Vegetable Gardening

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This is about a journey through the seasons in my tiny snow afflicted garden. Being a beginner gardener myself, I cannot claim deep expertise and being limited as to the available time I have for gardening, the journey covers the essential gardening jobs for the beginner gardener with limited time.

Early spring
Pruning shrubs before they start sprouting.
Cleaning up the debris and generally tidying up.

Mid spring
Regularly mowing the lawn.
Fertilizing beds, pots and lawn.
Watering everything including the trees.
Planting any new perennials and late summer bulbs.
Trimming or pruning shrubs that have finished flowering.

Late spring
Planting up the boxes and pots with annuals.

Lots of watering, mowing, weeding, trimming, and relaxing.
Fertilizing once or twice during summer.

Cleaning up as plants die off.
Planting spring bulbs.

Reflecting, relaxing, planning for the spring and for the summer garden.

For the journey through the seasons in my garden, go here now:

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