Gardening Trends

Get Your Garden Planning On Point With These Beginner Tips!

Garden planning for beginners doesn’t have to be complicated but it can be as detailed (or not) as you want it to be. The main purpose of garden planning is to use your garden space as efficiently as possible.

Soil Fertility Checklist (FREEBIE):
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00:00 Introduction
01:03 What Kind Of Notebook I Use
01:44 How I Draw Out My Beds
04:03 Don’t Make It Over-Complicated
05:17 Outro

Hello beautiful friends welcome back to the channel so today obviously we have a slightly different venue just due to the fact that it has been raining out and I’ve not been able to get outside to film this video but today we are going to be talking about Garden planning so

Hopefully I can get this explained for you very very simply and very very easy easily in about 5 minutes you know planning is hard right yes I know that planning can be hard you really think you can explain this quickly I can give the basics in like five minutes

Right whatever okay so here’s the basic of what I do for garden planning now I have a notebook you can do any type of notebook that you prefer I prefer something that’s a little bit hard back because I usually do take it out into

The garden and it can tend to get wet so that may be something to take into consideration for you maybe you’re not worried about that you do you boo but I have this as a hard back now inside this what I do I plan based upon my bed

So I know that I have three 7t beds and then I have three beds that are 4ft beds so because of that what I do is I end up drawing out my long beds into 7 in now you can be a little bit more exacting in this if

You prefer and use a grided paper and literally do a grid system if you want to be that detailed I plan 1 in for basically every plant so 1 in per one foot on to paper is how I translate it for me like I said I know it’s not

Exactly exact but it does help me in my mind to be able to space things out in a appropriate manner which is the main thing that you need to do when your small space gardening is a lot the correct amount of space for certain plants and we can talk about that on

Another video so I do this I sketch it out one for a long bed and then I also do my short beds all on one page and then me personally what I Ed to do versus what I do now now I just write out into the quadrants

On my little drawing here I used to a long time ago would get the stickies from over at Hobby Lobby you can get them at Michaels too and you can cut out little bitty squares of paper that you can actually peel off so if you want

Something say a chart that you do once and don’t have to do again you can get the little sticky backs that allow you to peel things off so that you can change things up from year to year as you need to in your garden space that is

Also a viable option like I said I don’t do that anymore because I find keeping track of what I do from one year to the next to be helpful because sometimes I do forget how I have planned things out in previous years and this just helps me

To keep track of it the other thing that this allows me to do is to see how efficiently I have been using my space so I will refer back to the year before which what you’re seeing here is the year before and I will look at that

Versus what I did the year before that and look at what my yields are on all of my produce if I had a higher yield of tomatoes then I probably don’t need to give as much space to tomatoes and I can cut down how many tomatoes I’m planting

Versus maybe I need to plant a few more cucumbers so I have more of the pickles available for the family it varies in that sense but one way or another my space allotment is always the same and then being able to look back at my Trends over the last few years actually

Helps me to plan for the next year which is where we are right now so if you haven’t started looking into Garden planning probably should start setting something down now at least at minimum coming up with what you plan on planting and then researching how much space they

Do or do not need and how much space you do or don’t have and then buying your seeds accordingly because there are dwarf heirloom varietals that you can do in a small space and I mean they give you excellent yields so you know what you can’t go wrong there personally just

Saying so that is how I basically plan out my garden if you have any questions or want a few more details on that go on ahead and drop a comment down below I would be happy to answer those or do maybe more of a deep dive into a video

On that and as always keep it simple natural and essential and don’t forget I have a weight list going on for our soil fertility 101 so go on ahead and drop down below into the description box below I will have a link set up to that for you to grab that guide because

Soil fertility is really where it’s at if you’re wanting a high yield Garden no matter how small your space is that’s really where it’s at people okay see you on the next one guys Bye

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