Garden Plans

Fall Garden Tour + Plans for the New Space | Zone 8a

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The seed companies that I mentioned are Baker Creek Seeds ( & Row 7 Seed Company (

Find me on Instagram @ blytheshenderson
Ceramics @ nettiechristine_ceramics

Music: Just a Simple Thing – @homegrowned

Hey guys what’s up it’s B today I just wanted to take you around the garden kind of show you guys what’s going on here uh in end of November December moved here in January so I kind of have uh smaller kitchen garden and then um like a little tunnel garden and then I’m

Experimenting with some inground stuff which I’ve never done before uh so just trying to figure that out here uh at this new house um so I’ll take you guys around we’ll start in the kitchen garden and then we’ll go from There [Applause] So this is is my very small kitchen Garden that is definitely not finished yet um the plan for this space is to kind of you know put a lot more like herbs and like maybe do like a tea garden cocktail Garden type thing like get a few more beds where the um grow

Bags are at right now and obviously fill the rest in with pea gravel um it’s just it’s a work in progress I had my baby in February and then kind of threw this together we we moved in January had my baby in February and then I threw this together like literally

Within month and a half after I had her just kind of like I got to have something you know I really didn’t know if I was going to have a garden this year but I was just like itching so this is kind of what we threw together so I’m

Just going to kind of show you guys what all we have so far obviously some things are going to change but some things are permanent so starting with this first bed I have um saffron crocus so I bought these from Baker Creek seeds um and I have no experience growing

Crocus at all but um they definitely came up and they did Bloom I like I said didn’t have a whole lot of experience growing these so I wasn’t you know exactly very sure about how to harvest and so the birds and the squirrels ended up getting to my saffron

Before I was able to harvest and dry it so now I know next time you have to harvest them right when they open up so I’ll be like double cheing it every single day uh to get that saffron spice so but they they look kind of cool right

Now they just have like all this green and you know looks pretty cool just kind of in there like that so the next thing that we have uh going this way is going to be lemon thyme and I brought this from the old house and it really like took off here

So you can see like it’s just beautiful it smells amazing and I actually do use it quite often in my cooking right over here next to that is chives which I also brought from our old house and they also took off and started growing really well um Rosemary this thing got

Huge so I don’t know I might have to move a few things around just cuz they’re like a little bit cramped right here but we’ll see but these are definitely like things you know like the herbs and stuff that I want to keep kind of in this kitchen Garden area behind

That I’ve got some lettuce growing um I’ve been kind of just picking off of everything just kind of like every once in a while coming out here and grabbing a few little things of lettuce next to that I’ve got some I cannot tell you the name of this

I’ll put it up on the screen I think it was a free seed from Baker Creek so it’s really delicious though um over here this is a I’ll put the name on the screen but I believe it’s Comm Comm katsuma or something like that really tasty extremely prolific like

Huge so next to that I’ve got my grow bag of asparagus and it moved with with us as well so it’s doing really good um next year will be year three so I’ll be able to try It coming to the side this back side of the garden I actually have garlic and grow bags I ran out of space kind of in my beds so uh we’ve got inil in chilum red garlic I’ve got two of those and then lore’s garlic which is already coming

Up so moving on from the garlic to let’s just go to the middle here these grow bags had um beets like different kinds of beets in them and something that I didn’t have to deal with in my old house that I’m dealing with now is squirrels they are just like ripping my beets

Out so I’m trying to figure that out I think that they’re using my grow bags to store nuts in uh and ripping my beets out in the process so that’s something that I’m going to have to figure out uh yeah but we’re figuring it Out um coming over to this side is um a few more herbs we’ve got but just some regular th you see my little ceramic thme tag um also very delicious and have been using this very regularly next to that we’ve got a regano it’s kind of like

Spread itself all over this bed a little bit but that’s okay I’m not really too sure if it will survive a frost but we will see um next to that is actually my jalapeno pepper plant that survived a frost which was interesting because the last frost that we had

Was uh much colder than they said it was going to be uh it was supposed to be just right at 32 and I think it got down to like 29 so there is obviously Frost damage on this thing this is a volunteer pepper it is the jigsaw pepper

Um came up in one of my grow bags that I brought over from our old house um so of course I saved it but it just started producing Peppers so I’m going to pick all those off before the frost tonight and just kind of let this one go too probably uh

Next to the peppers we’ve got a few sporadic carrots that came up uh just like proba three or four honestly I don’t know like one two three four yeah something like that and some garlic that just didn’t fit in my grow bags it’s already kind of

Starting to come up I just kind of planted it all like on this side next to that is a big patch of arugula I love love love arugula it is so good um I would eat it all the time every day and last but not least next to that

Is uh some lemon balm that was damaged in the frost and it’ll probably get taken out tonight unless I cover it but I probably won’t um also brought this from our old Garden so moving on from the kitchen Garden um this is kind of where my we have like a whole acre that

Goes out to the tree line here um this is where I kind of grew most of my summer garden in this tunnel um but I’m I’m going to take it down for the spring garden and probably use these cattle panels as a fence around my actual

Garden space that I want um and then get a few more to do Arch trellis and stuff inside of that Garden um but yeah I do have a few things growing in here right now uh just I’ve got some uh Garden peas and snap peas so uh they’re doing okay

We’ve got a few on there um these are the garden peas and then these are the snap peas with like the bigger leaves and stuff um and these are from these are like purple experimental peas from row s seed company and they are literally delicious

Like I just like Julian them up and then sauté them with some eggs and it’s amazing it’s so delicious um a few more on this side some more of the Rose s snap peas over here so cute and then more just uh Garden peas that are not quite quite ready

Yet but getting there So yeah they’re here they’re hooking on you know they’re doing their thing this is kind of my uh first time ever doing inground gardening uh so it’s been interesting I need to get a soil test but I’ve just kind of been putting it off and like

Just seeing what can grow here um and there’s been some good things there’s been some bad things um this is kind of an experiment for me too right here I’ve got two just like rows of brasas and this first row I decided to try just you know tilling it up a little bit

As much as I could which wasn’t a lot cuz I was still you know pretty much postpartum when I did this so I tried not to do too much um but I put just like fresh garden soil on top with like a little bit of compost and

Fertilizer and then on this bed I did uh duck manure so it’s just the red Georgia red clay with duck manure and it has definitely outperformed this one uh so I’m assuming that the soil needs a little more nitrogen which I think is what uh duck manure has the most of but

Of course I’m going to do a little more research if you guys have any suggestions for me please leave them in the comments um but I’ve got like these are brussels sprouts here they’re not doing much they’re pretty small I mean I wasn’t expecting like a huge you

Know fall Garden this year obviously I’m going to try to cover them up for the frost just to see what I can do uh just let them keep growing you know I I gave them some fertilizer a few weeks ago and they seem to be doing a lot better so um

I believe these are cauliflower it’s all just kind of a mix of cauliflower and broccoli cuz like things died and then I went and bought some more starts and then we went to the plant sale and bought some starts you know so everything’s just kind of you know

Shaping up I’m going to assume this is cauliflower I believe so yeah all these little guys more brussels sprouts this guy is doing the best over here I believe this is broccoli so hopefully we’ll be eating some delicious broccoli Soon um and then starting at the back of this side believe we have more I I think I planted mostly Waltham Waltham broccoli um so I believe these I don’t I don’t know what happened to these guys they got some stuff going on maybe a little too much nitrogen I don’t know

We’re just out here figuring it out um broccoli Rob here uh some cabbage some uh red cabbage which is freaking gorgeous like oh my gosh how beautiful and then um carlex cabbage which this one’s ready I just need to to pick it more broccoli more broccoli

Rob and then I know for sure that this one here was a flame star cauliflower so it was orange cauliflower which I think that one is too um not doing too great so we’ll just see what happens you know I’m not really worried about it this is

Just kind of like my first Garden here kind of just figuring it out and it is about 9:00 here so this area is where I’m going to be doing my garden it pretty much gets full sun all day anyway this is going to be like

My so we’ve got like the back of our garage here slash my Pottery Studio um I’ve got a little beer black fig here that I brought from the house poor thing finally put out its first figs and then of course it decided to freeze so hopefully I’ll be getting some

Next year um but anyway this is like the back of our garage here um and so right here is going to be my garden and we’re working on it you know I’ve got some garden beds coming we’re making a plan so we’ll see what we’re going to be able to do uh with

This space next year I also just wanted to share my torch minty ice lavender that has come up beautifully and it is out here next to the kitchen Garden which I believe I’m going to be planting it either in the kitchen Garden or around the kitchen Garden

So and of course it is in this handmade planter by me Tada so cute so thanks for hanging out with me going on this uh tour of the new space uh of course we’ll try to keep you guys updated I’m try to PO regularly um but

Let know you guys going to see so have a good one see you in the next one bye


  1. Your garden is looking good. New friend here. Showing you support. Thanks for sharing your garden with us. Have a blessed day

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