Garden Plans

My 2024 Yearly Goals | Goal Setting & Motivation | Plan With Me | Aja Dang

I’m Aja and today we’re going over my 2024 life goals. Since 2023 was such a disaster, I figure it’s best to tone down my goals for next year and not make any big financial and life decisions.
This is a plan with me video that breaks down my 2024 yearly goals and how I plan to achieve them.

I’m very excited to start fresh by setting personal, professional, and financial goals for the new year. Isn’t it an exciting feeling when you get to dream big by setting up a plan? Hello Slow Girl Era.

To breakdown this video:

3-month goals:
– finishing upgrading our bedroom
– start learning Korean!

6-month goals:

One year goals:
– finish upgrading my closet.

MSTRPLN – 2024 Dated Planner:
MSTRPLN – Digital Planner:

Chrisline Raymundo:

Tik Tok: ajadang

#goalsetting #2024goals #planwithme

Hey everyone it’s Asia thank you so much for joining me on my Channel today is part three of our goal setting December shindig part one was vision board part two was re completely redoing um my monthly budget cuz I haven’t done that in over a year which was sadly eye

Openening and then part three is we’re going to go over our life goals as you all know this year was rough for me so I’ve decided I’ve dedicated 2024 to being entering my slow girl era meaning no major life decisions no major life goals are happening so this year’s goal

Setting life goal setting video is going to be significantly paired down than they have been in the past when it comes to just like goal setting in general I think I spent probably about two or three 3 hours yesterday figuring out my life goals and my money goals for 2024

Yesterday so um just know that it does take some pre-planning but once you figure out exactly what you want to do it makes this process of actually writing it down and visualizing way easier again this is the master plan physical and digital planner the weekly planner we also have a daily planner we

Have a wedding planner we’ll have a notion homeowners template soon and we will have an Excel budget spreadsheet soon as well but yeah let’s just go ahead and get started yeah I was thinking about this the other day just because it will be a significant change

For me to goal set lightly the past 5 years I’ve had these major Milestones that I’ve set for myself and I’ve accomplished them and I think it just like over the past few years then obviously this year it just completely burnt me out so we’re taking a step back

We are slowing down a little bit but yeah not every goal needs to be a milestone sometimes it’s just a step in the right direction to figuring out who you want to be let’s put that on a Pinterest board okay so here is the um vision board that we put together again

Significantly paired down even the vision board is significantly paired down to what I’m normally used to but just to show youall here’s the um oh here’s a vision board but here’s the master plan daily planner so it’s a little bit different here’s my 2023 planner oh gosh that’s page that’s

Page two this is page two of goal setting here’s page one of goal setting but so this is what we’re coming from this year and as you’ll see my goals for next year are not like this but the goals for next year is we’re getting dressed we are

Going to completely redo the closet I’m getting rid of all the items that no longer fit me that no longer suit me that have holes in them we’re starting to take pride hopefully in um the way we look as I have been taking pride in kind of like how I’m

Feeling inside by just taking vitamins and like prioritizing myself a little bit more so that’s one goal the other goal is um I want to redo upstairs to just make it feel a little bit more homeier and more comfortable um and then for master plan we have the two product launches which

Include the Excel budget spreadsheet and then the um notion homeowners template those are the homeowners template is 100% done we just need to launch it the Excel budget spreadsheet is 99% done so I think those are going to be pretty easy to implement and then I want to launch my budget

Course once and for all I’ve been talking about it for years and in fact it was a main goal of mine for last year but things happen and uh it just got out of control a little bit so that is my goal I want to focus on that uh workwise

For next year so you all need to hold me accountable for it okay the last thing that actually Brian and I were talking about was we want to start learning Korean so those are compared to my older goals of paying off debt fully funded emergency fund saving for a wedding

Buying a house this is tame so for the 3month goals I want to um finish upstairs and I think 3 months we have a realistic is a realistic time frame to start learning Korean it just makes sense um I you know Brian’s job I think it is worthwhile for

Him to start learning it and I think it’d be something something for us to do together as a couple that would be really fun so if you know any um good ways to learn Korean please let us know in the comments also my friend Amanda said that with a library card you

Actually have access to an app I believe is called mango it’s a language earning app learning app and apparently with a library card you get um access to a lot of really cool things so I think I actually might end up getting that sooner rather than later just to have so

That’s uh three month goals six Monon goals I want to dedicate to finishing this um budget course so we’ll just do this and then for one year goal I think giving myself one year to refill my closet is like a realistic time frame cuz um spending all that money all at

Once might just be a little too much so I think giving myself one year to complete um closet upgrade is is a good amount of time and if you remember monthly budget that we built last video last goal video I actually put a uh clothing budget in

There which I’ve never really done cuz I just like don’t really like buy buying clothes as you can see um this goal setting page is looking pretty sad compared to what it was last year I mean is it s or this year is it sad I don’t

Know maybe this can can be a little chaotic so I thought about it long last night and I think that we can make this into a mini vision board visually kind of spice it up so so I think the like major goal for the first 3 months is

Obviously going to be updating upstairs there are two things that I think need to be added upstairs and of course I’ll Vlog the entire process I think we need to add a kind of like desk area and then we also just simply need more storage since down here is used for um renting

Out for other people to use for shoots uh photo shoots video shoots event stuff like that a lot of our personal items are now upstairs and it’s just causing a lot of chaos so I would love to add um I don’t know storage somehow maybe an additional

Like closet system somehow but I just really like this it’s all natural I really like kind of like the woods the textures the natural The Greenery I also just love this setup too I love the natural light unfortunately we don’t have too much natural light upstairs but

I think that is okay and then I love this I love the colors I love the bedding it just looks very cozy and comforting and some place that I would love to just take a nap in and then here is another angle angle of this and I assume right

Here right here is storage behind so that can signify our storage and then we’re leaving some space for our next 3month goal which is to learn Korean obviously the queen of all K dramas needs to be represented which is Crash Landing on you and the fact that they’re actually

Now married in real life makes me really happy I think I like this one this one’s happier so crash landing on you is obviously number one but number two I think for me is King the land I think the storyl line is so cute I think their chemistry is insane it was very

Reminiscent to me of like uh the chemistry of Crash Landing on you I think that’s why I liked it so much but so cute so they need to be represented as well and then finally I think my third one business proposal she was just so cute I think when I was actually

Downloading pictures for this last night I saw that there there’s a business proposal to happening so you know where I’ll be when that comes out so cute okay so I think since this is still like a goal setting page and not a vision boarding page I want to add just some

Text but yeah I think that is cute okay so six Monon goal I don’t really know what I want to do here since it is like master plan focused but as you saw as long as I can commit to writing and shooting and editing this should go

Pretty easily because as you see I’ve already basically WR wrote the chapters out everything’s done I just need to not be lazy about it copy and paste this for now and then we’ll come back to this later this one is complete closet upgrade so this should be fun prioritize

Yourself cute and then longterm I think it’s just going to be easy cuz I was thinking about what I wanted to do for a long term and I think last year I summed it up kind of perfectly or where was it is to just continue my slow girl era and

Retire a wealthy and I think the person who totally encompasses everything that I want for the future is Miss AA Garden who just lives in her house and eats and has a garden the only thing she doesn’t have is a dog yep I think maybe she might be my goal

And then also um remember here goal should be specific meas measurable rewarding and trackable I don’t know if uh AA Garden slow girl era is particularly trackable but I think that’s fun slow girl era love that for us okay now we need to figure out this so if I ever write a

Book about big interner personal finance I’ve already decided that the name was going to be be a basic Financial Basics something whatever subtitle and for some reason when I think that I think Regina George don’t ask me why that’s the vibe I’m getting one yes you can just drag and

Drop that one could be fun actually let’s play with this oops that’s kind of funny okay let’s do one intro just to remind myself that I already did all the hard work okay cute so we are done this is what our 2024 goals are looking like uh again significantly different from the past

Couple years that we’ve seen but I don’t know this makes me happy this makes it more more fun to look at maybe also that was the problem with this one is that there was so much writing that I just didn’t even want to look at it so I

Think this is a more fun way to goal set but yet also add like why we’re being focused about it with just the Doodles on the photos but it’s so cute it’s so cute all right thank you so much for watching I hope again we are in the last few weeks of

December which means if you are planning to set 2024 goals whether they’re Financial for work for personal whatever now is the time to do it we’re getting to the end no pressure you can obviously do them in January there’s no there’s no like set time where you have to do goal

Setting but I always just kind of like to do it before the end of the year so I can go in with the mission uh the mission for next year is to not repeat this year that’s it I’m Asia thank you so so much for watching if you want to

Buy the digital planner or the master plan physical planner or The Wedding Planner or the daily planner I’ll link all of those in the description box as well as um the language app that I talked about that is free for certain library card holders mango I believe it’s called but

I’ll double check and put that in the cards anyways that’s it thank you so much for watching please like share and subscribe and let us know in the uh comments what some of your slow girl era goals are for 2024 all right I’ll see you in our very next and last video

Maybe of 2023 which is going to be our 2024 financial goals all right see you later bye


  1. Thank you Aja for sharing!!! I love your slow goals. I, too, am in my slow area. We bought a house and got engaged in 2023. I really want to savor everything in 2024.

  2. I have appreciated all your videos and your frankness. I discovered you a 1.5 years ago and am thankful to have done so. Because of your educational videos and your planner, I am more financially savvy and come 12/2024, I will have paid off all my student loans!

    With that said, I LOVE PIMSLEUR! It focuses on listening and speaking, which is the primary goal for me, but it also has a variety of lessons to help reinforce it if you are a visual learner as opposed to auditory. Up to 4 people can use the same subscription and individually have their own account (have your boo write it off as a business expense). Strongly recc! Rosetta is too slow and Duolingo doesn’t teach basics well enough

  3. Ooo I follow Jenna Hong on YouTube and she is also wanting to learn Korean for 2024. She might have some good tips! I personally love Dr. Pimsleur language learning. It personally helped me! I am also going to work on getting ready ☺️ Love that you share your goals! Inspo!! 🧸

  4. After learning the Korean alphabet, I used resources from TalkToMeInKorean! Their website recently became paid-only, but I think their content (Youtube, textbooks, lessons) is good quality. Now I use Duolingo to expand my vocab, and watch a lot of Korean language vlogs that have simultaneous Korean & English subtitles! Good luck 😀 💜

  5. You're one of the few YouTubers who I'm truly thrilled to see in my subscription box. I've been around for years, and I love how authentic you've always been. Hope you have a great holiday season, and I'm looking forward to seeing you thrive in 2024!

  6. Thanks for sharing your goals, Aja! Your videos are inspiring me to re-evaluate my financial goals and plan for a successful 2024! As you mentioned the excel budgeting sheet will be launching soon, would that be early 2024 or in the spring? I was thinking of purchasing the physical budget planner but if the excel sheet is coming out early 2024, I'd rather just have one of them!

  7. Two create resources I used when learning Korean while living in South Korea were talk to me in Korean and Korean from Zero. A lot of libraries do have resources like Pimsleur (though I didn't find pimsleur helpful) and if you like kdrama and netflix there is also a language learning extension that you can add to help while you're watching videos. Hope these help! I'm all here for your slow girl era.

  8. I love your “slow girl era” goals!!

    There are tons of Korean language learning options out there. “Talk to Me in Korean” is pretty popular for self learners.

    A tip for your clothing overhaul is to look into getting your colors done. It’s so fun and informative. I did mine through House of Color and it was worth it (and fun to do for a girls get together)! And a book called The Curated Closet is amazing (it has a workbook too, which was awesome!)

    I’m looking forward to your videos for 2024! They’re always so calming and encouraging!

  9. Love this! Setting goals ahead for the new year is key to success. Keep going and you’ll achieve your goals before you even know it. 🙌

  10. We are HERE for the slow girl era!! Aka, You deserve some rest and indulgence after the intensity of the past year!

    I am on a similar page, this past year was ALL THE THINGS. Cash flowing Tens of thousands in home repairs as a new homeowner, cancelling our honeymoon [$], big career change, first year of marriage. I’m ready to focus on what I want and to take my time!

    I have a week off work for the holidays and I’m looking forward to making a digital vision board/goals page. Thank you for the basic bitch inspo!❤

  11. Random….Thanks for having Business Proposal 2 on your list. I don't follow k-drama like I use to.

  12. I purchased a course called 'Talk to Me in Korean'. I bought 5 levels + a workbook to learn hangul. It's really good and has helped me communicate on my two Korea visits this year. I highly recommend 🙂

  13. As a Korean-American who learned Korean as a kid from watching VHS tapes of Korean shows with a physical Korean-English dictionary next to me, watching shows that you actually care about and invested in helps A LOT. There are many different YouTube channels on different subjects that are subbed.

    I would also volunteer to help with talking and video chatting in Korean lol

  14. I have learning Korean on my vision board thanks to your hubbys friend Jungkook and kdramas 😂 My friend is an English teacher in Korea and she gave me these resources .. Happy New Year 💜

    Talk to me in Korean. This resource is a classic and the most professional/fun way to learn Korean. They will teach you everything you need to know and more. The setup is more like a classroom if you want to learn that way.

    Deerlingo. This resource is more like flashcards. It will hold you accountable if you need that extra push.

    Eggbun. This is my personal favorite. It is similar to Deerlingo. They really break down simple sentences and the characters that they use to teach are so adorable.

    Sejong Cyber University. This is the course I'm currently taking. It is online. They have beginner 1 and 2, intermediate 1 and 2, and proficient. This course runs for 8 weeks and gives a 4 week break. We meet twice a week. Depending on who your teacher is, they will give out homework. We use a textbook too. The class is mostly in Korean, if you are comfortable with the language, then I recommend you take the beginner 1's course.

  15. We're in the same era for 2024 haha. Could you do a look back at your 2023 goals and how they played out also?

  16. "Not every goal needs to be a milestone, sometimes it's just a step in the right direction to figuring out who you want to be." Yaaaaaaaaasss!!!

  17. I'd LOVE to see wardrobe update progress videos 😊 sustainable, long term focused shopping is so hard to do so learning from your experience would be great!

  18. can you please document your wardrobe transforming journey on youtube! I was to do the same because I notice such a difference in my mental health when i look put together and wear something I love!

  19. just got my MSTRPLN planner in the mail today 🙂 so you know what I will be doing for the next few hours….

  20. Two things that really helped me with learning a new language:
    – Learn songs! Seriously, finding songs you like, translating them, and then listening nonstop helps so much with learning new words.
    – Watch movies or shows that you know really well in Korean, with English subtitles.

  21. One of my goals this year is also to learn Korean! Starting slow with Duolingo, and got some cute and fun learning books (How to Speak KPOP by Jung Park, and then the Korean K-Pop and K-Drama Workbook by Tuttle Studio) to ease into it. I thought if I made it fun and enjoyable to start, I will probably retain things better and also be more encouraged to keep up with it.

    Also, really loved seeing your Goal Setting page and how you married the Vision Board aspect too. Just goes to show how you can really make the digital planner however you want it/need it to be accountable and enjoy the journey.

  22. Aja is my…. not "hate watch" I don't hate her at all lol but I just sometimes check in with her like once every year to see if she's still a mess, and it makes me feel better about my life. Horrible practice and mindset for me, of course, but actually really helpful lol thanks girl

  23. This was exactly the inspo I needed 🙌🏼💓 having clarity and goals but not needing to hustle so hard. It’s been great to see the evolution of your goal creating process and how you adapt it to these different seasons of life~

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