Garden Plans

Plans (Ep. 1a) to Transform Garden into Syntropic Fruit Forest: Nursery Logs and planting Zones…

Continued from Episode 1…
Using spare wood logs to capture and retain water for nearby fruit trees/plantings.

Conversion and ‘interventions’ begin….
Welcome to our personal (permaculture) experiments in Syntropy: converting an old family fruit tree garden into syntropic Food Forest for homestead, biodiversity and sustainability…
Inter-planting fruit forest tree rows etc.
Climate zone 9a, maritime/oceanic temperate.
Come along for the journey….! and to see how and where any accelerated growth occurs over time.
Instagram: GreenwiseHQ

Existing fruit trees: plums, pear, mirabelle plum, apple and fig.

Oh yeah another thing I just wanted to add was this secondary area here um I just shown you briefly that that area but here is going to be another planting zone which we’re going to get around to and I just wanted to mention how important that Woodland there is um

Because we can take quite a bit of inspiration from in there you there’s a Fallen Tree there things like that it’s basically about getting that sort of soil fertility which is exists over there and moving it more into this area but under uh our control really where we’re selecting for fruit and um

Productive species obviously um but still much more diverse um grow some really exciting fruits and different trees but using the sort of fertility which already exists over there it get some fantastic mushrooms and things in there um and this fallen tree is obviously providing great habitat and um

So we mimicked that a bit we’ve put wood in along here as if that was a Fallen Tree which you can do we’re going to cover more soil and compost that’s going to rot into the soil but we know we’re not going to use this for planting so

That’s a walkway basically but we’re covering it up and then the flower um the raised bed or planting area is going to go along this side here so um this will all go down but it will trap some of the moisture in the hot summer and help what we’re planting

Here uh which will probably be berries and things like that um raspberries and or something which will grow in the shade actually um gooseb um so so that’s what you can do but we know we’re not going to plant anything in this area so that’s just to fill up the

Existing ditch and provide be quite good for the soil obviously you don’t want to put fence posts with Nails in you want to take them out first but you can use them and then and then um we might obviously got a mimosa again here to help the soil and

Get sun but we it’s a great space we can um work out what to do with this could be some more tree lines uh so keep your posted on that as well we got quirkus eyex here which is Evergreen Oak Tree just because we like those great for habitat and uh insects

And they will be the Pioneer big species um but uh north to south so you want to plant really bigger trees on the North side and then um moving towards the South you get more sun and we’re going to extend the fruit Forest maybe one day that way to

Create even more um let’s see how we get on here first okay

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