Gardening Supplies

Planting Greens from the Greenhouse into the Keyhole Garden #shorts Started greens in the greenhouse in-ground garden bed a couple of weeks ago. Transplanted some lettuce and Chinese cabbage out into the Keyhole Garden in the yard. A Keyhole garden is a round raised garden bed with a compost basket in the center and a section cut out of the side that allows the gardener to walk in and access the entire bed. These greens will help my family avoid shortages due to the supply chain issues we are having in New Jersey. Our local grocery store was completely out of romaine lettuce this week! It’s definitely a good time to start to grow your own. Happy gardening!

Hello garden friends jersey shore lisa from here’s the greenhouse and in this greenhouse bed i started some lettuce and chinese cabbage just yesterday i moved some of those greens out into the keyhole garden a keyhole garden is a circular raised garden bed with a compost basket in the middle to feed the

Plants and a pie slice cut out of one side that allows you to walk into the garden and tend it from the inside i have 28 of those little greens plants planted inside this garden that’s only taking up about two-thirds of the bed there’s plenty of space left there’s

Also some hardneck garlic coming up over there a little overflow from another planting i did in the fall so this will help us to defeat those supply chain shortages in our household where we’re having trouble sourcing some fresh organic greens happy gardening everybody


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