Front Yard Garden

Dino Garden Delight: Exploring One of the USA’s Largest Toy Dinosaur Collections in Michigan!

Embark on an extraordinary journey through Ferdon Street in Michigan, where vibrant flowers conceal a mesmerizing secret – a colossal toy dinosaur collection that has become a local sensation! Join me and my trusty canine companion Phryne as we explore the fascinating world of these plastic prehistoric creatures.

Jeanne Wright and her husband, Tyke, initially introduced a few toy dinosaurs as unique landscape accents in their vibrant flower garden. Little did they know that this modest beginning would evolve into a spectacular display attracting the entire neighborhood. The collection started with their children’s toys stored in the basement, and soon, neighbors contributed their own discarded dinos, creating an ever-growing menagerie.

The front yard on Ferdon Street has transformed into a local landmark, drawing in around fifty to sixty visitors daily. Neighborhood kids, accompanied or not, cyclists, and families with strollers all stop by to marvel at the incredible array of dinosaurs. Some enthusiasts even make it a daily ritual. Children, as well as adults, take delight in rearranging the dinos by size, color, and type – distinguishing between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. It has become a communal activity, fostering creativity and interaction among neighbors.

As the collection expanded, so did the community involvement. Yard sales turned into treasure hunts for more dinosaurs, and soon, photos, illustrations, and children’s drawings of dinosaurs began arriving at the Wrights’ doorstep. The March for Science saw some dinosaurs bearing messages about the importance of science, while this year, two large dinos sport face masks, reflecting the current times.

Discover the heartwarming story behind this quirky garden and witness the joy it brings to the community. From towering T-Rex figures to tiny, hidden gems, every dinosaur has a tale to tell. Join us in this Jurassic adventure filled with wonder, creativity, and the simple joys of sharing a bit of prehistoric magic with the world.

#DinoGarden #ToyDinosaurCollection #MichiganDinos #PrehistoricPlaytime #DinoWonderland #JurassicJourney #FrontYardFossils #CommunityCreativity #DinoDelight #ToyDinoParade #NeighborlyNostalgia #FloralFantasia #GardenGems #FamilyFriendlyFun #DinosaurEnthusiasts #DIYLandscapingMagic

All righty so I filmed that before here but it’s getting more and more of these what you see dinosaurs and when they started with these dinosaurs putting them up here you were actually kind of able to make a guess or to count how many they have but what you see

Now it’s almost impossible when you walk by to count them like must be one of the biggest toy dinosaur collections you’ve ever seen just look at this it’s like 10 yards lined up just these dinosaurs and then we have some more here and I’m pretty sure soon that will

Be full and there is another one hiding there and then we have a k9 here which does not uh belong to that collection right fry

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