Front Yard Garden

I Built a PILLAGER CASTLE in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Survival Let’s play

fWhip built a PILLAGER CASTLE in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 survival let’s play!! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! Subscribe! 🙂

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival

Today I’m taking on the challenge to transform a Pillager Outpost into a massive Pillager Castle while completing the neighboring custom mountain range and battling pillagers the entire time this turned into over 40 hours of pure pain ow hey folks FP here and welcome to my Hardcore Minecraft world be sure to

Leave a like on this episode and please subscribe as this has taken a ton of time and pain lots lots of pain to put together first step to building a castle over here is I need to remove the Watchtower and everything else but before I do that I need a big Beacon to

Stay safe the there’s going to be a lot of pillagers here let’s grab some Wither Skeleton skulls a little Soul Sand and we’re off to kill some Withers some wonderful Withers of uh the nether some wonderful Withers of the nether there we go yeah man I’m so happy I took the time

To transform the nether Hub this is so fun to fly around in and it looks pretty cool now that we’re here in the end Dimension we can pretty easily kill some Withers right here There we go four nether Stars grabbing a little obsidian and glass we can craft four beacons now I just need to go through the process of building a quad Beacon now we can get all of our super BFF with resistance to get rid of you throw some speed and regen on there why

Not and just to take care of this next guy let’s throw on some double strength yeah just waiting for the boss thirst and to make this go faster we can get haste too something tells me I’m going to be getting a lot of these today

We can save him to use on the build though oh no no no I just started a raid oh I ran home with the BFF that’s not good oh no oh my whole base all of my leaves all of my decorative leaves okay you guys come here don’t you dare kill

My villagers or ruin my Fields okay I’m just going to bring you all over here and I think I can get the raid to time out if I just put one of these in a pit eventually The Raid should time out because it’ll see him as alive or we’re

Going to really have a raid here oh I’m not fighting a raid in my base I have a ravager spawns here it’s going to kill everything I just went home to get empty Shuler boxes to tear this thing down and I started a raid at my base that’s a

Rookie mistake right there I am already starting to regret the idea of this project and I’m just getting started the pillagers here are going to be a huge pain in the bum and I’m already starting to look like a porcupine and this is just the beginning

I so confused why is that crossbow so massive what is going on why is that one so big what is going on I’m so confused before we do anything else here I need to call upon an ally I am in need of a cow hello my Bine friend please come

With me you have a very important job to do yeah look at how excited he is no this way you’re coming with me okay buddy you are going to hang out right down here very far away from everything spooky and uh I’ll take a bucket of milk

For now thank you wow that looks so weird without the tower on the top that has been there literally since I started this world oh this is going to be cool to transform it a coward no longer I cleared out the remaining structures and trees be free my iron golem friend be

Free destroy the pillagers who have trapped you in here don’t rush out all at once yeah oh oh yeah okay they got be destroyed no destroy me just just them while he’s distracting them we can get to work as I want to build a large castle tower with a single wing coming

Off of it then creating an enclosed Courtyard behind a wall why do I feel like I was just describing something on the Great British baking show but I am going to grab one of these Shar boxes over here that’s full of stone as we’ve got some stuff to lay out I need to

Quickly run around here and build out some walls to give myself some space to hide from the pillagers ow ow ow ow stop it ow ow can you just stop it think of the great build at the end flip it’ll be worth it just just keep going flip you

Got this just just sorry just been talking to myself over here this is driving me crazy something like this should work here for the build itself but I want to sort of like a yard around it too so we can add some extra details and don’t do it don’t don’t you dare do

It he did it I said no let’s craft down a few stone bricks stairs and slabs to be able to spawn proof on top of the new wall and I think this one’s going to start somewhere around here and it’s going to actually raise the terrain

Up now if we just run along and add in a few torches underneath I don’t know if it stops pillagers from spawning but I’m going to hope now I just need to come back in with a little bit of our Co dirt action along the edge here and we’ll

Double dirt this one to be safe buddy you’re supposed to be up there helping me get rid of the pillagers I know I freed you but like I thought I thought we had a deal I’m thinking about this point we’re actually going to have it

Step down so it starts to move a little bit closer to the gate house level okay banner boy uh we’re not going to deal with this you can just go underneath thank you goodbye I think on this we can keep it really simple here and just do something with our full blocks going

Along and then we just do slabs every other for this outer wall cuz it doesn’t need to be super defensible here yeah I like it we’ll definitely texture it more as we get going I’m just trying to get the B shapes in coming around to the

Back side of the Pillager Castle we can remove the few that are hanging out here and I want to repeat the same idea of the yard coming right back through here except this one is only going to be open on the back end this closing yard along

The back that we’ve created here needs to come up a little bit more otherwise we’re running right into the mountain side back here and I’ll have to do a little terraforming to create like a moat or something along the back oh hi ah with the wall up it feels a lot safer

In here right now all right we can bring that Co dirt in back again here and get the double dirt action going right there we go the entire backyard is now in place and hopefully no grass grows up here I think I got all of the points

Where it could grow in and put Co dirt there instead oh hi buddy how’d you get stuck in there a I’m sorry one final element here let’s get some Spruce logs to craft a bunch of trap doors oh this is starting to look good the real

Presence of a castle is coming in but we can add all these trap doors here in between our slabs that we’ve already added in to finish spawn proofing this for one and it’ll make it so that the pillagers can’t jump out I need a break from the constant

Fighting here and my favorite thing about this Pillager Outpost location is the view of the mountain I have across the valley meaning I should probably focus on finishing up the mountain yes here’s your FP video Mountain update time and we’re actually going to finish it I hope maybe potentially I don’t know

Let’s find up I still have a good amount of blocks left at my mountain shulker monster so I’m able to get started directly on building up this new large ridge line coming down from the main peak of the mountain right away where I decided to focus on the top

Section here adding in some really bold shapes for the Rocks before jumping down to spend over an hour placing in even more blocks to finish off this brand new ridg line I know I’m moving pretty quick through this mountain building process as I’ve already spent a few months on

This and it’s just more of the same adding in the blocks here but that being said I am so happy with how this is coming together as we connect this Ridge down into the default terrain I did however run out of dirt and grass blocks so I flew North to a nearby mountain

Range and started to shave off the top layers of dirt to bring back to my new Mountain hopefully to have enough to finish off the entire thing where I did instantly jump back into the block placing mode with a lot of dirt blocks going down along the bottom extending

Further into the default terrain to more easily merge things together as we move into the next Valley along our ridg lines where we work back up the slope of the mountain creating some large Rock faces and filling in all of the dirt that I can in between flying into this

Now really sets the scale of the build around us flying back in also means I just refilled up on blocks so I finished off a few new rock faces at the top of the valley and I’m just letting my brain run along and do its own thing right now

Instead of forcing myself to work top to bottom or bottom to top so in this case I jumped from the top completely skipped the middle and started to fill in the dirt at the very bottom bot of the valley with that sorted I was more easily able to make the connection

Between the two and then filled in all of the rock faces on the right side of a new rid line at the base there was a pretty natural bull shape near our horse racetrack so I decided to fill that in with a pond as water would run off the

Mountain and get caught down here pretty easily this is starting to look really good with the addition of this new Valley in here and the only space left to fill in is this last slice of the mountain to bring it all home I never really expected where we had the horse

Racetrack here to have this such an epic scene right behind it oh it’s biging we want to do a horse race again here soon the mountain still has a lot of work to go to finish up this project so another day and another few shulkers of dirt

Being placed down to make this last section a little more interesting and different I decided to run a stream down the mountain so we need to First shape out the path for the water to go and add in a small waterfall section to just keep moving more naturally downwards

Wow excellent excellent job throwing a potion there wow you oh my gosh they did it again at this point I got into a pretty good flow again and just started working wherever my brain wanted to go I can’t say this enough about terraforming projects or just large projects in

General but allowing yourself to jump in and slowly piece it all together will definitely make the project a lot more fun and to me I think it moves quicker which can also help to bring in new ideas like extending the grass here all the way across and of course uh I ran

Out of materials again but we’re getting there there’s only the top section and this little empty space right there so close but that does mean I need another few Shuler boxes of dirt a couple more boxes of stone a quick trip down in the nether to repair the

Shovel and then another casual 3 hours spent placing down all of the dirt and stone blocks on the mountain to bring this to a close all the way down to the ground level where as a final step I need to finish bringing the stream all

The way to the river the stream all the way to the river I want to First raise the road up back here to have a more natural slope for the creek to go all the way down into that River I mentioned with that done I brought the water down

The rest of the way and detailed out the creek bed and one final task for today I need to run around inside the mountain to light up all of the remaining dark spaces and battling just a few of the mobs that might have already spawned inside of there safely made it back out

Of the mountain and finally the back of said mountain is completed man this just looks so good from over here I am really happy with how this has turned out next up we just texture it right just like just like that yeah easy simple be done

On a flash yeah with that done we can ease ourselves back into the Pillager Castle Project grabbing the rest of our course dirt and to be safe I’m going to craft some more we’re going to need all of the packed mud I have in here and some Spruce slabs where that should do

As we are going to quite literally ease back into this by building a road leading up to the castle as much as I’m making a joke about these pillagers being annoying it is pretty fun to finally transform this place into something special to expand the world further

North right now that we’re all the way up here we just need to connect ourselves in with what I have kind of going along the rest so far I’ve only had to fight one Pillager so it’s going pretty smooth and I jinxed myself on that one I earned that yep okay goodbye

Goodbye no goodbye thank you I’m trying to build you a home leave me alone it’ll be fun building around a Minecraft mob that attacks you all the time yeah it’ll be so fun giving them a home yeah this is great idea for a video everybody’s going to love the video they’re going to

Leave so many likes on the video it’s going to be so worth all this pain right right well for the main entrance in here I’m thinking we transfer into into our mud brick like that and then the rest of this guy we’ll just fill in with the

Regular dirt that I have to save a little coar dirt and take out a Pillager in the process now this Zone in here we can get rid of all of the tall grass and all of the grass blocks themselves this right here should be great for the inner

Courtyard with some loose Pathways in our mud leading different directions and I think we’ll have a door right about here the footprint of the Castle’s pretty ready to go and there’s definitely pillagers in it already I just want to PL you some flowers please just a little ow just give me ah there’s

Another one I think I need to make these walls a little bit thicker to keep myself safe so let’s get a few blocks together and I’ve got a few empty shulkers over here that we can fill up with new blocks starting with a quick trip down into the sheep farm where I

Need some white wool and oh no like gray wool I need four stacks of the stuff so hopefully these sheepies can give me a good amount right there’s three stacks we’re almost there I’ll just let these guys regrow while we do some other stuff in the area I feel like a Pillager

Outpost requires some dark roofs which means a lot of deep slate so down into the branch mines we’re going you know what I just almost broke my Ender Chest here so I think I’m just going to leave one and grab one of my extras because every time I bring out the fortune pick

I swear I almost break that ender chest is safe however so it’s time to swing the pickaxe back and forth and gather up a heck of a lot of Cobble deep slate materials this is something I am always running out of so I decided to stock up a little

Bit extra from here we can craft a lot of the deep light down into different states to use for the different Roofs I just realized this is the first time I’ve mined diamonds in like 4 months makes me miss the big old mining session to get so many riches cuz I got 22 diamonds other quick sessions shearing up all of our light gray sheepies and that’s enough we can come over here

And grab that dark oak that I took out of the tower originally I’m getting out of here as a good Pit Stop while I head over to the spruce Forest I’ve got a few hours of me guess I haven’t been here for a while cuz none of my trees have

Regr come on guess I got to not be sustainable and chop down a new one I also need a good amount of stripped Spruce logs since I also do have a crafting table on me I decided to just craft down every single Spruce block I’m going to need for this Castle build My wings are pretty dead now however so I want to make a quick trip down into The Nether to fix them up I love when experience is just waiting here doggy’s back up to do the rest as there we go for the main Castle I’d like

To do a whitewash texture so I need diorite house sight I think I have some white concrete powder yes here in the starter house where we can turn a good amount here into some white concrete and now we got to mine it all down beat the water nice now for the

Chimneys where do I have some polished black stone perfect that right there should do it the last item I want to make this Castle feel a little like it’s falling apart is some tinted glass to put behind the windows and oh we’ve got plenty I don’t know what noise I just

Made but uh we’re just going to roll with it and I’ll sleep at home okay this here should be everything I’m going to need let’s put that all back down here with my cow friend to get above the pillagers I want to focus on the main castle tower first before doing anything

Else as we move from the Graystone palette to that whitewash look that I mentioned before incorporating a ton of different texturing Blocks I’m very happy with the result here as the base box shape comes together leaving some space for new buildings to be attached like right here I want to add a tower in here that’s going to be a just stop it be able to you know hide a staircase to get away

From these D come on I’m just going to get rid of all of them really quick and I can place like four more no dang it they spawn behind me not you too you’re on the inside leave me alone well right here we can use some walls to very easily and

Casually move our way up and kind of round the corners out we’ll bring it up to about here and that can be a nice door inside once we you know remove the glass to save the family friendliness of this channel here’s a time lapse of me

Trying to build this Tower safely on top of the main tower now away from the villagers we can tackle this upper level where they can’t get me with the floor in place I want to add a wooden layer sticking around the entire outer edge starting with some upside down Spruce

Stairs here the pillagers are just following me down underneath they’re just looping around the tower as I go moving on from that I’m going to be alternating between strip Spruce logs and Spruce stairs to go around the entire ring well box it’s incredible how much calmer it

Is up here there’s a full swarm down below me but H it’s at least safe up here and of course behind all these little arrow slits that we’ve added in I’m going to be adding in our tinted glass to make it a little bit darker when you’re looking in leading finally

Into a massive deep slate roof reaching High into the sky technically this means the Pillager Outpost has been transformed into a new tower right so like it’s done right no okay fine we’ll we’ll build out the rest of ah he despawned we’ll build out the rest of the Pillager Castle let’s continue here

With the inner Courtyard walls as this seems to be the main danger zone for all of the Pillager spawns using stone and a sight light gray wool and concrete powder to work in with the main tower texturing that I’ve already done outside should be a little bit safer for me and

Now that most of the pillagers are actually uh you know behind the wall and we can start to come back in here and texture this one up a little bit more feel like I’ve been using this color palette a lot recently but honestly I

Just love the look of it it’s so fun to work with with different gray tones than our typical just gray stone you know no not making good fun get out of here I’m getting a little of the point here where I’m like all right where are

The pillagers where are they this is too calm I don’t know what’s going on here I can hear them but they’re not attacking me so it’s kind of spooking me out maybe I can just be really quick and get out out of here before they start

Causing too much of a problem or before they realize I am on the outside no I don’t want to say hello okay fine oh so close but that should be tall enough for the base Stone section of our outside wall as I want to do something kind of like this oh my gosh

They’re spawning on the top ah I thought I was safe up here no get off my tower well it’s your Tower but it’s mine right now I didn’t realize they could spawn all the way up here oh no oh I forgot I took my lightra

Off okay maybe I just need a second to reink things you know get my brain back in the right mode taking a quick moment I jump back into the build to build out the front gate house for our lovely friends and here we have some really

Simple staircases to get back up to the build out of the courtyard if we need to because W there be a little little Annoying down there no they can come up top I didn’t plan for that okay I’m trying to make this look a little ruined out here so I’m adding in

A few wall sections to make it look like the pillagers are just kind of living in the place but they definitely have not kept it fixed up you two you know what I think we need another distraction from the pillar dress because my head hurts a

Little bit and I I I mean I think we need to plant a field not that I just want to leave the build or anything but like I think right now immediately we have desperately we have to plant a field to continue on with the northern expansion Trend I started today I

Thought it could be fun to plant a new field at the end of the current road just like could be fun for you to subscribe if you enjoy my videos please double check that you have subscribed you don’t miss out on any future uploads because that would not be fun no way at

All but here we have a brand new beetroot field coming In another brand new field here in the world just a wee bit more dangerous for whoever has to harvest this one now back to the so lovely and so so safe Pillager Castle I want to finish up the ramp Parts here on the outside before we do any further expansion on the castle

Itself and we’re going to be incorporating a really similar wooden design to like what we did all the way up there which will go to further link these different elements together for the build itself going back to the strip Spruce log and stairs to create more of

The Aros slits for the pillagers to more easily defend their castle that they definitely built and not pillaged at all or took over in any way shape or form on the inside we also have these really cool archways right here and then to make it a little bit better we could

Bring in some trap doors to create a bit more of a railing back here if I can squeeze my way out we can place them in perfect then to hide a little bit of the concrete powder and wool that we have let’s just cover this all up with the

Even more of our trap doors cuz I have a ton of them this cover is definitely helping to keep me safe against the pillagers as they’re really struggling to attack and they’re right underneath that so I can’t hit them I was going to try and shoot one but we can jop out

Here hi now we can start to add a little bit of a roof action on and I’m thinking we could bring in mostly deep slate tiles for this so many little interruptions while I’m trying to build this thing come on now behind all the lower slabs we can add in some stairs

And I’m thinking up here we can do some more stairs and kind of alternate it just create a few more of our fun shapes now that we’ve got this coming along the front here I really like it it’s super rough and I’m thinking on top I Tred it

Out right here we can have some iron bars connecting in with a few walls almost as if this is like a flag pole of sorts and we can maybe throw some Pillager flags of things up there then we just extend this down a few blocks and add in another wall with even more

Fences inside is in place now and that’s looking pretty oh my I kind of love the Pillager being up there wait buddy can you stay there I love it he’s like guarding his castle we’re chill right cuz I’m building the castle for you oh we’re not chill are you sure we’re just

Not I’m building you a castle you just you don’t want me to build you a castle you just don’t want it okay all righty back to building the Castle begin building the castle we can move on to the hall attached to the main tower where I’m going back to that

Whitewash theme they’ve somehow started moving into new lands away from the castle I might have made a mistake by giving them a proper base uh we’ll see how this pans out because at least it looks pretty cool I’m just going to keep on adding in the spruce lay around here

To continue on with that and work my way up the rest of the castle and of course spamming in all of the tinted glass Behind these different points so that we can fill it in and get that kind of Darker ominous Vibe back here of course with all these diagonals

I need a lot of tinted glass in this one next up for the roof I want to transition to comble deep slate and step it up a block and a half each time for something new and here we have the full structure of the castle build Completed looking like it came directly out of Kingdom Come deliverance and I think I think that honestly works out really well for the pillagers we’re friends now right I built you a home no oh okay all righty all right backing up back running away I think they said

They liked it I think they really really like it with the castle built up we need to Pillager ify it a little bit more so I’ve got banners here that I uh acquired somehow and all this other dark coat stuff some Oak trap doors Spruce trap doors trap doors of trap doors and

Lastly I want to grab a bunch of our smooth quarts here and turn it into some slabs honestly Three Stacks should be fine let’s throw the chest piece on and we can start out by adding in a few banners here for our pillagers on the front you know they’re just signifying

This is their Castle now and then maybe we do a few right along here too before I forget this front section I this might sound a little dumb but I really want to trap a ravager inside of a cage yeah yeah you you heard that right a ravager

Is going to be be in this box right in here we’ll figure that out eventually I’m kind of going off of the bear cage idea that you see in a lot of games like Skyrim or Assassin’s Creed or something where you’re exploring around a fortress and they just have random wild animals

In a cage I feel like that fits really well for a ravager in a box is it three blocks tall I might need to make this Taller okay there we go now we just have to trap ravager in here by beating a raid and doing all that fun stuff we’ll do that later yay okay distraction where I’m thinking right over here we can set up a few dark oak fences to try and

Mimic the tents that they use and that’s where all of our booth quartz is going to be coming in and we can just bring that up along the wall back here something a little like this that should do it I like it maybe we bring this side

Down we’ll bring in some more decoration and put some piles of barrels and chests and things in here soon then around the back side villagers are known for having Target dummies so we can set two of those up right back in here and I need to get another pumpkin that can work

There and they are definitely known for having cages with iron golems inside so we can build some more of those right over here to keep this one simple I’m just going to mimic the exact design that the pillagers use already so we can just build those right back over

Here that’ll do let’s go get some iron carve and some pumpkins and we got plenty of iron okay Mr Pillager please don’t shoot me I’ve got you a very very lovely Target dummy here instead thank you of course how’ you guys end up in there wait I want to know if this is

Going to work I have to know ow hi buddies this is supposed to be a cage now get him get him buddy get them get them yeah get down there well the rest of them are just uh you know not here maybe we can drop our

Other iron no no don’t no no no no no no no no no no no no get in the Box yes sorry I had to do this to you boys I’ve added a few more details around the castle grounds like this guy right over here and I’m starting to enjoy it I

Haven’t done any of the micro details yet like the chest and Barrel spam as I realized I forgot to texture these outer stone walls and they’re looking a little out of place chest piece on and down here along the base we can throw in a bunch of our tough going Along and we can just fill this all all back in along where it’s supposed to go now above this you can see it on my hot bar already I just want to bring in a little bit of our Cobblestone it’s pretty basic but I think it’s going to do the trick here it

Doesn’t need to be super crazy then right over here we can bring in a few of our stone bricks and drop that in as just some extra detail we can throw in in I saw that Arrow fly over my head same shape but that makes a world of

Difference and then I’ve also got some oak leaves in here that we can kind of just show Growing Up along the edge of the castle as if it’s hasn’t been cared for for a while cuz the pillagers have been here for a hot Minute there we go that’s looking pretty special out here now just to do it on the back wall I might regret all these leaves when I’m luring a ravager around but that’s a problem for your future me to deal with on the we can start throwing around a few random details

Just to get some extra stuff in here with some shelving of sorts using our dark oak and then we can add in a little bit of the I’m building something for you man come on now get add in a little bit of our Spruce where we’re definitely

Not going to be bothered At All by this Pillager he’s going to leave us alone okay he’s going to leave us alone and then we can put some weapons of sorts are hanging right in there I think that one looks a little better some chests of sorts with our beehives and I

Have a lot of actual chest which we can add around and mix in a few crates and things and I don’t want to overd detail this place it’s not like the pillagers are going to move a bunch of stuff in it’s just kind of their Campground for

Now so something like that works really well in here our ravager cave here is a little bit more in the open I grabbed some doors somewhere but I don’t know where to put them so I’ll have to go find them again later but we can add a few little extra detail elements around

Here so that the Pillager actually kind of living around with the ravager showing it’s more of their friend and is with them instead of just some crazy beast in a cage trying to go through the thought process right now while adding in more of these details of what the

Previous owners of the castle might have had while they were here and trying to think of in that way and maybe a lot of that stuff is really just left around for now cuz over here there might have been some storage or something we can

Add that back in as if they’re kind of watching over the golems and I don’t know if this stops villagers from spawning but I’m going to add a torch here just so that none hopefully spawn inside with the Golems just to keep those dudes safe you know I do have some

Item frames right here and I had crossbows somewhere that I had held on to uh maybe we can grab some more just somehow right here oh thank you I’ll take yours I’ll take yours oh yeah sure I’ll take yours too oh no never mind and for the

Crossbows we can kind of just set them up right over here as if they’re using them for archery practice and I do have a data pack on this world where I can Shear item frames to turn them invisible and I think that looks a lot better

Where did all of these just Spawn from wait they all just popped up out of nowhere oh we got bad Omen again ooh I’ll take that Banner though thank you goodbye everybody another crossbow we can throw it right in here and sheared down Perfect come here Mr Cow no never

Right right this is this is this is a RAID Farm you know I do need that ravager and I have been carrying around this name tag okay uh we’re fighting a raid until we can get a ravager this is this is going to go this is going to go

Great so so great yeah I’m so excited this is going to be great so absolutely great yeah first wave down second wave coming from the castle oh they still do a lot of damage wave two down I’m going to try and sleep before this gets any spookier please

Please please please please oh they’re so close and there’s the ravager okay there’s the ravager what do you oh they’re fighting the Iron Golem Iron Golem please don’t kill it okay okay um how do I do this how do I do this how do I do this probably put the

Chest piece on that’s good first step and can I name you yes their named okay Precious up this way please I need my doors I don’t have my doors to put them in the cage I should have thought this through more than I guess I just okay I don’t know what I’m

Saying no no no no no no do not get on top of the cage I’m going to go in the cage you go in the C I’ll be on top of the cage you go in the cage come on buddy you probably should have got a mine cart

No okay not fun not fun get in the cage get in in the cage and go in please please you’re so you’re so close you’re so close you’re so close just stay in the cage not out of the cage did I get him oh I think I got him yes I hate this

So much I hate so much of this right now I want those trap doors please thank you okay let’s go get the doors they’re in oh right the raid I forgot about the raid yeah okay um let’s see if we need to kill precious or not I think I took

Him far enough away it no longer counts as the raid sorry buddy a little spooky down there ah my doors okay I didn’t think much about this part okay there’s one and two I don’t care that they go the same way we’re not going to fix it

Maybe I can it it is it is bothering me okay great timeing there okay wow look at you you’re so cute I double check that you are named right you are perfect oh precious okay all in all that was a lot easier than I thought it would be

Scary moment there for a minute or two but easier than I thought I’ve lost everybody else who is here for the raid though hello where are your friends oh okay that’s fine I think I’m just going to let this one time out here uh it’ll wear off eventually I have no

Idea where these mobs are with the ravager in their new home the castle itself is completed for the exterior and that makes me very very happy to see the Pillager Castle Standing Tall over this Valley especially when you look at where we started today it is a wee bit of a

Change you could say now I just need to fix all of the plain grass space around it to sit it more in the environment I recently went through the process of building three new tree types in my super flat world and I thought they could make a great little Forest behind

The castle which means I need some Spruce leaves please tell me I have some yeah that’s that’s not enough for a forest but it’s a start beyond that I need tons of dark oak fences fence gates and lastly for the walls to be a little thicker I’m going to use some nether

Brick here and turn it into nether brick walls before we get into building building up the forest I want to restock up on Spruce sleaves so I flew to the nearby forest and started gathering enough to refill up the whole Sher box there we go full Sher box of spruce

Leaves and some extras for the sake of time I’m just going to leave these giant pillars up here and I’m sure future me will not be that mad at the fact of having just chop Spruce logs down without the leaves there one more step before we get into the actual tree

Building portion is I want to fix up the train here as it’s a little steep to be building any trees on top of oh I did not miss you guys didn’t miss yet at all all right I’m [Applause] back that is looking much better to

Build a forest on top of wait what is going no no what is happening here the raid they I think the pillagers yep there they go they’re just coming down from the castle and getting hooked in on the raid oh no they just growing oh I

Need need that to time out soon that could be a problem oh no they all see me okay I’m getting out of here run away well the pillagers are busy down there I’ve got a ton of materials up here and let’s see how many trees I can build I

Decided to put an hour on the clock and got to work adding in a ton of trees along the back edge of the castle to better attach it into the Landscape it was going great until I’m almost out of dark oak penas I do really really like how this is oh that’s a tree I really like how this is turning out so far though I think it’s working very well but I do want to bring it back

Around that edge a little bit further make it a touch thicker coming up here cuz right now you can really see through the trees pretty easily I mean this this isn’t much of a forest here is it I mean I it’s trees so technically it is but

You know the last side is I also want to wrap it down here a touch kind of along the road to fill in this open space and I think that could be really cool also somehow I started another raid so the villagers are swarming even more oh my

God look at them I’ve never seen villagers do I don’t oh no no no oh go visit your friends I don’t want to be here that is so many they’re swarming they look like insects the little ants from up here it’s terrifying right we’ve

Got a lot of dark oak logs and I can make a ton of sticks this should keep me busy for a while more materials ready to go and the forest is starting to look so much denser and just better overall now But I did run out again and oh my gosh what is my poor cow look at the mess over here I think the raid finally ended they stopped swarming the middle but are they even going to despawn there’s so many villagers I should not have built the villagers a castle and

They are not despawning oh no the cow cow I’m sorry you got to get out of there yourself there’s nothing I can do to help you and he’s definitely tied to a post so he’s a Pillager now right at least I got a cool Forest back to the castle this is

Looking so much better now with all the trees around it and finally it looks like a lot of the pillagers have decided to wander off I’m going to need to be very careful here to not start another raid so bucket of milk is going to keep

Us a lot safer and we’ll just get rid of the rest of these yep all right and now since I built the field over here I want to add a little Farmhouse nearby excuse me the castle isn’t massive and I just want this to be a background detail to

Help support that even further so this also does not need to be that big and we can make this come out about here with a slight angle stepping over on it ending with that for the base and I like the idea of this one just adding a little

Bit of our extra Cobble bringing up a second layer that can be our doorway and I probably want to Launch lot of spruce stairs few slabs then we can start bringing in a few more of our strip logs going all the way around that we can include I’ll just put them right there

For now for the rest of the wall going up I’m thinking we go about this tall before we start incorporating a roof in that’s an actual Pillager Patrol not even just one from the castle oh great you know I could just never get away from him Here it’s going to be pretty tight in here but I would love to add a few extra details in I am bringing the slab running along the top just to help curve it a bit more so it doesn’t get too tall then here on the front I think we can

Actually bring in a little bit of an extra lip along part of it I’ve got a few extra fences left left over from when I was building the trees so we can actually use those to extend this awning out even farther for the top here I want

To just bring in a little bit of copper for a chimney that we can bring up to here with a campfire and a little wax slab on top then for the roof to bring it back in with the castle just a little bit we’ll just bring in some of our

Cobble deep light here up into some slabs there and then to run all the way across the top I think we just include our full blocks that way I can just come out here and add in a little bit of an extra extension along and it looks Nice this brings us to something right about here which I am starting to like how it’s coming together I’m really just making this up as we go with very much no planning uh so let’s add a little bit of a CO dir around here where we can

Have that connecting into the end of the pathway right now and I do want to extend this out further so we’ll just add a little bit here for today now because I know I just have the highest quality of all interior builds and definitely just absolutely love doing

Them we’re just going to add frog lights behind and give them some little shutters you know it just gets so homey over here I just really had to include wow it’s so nice we can have a little cart right over here using our composter Oak trap doors and a little dark oak

Fence gate and I like it this is looking pretty cute some nice little flowers because we can and I need a tiny bit of cor dirt looping around this way for lining up to the field entrance then to frame in their front yard a little bit

More maybe we extend some of our trap doors out like this yeah I like it it gives them a nice little front yard definitely not the easiest place to live with you know Pillager Castle right up there but you know I think that helps set the scene pretty well there’s a few

Other details we could add in though as you might expect I added in a big oak tree next to the house and another one slightly farther up the road before reaching the castle I’m going to be redoing this Forest I’m walking through right now soonish with my new trees

Because man oh man I really love how this looks right here as we enter into the valley that is just such a cool opening into this space and our little house here at the end is looking pretty nice I think it’s time to finally remove our

Beacon and there we go like it was never here but that right there makes the castle look so much cleaner I love how this Zone’s turning out not only have we built the Pillager Castle today we’ve also enclosed the back of the mountain and somewhere in the world is a massive Pillager Army

That I might have lost but at least I’m safe for now this was such a fun project to work on despite all of the pillagers coming to say hello constantly so I hope you did enjoy please leave a like on this episode if you did and subscribe if

You’re new and I’ll catch you all on the flip side


  1. I hope you add more mountains to make it more fwhip so its all custom like custom mountains etc like every mountain is custom buts thats unrealistic

  2. You could think about putting different varieties of trees together rather than just a monoculture. It would look cool if you chose the types of trees that look good together and would be more ‘real’, as having just one type of tree in an area isn’t healthy for the forest.

  3. fwhip, ya know if you in theory wanted to make the farm fit in a little better, you could again in theory disarm a pillager or two and place him there, maybe make a small pillager run tavern of sorts as well, but ya know, just in theory

  4. Next take on a challenge of not using MrBeast subtitles.
    We're not dumb kids, and even if some are, no kids need subtitles to hear.

  5. lol this one was a fun one! At least for us to watch 😀 actually building with the pillagers around must be a pain but awesome video!

  6. kinda makes me wonder if fwip has played the iron's spells n spellbooks mod which adds structures to the word which look just like this.

  7. Hello fWhip. First comment on your channel, hope this will be useful to you. Using a lot of beacons, I suggest you gold blocks instead of iron blocks. They mine faster, and it would save you quite a bit of time.

  8. 2:45 im sure someone already answered it, but the crossbow item is slightly bigger because the string is pulled back to the loaded position, while most other crossbows strings are in the unloaded position. its an 8.5% chance drop from pillagers without looting and 11.5 with looting 3. kinda rare drop

  9. It was the Great British Bake off reference for me 😂 and yes, fwhip, it did sound like you were describing a fun showstopper or something

  10. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time n I’ve come the conclusion that I’ll be inviting a friend to afk inside to stop new spawns

  11. Ok, you in one of your really village transformations, it would be cool if you included little sections with wells or stuff surrounded almost entirely with houses, other then an entrance or two, like in assassins creed! (I LOVE YOU BUILDS)

  12. Idea: build a lava moat, start a raid, kill all the swarming ants (pillagers), end raid, remove/cover lava moat, and then no more pillager swarm!

  13. And another amazing build done! I don't know about Fwhip but I'd think having Pillagers to kill mid building was not only irritating but also maybe therapeutic. Like just letting the small rages out of them interrupting haha.

  14. Hmmm, who wants to see fWhip build civilizations in the NETHER? Villages for the piglins, maybe a challenge to build something in every biome. I know he’ll love this idea😋

  15. You know if you Trapped some witches in the little house there near the new Pillager castle it could be used as a sort of witch hut.
    Edit if you did it could really fit the build and would make it make a little more sense as witches and Pillagers both work together if you get them both in a raid.

  16. This castle kind of reminds me of a Jagdschloss (hunting lodge), because they typically don’t have a lot of towers. I really like this build, especially with the white washed walls and the dark roof. Nice build! 🙂

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