Gardening Trends

Houseplant Trends for 2024 (Top 10) – Including Upcoming Plant Style Trends!

Do you want to know what’s houseplants will be trending in 2024? Or maybe you’re looking for some new things for your plant wishlist? I’ll cover my top ten plant trends for 2024. I’ve based these on research from plant retailers, plant distribution and marketing organisations, and what I’m seeing in the houseplant market.

I’ll cover some specific plants, general trends and even some plant style trends you’ll likely see in 2024 – including earthly decor, bold and bright colours, and elegant pastelles. The plants include something super special (at least in my opinion) plus something a bit more unusual… Plus one I’m not a fan of but have been seeing more content on this (the Less is More trend). Let me know if you agree or disagree!

What other houseplants or plant related items do you think might trend in 2024? Let me know in the comments below. Plant trends might vary by country or region, so I’d also love to know what you’re seeing in the houseplant market where you’re from.

If you’d like to learn more about the plant style trends, you can find the resources here from The Flower Council of Holland:

You can also get the Garden Media Group’s trend report and learn more about their colour of the year – Cyber Lime – here:

As it is the season of giving, I’m currently running a giveaway! I’ve linked the video at the end, which includes my top ten plant video highlights of 2023, as well as a little bit about my houseplant journey. If you’d like to enter, watch that next and share one of your highlights in that video’s comments.

Don’t forget to subscribe for more houseplant content, with new videos every week. You’ll find lots more videos on the channel, including rare plant unboxing videos, plant care tips and guides, plant pest control, as well as some plant projects.

If you’ve got any questions, put them in the comments below and I’ll respond to every one.

As always – thank you for watching Grow Your Wellbeing.

Let’s have a look at some of the possible plant and style Trends coming up for 2024 so there are some really fun styles a super special plant and quite an unusual one coming up so I’ve looked at the recommendations from different house plant retailers leading organizations that really influence the

Media and distribution of house plants as well as what I’ve noticed in the market over the last few months now this is a hint of one that’s coming up shortly and let me know if you agree or disagree with any of the trends that I touch on also if you’re aware of any

Other trending plants or styles that you think will be big in 2024 let me know in the comments below so before we touch on any specific plants let’s set the backdrop with the style trends that we should be seeing in 2024 now these Styles have been put forward by the

Flower Council Holland and these are a very large organization that work with Distributors and Growers with house plant retailers be them in person or online and really influence the marketing efforts of house plants and flowers so these Trends aren’t specifically just for plants and flowers flowers they do cover home accessories

And wider home decor too so while some of these Trends aren’t necessarily completely new you will see more of them in 2024 so the first style trend is called meaningful Earth and as the name suggests it’s all about those natural shapes colors and structures that we can

Bring into our homes and bring ourselves Closer To Nature so this one is quite a dark but caling color scheme something reminiscent of a dark Woodland for example with the dark Browns and maybe dark Grays but also you’ve got the Deep greens and B but still natural colors to

Give a little bit of contrast and brighten that space up so then when it comes to shapes and textures this really is about natural textures so maybe things that are unfinished things that are made of natural materials things that might be a little bit rougher around the edges or maybe asymmetrical

That have been naturally made rather than man-made so possible plants to support this style are things like Bonas particularly Bonia rex that can have lots of unusual shaped leaves that look a little bit rough and possibly unkempt at times depending on how they’re growing different types of mosses that

You can do some quite creative displays with as well as possibly things like stagghorn ferns that really give those Woodland and natural Vibes so this next one is almost the opposite of the meaningful Earth and it’s all about a celebration through color so this is Viva lva and it’s all about the colors

That you will find naturally in flowers so things like oranges pinks Reds yellows but bringing them all together into a really colorful mix so you could find some really great plants for this and really brighten up your home with things like gardinas indoor roses St paas maybe even Easter and Christmas

Cacti depending on the time of the year that you are plant shopping and when those flowers are out so this is also about creating energizing and uplifting spaces so when it comes to things like materials you can use things with lots of patterns use a contrast of things

Like hard materials like iron against things with Frills and tassels for example so you’ve got a real fun mix of things going on within that space along with all of that fantastic color so if you like the look of Viva lva but wanted even more color then playful

Construction could be the style trend for you so this is all about bold colors the brighter the Bolder the better all mixed together in all sorts of combinations to create these really fun and almost psychedelic spaces if you look at all of those colors and even patterns working together so when it

Comes to finishes it is a little bit more focused on the man-made side of things so perfect finishes smoother glossier finishes to brighten up the space as well as an element of engineering so things that maybe have a hidden purpose or a different usage to what they initially look like so one

Example there is the curved pipes that are actually vases and when we look at the shapes as I’ve just mentioned this could also include lots of Curves and it’s very bold so also lots of very big rounded objects and circles so when we’re looking at possible plants for

This we could be looking at things like antherium lis with those wonderful bright large rounded flowers as well as things like Brads which come in all sorts of different varieties in incredibly bright colors that you could really mix and match and show off lots of plant color within those sorts of

Spaces so if that last style seemed a little bit too much then this next style could be the perfect one for you and it’s called gentle Paradox so this one still involves bringing in color to the space but instead of bold colors it’s about pastels against a background of

Natural tones so things like your beiges Stones Grays and whites with those wonderful pastels to create a very calming and tranquil space as the name suggests gentle Paradox when it comes to the shapes and textures it’s about creating slight paradoxes or contrast between those different elements so

Using things like hard surfaces and hard lines a little bit of geometry in there against some softer shapes or softer textures to really create a flow between the elements and the brochure describes this space as almost dreamlike with how everything flows together so then when we’re looking at plants for this space

We might look at those that would be considered a little bit softer so things like maiden hair ferns asparagus ferns hanging plants depending on how they’re displayed as well as things that have a little bit of color but maybe those softer tones or pastels so possibly different colors of orchids for example

To really support that sort of Elegance and simplicity of the space so now let’s look at some of the more plant related Trends and this will touch on some Ty of plants some specific plants as well as plant practices that we will be involved in as plant enthusiasts and hopefully

You’ll see some links back to the styles that we’ve just been talking about and how those plants can be used in those different spaces so we’ll start with the one that I alluded to earlier and this one is for cacti not a specific variety but all of the different varieties that

Are available so over the last few months I have noticed these have become much more widely available in lots of the as I said the different varieties in places like supermarket K Hare stores and online so it’s going back to basics a little bit because I think even if

People aren’t house plant enthusiasts many people have had or still have cacti because they are those or what are described as hard to kill plants so I think these are making a Resurgence they definitely have been over the last few months which I think will carry on into

2024 now on similar lines to the last one in terms of availability increasing over the last few months this next one is the aliccia frck barata as you can see it’s a stunning variegated plant with those wonderful bright leaves and this one did become available a little

While ago but it was quite hard to come by and had a very high price point that has since changed slightly it’s still expensive but it has since gone down as availability has increased so I’ve started to see these available in more house plant retailers as well as different size plants becoming available

So smaller plants obviously for a lower price as well as the larger plants if you want to pay more and just like any plant trend I think that will continue into 2024 with greater availability and that price lowering even further who wouldn’t want one of these in their

Collection these do look like stunning variegated plants however they are alloca and they are variegated so they might be a little bit more fussy when it comes to their plant care now this next one I’ve touched on a few times in previous videos as this one has been on

A bit of a roller coaster over the last few years so this is the monstera obla Peru and this one as you’ll know during the plant craze a few years years ago this one was very hard to come by and would have cost you thousands if you did

Happen to find one that was available whereas earlier this year there was a mass influx to the market of very cheaply priced plants for reasonably sized plants in a 12 CM pot and these were between 30 to £35 so this has balanced out a little bit now there is

Still the availability there so you can go in some in store shops or possibly online search for it online and it’s readily available but the price has increased now maybe two to three times that to about 59 or high 50s to about100 for the same size plant so I think

That’s maybe just balanced out with the supply and demand with the pricing there as well so I think with these plants they will continue to be popular in 2024 as more people start to spot them and see them whether they are the house plant enthusiasts that wanted one during

The plant graze and couldn’t get hold of them and haven’t yet got one or maybe those that are new house plant enthusiasts and they are now just readily available so they might not necessarily be aware of the challenges of getting them previously and just add them to their collection naturally

Because they are wonderful looking plants too so who wouldn’t want them in their collection although just like the alocasia Fry deck they can be quite fussy so you do have to bear that in mind if you haven’t got one and you’re thinking about getting one now this next

One is the super special plant I was talking about at the start of the video and this is one that I’ve only recently become aware of myself when doing the research for this video so this is the feel endrin gigantti and blizzard and as you can see it’s another really

Wonderful variegated plant with all of that wonderful color splashed across the leaves and not only that but the leaves can grow incredibly large and it can produce a large Plant when it matures so this really is a statement variegated plant now I’d be interested in knowing whether you’ve seen these before whether

That be in store or online I’ve said in previous videos I really like collecting different fer dendrons so when I came across this I’ve added it to the wish list but I wasn’t aware of it up until this point and looking at availability online it looks like there is limited

Availability from some retailers but there is a price tag attached to it so they are still quite expensive so as with many new varieties if indeed it is a new variety and variegated plants in particular they do have a lot of interest which increases demand so while that could affect price initially

Hopefully the supply will catch up with that they’ll become more available and the price will drop and then hopefully I can add it to my collection for Less so I will buy my time time before I take it off the wish list but I think with all

Of that that will prompt that plant to potentially be a trending plant in 2024 now for this next one if you are a house plant enthusiast you’re probably already ahead of the game with this one this one is hanging plants so not a specific plant but just having more hanging

Plants using them to create that jungle Vibe and this really links into some of the style Trends we were talking about earlier so the meaningful Earth creating that sort of Woodland natural look inside or the gentle par Paradox using the trailing Vines to create a softer look to contrast against the hardness of

The solid lines or walls for example so this one isn’t necessarily something new but it might see an increase when we look at interior design and styling with using house plants in 2024 so similar to the last one this one also links to the same styles of meaningful Earth and

Gentle Paradox and it’s about maximizing the vertical space and Greenery in your home so there is an expectation that there’ll be more interest in living walls in 2024 so these can come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the space that you’ve got available the

Budget and also the plants that you want to display so you can of course make these yourself if you’ve got the items you need from a hare store you can build it yourself just take into account the needs of the plants that are going to go

There so that they will be sustained but also the needs of the home to make sure that it that it is properly waterproofed for example as we don’t want any issues with damping our homes and that’s just one of the issues that could arise but you can also get readymade kits that you

Can then effectively just stick to the wall or actually fix up and they are built designed specifically to be vertical growing kits or living walls and they come in many different formats again depending on the price that you pay you could get more complex ones or larger ones or more simplistic ones

Again really depending on your budget so is a living War something you’d have in your home or maybe if you’ve already got one was it easy to to install and is it easy to maintain let me know in the comments below so this next one is more

Of a style Trend and if you are passionate about plants and have a large collection already you may not like this one I’m not a fan of this one myself but each to their own and I have been seeing a lot of this in media over the last few

Months so I think it will gain more traction in 2024 and this one is about less is more so rather than the large Plant collections where every space is filled with Greenery to get those Vibes or lots of varieties of plants in the collection for example this is more

About being selective with the plants that we bring into the house having a more more curated approach and then just styling a few plants into the home as opposed to Lots so there’s a bit of a balance of getting that Greenery into the home that’s maybe a bit more

Manageable and possibly a bit more with statement plants for example if they are Standalone or there are fewer of them and just not necessarily the overkill with Greenery wherever you can fit new plants now I’m more of a fan of the overkill approach but I don’t know about

You let me know whether you prefer a few plants or you like to collect as many varieties as possible or maybe even specific varieties if you are a fan of one specific variety for example I like collecting fendons so this next plant is going to have a spotlight on it for 2024

And it’s the African violet or St Paia so the National Garden Bureau have named it as the flower of the year now for 23 their flower of the year was the Orchid and this was also picked up by flower Council Holland so it was really pushed

In marketing efforts and we did see an influx in orchids hitting the market this year so if the same happens again we will be seeing a lot more of those African Violets in the shops to buy in 2024 so the great thing about these plants when we’re looking at those

Styles we spoke about earlier they pretty much fit in all four of those styles with whichever one you may be like the look of as you can get them with brightly leaves or dark leaves as well as lots of different shades of color so you really can make them fit

Whatever style you are going for and another great thing about them is they’re incredibly easy to propagate so if you only got one or two you could multiply them yourself pretty easily so now onto the unusual one and this one I’ve seen from multiple sources as well

As seeing more posts about it on social media and this isn’t technically house plant related but is something that you can grow indoors so it’s all about growing your own mushrooms and you can actually get kits with everything that you need to grow your own mushrooms at

Home so is that something you’ve ever considered or would consider in growing your own so unlike the ones that you obviously find in the wild that can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re looking for then these ones actually come with an edible variety of mushroom

So you know exactly what you’re getting and then you obviously set it up to grow and harvest your own at home so if you ever want to diversify your indoor plant collection why not go for mushrooms in 2024 so this next one is more about plant practice practices or plant

Accessories depending on how you look at it and it’s the expected increase in interest in using plant technology to help us with what we might consider our plant jawes or just to give the best possible care to our plants so this could be using things like grow lights

Which we know is a growing market and also things like moisture meters or maybe even humidifiers again just to make sure that we are giving our plants the best conditions and helping them Thrive so do you have any of those items that you currently or are they on your

Wish list to help you with your plant care in the future will they be things you’ll be investing in in 2024 and this next one is new to me I only came across it when I was doing the research for this video The Garden Media Group have come up with their own color

Of the Year and that is cyber lime so as the name suggests it is a very bright vibrant light green color or yellow to green color and this is specifically related to plant and gardening so this is relatively easy to get in your collection of course of course many new

Leaves regardless of the plant will have a very light green color but also what you might find is if your house plant chopp in or maybe if you’re in the garden center you might find more displays focused on the lighter green plants to try and meet this trend

However I as far as I’m aware the garden Media Group are predominantly focused in the US I could be wrong but you might see more of that within garden centers and plant shops within the us but I would be interested to know if you are from Elsewhere for example I’m from the

UK If you are see any of this trend towards cyber lime be that now or in the near future please do drop a comment below to see if it has spread worldwide or just into different countries outside of the US if you did want to look into

It further I’ll link some of the style resources that I’ve used in the description below so did any of those Trends surprise you or are you looking forward to what could be coming up in 2024 if you are aware of any others then please do share them in the comments

Below and I’ll keep an eye out for them if you have found the video interesting consider subscribing as I’ll have new videos every week on house plant related content and I am currently running a giveaway as it is the season of giving at least at the time of making this

Video so I’ve detailed that in my previous video which I’ve linked at the end if you would like to watch that next and get involved it also covers my house plant journey and my top 10 video highlights of 2023 if you’ve got any questions you can put them in the

Comments below and I’ll respond to everyone and as always thank you for watching grow your wellbeing


  1. Hello! Hope everyone is having some happy holidays! This was a fun video! I recently bought a neon pothos, and thought "Oh I need more lime green!" Nice to know they will be an easy find! I also have 2 asparagus ferns with full 5 foot cascades. They were cheep and easy to grow but definitely place them against a wall. They look fluffy and friendly but they have tiny "teeth" that will grab clothes. They don't draw blood but will make you say ouch if they tag you!

  2. The only reason "less [plants] is more" is because you dont really love the hobby, or you are unable to maintain their care. People usually downsize because plants are just decorations to them. You or I seem more in the camp of treating plants as living things to be enjoyed. When I no longer have the space or light to keep plants is when I have enough; I have at least 60 species right now.
    Of course, I use grow lights but as we discussed, normal LED are just as good .Never tried moisture meters, I just dont understand the logic because I prefer to just water the correct way lol.
    For decore, I recommend a Yard Butler or other brand type of standing hanger. Piling many hanging plants in a single vertical space provedes an instant jungle experience, and is easier than growing trees to the same volume.

  3. Also, plant auctions are becoming the way to go when buying plants. I just got a variegated Frydek for 26.00 USD 🫠

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