Japanese Garden

Friday LIVE: Hamas Tunnels, Hunter Biden, The Muon Shot, Biden and Medical Patents

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Hamas tunnels: https://archive.ph/17Q8J
Hunter Biden Indictments: https://archive.ph/HqNlY
The Muon Shot: https://archive.ph/pxNOp
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#Stream #Live

All right everyone we should be live let’s make sure that’s actually the case over on Rumble of course I do believe that we are I see that chat is working just fine we have all sorts of weird stuff to talk about today I’m going to rehash the Hamas tunnel story I did

Cover it this morning but I wanted to cover it again because the situation is so potentially dire with regards to what’s happening over in the Gaza Strip of course Israel planning to flood the Hamas tunnels we be talking about strategy versus Optics and uh some of the long-term potential detrimental

Impacts of uh choosing to do so especially using seawater I know it’s uh pragmatic given the circumstances if you want to crush AAS but um there are some problems we will talk about from an engineering standpoint Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine new charges so uh

These are all tax related actually he beat the gun charge basically I still expect them to give him a slap on the wrist what’s important here is not necessarily Hunter Biden’s malfeasance with regards to taxes because I mean anytime that somebody’s not giving the government money in in

Tax form to go bomb people I I don’t really have a huge problem with that I’m going to be a principled Libertarian sort of like with the gun charge all right you lied on the gun form he should have had to file one in the first place what really is um meaningful

Is the connection with Joe Biden so the tax malfeasance is just part of one piece of the puzzle which is much much larger the big picture is more the big guy getting his 10% mainly from Chinese Communists that’s basically what I actually care about but we’ll dovetail

That in with the story we’ve got a suggestion particle physicists offer a road map for the next decade a muan shot it’s a play on the term moonshot of course aims to study the basic forces of the Cosmos but meager Federal budgets could limit its Ambitions yes they’re

Trying to build a particle accelerator even more advanced than the large hron collider uh in the United States somewhere I actually support this we’ll get into some people’s hesitance towards particle accelerators uh later as well I remember the large hron collider was supposed to blow up the world already it never actually

Happened I’m a little bit throaty today by the way the Biden Administration uh of course moving to seize medical patents from private companies effectively nationalizing the medical industry in the United States also bitcoin’s bounceback and uh the financial times remains uh bearish I think on this one if we look through the

Article you’ll see that for yourself and then Elon Musk is going after Bob Iger uh from Disney because they pulled ads from X formerly known as Twitter so we get lots and lot lots of stuff to cover today and uh I may uh be a little bit

Low energy today admittedly so I did not get a lot of sleep last night we can thank the kitty for that by the way thank you very much uh for that image which I have posted on Twitter well retweeted on Twitter uh earlier with regards to the live stream being

Cancelled that was posted by Sean scarpeta and uh that is one of my favorite alltime sticks images so thank you very much if you’re listening uh I really did appreciate the chuckle Liz found it funny as well BW Dems get majority back in house by repubs leaving

Yes I think that the Democrats will take the house in the 24 election um and then lose it probably in the subsequent midterms I think they lose the Senate and I think the Republicans probably hold that in 26 uh right now I would anticipate Trump being reelected Grover

Cleveland style so you have a Republican president with kind of sort of the support of the Senate a couple of the big neocons are leaving so uh would face less obstruction so for nominees and stuff like that it’s good but the house I think will obstruct absolutely even if the Republicans hold

It there’s enough neocons in there decide with the Dems who are their natural allies aerodynamic 11 happy Friday sticks hope you and yours have a great day Clank On You Crazy Diamond thank you very much Liz is making a potato leak soup tonight so it will probably be a good night zerox hey

Sticks I hope you’re doing well why do you American leftists why do American leftists act like they care about Palestinians I find it strange that a lot of white people are obsessed with the issue I’ve been seeing a lot of cringe videos lately um I care about all

People in the world speaking only for myself as a non- leftist um they mainly do it for ideological reasons because they want to decolonize the world which means the extinction of most European diaspora and in order to be sort of coherent on that they have to also stand against the

Israelis that’s the only reason BW I meant they get it before 24 because of leaving no I don’t think they’ll get it before 24 but it’s already like razor thin so I mean it doesn’t really matter when you have a handful of a Republicans that are complete neocons in the house

Anyway uh trip boom with everything going on why would they vote for Gams to get back in office I don’t know and uh oh he he did a followup Dems um because people are fickle um they’re going to blame I mean the house of Republicans are a mess admittedly they

Can’t get their [ __ ] together so I mean it’s their own fault definitely their own fault and I mean they’re Republicans they [ __ ] they can’t help it Fire Down Below is Powell honking the numbers to protect Biden uh no Jerome Powell is not doing that actually uh the numbers are just

Bad on every possible level actually at the moment and Biden is below 40 in approval I think he’s going to have an uphill battle getting reelected anyway first we’re going to get to the main news in foreign policy then we’ll get to Hunter Biden afterwards the main domestic news right now Israel is

Already preparing the pumps um in the literal sense they’re preparing to pump the sea into the Hamas tunnel Network that’s below the Gaza Strip the thought is that you can effectively you’re smoking out the bees you’re getting Hamas out of their tunnels and onto the surface and uh they can’t operate below

Ground anymore and that I mean strategically speaking number one it’ll work I don’t deny that number two I mean if you take the idf’s position it’s Justified uh and and number three It’s relatively cost effective literally all you’re doing is pumping sea waterer into a tunnel network uh it’s more than

Tunnels though it’s tunnels basements bunkers and and other [ __ ] probably cave systems too for all [ __ ] anyone knows some of these uh tunnel networks are uh on a little bit on the ancient side by the way and so they’re planning to pump them full of seawat I don’t have a

Problem with drowning a bunch of Hamas members um again disclaimer I don’t take a Israel versus Palestine or IDF versus Hamas but Hamas is not a moral Army um they they take civilian hostages there is rape there is torture um not that the IDF doesn’t do the same and so I don’t

Really care if they die there are several problems here which become glaringly apparent when you know the basic the basics of architecture number one and of strategy number two the first problem is that Hamas is probably keeping keeping a bunch of captives down in their tunnel Network some of them

Will drown so Israel is effectively sacrificing them in order to uh flood Hamas out the second problem is that Hamas has effectively been smuggling in for decades and decades um maybe not the best construction supplies in the world supposedly there are locked doors down there that can that are watertight

Doesn’t really matter in the end because Israel can rig as many pumps as it wants that’s Point number one and point number two the construction materials aren’t the best um the problem is that saltwater is going to react with the underlying strata there and seep out into the soil through every nook and

Cranny every little crack that exists there into the subbasements of homes uh Apartments hospitals etc etc what you’re going to be left with over time is you’re going to be left with a Gaza that is brackish and incapable of Agriculture number one Pock marked with sink holes number two with buildings that are

Tilting dangerously and threatening collapse at any time this will take some time I I don’t think that as they flood the tunnels all of a sudden you’re going to see all of Gaza City subside by 20 feet and just collapse or something like that although with the tunnel Network as

Extensive as it is it wouldn’t even be a particular surprise if that happened what I think you’re going to see though is that Israel pumps the tunnels full and the salt ax on the cement and on the concrete um W with a corrosive effect and and certainly on any metal that’s

Down there so the the metal hinges and so forth on hamas’s supposed locked doors you’re going to see um basically Gaza will collapse in its own footprint much of it not all of it but you’re going to see craters form effectively there will be more craters from the sink

Holes than there have been from IDF B bombs effectively the area will collapse the problem is that Israel is said is stated intent to Annex the region and administrate it if you intend to administrate this region and you’ve effectively ruined its infrastructure and made it completely uninhabitable I

Can’t think of where they’re going to put the Palestinians now somebody mentioned earlier today uh a tenuous plan to potentially repatriate them to Cyprus or to the kurdistani region of of Turkey erdan might be amenable to that we’re not sure um there are other plans that

Call for them being put in Egypt and the Sinai being put in Jordan um or or relocated to the West Bank which isn’t really possible because of settlement uh intrusions the problem really is that I I can’t imagine rebuilding the area when you’ve flooded so much uh ground

Underneath and by the way I do uh see uh ryi says as a civil engineer here that’s just uh really is not true sorry sticks I did get somebody earlier who claimed that to be the fact I can’t imagine that Hamas made the tunnels watertight I have

To imagine that this fluid is going to seep out into the surrounding area you’re going to cause damage to the soil you’re going to cause the liquefaction of elements of the surface um and I’m glad you’re a civil engineer know what you’re talking about but you’re you’re talking I think about modern

Architecture you’re talking about things built to First World standards elements of the Hamas tunnel Network are probably held up by nothing more than arched brick um because they’re using whatever supplies they can possibly grift off of to create their tunnel Network some of these are substandard third world homes

Again connected to the tunnel Network through the basement system and so forth uh I can’t imagine that they’re going to hold up under the pressure involved number one those doors if they exist at all will probably blow there will be corrosion there will be seepage into the surrounding soil and I can’t imagine

That archit that uh that agriculture will any longer be possible that brackish saltiness will seep up through the soil over time and I say this is somebody with experience in agriculture uh so perhaps we have different fields that where we have more of a forte in I’m not claiming that it NE necessitates

The immediate collapse of Gaza City what I am saying is that when you’re pumping that fluid in there it will cause corrosion that’s number one and it will it will seep out number two um the problem is that Israel will have rendered areas uninhabitable uh even if

They pump it back out there would still be damage of some sort I would assume and the other problem is the captives that are down there Hamas may leave them down there to drown and the first time that a bloated body of some Malaysian captive floats to the surface outside of

A sewer drain it’s going to be international news Israel is losing the Optics War what I would suggest if you really want to clear the tunnel system and you don’t care about the captives dying you should hook up a bunch of generators and pump gas into the tunnel

System I have a feeling there’s a reason why the Israeli military would not want to utilize poisonous heavier than air gas for that particular goal but it’s possible uh and considering again that these tunnels are probably not particularly watertight they’re certainly not airtight and it would work

Really brutal um you’d kill a lot of civilians potentially in the process but you seem not to care if they’re dead anyway so lord of the re Owen Shroyer is getting out of prison today Clank yes I covered that the other day Alex bogy Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox church

Has been a disappointment too much for holy men to get between the front lines tell Brothers to stop killing yeah you’d think uh no more Brothers Wars was the uh Cry of nationalists a few years ago go that pie over there have you tried a freshwater aquarium with a grow bed on

Top to clean the water a fun project and gets you some nice indoor herbs year round Father Fish on YouTube is a great source of info if you do yeah they generally use tilapia for that I believe for that particular uh kind of Agriculture I have seen it I’ve never

Experimented with it I prefer Tera praa I want to make like a viking Garden at some point you know you dig it down below the frost line and so you can grow longer and you put a house over it and [ __ ] like that hugle culture is great by

The way the grizzly what do you think of Elon putting up a poll to see the way the window is blowing on unbanning Alex Jones he should have done it without a poll just bellied up to the bar and let it the left melt down yeah but he likes

To be sort of full participation I think that he likes the spectacle I have a feeling Alex Jones will be unbanned eminently which I think is a good thing Oscar Goldman you’re my go-to news channel each morning thanks for all of your hard work here’s a few shekels for

You thank you very much mystery guest1 sending 100 bucks by the way thank you uh you’re the only political commentator I recommend to everyone thanks for keeping it levelheaded and insightful always yeah I may not always be right but I always try my best and I’ve never

Sold out to a corporation or any other interest and I don’t have some government agency telling me what to say which is more than I can say for some content creators that will remain unnamed out there Sparky greetings fearless leader greetings to you Sparky uh medic babe 21d bring the Riva

And the Sea of Hamas we will be free edited for YouTube sensibilities Sparky aren’t they going to dig it all up for a canal that’s supposed to compete with the Suez Canal anyway I’ve heard that there’s like a weird tenuous plan to create an extra

Canal in the region I mean you could I suppose I I think it would be a little bit more like the Nicaragua Canal that’s never going to be built you remember years ago when the East blockers were telling me well the Panama Canal will soon be outflanked by something built by

China and they started to dig in a little bit and then uh they faced Mass protests and by ecological groups by Farmers Etc and uh then they said well you know cost estimate of this is going to be a lot higher than we expected oh [ __ ] and meanwhile the Panama Canal was

Being massively expanded at the same time what I told people years ago is the Nicaragua Canal would never be built it was a doomed project it’s a pipe dream what the Chinese wanted was a base in the region and indeed they built their base yes they got what they wanted it

Wasn’t a canal I think that the same thing probably will be uh true if they uh try to build a Gaza Canal too Jason binder hey stick sorry if you’ve already discussed this what are your thoughts on GTA 6 trailer I think it looks uh assuming that the graphics

Are half as good as they are in the trailer I’d probably like to play it because I loved Vice City you know the PS2 game way back in the day I like GTA Vice City if they’ve remade it with modern standards I’d be willing to play

It may or may not be good but I mean it’s definitely ey candy assuming that that trailer uh holds true uh vog narvic gaming happy Friday Clank sticks thank you for the advice to start something new in two months on YouTube I’ve had over 100,000 views and

100 Subs have a great weekend everyone good on you it’s not easy these days to break through on YouTube by the way so definitely congrats that pie over there tilapia is for larg scale crop growing I at the moment have a 10 gallon tank with Guppies a beta and shrimp and it’s

Giving me endless mint and strawberries and you can eat the shrimp I just fill it full of shrimp myself shrimp are delicious shrimp are great especially Raw put them on your sushi uh Gib Javelin Twitter still be suspending for [ __ ] reasons and when one tries to appeal one talks to a bot

What is the solution to this clearly censorship is not going away it’s refusing to legislation I don’t believe in legislating censorship away because censorship was uh supported by by the government in the first place I support the free marking Mak Market making its decisions SC Woods 1947 is now a monthly

Subscriber on uh Rumble by the way or supporter rather on Rumble thank you very much again I don’t exactly know how the monthly supporter system works but I appreciate it gorgeous Mayhem you think there is anyone in the unip party that is starting to say maybe it’s better if

We just let Trump win for fear of what may happen if they don’t um it’s possible but I can’t get inside of their mind and uh and say that for sure Sparky but sticks aren’t you afraid with Alex Jones back the establishment will find it harder to keep up their narratives

Yeah I mean there a real big problem for MSNBC and Vox Alex bogy is one father to another would you return to the US to fight in a civil war if it happens for me it’s hard to sit out the Ukraine war the though my son needs me um I would

Rather not die in war if preferable if I thought that the western civilization was going to collapse I would take what action I felt appropriate but uh yeah I’d have to wait and see the circumstances Diamond Recon before morning from Alaska Clank on SC Woods 1947 says Clank thank you

Very much trip boom sticks did you see that Australia is going to pass a bill to make it illegal to miss gender an individual up to two years sentence possibly yeah we’ll see if it passes that’s a little bit uh Beyond The Pale but if anywhere Australia would be the

Place to [ __ ] pass it they’re Canada IR hey sticks please shout out my sister’s first book it’s an illustrated children’s book Willow the weener dog a heroic taale okay Willow the wiener dog a heroic tale available now next news story we got Hunter Biden charges he’s facing nine tax related

Charges apparently he didn’t even file taxes for a couple of years why he thought he would get away with that and not get investigated even though he was the son of the vvp and prior Senator uh remains to be seen it seems like he was

So cracked up and and so [ __ ] up you know literally and figuratively and screwing thousands of hookers across state lines it seems that he sort of lost control of his capability of understanding risk and reward or the fact that he’s not actually invulnerable uh but hunter is actually

And and I’ve seen several legal experts they’ve weighed in on this and said okay now Hunter actually is in some level of doodo uh because of the charges against him the fact that it doesn’t look like he’s going to get a sweetheart deal this time means he could spend several years

In prison in the end I think it’ll be just repaying the money I don’t think they’ll put him in prison and if they do it’ll probably be to try to force Biden to drop out like like there may be some sort of backstory to that although I’m

Not fully taken in by it also be talking tomorrow actually about a different plot that could be unfurling where Biden decides to gobble down the delegates by remaining in and then endorse somebody else and refuse to run and effectively handpick his successor I’ll talk about that tomorrow it’s it’s definitely an

Interesting concept an interesting Theory not sure I fully endorse the theory but it’s possible um you know we we’ve seen the most chaos politically over the last half decade that we ever have as a country since at least the Civil War era and reconstruction so it’s possible uh

Pretty much anything is at this point they threw out 250 years of Civic precedent to indict a former president of the United States on spous charges so we’ll wait and see what I wanted to talk about though isn’t Hunter I don’t care if Hunter Biden sched on his taxes I

Don’t care if youkei on your taxes although I would disclaimer I would warn you it’s probably not a good idea if you have any political opinions there’s a reason I pay technically a bit more than I owe on my taxes I’m paranoid it’s helpful in life by the way uh I don’t

Care about what Hunter did or his lying on the gun form or any of this other [ __ ] the alimony payments and child support and stuff and Joe Biden’s extra grandchild that he refuses to put up a stocking for and and you know even talk about um what I care about is Joe

Biden’s involvement politically we know that Hunter Biden only got the money that he had and therefore cheated on his taxes because of the huge amount that he was paying because Joe Biden exists he was selling his name he was selling Joe Biden’s influence and I do not believe

For a moment that it was just the appearance of influence and as I pointed out this morning here’s the problem we’re being asked to believe that effectively Hunter Biden is The Mastermind behind this the the crack smoker was The Mastermind that’s Point number one that his Mastermind n was

Effectively hey I’m going to get Dad on the phone even though he he swore up and down for the better part of two years he never talked to any of his ass ass so we are we we know that he lied uh we know that up front just keep that in mind

We’re supposed to believe that Joe Biden came on business calls and all he did was talk about the weather the problem arises that those business magnates trying to buy the influence of Joe Biden by paying Hunter would have expected more than that and would have pressed issues that were related to

Geopolitics economics legislation Etc I’m being asked to believe that in all of those cases Joe Biden refused to discuss those topics and demur and said well come on man we can talk about that next time and and and again that would require coordination with his son to

Even bring up that excuse and simply went back to talking about the weather and Hunter still got a bunch of money from these countries from China from turkey and from elsewhere under no circumstances would that happen it’s unbelievable that it would happen because no business magnate meeting with Hunter

On such a call would think they weren’t getting scammed if that were the case effectively there are two options either Joe Biden did discuss the business dealings did discuss geopolitics and and was lying on a totally different level and probably broke the law on the process or is there’s the possibility

That they threatened these individuals thus breaking the law as well the law was broken I don’t care about Hunter Biden’s tax returns I do hear I do care about the big guy and that’s what all the Legacy Media reporting including from Fox is glossing over they they briefly mention Joe Biden malens uh

Occasionally some of them do uh but otherwise mainly it’s just about Hunter and the fact that he cheated on his taxes on a regular basis but I don’t give a damn Hunter Biden was a private citizen what I care about is him being the Bag Boy for the person that was in

Office at the time the grizzly are you excited for the new Dune movie that’s one of my favorite books I did like the first one and they did a year or two ago uh I didn’t even know there was a new Dune movie I probably won’t watch it Aussie’s robots

Good morning could I uh could I ask for a collective Clank from my dad Antonio who passed Wednesday morning at 95 years young and my mom Victoria who turns 88 today they celebrated 65 years together this year that’s about all peace out that is a long goddamn life congrats to

Him for making it to 95 should have been a member of the Senate Aussie anyway yes uh so rest in peace to uh Antonio who passed Wednesday morning and godp speed and good luck to Victoria Georgie georgev UA war is really close here we are arming buying

F-16 and mura armor Romania Bulgaria and Greece we learned our lesson yeah wouldn’t want to deal with that uh Coalition Jason Lord SRA thoughts on Texas suing fizer uh I was not aware that they were actually I’ll have to if you can DM me that story on Twitter

Somebody I would uh very much like to cover it Alan Tes when I started dating my ex she was like the Nicaragua canal and all but I left her like the Panama Canal Clank goodness Sparky Garland Nixon still banned on Twitter for not Towing The Establishment line he got

Taiwan to realize they may be the next Ukraine it’s possible although again logistically speaking invading an island is vastly different from invading a country that you share a land border with Alexander bakos hi scks greetings from Greece what do you make of erdan and mitsakis positive meeting the other

Day do you see Greece and Turkey going to war over the aan anytime soon or is erdan all just all bark I don’t think he wants to go to war with a fellow NATO member um I I wouldn’t worry too much about that plus Greek Greece has a huge

Amount of armor doesn’t it for a country of its size and population I think don’t you have like a [ __ ] thousand tanks or some crazy [ __ ] like that and a [ __ ] ton of submarines car Eller when will the internet raate ever drop back down there are five overpriced houses for sale

Interest rates sorry uh in my neighborhood and no one is buying is there a market crash on the horizon Biden on makes it work it’s entirely possible I don’t generally give fiscal advice for legal reasons though BW makes sense they find way Nome not to have to

Run G faser fire up and encourage Venezuelan immigrants to enlist and liberate their Homeland from the commi should us choose to get involved you’ll end up with another Bay of Pigs invasion if you try that that would be a bad idea Alex bogie do you think Joe ran for

Pus just to Pardon Hunter no no I don’t think that I don’t think that he ever expected there to be whistleblowers who would leak information to the public about his malens uh let’s see pumpkin fir crafts good morning clankers thank you to everyone 10% coupon code Clank Army good on

Anything in the store through Sunday night spoons keychains and pendants among other things and more coming soon as well as bookmarks by the way probably my favorite yes pumpkin fire crafts Link in the description to the merch page Anton uh is Anton in here yeah Anton’s in there he’s clanking deas Flex

Anyone no notice everyone stopped talking about the UNLV shooting the second the identity of the per was publicized many such coincidences Leo McMahan hi scks I’m a newcomer so please join me in my first Clank thanks for the content thank you as well for the donation next news story particle

Physicists offer a road map for the next decade they are trying to study the muon which is a particle somewhat similar to the electron and it exists in that scientific Gray that hasn’t really fully been explored yet sort of like the higs bosen and things like that or actually

The theory of gravity which is still not fully fleshed out or understood although I have my theory about it I have to do I think that it has to do with spooky action in a distance with particle attraction I can probably get on that on a video at some point uh they’re trying

To build another collider somewhere in the United States specifically to experiment with muons um so instead of firing the the matter like they do at the Large Hadron Collider they use I think protons if I remember correctly um there there would be more massive particles that they’re working with this

Would require a lot of money and a huge amount of technical expertise that only a few countries are capable of actually doing few European countries the US the Japanese probably could pull it off and that’s pretty much it I don’t think anyone else has both the money and

Resources and the minds to actually build a collider of any form let alone something along the lines of what they’re talking about the sighting of such a project perhaps at the fery national accelerator laboratory in Illinois would restore American particle physics to a position of preeminence

That was seeded to Europe in 1993 when Congress canceled the giant superconducting super collider but it will take at least 10 years to demonstrate that the muan collider could work and how much it would cost of course imagine you build it and then you fire it up and it turns out that it

Doesn’t work at all and you’ve dumped like a half a trillion dollars in the experiment that would be humiliating to the US scientific Community I will say this though in so far as we can gain a greater understanding of the basic principles of Science and explore things

Like gravity and dark matter and the higs bosen and stuff I actually support this I realize that a lot of people have fear about colliders um and and years ago I remember people were worried that when the large hron collider powered up to maximum power capacity it was going

To like blow up and go off like a nuclear weapon that doesn’t that actually hasn’t happen um while I think that space exploration and advances in agriculture especially are more important than pretty much anything else right now building a particle collider of the sort I don’t think it’s a threat

Number one although some people think that it is um but again I mean the collider never blew up when it reach reach maximum power so I don’t know what the problem is uh and and things like that a space exploration is more for the morale boost than anything like hey we

Landed on this object that we thought we couldn’t land on and and stuff like that we we sampled a comet we sampled an asteroid you the Artemis project with the moon etc etc uh these things are are I think more of a morale boost than anything else I’d like to see astronauts

Land again on the moon yeah of course I’d love to see them land on Mars and immediately play some David Bowie music of course if they don’t do that then I’ll be Gravely disappointed uh that being said the applications of of you know particle accelerator has expanded our knowledge of the basic functioning

Of particles and how they work uh we barely understand anything about some of them so I actually support it I’m a big supporter of science real science which means not necessarily most aspects of climate science number one and Hong Kong not necessarily all apply to Medical Science that we’ve seen over the last

Few years science in general though is fascinating I want to see more research teams go out into the Amazon dust down some tree and find you know new weird varieties of insects one of which might have a poison in it that cures cancer or something like that I think that uh

Science is cool as long as it’s real science and not pop science like you get from most of the science Rags that actually get replicated by the Legacy Media yeah supposedly the yeah uh tarantulas for you after they open the gates of hell in the 70s CERN wants more

Yikes yeah supposedly demons should be roaming around like it should be hasb been Hotel real life like angel dust should really be wandering the Earth but uh fortunately that’s not the case how sad uh the bonus hle sticks on that Meme of yourself you shared a little bit ago

Check the replies Jad an awesome idea you should see I’ll I’ll check that after I’m done with the Stream BW you think Trump won’t be in uh running against Joe can he win I think Trump will be the nominee and I think he can win will he I’m not sure can he ABS

[ __ ] lutely it’d be a better than 5050 shot right now if the election were held today Ministry of wrong think nothing more perfectly encapsulates government stupidity in trying to tax its way out of a problem that New York Chang uh charging people for getting into traffic jams it’s like they want to

Turn the state red Amy Hunter good morning it’s a great catching you live two days in a row thanks for all you do Clank Clank to you as well Sparky turkey is the only significant military in NATO besides the US one-on-one they’d Crush Greece um the

UK and France and Germany exist um they have a significant industrial output so I would not although by as far as land forces I think you might might be correct France might Edge them out not 100% sure Mark guetti turkey has stolen Land from the bosporus to the Sea

Byzantium will be free hash Misa make Istanbul Constantinople again have a hard time doing that musically assured destruction not to black pill but do you think the GOP will try to do a brokered convention and try to nominate Haley over Trump I wouldn’t put it past them there are definite

Signs that they intend to at least press a broker convention uh I don’t know if they’ll be successful and if they are they’re committing suicide as a party so I don’t really care if they want to collapse as a party and stop existing that’s perfectly fine because I’m not a republican Ellen

Smithy weasel got into LHC in 15 World got weird after by the way please send me no more Super chats I’ve already gone through [ __ ] ton of them uh beer and gear good morning Mr sticks your mission should you choose to accept accepted is to hit

Up Rumble and ask them why I’m not getting your live notifications when you spin up thanks and king of bong good morning from antons in Rowan Oak Texas free shipping for your belong using Code sticks on www.and of built.com and www. anons usa.com thanks to clankers Tobin Joe and

Dustin for visiting happy weekend doll yeah lizz’s soup on the stove smells pretty good I don’t know if I’m going to get to of my [ __ ] news stories though I keep ranting I have a I have a problem with that everard VPN once again we are here to give sticks

The monies for the shout out evergard VPN Sparky I figured out the gravity thing years ago it’s simple but for some reason I haven’t figured out how to put it into words I need to make a model where I can demonstrate how it works visually I think it’s just literally

Spooky action at a distance that is that a particle tends to associate with nearby particles especially when bonded but it can sporadically interact on a minute level with particles further out and then as the distance increases the level of interaction is less and less likely but since the particles are

Moving at massive amounts of speed and and constantly spinning around and so forth an electron isn’t necessarily within a certain distance of the nucleus Etc and so occasionally can interact and maybe even exchange with a particle at Great distance that’s how I think Gra Works you’ve got a massive body with a

[ __ ] ton of atoms and each one of those atoms has a small chance of interacting at any given time with the foreign entity and so it will tend to amalgamate more and more towards it um and that’s gravity basically that’s that’s my particular belief Sparky asked Ukraine about European countries’s industrial capacity

Lately uh have you been to Germany there’s an awful lot of factories there and the Dutch are no slou is either but they don’t really have a functional military I think that the Netherlands has four tanks last I checked I think I don’t know are they leopards or Abrams I’m not 100% sure

They’re they’re British maybe hopefully they’re Abrams or leopards as opposed to the British tanks they’ve got some problems next news story I’m just going to cut out the Bitcoin and Elon Musk articles and and just do this one because uh I’m uh again I’m really really tired and I’m smelling

The soup and just [ __ ] hungry and I don’t want to go for the full hour it’s [ __ ] Friday give me a break I I’ll do those articles tomorrow maybe I’ll do an extra live stream or something Biden Administration asserts power to seize drug patents in move to slash high

Prices and unfortunately it looks like this is established as being actually legal uh so the Biden Administration is going to deinen divize the production of new drugs in order to stabilize prices because I mean Biden so hard up for any economic victory at this point that he’s

Like well if I can throw up a Hail Mary and lower people’s drug prices maybe I’ll get some of the elderly voters going for me because the youth ain’t having it the college educated female voters have left me behind I’m hemorrhaging Hispanic voters I’m beginning to lose the the large scale

Democratic party Edge among black voters I’m just going to Pander to my fellow elderly people and uh give them cheaper drugs here’s the problem the government is the reason for high drug pricing the government has established effectively a deao monopolistic system for the major pharmaceutical corporations by making it

So burdensome in a regulatory sense if I for example tomorrow let’s say that I set up a lab in my garage assuming that I don’t get raided by the FDA the ATF the FBI or some other group in the process I’m above board I’m just playing

Around with chemicals and I I managed to discover an absolute cure for AIDS so not a treatment you take a couple of these pills and you no longer have HIV I can wipe it off the face of the Earth I’ve got a billion dooll idea uh let’s

Say I can manufacture it cheap too like man I can manufacture this pill for $2 and you know within a couple of years there won’t be any AIDS anymore we’ll [ __ ] feed him the chimpanzees and we will literally end HIV as we know it huzzah people can go back to having

Unprotected sex more easily uh what what happens next under the models in some countries I can proceed with attempting to get investment sell the pills I can do animal trials human trials Etc and and hopefully I can make a profit in the process of curing an for formerly

Uncurable disease in the United States though the process is so lengthy so burdensome and FDA approval so fickle and so top down and so aimed towards defending the corporate Monopoly that is the pharmaceutical system I ain’t going nowhere it doesn’t matter how safe my drug is it doesn’t matter how obviously

Well it works it doesn’t matter it’s 100% effective no side effects it can be manufactured for a few pennies a goddamn pill never get approved never I I will die before it gets approved if I don’t get assassinated then I’ll die of natural causes before the FDA actually

Lets it through what do I have to do I have to suck [ __ ] with a pharmaceutical Corporation glos Smith Klein or fizer or something and I have to sell the patent to them that’s why your drugs are expensive not because government doesn’t do enough but because government does

Too much and makes it too burdensome and once again we have our old friend differential enforcement in the mix whereby the mainline pharmaceutical company and pay a couple of bureaucrats and they get their pill fast tracked oh you brought back the lamide that’s perfectly fine we’re sure it won’t have

Any problems with it oh you’re giving Mega do a to people who with AIDS well it sounds way better than that entrepreneur over there he’s a psychopath he’s trying to give people pills that cost two cents to make yeah we can make a lot more money uh your way

So you’ve got approval the entrepreneur does not have approval but the entrepreneur will get approval if that drug patent is sold to glos Smith Kleiner fizer and that’s really the problem what Biden is doing is attempting to create another layer of government to solve a problem that government actually itself created they

Created the pharmaceutical monopolies that allow them with with patent law attendant that allow them to perpetually suppress generic Alternatives the government has banned importation from other countries even when again there is a safe effective proven generic or otherwise alternative being offered on the worldwide Market that anyone else in

The world can generally get a hold of but not American citizens that’s what caused uh uh the prices of farmaceuticals to Skyrocket it’s just like with education government is trying to come in and forgive the student loans while the student loans wouldn’t even be necessary for the average person unless

The government had come in and given Limitless grants Etc to educational facilities by which they build usually another Sports Stadium or another you know wokeness lounge or something that the black l space or something the smoking Lounge uh they wouldn’t be nearly as expensive if Government would

Just butt out in a free market education would be cheaper uh medicine would be cheaper etc etc look at tech for example when I was young computers cost an arm and a leg they were massively expensive now you can get a decent computer for far less

Based on the the wage growth and the value of the dollar the price is actually down even though the actual curve currency’s value has has dropped off a cliff uh for instance I have a victus laptop over here it’s a it’s a low-end gaming laptop it’s not anything particularly special but it’s reasonably

Good and it cost about 700 uh the first laptop that I got was effectively a goddamn beater back in the late 2000s and it cost 550 uh and then that’s the free market at work it has dropped the price considerably you don’t have this in medicine you don’t have this within education

You don’t have this in anything that government medal in to a particular degree the fact is that when Biden is threatening to seize the patents of companies that refuse to drop the prices they’re just going to disincentivize the development of new drugs you will get a generic alternative but you could have

Had that without the government’s involvement in the first place by simply reforming the patent law you don’t need to have the government come in and assert its right to seize patents which is again apparently effectively legal although it definitely should not be legal uh if you have a patent you have

An idea or something you should be able to capitalize upon it other people should also be able to synthesize the same thing not use your brand name because it’s the brand effectively involved with the patent other than the development stage and offer a generic alternative driving the cost down that’s

All you have to do but Biden doesn’t want that he wants to nationalize the healthcare industry that’s the whole goal here the whole goal here is the Takeover of the pharmaceutical industry more directly by the US government and nothing more and yes the baby is over there getting changed another reason why I’m

Going to cut it short a little bit early that and the fact that that soup smells Godly Sparky it’s much simpler than that yes but you must explain things as well uh no nordstream no German industry by the way I used to live there oh interesting uh there is definitely

German industry though there’s plenty in the Netherlands too mainly Brewing Mike L 2535 again please send no more Super chats I’m asking you not to send me more money uh for a reason Russia is losing the Optics War but is winning where it matters same with Israel to an extent

Absolutely I would agree with you that P over there if Colombia had an actual leader instead of a former t-word it could have been our best shot to take that failed State and restore our Empire Colombian food looks pretty pretty cool master a few of those [ __ ] recipes especially this time of

Year like I get the smoothies at the yumbo and I definitely I get the tropical flavored ones this time of year because I’m like I’ve got to put it back in my mind and remember that there’s a place in the world where pineapples are growing right now you don’t get a whole

Lot of sun this time of year in the Netherlands uh Sith 22 hey sticks put some snaps on the leather jacket to stop it from flopping over te leather enjoyer vulas oh to be a sewer rat emerging from Nikki 6’s toilet what do you mean Andy 6 uh deick don’t tell me

Not to give you money all good guys sticks please send no more Super chats me don’t tell me what to do bro besides this is a rumble ramp uh please don’t send those uh either because I’m going to lose my focus with the baby playing over there

And uh also because of my Hunger because lizz’s to potato leak soup is pretty fraking good uh let’s put it that way and it’s definitely the weather for it it’s like dreary and [ __ ] like that so I’m not going to get to the last two news stories Bitcoin is at a recent High

Though so we’ll just point that out I’ll probably carry it over for uh for tomorrow and I’ll uh maybe get to it then I’ll try to I’ll try to fit it into the docket and then we get the Iger musk story but that won’t be news tomorrow

It’ll be because it’ll be two days outdated so I’ll probably just drop that one I’ll do my best anyway I’m going to go offline now I thank you all for showing up over about 4,500 people at Peak and I thank you for all of your super chats and Rumble Rants and I’ll be

Back on Monday remember tomorrow I will be doing the last literary update of the year uh because the final work number 420 by the way is available that’s about all peace out


  1. Sorry but your gravity explanation doesn’t actually make sense based on quantum physics.

    Electrons do have a probability of appearing in certain orbitals (s,p,d,f) however they are limited on their energy levels. Only the valence (outside electrons) can be excited to a higher energy level (distance from the nucleus). These excited electrons quickly will release their energy and that’s what causes things like the color changes with fireworks or even solar cells to work, an electron is excited, then as it relaxes to a lower energy level it releases the energy it was increased by (this is what causes the characteristic lines that you can see with a prism). These energy levels are so minute though that we’re talking 10^-15m, if it did interact on the level of gravitational forces the electron would ionize and no longer associate with its nucleus.

    Gravity falls apart at such small scales because F=G(m1m2)/r. When all of those are tiny your force will also be tiny. Electromagnetic forces are about 4X stronger on an atomic scale than gravity.

    It’s hypothesized that another unknown particle exists as pure energy (no physical particle) which is the graviton that can operate at long distances like gravity but it certainly cannot be a quantum effect.

  2. If you want your drug to be passed over to the public outside of FDA regulation you go to China or hell even Europe.

    FDA regulation does price people out of the market but it also comes with high quality control compared to other markets. I’ve worked in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and seeing bugs in medication in China isn’t unheard of, but a drug like Thalidomide didn’t get approved in the US because the FDA recognized what possible side effects there were before clinical tests – it did make it to market in EU and that became a whole thing.

    Companies strive for FDA approval despite it being expensive because of the quality stamp of approval, but it’s also a huge loss if it doesn’t get through (Merck lost 13% in the German stock market a few days ago because an MS drug failed in the final clinical stages due to non-symptomatic liver damage). Small companies can’t afford that risk because they can barely afford quality ingredients.

    If the government can sieze patents or generics can be made immediately it will end research into pharmaceuticals. There is no reason a pharmaceutical company would invest the hundreds of millions and decades of development if they only get exclusivity for a few months until another company can take their research and make it with FDA approval. It’s essentially forcing communism on the drug industry – you can invest labor and resources and that profit is shared equally among your competitors who invested nothing.

    There are hundreds of pharmaceuticals companies who make drugs according to FDA (generics are included and that is also not a cheap processes for good reason). It isn’t just GSK, J&J, MSD, Pfizer, Lilly etc, there are CRO (contract research organizations) that research the initial medication to sell to pharmaceutical companies – typically holding the patent and CMO (contract manufacturing) which manufacture the drugs for the pharma companies. The Pharma companies are there to run the clinical trials and take on the majority of the risk of it failing which is why they get the majority of the profit from the drug.

    This could also cause a cascade to the ingredient chemical suppliers and equipment manufacturers and all the regulator consultants down stream where the government would need to step in to regulate all of them to ensure there is no price gouging.

  3. There's already a facility in Texas that was going to be a super collider. The plans fell through and a spooky chemical company bought the facility. I found out about it through the Stickmen song "Soup"

  4. I can't find a Casino or Bookie in Vegas that will cover my $25K bet that Hunter and the Biden crime family never see the inside of a prison cell.

  5. As a libertarian I agree with tax and gun charge avoidance, but not in Hunter's case. If WE had done any of what he's gotten away with so far we'd be locked up for years!
    Even NY Governor Spitzer got busted for interstate transportation of a hooker. No jail time of course, but kicked out of office! Then landed on his feet with MSNBC+QRSTW. Go figure….

  6. A brokered convention would result in Biden (or whoever is the democrat nominee) being elected president, and democrats to have supermajorities in the house and senate (maybe not in the senate depending on how many total seats they could lose this cycle).

  7. >be britain
    >fight war that started because Germany was partitioned
    >war makes them decide to create new state by partitioning palace stein
    >what could possibly go wrong.jpg
    >oh fock oh god
    >walk away whistling

  8. How is it possible that with things as bad as they are that the Dems are likely to retake the house in 2024?

  9. GTA is going woke. They pushed out everyone who created the originals because they were working too hard 🤣😂🤣

  10. they should grab that iceberg that let loose in Antarctica and melt that to flood the tunnels.. fresh water…lol…

  11. Get back to work Mr. Steaxsn'hammy.Only pajamaboys get to use kids & cooking as an excuse to slack during the work day, smdh.

  12. If Hasbeen Hotel were real, I would be getting a job with I.M.P. ASAP. Blitz is awesome, M&M are cute, and Luna reminds me of my Step daughter

  13. Styx is wrong on the flooding of the tunnel complex on several levels,,,, pun intended.
    1: He believes the salt water incursion will render the area non arable, there will not be the amount of salt to do this. Look at farm land near any body of salt water, especially near hurricane prone area that sees a regular incursion of salt water on a regular basis.
    2: Hamas did not plan for their tunnels to be water tight, they might have a few rooms that are water tight-ish, but the tunnels are not very deep and built to fight a war.
    3: Sink holes?!? Sink holes take a constant flow of water over long periods of time to grow large enough to cause a crater!
    4: Gaza City is very close to a salt water body, the added level of corrosion from flooding the tunnels will be minimal.

  14. They are not going to drown most of the people in the tunnels. They will crawl out before drowning. There are no effective water-tight doors down there. Most of the water can be pumped back out after the job is done.

  15. I can think of (thought experiments and so on) of five theories of gravity, right off ther top of my head, that annihilate your meager theory of gravity. Disprovable five different ways, at least.

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