@Gary Pilarchik

Gary Pilarchik: Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors: Starting Trays & Mix, Fertilizer & Thumb Packing – KIS Series (2)

This is part 2 of 6 in my KIS Series: Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors. The first video discussed grow lights. This video shows you the starting mix I recommend, seed starting trays, fertilizers and how I prepare my starting mix and thumb pack the starting sells. Planting seeds is next.

Here is a link to Grow It Cook It Eat It FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1754415924833151/

Follow me on Instagram for 60 Second or Sow videos and Gardening Tips… https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/

Join My FaceBook Gardening Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/262500970619372/

Check out my vegetable gardening blog: The Rusted Garden. It is filled with garden information, videos, pictures, seed catalogs and seeds & things I sell. http://www.therustedgarden.blogspot.com

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