
Reason why I save restaurant napkins

#gardening101 #shorts #gardeningtips #learning #tips

There’s a reason why Filipinos love to save restaurant napkins my reason for saving them well I use them to sprout my seedlings and it’s really simple to do all I’m doing is soak the napkins apply the seeds and use takeout container Lids to keep it covered and create that humid

Environment then keep spraying the napkins daily with water and in a couple of days the seeds will start to sprout you can then gently remove the seedlings and pot them in soil this is a useful technique especially if you’re having trouble seed starting


  1. Seriously, we do love to save whatever we get from a restaurant. Ketchup packets, napkins, containers, chopsticks, fork and spoons, we save them. Eventually, we find a use for them😅

    If you’re trying this seed starting technique. It’s important to know that without a lid, the napkin can dry fast so keep the lid on until the seeds starts to sprout and it’s okay to over water a little bit to prevent it from drying.

    The seedlings will survive up to 2 weeks with only napkin and water, so it’s a good idea to transplant them in soil or hydroponics within the first week of sprouting. Give them a good amount of lighting just when they start to sprout to prevent lanky growth.

    Keep going, keep growing!💚

  2. Great tip! I try this sometimes but only with some seeds like the ones that are tougher or take longer to germinate. ❤

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