garden that kills these beautiful women and uh yeah more evil than the dead so yeah it’s basically saying that it’s more evil than Evil Dead there’s that Infamous scene in the original Evil Dead where the girl gets taken out and attacked by

A tree this looks like a whole movie of that probably got lots of reverse photography of vines wrapped around girls arms and then pulling them away and then reversing it to look like the tree’s attacking her so that’s that bag okay we got another bag full so how many

Have we got there so far 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 we got 21 there and probably another 20 OD in this bag so yeah like 40 tapes all together straight away absolute classic George Romero Season of the Witch check that that’s a real nice

Cover and a real nice release as well Astro video this is a a release I’ve not seen before that is why that’s why check this for old school beta Max what do you know about betax he did say he goes some of them are beta Max do you care I goes

Hell no I don’t care I love betax so yeah check that look how little that tape is little cute one beat a Max was something a bit like HD DVDs when they came out something that didn’t last very long a lot like laser discs and things

And for yeah a short space of time you could buy little tiny versions of videos I remember once when I was a kid at the CaRu I bought the Ghoulies thinking it was a big box VHS and it was a beta Max and was quite disappointed nowadays I

Would love that but as a kid knowing that I couldn’t watch the Ghoulies because it was betax and I didn’t have a betax player was was quite harrowing avenging angel look at the state of that release man look that is absolutely terrible but I’ve got like King Kong

Escapes on one of these releases when they were getting those Japanese films and films from the Far East sent over re and repackaged and dubbed so that we could watch them quite often they came in really terrible covers like that in a nice clam shell but like that’s probably

Got some really cool painted artwork we just didn’t get that we got like a really grainy blown up screenshot from the movie in like a dirty sepia tone oh we got some more VTC bad boys we’ve got for Apache the Bronx another classic there we’ve got a force of one what do

You know about a force of one and then we’ve also got another version of the black cat because uh yeah the Black Cat’s a classic so we got two versions of the black cat on BTC that’s interesting it must have been so popular that they released it twice check that

The black cat to be fair I think I’ve got like three versions of possession as well now I’m going to have the dpus V Chester display on when I eventually get around to doing that big VHS display that I keep talking about I’ve got like five times the amount of what I’ve got

Here in this bag it’s going to be a really really dope display so what else have we got check that cover there Kung Fu Emperor you don’t know that’s an amazing cover I can I can tell you that the film doesn’t actually look like that butth yeah that cover anyway is really

Really awesome we’ve also got shadow of the werewolf here a film that I’ve never seen it’s got a terrible cover and it also looks like it’s got Jam Lee Curtis on the back from Halloween uh with I don’t know I’ve never seen that one Paul nashy and Gabby

F I think if it start Jam Lee Curtis it would probably say on the front cover would it not but uh yeah maybe not that’s a weird anomaly one that I’m going have to look into I just like the look of the cover it was just like you

Like bad good rest in peie check this bad boy you got to love it there’s so many old VHS horror movies where it’s just a dude reaching towards the screen with like a zombie bitten hand and uh yeah I can I can never get enough of them got

Some narly makeup effects as well check that like his cheek is all bit off with his teeth exposed love it appointment with fear I always like that cover when we went to SP and Squire’s house he had the nice poster of that so had to pick that one up ghost keeper another one

That I’ve got to familiarize myself with I can almost guarantee though that the creature that’s in this movie looking at the back of it looks nothing like that dope thing that’s on the front cover there check that it’s like a a mad chicken devil so uh yeah I can guarantee

That the thing in the movie looks nowhere near as cool as that does evil speak an absolute classic about a killer computer again not seen that for many many years probably 10 years since I last watch evil speak so yeah why not go back and watch it on a mad old grainy

VHS tape the way that this stuff was intended to be seen we got more VTC releases another copy of possession what was I saying because I’ve got about 10 different copies of possession in various forms another BTC release so there’s one there we’ve got that version of possession VTC release and that one

As well the devonsville terror one that I’ve never seen but I know it’s got Donald Pleasence in it so guaranteed to be a banger and then Death Watch as well another nice VTC release there this one looks like an absolute Banger Banger galow check that the varo mission never

Seen this before check the state of that cover like really weird acrylic painted cover and the back looks absolutely abysmal like real pink seia like sepia but pink when they look like they’re filmed in a bottle of vinegar like this looks like it’s absolutely terrible I

Love it that old clamshell I love love that feel that smell women in cages absolute Classic Soft flesh for Hard Cash white meat on the black market what do you know about this one if you’ve seen Planet Terror the Grindhouse movie made by Robert Rodriguez and Quinton Tarantino you’ll

Know that this famously shows up in one of those scenes so yeah had to get that body snatchers not Invasion of the Body Snatchers just straight Body Snatchers another one with an absolute Banger of a cover it’s also got some writing on the back of it looks like that was when it

Was like from an old VHS rental shop or something just a bit of information or maybe they came from somebody who was such a big collector of them that he just likeed to he or she like to list facts about the movie on the back I’d be

Lying if I didn’t also do that myself as a kid as well that one’s got some terrible molds check that that’s like an example of really bad mold where all of the tape is literally white but again I’ve been working at it to clean that

Off so uh yeah no doubt there’ll be a video coming up at some point where I go through a bunch of these and clean them last few in this bag last VTC release the Mac some cool old exploitation pimps pushes and prostitutes create their own LW the mac

And his pack the dead of night a cover painted by the same dude I believe who did appointment with feia might be wrong but looks like very similar work a guy that works in very similar colors and another one that SP and Squires had the original movie poster of when we went to

Visit his collection need to stop knocking my mic over so we’ve got the Devil Within her that was just sold completely on the cover alone check that you got like a baby in a cart with the devil coming to take it the devil coming to consume it all obviously riding off

The back of Rosemary’s Baby but yeah absolutely love that cover as terrible as it is look at that baby’s face mysterious planet another one that gets sold purely on the cover alone we’ve got a dude with a mustache and a mullet shirtless with a tone leather vest on blasting some kind of laser

Cannon in some space port like that itself just sells it and if you look at the back I’ll get some close-ups of these obviously this mad ogre Mountain a two-headed kadora snail with ‘ got a piranha fish that’s walking on land a weird zombie dude all stuff that you

Want to see in a movie never seen this one surprisingly but uh don’t know that it’s one that I’m going to absolutely enjoy checking out for the first time we got the last two got Mongrel which is a classic there was like a whole uh little

Uh a little fad of making movies about killer dogs back in the day like man’s best friend and stuff and Mongrel is another absolute classic so had to get that one love that cover as wellez so many of them piling up like Jengo blocks the edge of Terror always

Love this style of font whenever I like try and recreate a piece of art that’s like reminiscent or a homage to VHS cover artwork I always like to do the red and yellow kind of offset uh kind of vibe that I really love that and it

Always works so well when you’ve got the dope painted cover and then the last one last but certainly not least we’ve got the demon another really really cool painted cover don’t know if I’ve seen this one I’ve seen demons and uh demon wind and uh KN of the demons and all

These other movies the demon on its own I don’t know if I’ve seen before but looks very much like my jam so yeah was that enough VHS for you I told you I went hard with the VHS from this guy uh there might be a couple more 10 more or

Something that I get off him just because my friend’s driving down there and it would be rude not to get something but he’s definitely got a couple more posters that I want to pick up as well so back to the toys I picked up a couple of really cool toys recently

If you’ve been following my little journey with this toy line for a while you’ll know that I’ve been trying to pick up all the Funko killer clowns from out of space figures I’ve had one sent over from America I’ve got ones from from Funko directly I’ve had friends

That have got them in America and then brought them over to me I’ve had to punch some in the face to get them out of the boxes that they put them in and graded my toys you even asking and I thought I’d got them all and then I

Found out that they were releasing clown Zilla which is the giant clown monster from the end finale scene of killer clowns from out of space and when I saw that they was releasing this thing I thought it was going to be massive I thought it was going to be big I thought

It were going to be like the size of this thing this is something that my friend toas sent me when I when he saw that I were doing the Dragon Ball Z watch along along stuff he sent me this as a gift and I really like it the

Dragon from Dragon Ball Z like I’m not that much into Funko but there’s the odd one that they released that are just fire and this is one of them so check that I thought it was going to be like that size unfortunately when it arrived well I said unfortunately it still looks

Nice with the rest of the set it’s it’s like the size of the other clowns but from day one the scale of these Funko killer clowns has been all over the place so yeah we just have to we just have to deal with that but it’s another

Really cool piece I’m going to get it out of the box cuz I’ve not even looked at it yet got my friend Mason one of these as well cuz he was awesome after it from the lonely tree entertainment YouTube channel and I’ll get some shots of this thing no doubt I’m not grabbing

Them all now off the shelf but I’ll get some shots of it next to the other ones but H yeah strangely he’s probably one of the smallest that they’ve done yet even though in the movie it’s like as big as King Kong so not sure why it’s so

Small but very cool figure was really hard to get as well this is one that again was sent to me by my friend manga spawn over in America who picked it up directly from Funko and then sent me to over to England this has now been made

Available on Funko Europe so next time I think I’m just going to hold out until they get made available in Funko Europe but I swear this was like a Hot Topic Scare Fair exclusive so I didn’t even think that we’d be able to get them over

Here but yeah apparently it can but yeah really weird that it’s so small considering it’s supposed to be like the Kaiju version of the killer clowns but not complaining it’s nice to have one and it will look awesome with the rest of the boys in the set just kind of

Getting to a point now where I’m like is that it they’re going to stop doing them or with this new killer clowns game coming out are we going to get a load more either way I’m in it now I’m In Too Deep to to not be collecting them so I

Guarantee when the next one drops I’ll be uh I’ll be gunning for that one as well something else that I did recently as well I went out with my friend squirkle kid who is a dude that makes dope saubi pieces and he always does his pieces tied in with like an event I

Interviewed him when we was at the last Toyon event and he basically produced like 200 of these big safes squirkle kid where he’s like hide and seeking around the corner and he gave them away for free he hid little codes for him all over England he did it so that you were

Like never 20 minutes away from one of these codes if you went out looking for them and he put them out all over England and he’s just a cool guy that does really cool stuff and he’s doing a clothing line at the minute so I went

Out and did some modeling for him I know modeling me right but he asked me to do it and obviously I love cool clothing so I goes yeah I’m more than down I want to support I’ll put some cool clothes on and take some pictures so we went out to

A few cool locations that I know around the city like some abandoned places and then we also went to a place called The Indie arcade in Sheffield where my friend Jason has a toy stall in there and while we were there I picked up this

Guy snake face so this is a mass of the universe figure that I just needed for my collection that I didn’t have I’ve got pretty much every single mass of the universe figure complete I’ve hadam years I collected the Motu 15 years ago when a lot of people weren’t bothered

About him but this is a guy that I never had so I still need to get his shield I believe I’ve got a spare staff for him because I’ve got a box full of masses of the universe pieces that I’ve showed before on this channel so I think I’ve

Got his staff but I still need his shield but it was a really nice price and uh yeah when I looked online there was double the price that I paid for this with people bidding for the M eBay so I thought yeah you know what I’m

Coping that shouts to Jason for the nice price on that so just funny I haven’t bought a masses of the universe figure for 10 years 10 plus years and uh I found one that I need so now the only ones that I needed are sorceress and

Skow they’re the only ones that I needed and I’ve got every single masses of the universe figure missing a couple of pieces like ninjo his hood and his weapons and clamp Champs clamp but other than that got every single masses of the universe figure other than scar glow and

Sorceress so yeah nice to add this to the collection so so the next thing that I’ve got to look at is something that was gifted to me by a company called saber Customs so no secret to what it is obviously in the name alone and this is

Not the first one of these types of things that I’ve unboxed on this channel before I think this is like the third one that I’ve looked at now from different companies I don’t know what it is people just love sending me their own versions of lightsabers that they make

So thank you because I really enjoy swinging them around on my front garden and obviously you would like to see me do it so this one again was sent to me by saber Customs this is like a cool lightsaber made by their company so looking forward to having look inside

And seeing how it differs from the other ones that I’ve been sent in the past so when this company got in touch with me I purposely picked a lightsaber that was very different to the ones that I’ve reviewed on the channel before I like to keep things different and uh obviously I

Don’t want a bunch of lightsabers that all look the same in my collection so this is H one that I picked up was a little bit different and you’ll see why in a second so when I’ve had lightsabers sent before sometimes I get to choose which lightsaber I want when the company

Gets in touch sometimes they’ll say we want you to specifically look at this one sometimes they’ll give you like a few options when I got the first ever lightsaber sent me I went for something that was like bright and colorful the second one that I got sent was one that

They asked me to look at this one again I got to choose my own with this company saber customs and I went for something that was all black and stealthy something that was like a real like Sith looking lightsaber because I didn’t have a Sith looking one so yeah wanted to go

For something a bit different and straight away I’m seeing that this is really nice and sturdy I don’t know if these are ones that are made for fighting if they’re made for doing fight scenes and stuff but I’d be very confident in bashing this against someone else’s lightsaber knowing that

It’s not going to break too easily if you’re like me and you’re a filmmaker you might want to film some fan films and stuff with these and do some fight scenes and it’s nice to know that you can whack them against each other without anything getting too broken so

We’ve got some little screws and uh Allen keys and things I’m like an expert at putting these things together now so we’ve got the manual by saber Customs it looks like you can download an app to help you program this light saber I usually like to work out how to do it by

Pressing the button I don’t want to have things attached to my phone but if you want to do that then you have got the option now you are supposed to charge these all the way to the top but for the sake of this video I’m just going to

Play with it now with a little bit of charge in it just so you can see how it works and then I’ll give it a proper charge when I get some hero shots of it and stuff after standard mode there we go it’s working sorry if anybody’s got like epilepsy or anything

I shouldn’t do that into camera should I yeah straight away feels really nice in the hand the sound effects are good the colors are good I’ll get the I’ll get the beam attached it and then we can have a proper look at the features no turn

Off so you just alink key these little plugs inside that hold the blade in place and you can kind of tighten them as tight as you want depending on what you plan on doing with the lightsaber and if you like me in you’re going to spin it around like a crazy person then

I like to get these nice and tight you only have to really do this once if you don’t plan on taking it off its uh off its handle off its Hilt off the emitter or whatever you want to call it so let’s let’s see what uh let’s see what colors

We we can get color change color change okay what we got Now is it going to do like RGB we got like a pink color I don’t know if you can see it’s like a cool pink color oh it’s going to like a red now maybe like flashing between like

A pink and a red that beam color selected color selected going white a little bit of sooka a bit of Ahsoka Vibes going into some blue so what I like to do whenever I review a lightsaber is I like to have a good read through the book find out how

It works all the different functions how to change the colors and the sound effects and that kind of thing and then take it out and have a play with it so I’ll cut to that footage now that’s something that I’ll film at the end of this video when I’ve done doing it and

Yeah you’ll be seeing that right about Now so what I’ve got here is the saber Customs duelan xenop pixel V3 smooth swing with infinite color changing lights and as you can see the one I went for has got the cool slick matte black grip that’s made from some kind of nice weighted steel so it feels really good

In your hand when you’re spinning it around and reenacting scenes from your favorite Star Wars movies or games or TV shows or like me just swinging it about on a council estate and getting weird looks from Neighbors it comes with a 92 M blade so

Just try of a meter in length and has a wide variety of different color changing and sound effects features and also reacts and flashes when you hit it against objects and surfaces now I wasn’t going to download the app for this thing because I just don’t like adding more things to my

Phone but I decided to give it a goal and honestly it just made changing the colors and the sound effects and everything so much easier so I’m really glad that I did it also just connects via Bluetooth so it’s not like a big complex process or anything like that it’s very easy to

Do so I’m going to put the sa Customs website in the description down below so that you can check out their other products because they do some really impressive ones and as you can probably tell I’m buzzing with mine it’s a very cool and welcomed addition to my current evergrowing lightsaber collection so

Yeah just mad shouts to saber custom for this because I really do like this thing so the last thing that I’m going to show you today is actually my favorite pickup recently and I say pickup but it’s not something I picked up personally it was sent to me it was

Gifted to me by my friend Whitt Goblin AKA wit who is a fellow YouTuber that exists very much in the space of like crafting and War gaming she’s also a game designer she’s got a game coming out soon that’s going to be awesome night thirst I’ll put her stuff down

Below so that you can go check it out but she sent me this because this is something that she made obviously I’ve got my turgo release coming out she made this way before turgo this has been out for a while and these are like really really hard to get super sought after

There was only like a 100 made and she had like three left over and she sent me one so mad shouts to witty for that because uh yeah when you get sent something that’s like one of a 100 and it’s from the the person that made it

And I know for a fact like when you make stuff and you’ve only got a couple left you don’t like giving them away because yeah you hold them near and dear to your heart so thank you so much for sending it uh it really really was an awesome

Thing to receive so this is a little model version of her like a little Kawaii Goblin version of her she made these she sold them like you can’t get these anymore they’re really really sought after but yeah she sent me one of these so obviously I was absolutely

Buzzing so I’m going to show you what’s inside this little box but first of all check out that super super retro thank you for being you has a really cool sign off on her videos where she says you’re currently making the world a better place just by being you and I love that

Sign off and uh yeah that’s kind of what it says there so awesome she’s also a twitch streamer she streams like every single day she’s an absolute machine so between doing YouTube and making her own game and releasing her own models and then also Twitch streaming every day

She’s like one of the few people that I know that’s like as tenacious at this stuff as myself so inside is like a little bag like a little pouch looks like it would have like jewels in or runes or something like that in like a fantasy Quest and there she is look

That’s uh stood on a little stand I’ll stand it up and get some close-up shots so that you can see it better this is like I said like a little Kawaii like Japanese kind of goblin anime looking version of her and it’s actually intended to be painted so you glue it on

That stand and then you can paint it or customize it in your own way I’m a bit torn whether I want to paint it cuz I don’t want to ruin it I don’t want to like start painting it and then do a bad job but maybe I will maybe I’ll Psy

Myself up to paint it cuz as much as I love it it would be really nice breathing a bit of life into it cuz she’s so full of life so a little toy needs to represent that so this was released by her in conjunction with black sight Studios which is a company

That’s also making a game we’ve also got another friend malev who’s made a game through them called demon ship which is actually how I discovered all these people that’s how I discovered with and it’s how I discovered Mev because they game makers who make stuff with black

Sight studio so I’ll also link that so you can follow them on Instagram and see the new games that are coming out from them because like I said Whit’s got a game coming out with them malev also just had another game that’s come out with them or he’s just about to drop

That’s like a cool old ninja Scrolls homage so yeah all the kind of stuff that I love and just a couple of really cool people to be connected with so that’s everything for today quite a few cool pickups some nice toys a really cute cool little Goblin and also more

Than enough VHS for any one man but like I said you can’t turn them down when there’s just a stash there waiting but as I also said I probably rinsed through them all now there’s a couple of posters that I’m going to pick up maybe a couple

Of laser discs I did get some laser discs off him as well but I’ve misplaced them so I still haven’t shown them some Godzilla and stuff but I’ll get to them in a future video shouts to manga spawn on the Killer Clown shouts to Squirtle

Kid for the photo shoot and to Jason for the snake face and uh yeah shouts obviously to saber Customs for the cool lightsaber there’ll be some information Down Below in the description where you can get Aller one of those custom Sabers for yourself obviously always fun to get

Them and unbox them so if you are a company that makes cool props or anything like that and you’d like to send me one to review then please get in touch because I love doing it as I said at the start of this video by now turgo

Will have all sold out hopefully but if not and you want to be part of that little movement that we’ve got going on at the minute you want to be part of the first run of the turgo hype then the prints are still available there is

Still a few prints left so if you head over to slous store.com 20 you get a Print Plus Postage and yeah you can be part of the little turgo movement that I’m really pushing right now my first ever action figure release there he is my boy my guy turgo I love this little

Thing and hopefully by now you’ve got one on its way as well if you was lucky enough to be one of the nine people that managed to purchase one and if you didn’t don’t worry we’re going to be doing more colorways and things we’ve already started to talk about different

Ideas for colorways and different weapons that he could maybe have and different attachments to go on his arm and things who knows the sky the limit when you’re creating your own toys and that’s why I love it the next video that I drop will probably be some kind of

Studio update or a toy making video or something like that we’ve got some nice toy onts in December that we’re going to be going on we’re going to be at Stafford so if you’re at Stafford come say hi I’m going to have some slime out stickers with me hopefully I’ve still

Got some left and I can give you one when we’re at Stafford as well so yeah it’s early December I hope everybody’s buzzing for Christmas I’ve got an awesome Christmas collaboration video that I’m currently putting together I’ve also got another collab that I’m doing in January so yeah lots of collabs

Coming on slime out lots of dope content and lots of dope videos to come so I hope you’re looking forward to it if this is your first time checking out the channel a Kane Please Subscribe if you like this video this is just like a SAT

Chill unboxing kind of video but we do all sorts of stuff on here I do toy hunting episodes I do crafting and building and toy making currently building a studio in my garden I make documentaries and all kind of cool things so if you like the vibe of this

Video you’re going to love the other stuff go back and binge the back catalog and if you like what you see please don’t forget to give this video a like And subscribe to the channel I’ve also got a patreon if you want to help support future projects you can head over to

Patreon.com TV and something else that I want to tell you about before I wrap this thing up is now we’ve got a Discord there’s not a link that you can actually type in for the Discord but I’ll also link that down in the description below

So if you’re cool you want to bring some good vibes you want to talk about toy collecting what video games you playing at the minute what movies or series you’re watching then that’s a great place to chop it up and if you want to hit me up about anything that’s a real

Good place to go to if you want to like directly message me about anything that you’ve got going on any business related stuff or anything like that and then also I’ve got Instagram if you want to drop me a message on there that’s also a great place to hit me up they’re the

Only two social medias that I’m really using now I don’t bother with Twitter or X I’m not bothered about it I like Instagram and I like Discord so if you want to hit me up there the best places to go to but with all that being said

I’m F this is Slim House TV thank you so much for joining me today as I always say with all the stuff on YouTube that you can be watching it really means a lot that you want to come and hang out with me and watch me talk about VHS and

Posters and cool toys and everything it really really does mean a lot and I really appreciate it so shout out to everybody that made this video possible shouts to all the patreons the slime Alliance the Slime Renegades and team Z and I will catch you in the next episode

But until then I’m gone Pow


  1. ⚡️⚡️GREAT STUFF⚡️⚡️I’m glad I found your channel I look forward to seeing more of your videos📺 I do mostly TRANSFORMER Stop Motion 🎬📸🎞️ I hope you enjoy my animation‼️ 30:21

  2. 🥲 Thank you so much, Theo!! I'm glad the goblin girl and Turgore can hang out in the office together and watch the awesome new VHS tapes!

  3. Don’t know what I love more the Wittle Goblin or your new Saber, if I ever get to your neck of the woods gonna bring my Saber and have a battle 😂😂

  4. Said it before, Congrats on the Figure, and Congrats on anyone that was quick enough to grab one! Part of history. Great video as always ❤

  5. Theo! Thank you for this awesome chilled vibes video. Once again, you absolutely topped it with this one. Sold out is an understatement!!!!!!!!!! I've said it before but huge congratulations on the sale of your figures, you must be very proud!👊

    That blue poster though, 👌👌 will look on point on a blue wall, gotta love blue. The VHS setup in your new studio sounds cool, will it be complete with a CRT TV? Can't beat watching films on a VHS, much prefer it. Still love the edit you do when the video cuts to the CRT TV showing clips of shows/films. 👌👌 Also, it would be cool if you could share your folder of movie posters, thanks. 😀

    Going to be so sick just chilling in the studio and working of course! Your knowledge on all of those VHS's is insane. Good stuff. I totally agree that the artwork on VHS covers beats DVD's any day. The Lost Boys for example. All the other pickups were epic too, loved the little figure. 🙌

    Again, yet another sick edit with the light sabre, you are one talented/bright young man. Brilliant effect with the snow falling, the street lights and the Christmas lights/trees in people's windows. Just love seeing how happy and grateful you are, always smiling. Top Lad with a top attitude.🫡

    Can't wait for Stafford, always look forward to going off for the day more than Christmas itself to be honest. Just nice to get away. Please save me a sticker (or a couple 😉) Nothing but support and respect for you always. Chaz!👊

  6. Been going pretty hard on the VHS too lately. Love the cover art, also been getting anime and toy line episodes too.. all about the packaging and that warm fuzzy picture ha!

  7. That Assassin cover looks like something Kevin O'Neil would draw for Marshal Law or 2000ad. But that PG certificate says nothing in the actual movie will be as cool

  8. What a cool video. Like these type videos of a pure mashup of subjects. Old school vhs art , as kids we just chose them based on the cover art. Why’d you think they never carried on with cover art like this with Blu-ray and dvd?

  9. Great Video Theo, I love your enthusiasm dude. So pleased for you with the release on the figures, looks amazing and I hope to grab one on the next release. Keep doing you bro because it’s awesome 👏🏼

  10. Another banger of a episode loved seeing the different 80”s vhs 📼 tapes the killer clowns pop,posters, lightsabers and more I love it all great job dude 😎👌🏻

  11. You're really giving me the itch to sack off my DVD/BlueRay collection and just start collecting VHS again. 😅

  12. Awesome swag!
    I believe Edward Scissorhands was the last ever Vincent Price movie 🎬 😢😢😢😢😢😢
    BTW, Doctor Phibes and Madhouse are the absolute shit cool as fck VP movies IMHO

  13. I can't help but say that when they finally make that Attack The Block sequel I hope they seriously put you in at least a good bit part

  14. Loving some of those VHS covers dude, absolute amazeballs!

    Sadly I missed out on Turgore, maybe I’ll get one of the alt versions in the future. Glad it flew well for you though.

    Thanks for the little shout out too, always appreciate it!

  15. I had a bunch of clam box VCT videos from Manor Park charity shop 10p each couldn’t believe it , staff thought I was mad actually buying em lol

  16. Enjoyed the video. Have you ever thought about getting one of those posters displays that department stores you to have for your bigger posters? The ones you’d flip through to see them all. That would be a cool way to display them.

  17. Can't get enough of that vhs art work. Unbelievably good. Don't blame you for going in so hard on them!

  18. Love your figure making process, wondering have you done any women monsters yet? I've not seen any yet, remember those being rare back in the day the few ones from monsters in my pocket come to mind.

  19. Kaiju McCartney is a great dude. Did some toy hunting with him at SuperFest & Nakano Broadway a few months ago when he was here in Japan visiting. He's got great tastes 😉

  20. Companies milk the buyers so I wouldn’t be surprised if they release a large funko Killer clown monster. They’re releasing larger stuff more and more

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