Container Gardening

My 2024 Flower And Vegetable Seeds Order For A Shady Container Garden

Searching for ideas on what flower and vegetable seeds you can sow in your shade/part-shade container garden? In today’s video I’m showing you my flower and vegetable seeds order for a balcony garden that doesn’t recieve a lot of sunlight. Hope it will inspire you and give you some ideas on what you can sow yourself!

🌿 Other Videos You Might Enjoy Watching 🌿:

▶️ Check Out My Seed Sowing Playlist

▶️How To Sow Biennial Plants: Foxglove, Forget-me-nots, Pansies


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Plagron “Lightmix”

Plagron ‘”Alga Grow”

Plagron “Alga Bloom”

Plagron “Power Roots”

Plagron “Green Sensation”

Plagron “Mega Worm”

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#containergardening #shadegarden #seedhaul

Hi friends, welcome to this new video.  I’m sorry if I sound a little bit off,   but I’m fighting a seasonal cold at the  moment I’m totally fine, I’m on the mend,   I’m just still a little bit congested, that’s why  I sound a little bit weird, I’m sorry for that.  

My seed order for 2024 has just been delivered  so I really wanted to share with you what seeds   and what vegetables I’m going to be growing on my  shade/part shade balcony this year. So if you also  

Have a balcony or a garden that doesn’t receive a  lot of sunlight hopefully you’ll find some ideas,   some inspiration in this video. I have some new  seeds and I have some older seeds that I want to  

Go through really quickly to see what I have,  but generally I don’t have a lot of seeds and   I don’t buy a lot of seeds. You know there’s  only as much as I can fit in 17 meter square  

Balcony garden and at this point my garden is  pretty full. I prioritized you know, trees and   shrubs and herbaceous perennials and evergreens,  these plants that create the structure of my   garden. And then I have like maybe 15 seasonal  planters without counting those on the railing,  

Maybe 15 seasonal planters on the floor that I can  use to experiment, to try new things each year, to   plant some new seasonal flowers. So it is in these  po that I’m going to be planting all of these  

Seeds so that means I will plant maybe one or two  containers of each plant, but I think it’s still   worth it. Cause you know growing plants from seeds  is way cheaper than buying mature plants at the  

Garden center and then obviously greater range of  plants is a available to grow from seeds, you can   get your hands on some really unique really fun  varieties that wouldn’t necessarily be available   at your local garden center. So I still think it’s  worth it. So let me show you all of these seeds,  

All of these new seeds that I just bought, I  actually haven’t even looked into this envelope   I just opened it, it was delivered today. So maybe  I should mention where I order my seeds from cause  

If you live in Europe that could be relevant and  maybe helpful. I usually order my seeds from three   places and my number one place to order seeds  is where all of these seeds came from Graines   Baumaux, which is a French website but I think  they ship to other European countries as well I’m  

Not sure but I think so. I buy my vegetable seeds  here my flower seeds here, they have a really nice   choice of everything. Then the second page is  Tuinzaden which is a Dutch website I usually buy   my biennial seeds here and then the third one that  I sometimes order from is gardenseeds  

So these are the three websites I would recommend.  So let’s start with all of these, I can see right   from the start that they gave me some packet of  seeds for free they always give you a packet or  

Two of seeds with each order that’s really kind  of them uh but usually these are the seeds that   I cannot grow on my balcony because they require  full sun and so we have Cosmos ‘Versailles’ so  

I will probably be giving this to my grandmother.  I often give her my seeds, you know I just need a   small amount of seeds and then the rest I usually  give to my grandmother. I tried growing Cosmos  

On my partial shade balcony. I tried it two  times and well it grows, it blooms, but well,   how to say it… I mean it won’t grow as large as  it would in the full sun and it won’t produce as  

Much as it would in the full sun. The flowers are  smaller the bloom stalks are smaller, it is cute   but is it something that you will prioritize  in partial shade, probably not. I think it’s   better to buy plants that will actually thrive  in the partial shade rather than forcing full sun  

Plants to grow in the shade, that’s my opinion,  but I think that if you have four or five hours   of sunlight you can give it a try and you know see  for yourself if that works for you or not. But you  

Know what’s interesting, often times when I go to  some garden center I check the seed section and   often times I just I look at it and there’s like  full sun, full sun, full sun this full, sun that.  

You get the impression that nothing ever grows in  the shade or nothing is ever suitable for shade   or part shade. And that’s funny because there’s a  lot of plants that are tagged as full sun but they   actually do really well in partial shade and one  of those plants is Nasturtium. Nasturtium is often  

Tagged as full sun but it actually does really  well in partial shade I’ve grown them in the   past I absolutely love them enjoy them very much  and there are so many uses for Nasturtiums. This   year I picked two varieties, one is called Salmon  Gleam the other one is called Cream Troika. Cream  

Troika is a large creamy yellow variety with brown  markings and salmon gleam as the name indicates   is salmon but really soft peachy color. You can  useNasturtiums in many ways, you can grow them   as host plants, so you know when you have your  vegetable garden you can plant Nasturtiums in your  

Vegetable garden because they attract pest so the  pest will stay away from your actual food crops   and they will be attracted by Nasturtiums. You can  grow them as cut flowers they have a really long   vase life, they look beautiful in bouquets and  if you are into the whole edible flower thing,  

Which I definitely am, these are edible and they  actually taste really good, because you know   there are some flowers that are edible but they  taste like crap, sorry, but that’s true, where   as Nasturtiums are actually really tasty. You can  add them to your salads you can add them on top of  

Your sandwiches that looks really nice. Definitely  excited to grow these! Next we have Coleus ‘Giant   Exhibition Mix’ and Coleus is one of those plants  that I always encourage people to grow from seeds,   because they can get kind of pricey at the garden  center and when you buy a packet of seeds you pay  

Four or fiveeuros and you can get 100 plants  because there’s 100 seeds in it and they have   a pretty good germination rate usually. I always  say to people seed the whole packet of seeds cause  

If you seed just like maybe 5 – 10 seeds you may  end up with 5 – 10 of the same plant but if you   sow 100 seeds you see all of the possibilities  like all colors that you can possibly end up  

With from that one seed packet. And then you  can pick only the ones that you like the most   because they come in such a range of colors and  color combinations it’s such a beautiful plant  

If you have a shade garden and you feel like it  lacks color definitely give a try to Coleus. They   are really easy to grow from seeds, you can grow  them in the shade in partial shade those that have  

Darker more thicker leaves they grow also really  well in full sun. They can also be grown as house   plants year round I’m actually training some into  toparies. I’m not sure if you can see behind me.   Really beautiful plant really easy to grow. Next  we have Snapdragons. Snapdragons grow really well  

In partial shade as well. I actually grow some as  perennials because they are hardly down to zone 7,   so they can take some frost. I have not tried  growing them from seeds I always grow them…I  

Just buy plants and grow them like that but I  really want to give a try to seeds and I have   two beautiful varieties one is called Lucky Lips,  which is a tall Snapdragon variety and the flowers  

Really look like lips, they are like two- tone  pinkish with darker pink almost red tinge and they   really look like lips. That’s a really beautiful  Snapdragon and then I have a one that I’m really   excited about I’ve never seen a snapdragon like  this in my life! It’s called Kimosy Apple Blossom  

And what is so special about it it grows only  15 cm tall, 15! That’s pretty amazing, that’s   a really short snapdragon, so this will be perfect  for like windowsills or for really small pots. I’m  

Really excited to give it a try, as I said I’ve  never seen a snap dragon as short as this. Next   I have sweet peas and I have grown peas and sweet  peas before but I don’t like how messy they get  

Because they are quite tall they can grow up to 2  m tall so you need quite a lot of space for them   and you need to you know provide them with some  trellis or with some something like this something  

That they can climb on so I was searching for  some shorter varieties and found just randomly   this one it’s called Super Snoop Mix and they  grow only 30 cm tall so it’s a really beautiful  

Mix of like pinkish, hot pink colors and as I said  they only gr 30 cm tall so here again they will be   perfect for windowsills, for small pots, there’s  enough stem to cut them as cut flowers but they  

Are really short so don’t need staking or anything  like that so really interesting variety. So these   are all of my flowers, so now let’s move into  vegetables, because I do grow some vegetables in  

Partial shade. I don’t really talk much about it  but I think I want to talk a little bit more about   it because there’s plenty of gardeners who grow  vegetables but they all have a full sun exposure,  

But for example me I only have shade to work with  so I can’t grow tomatoes or peppers or cucumbers   or you know eggplants and stuff like that I can  only grow those plants that actually do grow in  

The shade. I think I will share a little bit more  about that this year. So for this spring season   mostly I bought some radish, I have three radish  varieties and the thing about radish is that it  

Does grow really well in partial shade but it  will take way more time to ripen. I remember   doing an experiment with that 18 days radish  you know that radish that from seed to harvest   it grows in 18 days. I remember sowing it on  my balcony and it took two months to ripen,  

So they will definitely take more time but they  will grow into healthy and very tasty vegetables.   Generally all root crops do really well in the  shade and radish is my favorite because you know   there are so many different beautiful radishes you  can really have a lot of fun growing radish if you  

Pick different colors. I remember one year I  took the smallest wicker basket that I could   find on my balcony and I planted two different,  five different sorry, five different radishes   inside of it and that was really fun because  then you have this small basket but you have  

All of those colorful radishes growing in it.  This is also a really good proof that you don’t   need a lot of space to grow anything whether that  be flowers or vegetables. So I have radish French   Breakfast just a classic quite spicy variety  and then I have two rounded purple radishes  

These are less spicy they’re really tasty it’s  called Bakus I think that’s how we pronounce it   and I’m sure that here um I already can see I  have some different colorful ones like Malaga   and some other yellow varieties that the name  is not indicated on the package, but yeah you  

Can have a lot of fun growing different colors  of radish definitely recommend that for partial   shade. Then obviously all kinds of leafy greens, I  really love arugula but you can also grow spinach   and you can sow it repeatedly every two three  weeks to have a continuous harvest. I love to  

Do it with arugula I’m not a huge fan of spinach  I prefer arugula and then uh all kinds of lettuce   they grow really well in the shade and in partial  shade. One of my favorites is Devil’s Ears I grow  

It every single year but this year I wanted to  try something different so I have Batavia Rosia.   So this is my seed haul for this year as I said I  have some more seeds in here I’m actually not sure  

What I have in here. One thing to keep in mind  when keeping seeds from year to year is that seeds   they have viability and that viability decreases  over time. there are online charts that you can   check you know each for each seed what’s the  viability and how long you can keep them because  

After a certain um time that viability decreases  so you will have lower germination rate that seed   may still germinate for you after 10 years but  you know the germination rate will be really low,   so it’s not worth keeping seeds more than 5 years.  Some seeds lose viability already after one or two  

Years some can be stored for 5 years 6 years  but usually after that 5 years mark it’s not   worth keeping seeds, so it’s a good idea when  you buy your seeds to write the date when you   bought it and check online what’s the viability  for these seeds and check when they expire so  

That you know how long you can store them. So  let’s see what we have in here, more Nasturtiums,   I have another one this one is really beautiful  lLadybird Cream, beautiful kind of like ladybird   dots on it as I said more radish that I’m excited  to grow colorful radish varieties oh and this one  

Almost forgot about this one. I have um Foxglove  F1 hybrid Dalmatian Peach so these are the hybrid   Foxgloves that you can sow this spring and they  are going to… I mean you sow them indoors early  

In the year and they are going to bloom the same  year cause you know usually Foxgloves we treat   them as biennial so we soew them sometime June  July then they grow they become seedlings and   you overwinter them and they bloom the next year  so with this F1 hybrids Dalmatian Peach but there  

Are different Dalmatians, they bloom the first  year already and then they can bloom again in the   second year. I bought it last year and I wanted to  give it a try this spring. So that’s pretty much  

It have some Celery some Pak Choy and stuff like  that that I’m probably not going to be growing   this year because I don’t have enough space but  yeah I don’t keep a lot of seeds as I said because  

In all cases they lose viability pretty quickly  so it’s not worth. Okay you guys so this is it for   this seed haul these are all the seeds I’m going  to be growing on my balcony this year I hope you  

Found some interesting ideas maybe some new ideas  on what you can grow on your part shade or shade   balcony. I’m surely going to be sharing with you  how I’m sowing all of these seeds, sharing maybe   some tips on how to have a successful germination  so hopefully you enjoyed it hopefully found you  

Some ideas, thanks so much for joining me and  we will see each other again in the next video bye


  1. Although we have a south-east facing balcony, I have found that plants that are in the shadier areas tend to not like the heat even if they are shade-tolerant. But there are some plants that do pretty well there, e.g. mint.

  2. Howdy beautiful amiga!👋 Sorry to hear you are sick, and happy to hear you are at the end of it.🪻
    I love seeing what folks plan to grow for the year, and you have such lovely choices!😃 I'm excited to see your enchanting garden year round. 😃
    You teach and encourage us to grow our own enchanting garden!😃
    I really need to give growing coleus a try…maybe 2024 will be the year.👩🏾‍🌾
    Even your veggies…like that beautiful lettuce…add to the enchantment of your garden!
    If you like tomatoes, I encourage you to grow cherry tomato. They do well in the shade because it doesn't take as much energy/time for them to form fruit and ripen it.🍅
    Dominika, I hope you and your garden have an amazing 2024…my your garden continue to tickle your soul.🦋 Thank you for sharing your knowledge and the loads of encouragement you give us. ❤ You sow some lovely seeds into the people planted in the garden of your life. I pray 2024 holds awesome happenings for you and yours!💕

  3. Happy New Year! I received a seed order today. I’ve done a lot of vegetable but this year I am trying more flowers from seed. I ordered coleus and Heuchera seeds after watching your videos! I’m so looking forward to my seed starting.

  4. Hi, Dominika! I can hardly wait for each Saturday to watch your new videos! I've learned so much from you, as I have a shady apartment balcony, too, so all your advice helps me a lot. Your videos guide me through the gardening "chores" throughout the year. I wish you a happy new year from Romania! 🎉🌟

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