Garden Plans

Nurturing Our Garden of Practice with Erica Mattson (Ep 44)

It’s the end of 2023. How are we embracing the ever-changing seasons of our career and our creative selves? If we treat our creative practice like a garden, how are we feeding it and nurturing it from season to season?

Joining me for some juicy end-of-year reflection today is my client Erica Mattson, a parent, artist, coach, and strategic consultant. Erica shares her experience transitioning from a structured executive role to developing a multifaceted, independent practice that blends artistry with strategic consulting. We talk about the importance of having “believing mirrors”, people who see our potential and inspire us to grow, and how to embody a holistic, system thinking approach to life and work.

Erica also shares her experience and takeaways from working with me through my Design Your Lanes intensive. If you’re also a multi-faceted practitioner looking for an aligned shift in your practice, this episode is one you would not want to miss.

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Intro
2:01 Guest Introduction
3:05 How Erica started her career
9:16 Erica’s secret to facing change
12:23 System thinking
21:15 Experience working with Betty
25:32 Key takeaway from the Design Your Lanes Program
41:58 Betty’s plans for closing the year

About Erica

Erica Mattson (she/her) has 20+ years of experience helping governments, cultural institutions, non-profits, funders, philanthropists and purpose-driven businesses create transformative change for the people and communities they serve. She’s a parent of two young kids, a practicing artist, and works as a strategic advisor and coach to leaders in the social impact and cultural sectors.

Connect with Erica:


About Betty

Ready to plan with intentionality for the new year? Check out a Better Bucket List for Independent Creatives, a fun and comprehensive digital planning tool designed to meet the needs and aspirations of creatives who work to live.

Betty Xie is a creative and a career coach for creative. Her 1:1 coaching program has helped photographers, filmmakers, visual artists, arts leaders, and arts consultants to design and implement intentional growth in their practice so that they can make their art and make happier money. Check out her 1:1 coaching programs here:

*FREE Resource* Discover your creative career archetype today:

The Everyday Talent Podcast is produced by Betty Xie and Benice Detoon.

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