Garden Plans

Whats Next for the Homestead!?! | Homestead Plans| VLOG

Hey Beautiful people, welcome to Wilder Path Farm. I’m Taylor and here we’re located in Northern Canada where we do homesteading, gardening, and everything in between. Homesteading vlogs are coming out consistently so consider sticking around. In today’s vlog we chat about some of the homestead plans I have for the farm. There are so many new projects and so many things going on in my head that I’d just love to share. Everything from garden plans, to more farm animals, to new structures like barns, sheds and even a new chicken coop.
#homesteadvlog #homesteading #vlogs

Good morning hold on hold on there you go you want to [Applause] snack They sure do love Lettuce I meant to film when I poured that that water in and got you a new clean water dish but guess I got Distracted are you rolling in horse poop now let it up good morning good morning where heny bear hi honey you’re definitely a chunky pony huh hey Beautiful People welcome to Wilder path Farm here we’re located in Northern Canada where we do homesteading gardening and everything in

Between so as per usual we have so much to do today and we have a pretty big list to write we paused on what we’re building here after we put in these tsts because we need to get some supplies but at least the tsts are in

Now that the ground Frozen and kind of goes all the way to the back corner of the barn and yeah what are you rolling on oh your ball get your ball so today I have to write pretty much like a running list of things that we need to revise uh

Make better even do for next year um because they’re all just kind of like hanging out in my brain and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed that way um I do have a written list but I feel like it’s missing stuff and it might just be because when I’m

Writing the list I’m sitting inside and I feel like doing a video of all the things that need to be revised uh will help me but most importantly give you kind of a sneak peek on what’s coming this year for some projects um revisement of the farm the animals all

Of that as well as maybe give you some ideas of what you can do on your own Homestead as well so something I want to change for next year is getting rid of these two carports and building some sort of hay structure to hold at least I

Think 10 round BS if not maybe like 12 or 14 um whether that’s kind of like if they’re stacked by two or however we’re going to do it doesn’t matter but like figuring out where is going to work best cuz of course it can’t be too far and

Then as well as like where it’s going to go come on girls this way I feel like revisement always usually happens um for some of us in the colder climates during the winter hi pachy because I wanted to get a good look at your other just because we’re not busy with

The garden and stuff like that um even though it’s our first year even um on our Homestead having previously worked on many farms I know that the winter time is when you start looking at the W different processes that you do on your farm animals and all of that

And it kind of Reveals All the flaws and your plan and how you thought you were going to do things versus how things would probably work better so I’m just looking at all the different things and especially the hay and a straw um cover of some sort needs to be implemented because

Although we don’t need like a whole lot we do need a sufficient amount to get us through the winter because in the winter time there is nothing for any grazing animal to eat um it is way too cold for plants to grow so um and I’m sure

There’s many different ways that I could maybe like supplement um them but in reality um with how animals have been domesticated and specifically um horses and goats they do need a forage based diet the horses do need a shelter in their winter Paddock now um we were well aware of this we

Just did not have time to build one for them before the ground froze so we figured that we would leave that for one year good job so I spoke about how in another video we’re going to move this chicken coop I’m also thinking about revising the run a little bit um

Making it bigger of course and it will have to change placement on once we move this to connect to that little shed over there so like it will have to be adjusted um it will probably be made bigger and all of that but yeah so that definitely needs to be um

Changed this little high tunnel here is definitely going to change it’s not going to be there obviously um I’m thinking of different ways that I can use it that’s not going to be like a high tunnel cuz I don’t like the size of it so another thing is feeding round bales now

We do have a round bail net but we took it off in the last video um in order for them to finish up this hay before we are going to get a huge dumping of snow so they have access to eat all of this and Amora and honey have made themselves some

Beds so um with that I want to build a hay feeder that is covered on top and it’s not going to cuz I feed rounds and the rounds last them quite a while so um from them sitting out there and um rain snow all that kind of stuff ruining the

Hay it’s like a waste of money so um kind of want to build something so that the round bail would be covered and it holds the round bail in place um and that’s convenient for me to put a round bail in and take um it out if if really

Need be or just go in there to clean it out now that we’re back here in the mini barn um although this is always been considered a temporary solution especially if I want to breed the horses the thing is is if I want to breed the horses they need a much bigger

Stall uh to do any sort of um folding in so I’m going to have to figure that out whether we build um we start our plans for building the barn or we extend off of the mini barn or if we extend off of the goat Barn just some ideas we’re all

Throwing up in the air um nothing super serious it’s nothing to be rushed over but just some thoughts that I’m thinking about so with the garden um um I’m not really adding any more raised beds this year at least I don’t think but I did extend the

Inground Garden this way come on thank you st stay here okay stay here so we did extend the inground Garden quite a bit probably like about four or five times the size it was and that is because this year’s goal is to grow more of the

Food that we actually eat and that food being that food being more brascas so broccoli um cabbage cauliflower get Her get Nala actually doesn’t want the toy at all she just wants to play with Luna so even if you give her the toy she just kind of doesn’t know what to do with it she just wants to play with Luna I always find them really cute so

Um yeah we also want to do some PE a lot more peas cuz I do incorporate a lot of green peas in our like dishes every every week so expanding the inground Garden is definitely necessary um especially for bigger plants like that that like aren’t

I guess the best in a raised bed garden because they take up a lot of room um I want to update this Barn everything needs a good paint job but definitely updating it and fixing it up so it’s safer for our ladies we were also just talking about n

And I putting in a property line fence um just to going to separate us from the highway and the road uh to stop people coming up onto the farm to stop any animals escaping and a few other reasons but that is not something that we can just

Like swing out in a weekend or a couple of weeks um that will have to be done in like bits in pieces because it’s um a big property now we definitely wouldn’t be like fencing the whole thing um we are going to use like natural barriers and all that so like

Drops off our property stuff like that so um along there that will separate us from the road especially at the front of the property there and up along here as well um but once you hit the back or the valley is in the forest it will mostly

Just be open because uh there’s natural barriers of like drop offs um and stuff like that and my more goal for having a property line fence is to separate um us from the road and to keep our animals more safe um another goal is to get a ground fixed that that definitely needs

Revisement um but I think we’re going to run once we get it all settled I think we’re going to run our chickens across here um and our meat birds in order to help the grass grow because we did that our first year and we used our meat birds from

Last summer to grow grass where grass was not growing at all and and it worked out really really well um the grass just kept coming back Really green really dark you could even just tell the difference from surrounding grass that you kind of thought was growing pretty

Well but um yeah that was definitely a big thing that um we’re going to have to do this upcoming season now we know that we want to build off the side of this Barn here um and we’re going to attach that chicken coup to here and then the chickens will have

Free range here which will be really good I want to get some of this Farm cleaned up um the Clutter is bothering me this stuff a lot of this stuff was here when we moved in and it’s not something that I can necessarily fix all

At once um it’s going to be a big job so here’s the chicken coop and then just down here is The Big Valley but right here where the thick um trees are and the brush is where I want the summer Paddock for the goats to be

Now it’s going to kind of extend a little bit into the valley so they have some uh open sun to kind of like sunb in but um I’m we’re pretty much going to fence this area off and then um another area just over here and then we’re also going to fence off this

Area here um for the goats to kind of switch back and forth between another thing I want to change is like adding more plants and trees and everything around that house and the garage of course we have the gardens and all of that we have the berry bushes and the fruit trees but

It it also be really nice just to kind of deck the farm out with some perennial plants we also are going to want to move this we’re going to remove this whole pen here um because if we’re going to have the wedding we’re going to need this

Area and this this is not the prettiest thing in the world as well as we want to upgrade it this was just kind of thrown together last minute and yeah so we’re definitely going to need to upgrade it we’ll move that gate was open come and we’ll move the gate and

Everything so that we can use it as well so another plan would be to finish this roadway down to the valley which will be needed um come the spring summertime so right now for the winter this is how we’re keeping our water in this big jug plus some

Buckets and definitely that need needs to be changed around for next year because I mean we can’t be just doing that forever works really well for this year um but I think running water lines and doing Frost fairy hydrants I’m thinking at least doing two um a different

Sections just so that we can water different areas of this property will be really helpful um as well as needed the next thing that needs revisement is this area um it has our equipment for riding the horses plus all the food for the animals having that there um just the

Way that it’s laid out right now it is very easily making messes um the cats can jump on things and make more messes it’s just not running as efficiently as I’d like it to so um in the upcoming videos we’re going to tidy this whole thing up and make some changes because

We’re doing like the spring cleaning thing just very early because one spring hits I got no time for cleaning I have to get the garden working another thing that I plan to do is change these Gates now this is really handy for when vet and barrier

Comes that you can open this up and then have like an extra large stall here um but however it’s not super helpful that um the size of the Stalls plus the door placement um there so I’m going to one probably change the size of the stall or change where we keep the horses

Up that night um plus we’re going to need these gates for the upcoming Arena now I mentioned this in a previous video where our um person that has to come to do our um the person that came to do our septic tank and he’s coming back in the spring

To fix the ground he also um work on a trying to work out with him if we can put in a riding arena you’re squeaking your ball it’s very loud do you want me to play of course of course I’ll play with you but you got to

Drop it so if all works out um we’ll be having a riding arena so that we can ride the horses in a saf enclosed area and that I have an enclosed area area to teach we also have 60-ish Acres that are not being really used they do have

Trails which we do need to tidy up [Applause] ready this may be like a silly idea but our 60 is Acres that we’re currently not using I do want to um build Silo pasture which isn’t the silly idea um and also we use our acreage to give us wood in order to

Build things and um also to get our firewood we built uh the horse fence out of wood that we harvested for from the property which was absolutely amazing um but the silly idea is actually putting in specific areas of fruit bushes so um where I’m located

Here I really like that I can have my some fruit bushes up here but the thing is is that we go through so many blueberries and so many strawberries and so many different types of berries that I need more bushes and the ability for them to spread so I’m thinking that I’ll

Pick different areas um not too far from the house that I can kind of cultivate to grow more berries um and more fruits and uh fruit trees and all of those things and I can kind of cultivate these little pockets um maybe I’ll need to fence them

Off off depending on if there’s enough um I will obviously be sharing with Wildlife just having these little pockets of fruit trees and bushes would be really really helpful for us um the dogs every the horses us we all like fruit and that is something that we are severely severely lacking on the

Homestead because I grow a lot of our own vegetables um but for like berries apples those types of things I can’t I haven’t been able to grow yet so that is something that we really got to get to so quickly um because this video is

Already turning out to be so long just a few extra things that I definitely need to change is lights having a light coming off of this garage pointing back towards the goat Barn a big um bright light for when it’s dark and when it gets dark early is definitely going to

Be needed um as well as something to kind of um maybe some like motion sensor lights or something like that I’m not sure um maybe not motion sensored maybe timer I don’t know yet um as as well as putting in like different seatings so like maybe like a bench by

The arena putting in um different things around the perennial garden and the vegetable garden and then also uh kind of figuring out what we’re going to do with the house if we want to add on to it or if we want to wait and possibly put in a new house on the property

Somewhere that’d be really cool cuz um I’d really like if we weren’t like right at the top corner of our property where it would also be kind of cool to like have one of those really long driveways and just kind of be more in the bush I

Don’t know let me know what you think see I still feel like I’m forgetting some stuff but um I’m sure there’s always going to be things that we can improve on and do better here so um I guess this will probably be a running list so well I really hope you guys enjoyed

This video um maybe you guys got some ideas for yourself or maybe you we can just be excited for some of the new things that are coming in 2024 so uh if you aren’t already make sure to hit the Subscribe button because it really helps me out in the algorithm

Share this content with like-minded people just like yourself uh if you can make sure to leave a like and a comment down below it really helps this video uh get picked up and more people get to see it so you guys have been doing great with it I really appreciate

It I see all of your comments I see all of the likes I thank you so um I will see you guys in the next video bye guys


  1. Beautiful. Plant lots of fruit trees. Once spring comes it get really hectic. Always good to work in winter. Order your your seeds an anything for your garden now before it gets sold out

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