Edible Gardening

Florida Organic Edible Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | December Zone 10a

Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | December Zone 10a coastal central Florida. Enjoy!
Plant Pirates playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC517sAs_ruQjRCWpkleHwVpjFMXKSnkI

Welcome back y’all today we’re going going to do a little garden tour again show everybody kind of what’s uh what’s going off what’s blooming what kind of food we have on the trees and the vines here in Central Florida at the beginning of winter what is it what is December yeah

December um December Garden Tour yeah so um real quick we are in Central Florida on a Barrier Island Zone 10A um we do everything organically we don’t use any uh synthetic uh pesticides or fertilizers or really anything we use uh fish ulion and uh wood ash and uh we Mulch and stuff like

That yes pee on the bananas yeah but uh value um yeah and we’re out of hurricane season we are out of hurricane season um but unfortunately for like our bananas we’ll show you in a minute we are in winter so um but that that still unlike

Our garden up in North Georgia which is completely dead right now uh all Frozen and dead um we still have food going off here so we still have gardening to do here we do so let’s start I know there’s uh some food right behind you guys

Carambola yes the seep tree cber can yes oh thank you yes so I think that was a mailman okay I think it was oh yeah hey man how’s it going I heard somebody say like boy yeah oh gotcha thanks thank you thank you so this is Merry Christmas this is our Shri

Kimber is that the one that this one is Babe oh this is our neighbor sorry well we got a little package mix up there um but anyways we’ve had this one in the ground for probably I don’t know a year or two and it gave us fruit um basically right from the beginning

You can see I still have the tag on it but it’s probably been here for 2 years um and we usually get what like two flushes of on this a year yeah I think so we just got the tree so I you’ve been there for a year or two yeah um but yeah

So we do have fruit on that like I said we do have bananas going off um which isn’t great for the beginning of winter um these have been on for a while so they might make it through the winter um we have a lot of other bananas we’ll show you

Around the garden um some of the things that we’ve done uh to try and help them through the winter um I’ve removed all the flowers you know we keep them pruned and stuff so all the energy is going into the fruit um we do uh we do give them

Some um nutrients in the winter but they’re not like in growing you know it’s not in growing season so you don’t want to fertilize them too much but I did put some ash on them the other day and a little bit of uh fish uh Emulsion

So we’re expecting a lot of um pineapple blooms uh probably in January in the spring or yeah January is when they start um so that’s something we can always look forward to last year was our biggest year yet so I’m hoping for bigger year oh here we go we got some

Food right here this is in uh this lemon yeah this is the improved Meer lemon this is an everbearing uh fruit tree so and it literally is everbearing it has fruit on it all the time um and it has new little flowers it looks like coming right here and right there are those

Flowers uh no I don’t think so looks look at this nice new growth on it though yeah so all right um what else do we have anything else in this area oh we do right over here we actually have some pink guavas up here only two of them this

Isn’t really guava season but this tree seems to be basically um everbearing you can see them right there so and those will go really still slow over the winter super slow but they’ll still they’ll hang in there we had them last year over the winter our

Moringa seed pods are mature so now we can um process all these seeds and you can also grind this I think people eat all parts of the moringa we’ve never eaten the seeds though no we haven’t or the bark speaking of the meringa it’s

You can see it way up there you can see the seed pods let me see if I can step down and show you seed pods way up there so we really need to cut this Moringa uh you can see where we cut it here in the

Past um and then it just screw right back up oh look we have a air layer here that I never took off the oh and it’s still tree look at all the roots in it look at that we need to cut that off today I probably did that four or five

Months ago right 6 months ago maybe yeah sweet the guava is an easy one to do air air layers on um we have some berries on our kuk back there oh do we I think they might be old oh yeah they’re old end yeah but that’s still interesting to

Show CU they split open yeah and then become the little scenes so this uh Mar I mean this um not Moringa um k kuk um it flowers for us several times a year uh and we have to cut it back a lot you see I think now is

The time to do it um and it’ll give us another flesh of flowers I think if we will cuz look the top up there is FL oh y it is you’re right so then we’ll get more berries the berries are really delicious they taste just like peas when they’re new so

These flowers are actually really delicious too they have like kind of a Nutty flavor to them um they need to get a little bigger though but um and then we have some more Leafy grains in here what do we have in here we got the um uh

Longevity spity right here kind of a mess right now I guess we need to kind of Tidy it up we haven’t been y uh trimming it um what else do we have in here the Lago spinach probably is all bed right now um like oh no the spinach

Our lettuce tree I think it’s still alive looks like something snapped it so oh like a branch fell on it yeah but it’s still I think it’s still kicking all right cool and then the mulberry tree is kind of it needs to be moved but look

Yeah when they built the house next door this you see his giant house next door uh it pretty much took the sun away from this area so I think we need to probably move this one yeah right all right oh and I think we have here’s some blue

Java bananas up here oh yeah I probably need to prop this one we don’t usually prop bananas but you can see it’s about to end up on the roof so there’s so many coming out of the one yeah we should have we should have thinn this out then

They go like this yeah all right cool I think that’s all we oh I guess I got to show this for million flower real quick before we move on to the next part of our yard just look at that that is killer and here’s another one right next to it how cool is

That so I was looking for little miracle fruits and I didn’t see any but I think we’ll get some fruit on this this is pry couple month yeah this is almost everbearing too Teddy found two on the ground is that one right down there no

He found two on the ground about a week ago but they were too um they were just they were shot oh we got a little pepper here teeny little pepper oh nice that thing’s in Decline what kind of pepper is that that’s the bird eyye pepper

That’s right it is in Decline it’s got some new growth down here maybe we should prune it hoping it’s just in yeah like hibernation maybe I don’t know all right I think that is everything we have going off in our front garden right here let’s move on to maybe another spot and

Find some more food sounds good okay we are at our strawberry tree which pretty much always has fruit well I take that back this is the end of the fruit yeah um and it will stop now in December and we won’t get fruit March yeah probably March um and the kids actually our

Youngest one just loves these he came out here and ate almost all of them the other day we ate them this morning here’s one there’s still some there’s some green ones here here’s the good one do you see any flowers on here oh that is a good one might be done flowering

Uhhuh I think weth the end yeah I still see a couple of green ones on here um but that’s a this is a great tree it’s a really fun one for the kids they can come out here and pick off of it and the fruit oh there’s some nice red ones up

Here up at the top um the fruit’s really tasty uh our little our littlest one just eat some by the handful I want to pull this top Branch down so cuz this is like a nice squatty tree for the kids to pick actually pick out of the tree yeah

I think that it’ll grow low yeah it’s just a fun one when they have friends over and stuff everyone can pick whatever they want it’s not like they’re going to ruin the tree they don’t do any damage to it and the kids can all have fun picking all right so right behind

Anal Lisa here is our monstera which has had fruit on it for several months now you can see we have four of them on there do you think this is helping it Oh look The Lizard oh yes he’s like yes it’s helping it please put it back so

That’s the newest one she’s playing with right there I think the oldest one is right here you can see the scales are starting to separate a little bit um but they need to be like way further along than that before we can um Harvest these fruits but we’ve been waiting on this

One for several years now three or four years now and we have several that we planted at the same time as this one that aren’t even close to the size of this one this one’s exceptionally happy I think it’s maybe the tree yeah it likes that cage growing yeah look at

That that is a healthy plant right there um but we are stoked about that I can’t wait I we’ve I have you tried this before I’ve never tried it before so I’m excited for that uh when it finally is ready yeah I think it’s a it’s a waiting

Game for that one so yeah all right I think that’s all the food that we have going off up here in the front yard um I think it is but I know we have some more in some of our other areas let’s go um find some more sounds great okay we’re

We’re going to stop right here cuz we have more bananas Raja purri bananas these are delicious this will be our second time getting fruit from this one it’s a nice kind of I would say it’s not a dwarf but it’s kind of a mid to dwarf size uh banana nice sturdy stock right

Here um it’s a great variety and it fruits pretty quick it does and then we have actually some more bananas up here too this is the tall oronoko I believe right yep tall oronoko so I say we don’t like to prop bananas but we have to prop

These every time cuz they’ll just fall over um but we do it because um prop it from its stock from the fruit stock if you prop it right there the whole top will sometimes snap right off you see what I’m saying from the St yep right up

There yep so we do prop these because they give us big batches of big bananas so I think it’s worth it for us to to keep them prompt I wish we had more of these this is like an old pool brush that was left at our house when we moved

In it’s like the best banana props and even digs into the ground down there yeah killer it’s killer and it’s aluminum so it doesn’t rust or anything it’s great those bananas are looking good they are all right let’s go find another uh let’s go find some more food

What do you got those are the little flowers what were those called they’re in the dandelion family oh I don’t know um we’ll have to look that up yeah well since we’re looking here right behind here is our okan spinach um you can see we’re using these

Tomato cages again to prop it up and it really does help uh with these uh kind of Evergreen the leafy greens um and then we have more bananas back behind her I said I cut all the flowers off but I didn’t cut it off this cuz I couldn’t

Reach it which one is it the Apple this is the apple and I think personally that the stilt that we’re using over there might be better served here cuz this is a windier spot and this is the apple banana is much thinner um the last that’s one last time

We had fruit it cracked and we didn’t get it so well it got it got caught in the hurricane to so but still I think we should prop it that’s a big rack up there it is and then I don’t know how I just skipped over this but we also have

Coconuts right here we have tons of coconuts this is actually the first year that this tree has fruited for us yep look at the flowers up top yep there’s like every single stage almost yeah I’m stoked we could probably almost cut this little Bunch down right

Here for the water probably let them get a little bigger but I think the green part of this tree was like here when we moved in it’s grown a lot and that was only four years three and a half years ago so aming how fast it grows to be too

Tall and then you’re like I don’t want to but over my house yeah we we actually it’s yeah it’s funny you say that we have this one right by the house here but this is probably as close as we’ll ever get with them most we’ll always use

This one for green coconut we’ll pick them before they turn hard yeah we actually have a lot more coconut palms we have some here in the corner um we have some out by the river there and then we probably have like 20 of them along our neighbor’s fence over here and

They all have coconuts on them and a lot of them that are over here are the yellow um coconuts that are called King coconuts and I think those are the best for the coconut water yeah we planted another yellow one right there in between those two cabbage PS all right

We got to sneak back in here though because we have these um yeah we have some here I got to go around the trampoline I know this isn’t really a food but we’ve got to go look at these flowers they are just killer some of this stuff out the way I

I planted we got these from a fellow Gardener um bed yes and we planted them maybe 2 years ago and I was I’ve been waiting for ever and ever and they finally flowered this year I’m so stoked so we got one from her a while ago and then she gave us more last

Year and I did see we had more of it popping up in the front from the batch that I got from her last year too so with flowers not with flowers but I think it takes a year to flower cuz this one didn’t flower till this year but

This one’s been in the ground for over a year okay but the ones that we just planted have only been the ground like 6 months and but I they’re still alive up front I mean I like the foliage like it’s kind of mix between a banana and a

Ginger almost uh and it’s just like real tropical I mean I mean mean my biggest complaint is that it doesn’t like grow um tightly um so it kind of like pops up everywhere but I kind of like that because and you can pop it out where you

Don’t want it if it gets too much it’s not like crazy growth you know yeah yeah I love it so all right I know we have at least one more thing um over right over here let’s let’s go all right you’ll have to excuse the banging going on next

Door we got some construction over there but we got I did notice our Chet avocado still has I see one giant avocado up there that the squirrels got to um and I imagine there’s another one or two hiding up there we’ve been picking them out of this tree for probably 2 months

Now right they really do hide though they’re like the exact color of the leaf so yeah oh my gosh look at this I didn’t even realize right here I would have cut this flower off it’s time we have another bunch of bananas right there apparently the dwarf red which is

Obviously not um but it’s a good one cuz this is now the second batch we’ve gotten yeah it’s not showing the characteristics of the dwarf red but it is a good banana and they taste good it’s probably a I don’t know what it is

What do you think it is I have no idea I’d say it could even almost be a dwarf Brazilian though uh yeah I know which would be excellent cuz speaking of dwarf Brazilian we have one over here that I believe has a bunch of bananas on

It we can stop right here at our button Ginger this is year round yeah these are edible these little things right here tastes like little lemon drops oh they’re extra good right now it’s cold here’s the DWF red though oh yeah I know I that’s my favorite R we got it

Now there’s probably 100 I don’t know 115 bananas on that that’s a big one definitely a big one you’d be surprised how many bananas are up there you might be thinking no there’s no way there’s 100 but I I bet you there is 100 bananas on that oh look there’s some

More bananas here another tall oroko oh these are almost ready yeah those are almost ready cuz the tall noo um these don’t really ever fully round out like this is about as round as they get here yeah as you see they do have roundness to them yeah see well man the

Banging going on over there all right um I think that’s it I oh you know what I do want to show everybody that vermilia flower up front real quick so let’s go up there and we’ll end up okay I wanted to show everybody this beautiful pilad flower we have over here

But we just passed this this I was saying earlier the Meer lemon um they’re an Ever bearing fruit and they like always have fruit on them and here’s a good example I mean this is we need to get this in the ground obviously but um I mean look

At this plant it’s teeny it’s it’s not even a foot tall and it has two giant lemons on them obviously they should have been picked a while ago starting to look like oranges that PL to be vared yeah but um all right I had to show everybody this

Vermilion flower where is it before we end I know this isn’t an edible but I just it is so pretty this camera doesn’t do great with close-ups but it doesn’t cuz like each one’s like a little like flower so pretty so what have you found about vermilia

Flowers um that the green ones that don’t that are more unassuming looking like on the leaf design have the prettiest flowers and the ones that are the most Vivid leav leaves don’t yeah so you can see this came off for the most part there’s some there’s like there’s like

Some cool striped ones they get a a light pink flower that are pretty magnificent um I think there’s like I think there’s like 3,000 varieties of of Vermilion so certainly certainly that probably doesn’t apply to all of them but um in Florida there’s vermilia groups where you can go and trade burm

Milads um it’s a big thing down here so they’re awesome I we weren’t into them at first until we started finding them for free on the road but I must say now that we have a lot of them and to mix around in the plants it’s a great texture to add

All right I got to put another she just mentioned found them for free on the road so I got to plug our other videos my son and I do a series of videos called the plant Pirates where we drive around our community on landscape debris pickup day and look for free plants and

So basically all um not all of our edible plants but almost all of our ornamental plants in our yard we got for free on the side of the road I mean we got this for free on the side of the road well look over here here’s ours

From this week yes so here we go we did a plant Pirates episode this week and this is what we um sorry guys this is my staging area it’s always a mess but so this is kind of what we got this week you can see we got um some dinina philad

Yendrum Auntie L te plants some more different kinds looks like this is a yucka in here there’s a giant vermilia and we got yeah we got a bayonet yucka a bridal bouquet pra right here so we actually get a lot of stuff and we look for stuff that we can just stick right

In the ground so all these plants that we just mentioned here you can literally just poke right in the ground and um and they’ll they’ll root for you yes they root the best in the rainy season yeah um this time of year comes the mailman again tell you what y’all I’m going to

Deal with the mailman real quick and we’ll get back with it all right busy day lots of packages today right yeah um like she was saying though um the plants that we get um on the side of the road um are easier to propagate in the rainy

Season or if it’s not the rainy season when we put them in the ground we need to at least make sure we water them for the first couple weeks um and sometimes in the winter it’s best when it’s dry to um to put them in pots so that you can

Water them regularly close to the house yes all right all right y well I hope you enjoyed our little tour here I think that’s everything we have right now in the garden that’s going off like foodwise um I noticed some other flowers around here we could have pointed out

Here’s this one what’s the one that Ralph gave us um Queen and Lily of the Valley or um no this is the one it’s called something else like the flowers are one start off as one color and then go to another I forgot which one that was

Anyways I I noticed we have several other flowering plants but I was I was kind of today I I kind of wanted to show everybody what kind of food we had going off um cuz like I said our garden in in North Georgia is just dead right now it’s got nothing

Yep I mean so at Le at least we got something here you know it’s kind of exciting so yeah all right y’all if you have any questions or comments about any of the plants we showed you here today just post down below till next time everybody out there take care Bye


  1. That Monstera plant is so cool! Can you do an update on your staghorn fern? That thing was huge. How long did it take to grown that large? Great video!

  2. was the flower in the end you forgot the name of yesterday today and tomorrow by any chance?

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