@Garden Answer

Garden Answer Highlights: How Much Can You Safely Manipulate a Root Ball? // How Long Does it Take to Edit Videos? // Recap 🌿

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  1. 44:36 If you could provide smaller packages, but bigger than what gardeners worshop provides, that would be awesome! I have a big garden (flowers & vegetables) & a small cutflower farm. The big buckets are way too big, but the small little cpuple oz. packages are not enough & really expensive per oz….

    I found another product named bactive, that I felt worked just as well as gnatrol. If you cant make it work with gnatrol, maybe look into it!

  2. I am SO EXCITED for next year’s projects on GA!!! The twinkle in your eyes and the secretive smiles have really got me guessing what you guys are planning 🤔 One thing I see happening is expanding your store and adding things you really love and use. I think it would be neat if you offered seeds and roots etc from your gardens, you could employ someone to help you with it therefore creating a job for someone 😊

  3. I would love to have a Hoselick. We have a new lawn and garden in our retirement years, and this looks like a breeze to use and put away! Love your videos.

  4. I like your idea about you guys taking days off (paid for team members) for Christmas and New Years for family time and relaxation. I’ll watch reruns if I miss you all too much. ❤❤❤

  5. I believe they call a glasshouse attached to a house, a conservatory. Not sure where you would put it, but it would be beautiful on the side of the house, looking out to the Hartley, light/sun permitting. Love the update. Merry Christmas 🎄💖

  6. 19:37 I would buy one. I only have a quarter acre plot of land but I don’t fertilize because of that reason I hate having to get down with a bag of fertilizer or a bucket of fertilizer to get under the plant but if I had something like a sprayer like you said Aaron, it would be game changing.

  7. I worked in retail for many years. In selling plastic bins I can tell you people don’t take the kids more often than not. I’m guessing saucers for pots are the same thing. Myself, when I buy a pot I grab a saucer if it is available. I have a stack of those cheap clear plastic saucers in case it turns into a project and I grimace every time I look at that plastic saucer .

  8. I agree 100% that matching saucers need to be sold with pots and also available for separate purchase in the event you break a saucer.

  9. Question?? Did I miss something in the videos? There seemed to be two you didn’t talk about. Your sister in laws porch and your dad’s video. Help thank you

  10. I've broken a tree root ball before and what I did was cut the tree WAY back and babied the heck out of it and the next year there was new growth and the tree is now doing fine. You have to leave some foliage for the tree to survive but I gave it a heck of a haircut so the roots don't have to support so much green growth. A tree is like any other plant that you divide – plant it, prune it back and treat it like your child. Now this may not work on all species of trees but it worked for me. I'm not sure it would work for conifers, however. They seem to be a different kettle of fish.

  11. Could you do a video on how to decide what color plants go well with red, pinkish brick home. I have yellow, white and peach roses on the corners?

  12. if using liquid ferterlizer what about the funnels made for christmas trees hide within the plant so it goes stright to the roots just a thought

  13. I’m surprised you didn’t include the Q & A video with your dad! It was wonderful getting to know him and more of your parents’ story.

    Having a production greenhouse like Aaron mentioned would take away some of Laura’s excitement of plant deliveries. Growing is fun but there’s a lot of instant pleasure from being able to plant gorgeous plants you just received. As well as the excitement of surprise shipments from growers.

  14. I love the idea of Laura making her own pot and saucer line. I like to use a piece of window screen in the bottom of my pots so water goes through but not the soil. It last a long time and I use it over and over.

  15. Lean to, name for a three sided greenhouse. People can go all out with those and use it to climate control a house. Living Big in a Tiny House just featured on their channel.

    Think as a sunroom could be easier to cool, just do skylights and large windows.

    Ideal greenhouse is build it yourself with wood frame, dig out 4' deep…and put in a glass roof over it. So a frost free underground greenhouse. Just heat in March to get seedlings growing.

  16. Impressed with your choices for your children…singing the National Anthem brought me joy…God Family Country…great testimony kids.

  17. Good morning. Jennie Love uses a sprayer from 'My 4 Sons' M-4. She uses it extensively for fertilizer. 😊

  18. Benjamin May enjoy the Beverly Cleary Ramona series. Ramona asks her parents to turn on the dawnzer. She thought from the Star Bangled Banner that “ the dawn’s early light” was referring to a lamp. Really great story and a fun series.

  19. Oh I would Love a small batch of the knatrol, this is my first year over wintering a couple of plants and I have knats, eeek!!! Gross lil critters.
    I’m absolutely in love with this pots your Mom has in her store, they are perfection. I never see anything like that near me.
    Thanks for the Great recap, cannot wait to see the 2024 projects 👏👏👏👏

  20. Plastic saucers are the worst. And if the saucer is attached to the pot, it's too small. I thrift vintage plates/shallow bowls to use.

  21. I buy all sizes of terra cotta saucers and typically do use terra cotta pots. I agree it's necessary to have one for every pot!!!

  22. About topping the trees, remember how much light they could block your neighbours garden, if they have a big garden, no problem 🇬🇧

  23. Erin the Impatient Gardener uses a backpack sprayer for deer control. She has linked the sprayer before. That should also be able to be used for fertilizer. She sprays weekly in season so it is a good one I would think.

  24. So many pots I’ve loved and didn’t buy because they didn’t have a matching saucer.

  25. Your garden friends, Jenny and Jerry @ Gardening with Creekside have lots of videos on the care and cleaning of Felco's. Jenny cleans and oils her Felco 2's probably every day!

  26. I have never done anything when gathering pinecones either and have never had a problem.
    Love your videos – start my days watching you all. Merry Christmas to you and your families ❤

  27. Be careful with hostas and deer, they go hand and hand. My yard is a buffet table to them so I must spray constantly, it’s a pain in the butt.
    Just thought I would mention it

  28. You begin decorating so early and so intensively that it's probably very soothing to get it all put away. I start after lunch on Tday, and by new years day its gone!!!

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