Container Gardening


Hi! I am Barbara with Living Foods Farm. THANK YOU for coming to my channel and growing with me on my journey. I enjoy every comment, question and like. I am happy you are on the journey with us.



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  1. Hey there. It sounds like you have voles. Because they come in under ground and eat plants. I really pray you find out what it is but I would definitely look into that. ❤😊

  2. I am very sorry your vegetables are being destroyed by some type animal. I pray that God will give you all wisdom and knowledge how to alleviate this issue very soon.

  3. Oh my goodness ~ all your hard work destroyed so sad. I can only imagine how frustrated you are. Really glad to hear you have a security camera. Once you get it installed that will give you a piece of mind and, you will know exactly what you are dealing with. Be Blessed and try to relax your mind…..GOD will watch over your beautiful garden no worries.

  4. Could it be voles? I learned about them watching Homestead Heart. Can you Google a picture of the droppings? Jump this hurdle girl. I'm on this journey with you. My husband follows you too.

  5. With those braces, what your feelin is normal. Folks don't really notice or hear what YOU think you sound like. I thought I had a speech impediment and spitting on folks, but it was just me heheheh. What your feelin is normal.

  6. Have heavy screen roll up-roll down screens made for the inside of each door. That way you can continue to leave the doors open when it's hot in the tunnel. Pull down and secure the screens.

  7. Also place 1/4 galvanized hardware cloth at the bottom of each bed then replace your soil.
    I put 1/4 galvanized hardware cloth under the floor of my small greenhouse. There's been no issue with voles. There are voles in practically every yard in the neighborhood.

  8. Wow!!! I was upset over bugs. I would really have to pray for forgiveness once I find out what did this and didn't leave a tip, rent or donation.🙏🙏🙏

  9. I definitely understand the emotions. I had an issue this past season with animals. I hope you get some resolution soon.

  10. Dig out some of the soil, level the bottom of the bed and lay down strong galvanized mesh with small holes. Also see if hubby can connect a screened door for the greenhouse. Or wrig chicken wire across the opening.

  11. I agree with everyone else, it looks like voles, they eat roots and vegetables. I've dealt with them this year. I mainly container garden so I placed chicken wire around all my containers or put them up on tables so they were at least 24 inches above the ground. I used Mole-Relief from Gurney's in my one raised bed and I haven't seen any holes in that bed since. I also have a lot of onions and garlic planted around the property since they don't like the taste of it and the smell helps deter them.

  12. It’s probably a field rat. We had to put out traps. Be careful of using any type of poison. If your dogs get hold of the dead animal it could be fatal to the dogs also.
    It was gross but we finally got them.

  13. Barbara, so sorry for the devastation in your high tunnel. I appreciate your drive and determination. God will restore. Yes pray and give thanks.

  14. Barbara! What a heartbreak!
    Whatever your vandal-thief is, it left the veins of the brassicas alone because they're so much more strongly flavored.

    Can you install a trail cam anywhere in your polytunnel? And I think I recall that there is a hyper-sonic gadget you can get which has a limited range (as in, X number of feet around, above and below its own location) which is supposed to drive vermin away from your house, your kitchen, your garage, your attic/s, and so on; you might want to consider using one of those. But if this invader is mammalian, that hot pepper trick ought to deter it.
    By the way, do you know what raccoon tracks and possum tracks look like? (Although, their droppings are much larger than those of mice, rats, voles, moles, shrews or bunnies, and you'd be unlikely to confuse those of the two bigger critters with the small ones.)
    I'm mystified but keenly curious to know what's causing this. And to find out, I recommend the camera.

    Much gardening love from Ohio! 😊💚💚💚😊

  15. Hey Mrs.B thank you for sharing the bread recipe I meant to comment on that video as well but you mentioned your aligners on this one too. My biggest tip is take it day by day. It’s something to get used to definitely lol 😂. But they’ll get comfortable only when it’s time to change them but you’ll get used to them. I recommend them to anyone who can be disciplined to keep them in as instructed.

    I would recommend a new cat or a hawk/owl statue that lights up during motion, it does sound like a rabbit (we have some that gets in our beds), a rat, or a mole. Whatever the animal bandit is we’re cheering you on to get rid of it, praying for your garden! 🙏🏾

  16. Ah, I got careless and hit the Comment button too soon.

    Right now I have a tray full of very young chard plants which need to be moved indoors under lights or put into beds under cover, or else tossed onto the compost pile, and if you lived and gardened closer to me, or I to you, I'd offer them to you, but as it is right now, my options are only the three I've listed.

    Groundhogs do get big. We had one entrenched under the front porch which has a solid foundation which has two vents in it, and this groundhog would sit in its sheltered area and look out the vent. With his big head and his obese (he was!) body and since only the head and the slope of his neck and 'shoulders' were visible, he looked a lot like a furry, rodent-type Jabba the Hutt—only more appealing than the Star Wars Jabba.
    They dig extensive and elaborate burrows, too, so if you find part of one, or even block the entrance, there are others quite a distance away you haven't discovered and may not discover until the groundhog is no longer using that burrow system.

    All this damage was done in one night???? Flabbergasting.
    Around here to lose so many carrots in one go would suggest deer, but deer eat the greens and deer, if they were eating your cabbages, kale or collards wouldn't be put off by the heavy veins in those leaves. But: have you seen any deer tracks? Deer scat?

    By the way: rabbits do jump in addition to hopping; the lady at…Tractor Supply, was it?—is mistaken. Rabbits can casually and easily jump over a two-foot barrier or a two-foot high side of a raised bed. If they're just kicking up their heels they are capable of leaping three feet into the air in their cavorting.

    "It tastes like disappointment." Superbly well said!
    "It tastes like disappointment."
    Think about it.


  17. I installed a "BLINK" camera system. It's not expensive and you can use as many cameras as you need to secure your home, garden and hoop house. If anything moves in the camera view it will be sent to your phone. I started getting invaded with rats. They will pull up carrots, eat up various plants and wipe out your fruiting crops. If they get even more hungry they will chew up your vehicles wiring. I learned the hard way.

  18. Am I the only one who saw the animal in the hole, the nose, eyes and it was right as you were pulling away from the hole. Look carefully over the video again 😮

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