Japanese Garden

Top 3 Resources to Learn About Japanese Maples! This is How We Learned!

At MrMaple.com we are passionate about Japanese maples! You can support our channel by shopping on MrMaple.com

The best information source for Japanese maples on the internet are the MrMaple Files on MrMaple.com. These photos and descriptions are written by the MrMaple brothers who love Japanese maples and have a lot of experience with these trees. The MrMaple Files are best information on Japanese maples on the web!

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How to y’all and welcome to the Mr Maple show today we’re going to be going over the top three resources to learn more about Japanese maples guys everybody digs in at one point and tries to learn everything they can about Japanese maples and there’s a lot of good

Resources out there that you’re just going to love digging into I mean this is exactly how we we started doing this we dug into these uh different resources and that’s is how we learned a lot about Japanese maples yeah we’re giving you the blueprint for where Tim and I

Started to to build our knowledge and our base for Japanese maples um and we we’ll get into it with number three and that’s the UBC Maple Forum so the University of British Columbia has a maple Forum uh it’s Affiliated Loosely with the North American Maple Society or

Just the maple Society you can get preferred statuses there if you’re a maple Society member uh there’s some forums you can get into even more if you’re a maple Society member U just a great discussion place like there’s a lot of information there for for you to learn about underst stocks to learn

About grafting to learn about cultivars uh to learn about the correct form of a cultivar now anywhere can have mistakes but it’s a great place to start and and it’s a really one of the better forms out there it’s been around since the 90s I believe and it’s people all over the

World not just the United States and people often say the region where they’re gardening and describe these trees in the different climates and Japanese maples do different things in different climates and here you can learn how these trees are performing all over the world I really like this

Because it’s a discussion of Growers it’s a discussion discussion of people who are really interested in this Niche community of Japanese maples one of the things I really like is their Maple photo gallery and you can go through and see photos of many of these Japanese

Maples by their Cult of our name now the interesting thing about this is the photo gallery isn’t just a photo gallery but it’s often a discussion on that specific cultivar so it’s an often a great way to go and learn more about these Japanese maple cultivars through

Their Maple photo gallery now like any Forum a lot of these are just people’s opinions individual gardeners so somebody may like a cultivar or may not like a cultivar but it’s a great starting spot to kind of broaden your horizons and learn more I don’t know if

Many of our viewers even know about this resource we went and toured the uh University of British Columbia with the maple side last fall it’s actually where Douglas Justice Works uh we did a podcast with him great great resource there you know the University of British Columbia really cares about plants and

This Maple forum is a great way that they’ve done to kind of just provide more information for hom gardeners it’s not really an industry Insider thing as much as it is based on you individuals and their their specific experiences with Maples and that’s always a great

Way to learn is from other people Matt and have learned so much from people from this forum uh many of these people we have their phone numbers we call them and discuss things with them now and this forum was a great way for us to get started in building that Community with

Japanese maples all right y’all number two great resource the maple Society now you can join the maple Society North American Branch you can find whatever country you’re in you can join you know the international branch or the European Branch or the Japanese Branch or the Spanish Branch now I think there’s a

French Branch there’s a lot of branches coming off this tree no matter where you’re at you can find a maple Society near you and join it uh it’s a great group of people like uh I joined the North American Maple Society in 2008 my first meeting was in 2009 I’ve only

Missed one Maple society meeting since 2009 I don’t I don’t know anybody else that can say that so the maple Society North america.org that’s where you can go if you’re in North America you can actually sign up online to join the maple Society they have a quarterly that

Comes out once a quarter and it’s got a lot of information on Japanese maples and maple species in those books so there’s things about them in the wild there’s things about new Cult of ours there’s things about events coming up through the maple society as well and

That’s really where I love is those events with the maple Society that’s where you get to go meet and discuss Maple related events with so many other people who grow japic Maples around the United States yeah there’s been several events hosted by Lynn Swanson near Raleigh so she’s been having more

Regional events I know Bill hibler and Mariel aans have been doing more Regional events in the Pacific Northwest closer to Seattle and things like that uh so there’s been more Regional events too now typically they have a yearly meeting that occurs and it changes Coast each year so we just finished up the

Seattle meeting I happen to know for a fact that next year’s meeting is going to be in Philadelphia and typically every 3 years there’s an international meeting so we tend to meet up with the other branches somewhere now I’ve heard that one’s going to be wber Arboretum in

The UK so no greater chance to meet you know some amazing places Peter Gregory stomping grounds y’all me there some good spots there to learn about Maples and this was kind of Tim and our Connecting Point with so many people this is where we met Peter Gregory this

Is where we met Al buckolz this is where we met a lot of the maple Legends is through the maple Society with Frank biles Frank biles taught us so much about Japanese maples and how to run a nursery and that was through joining the maple Society Yeah Tim and I were really

Just kind of taking the business over from Dad 08 we ran into a man at a farmers market in South Carolina and he said look this guy up and he gave me a piece of paper it said Franklin boils so I called Frank biles and I still have

The card that says Franklin boils on it but his name’s Frank biles and Frank’s pretty great he said you boys need to get your butts over here to the maple Society event it’s going on in Oregon this year and if you if you know a damn

Thing you’re going to be over here and learn it there and I said you know what sir I will and so I came to the maple Society of meeting uh you know met Frank in person picked his brain for so many important things met Talon buckolz for

The first time and Tim and I are both former presidents of the North American Maple Society we really invested 10 years worth of our time into growing this group keeping it going uh there’s a great group of people there doing it now as our business has grown Tim and I have

Had to take more of a a lesser role in the maple side just because we’re so busy with uh Mr Maple and now Buck Holt’s Nursery but I’d be remiss if we didn’t promote this as one of the very best ways uh to get experience whether

You’re meeting in person or not but the the it’s going to be number one on my list if you go to the meetings I’ll tell you that like if you’re actually going to the meetings and talking with people I think it’s going to even jump some

Other things on this list but just being a member is going to get you there you’re going to get some information you’re going to get some resources just and it’s going to be a great way to learn about Maples and you can go to the maples Society North am.org and join

Today and that’s a new thing they just started doing it used to be had to mail a check off in the mail now you can actually join online it makes it so much easier and guys this is just a great resource you need to join today all

Right number one are the mini books on Japanese maples now we’ll we’ll narrow it down to two sets basically uh DM van geldon did a great book called Maples the world I actually got to meet DM van geldon when the maples he went to Belgium I got a picture with Dian

Veldrin Peter Gregory and P deong so it’s like eight books and then a 25-year-old mats one of my favorite pictures ever uh but Dean van geldon wrote Maples the world uh tend to be a competing book with ver tree second edition kind of time frame wise excellent resource for Maples now uh ver

Trees did the first two editions of Japanese maples Peter Gregory our good friend did the third and fourth edition as well as the pocket guide so you know these are great resources for most home collectors and people consider the fourth edition here of the Bible for Japanese maples although there’s a lot

Of plants that aren’t in this now I mean Maples come out often and I think this has around 300 cultivars in it um actually mentions Mr Maple which is cool but uh this was an early rendition now one cool thing we do have each copy

Signed by an author too I have uh Yan’s book signed ver tree signed and Peter Gregory sign uh really cool really cool books there to have though in your Maple collection and I still find the fourth edition to be the most relevant book on Japanese maples so if you’re looking for

A resource uh you got this one with the big red moon p p right here people ask what tree that is that one’s Mo Papa I got to go over and meet Peter Gregor in person spend some time with him at Westberg he showed me around wber Arbor

It’s one of my favorite memories and I I laid in his uh Maple library at night I spent the night on his futon and I dreamed about all the books that I could just if I slept in this room I could soak in all the information from them if

You’re getting into Japanese maple and you’re getting into them hardcore make sure you get the fourth edition it is the newest and the best version it has the most Japanese maples of any of the other and it has the most relevant and up-to-dated information on those Japanese maples I mean until Timber

Press wises up and says they want to do a book with mat Tim right we can always come out with a fifth edition they actually approached us at one point if they were going to do a fifth edition we had some Timber pre’s authors recommend

Us as well so hey if you know smate Timber press tell them that fifth edition from Matt and Tim who own Buck Holz and Mr Maple would make a great holiday edition next year to the Bookshelf if you’re just getting into this and you want to learn a little bit

More you know you can easily get the first second or third edition uh as a used book online for much cheaper you can always Google and find those much cheaper but I do recommend those because they’ve got a lot of great information in there not all the information I

Always agree with but it is the best resource when it comes to books for Japanese maples is Japanese maples the complete guide uh to cultivation and it is amazing fourth edition is the best one kind of kind of jumps off uh ve trees and adds more by Peter Gregory and

Uh just just good stuff guys so those are great ways to further your Maple information now we’ll give you our top way and so these were our ways of getting in you know our goal is to to go above and beyond that so here at mrmaple.com we provide you with tons of

Free resources uh you know I would put us at number one but they weren’t the ways I got in so we do have some great ways for you to to further your information on Japanese maples and I would say this YouTube channel is a big part of that we give away free daily

Videos here with advice for Japanese maples and many other plants we’ve got more cultivar breakdowns than you’ll see in any book in a visual format so you can just go watch the videos and it’s got osakazuki in fall color it’s got one of the largest MAA I’ve ever seen you

Can go through and experience these plants with us you know in video format you get you know you can almost touch these things so you get to feel like you’re there you get to experience them we also give you you know Insider nurseryman tips and tricks to have the

Best success so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel the Mr Maple show on YouTube We also do a weekly podcast so you can find us on your favorite podcast platform and we do a lot of you know our top lists of Japanese maples but also how to grow

Japanese maples your spring summer fall and winter checklists we’ve got all that on our Mr Maple show on your favorite podcast platform that comes out weekly for free you know what I like about that is you can put your earbuds in go work in your garden and learn about Japanese

Maples as you’re actually out there with Japanese maples whenever we can we we interview industry insiders you know some of the most experienced people in the entire world in Japanese maples we’ve had on our podcast um some doctors phds people are way smarter than me

People I love to bring people in to back up my theories too so when I know somebody really smart I like hey Dr Cree come in here and tell him about Mar kessen see I told you this guy’s smarter than me right he agrees so I love to do

That kind of thing we love to have some guys here on the podcast that can explain things even more in depth uh also check out mrmaple.com now our website obviously we sell stuff we sell Maples on there there’s a great list you can go to the Mr Maple files on our

Website there’s more Japanese maples there then you’ll find in all the books ever written on Maples combined and on mrmaple.com in those Mr Maple files you will find descriptions of those trees and also photos and many of them have photos all throughout the seasons so you can actually see each and

Every season with these Japanese maples and on those cultivars if we’ve done a cultivar breakdown in a video on the Mr Maple show on YouTube will often have a video embedded on that page so you can click play and listen to us talk about

The tree and see a tree out there in the garden and remember guys all this is free of charge like we we we give away our YouTube channel every single day 7 days a week content we’ve done that for over two years now 7 days a week content

For two years all free to you guys subscribe support us if you’d like buy some trees if you’d like to really support what we do uh but we really love getting uh Maple information out there to people our whole goal uh with our YouTube channel is to teach Maples and

Make it easier for people so if people think oh that could be a little tricky or a little finicky we want to show people how easy it can be and make it as easy as possible give you the best success you can possibly have with your Japanese maples that’s our goal here

With the Mr Maple show now we’ve just launched the Mr Maple ebook on mrmaple.com and what this is is a compilation of all of our videos on howtos on growing Japanese maple so you’ve got all that information in one spot where you can click on how do I

Prune a Japanese maple and it’ll go to our video on how to prune a Japanese maple you can click on how do I fertilize a Japanese maple and it’ll go directly to that as well and so we’ve tried to compile everything in one easy format in almost like a book format on a

Website and then you can actually watch that video so this is going to be a really good resource for you going forward on many of your questions for Japanese maples and guys we give away all the information we know Tim and I aren’t new to this we’ve been doing it

Our whole lives uh you know our dad did this before us this is something we eat sleep and drink every single day of Our Lives you know I’ve been doing this fulltime for almost 20 years now it’s getting it’s getting closer you know that number is getting closer to 20 than

It is to 10 these days so we’ve been living this for a while and we try to give you all our experiences here as much as we can that’s our goal is to be as transparent as open a book as we can here at our nursery and make growing

Maples easier for everybody the the more people that grow Japanese maples the better right that’s the way we look at it and uh we’re trying to do everything we can here so if you like that kind of thing make sure to subscribe to our channel it’s a great way to support us

Is just subscribing giving us likes and shares to get it out there we want to continue to grow this resource so that we can share our passion for Maples with other people take care God bless and have a great day


  1. Awesome info🔥 and what’s crazy on ubc maple forums it’s crazy you can see Matt and Tim’s leaving comments on Japanese maples from 10 plus years ago😱. They have been holding it down🔥. Super cool and if you’re into maples please consider joining the North American maple society👌🏻. Thanks you MrMaple for sharing with us all👌🏻. #japanesemaples #MapleMafia❤️🍁🔥!

  2. Funny you mention guys mentioning the idea of taking the torch from Vertrees and Gregory regarding creating a 5th edition of the JM bible. I was thinking that a while back that you're probably the most appropriate folks to do that at this point. And a new edition is overdue. You probably don't need the extra work but makes sense to me.

  3. I'm looking forward to meeting you both at Westonbirt for the next international meeting. If Timber Press don't hunt you down for the 5th Edition, I also own a publishing company. Either way, your knowledge absolutely needs documenting for future generations. 😉

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