Container Gardening

The key to winter container design ❄️

Winter containers are some of my favorite to make because there are no rules, you just have to be creative. I’m sharing tips on the structural part of winter containers. From there you can let your creativity go wild.

My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b.

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P.O. Box 99
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  1. I have learned so much from you. We’ve moved to Connecticut , zone 6b, and winter containers are a new concept. All those little things you do do are so practical, and your results are lovely. Thank you.

  2. As a guide if anyone is interested, my three window boxes plus two medium square pots take 2 wheelbarrow loads of greenery from my forest. A lot! Black eyed Susan heads look very good as do hydrangeas and other seed heads. I like the scrunched lights idea.

  3. Fascinating video, just love your containers. Everything looks so cool, we are sweltering
    in Hot/Humid tropical heat. Have a lovely Christmas from Australia.

  4. Beautiful! Thank you for all the great ideas. Merry Christmas Erin! So appreciate you and your channel.

  5. This is my dream container! I love container gardening the best too and especially grouping multiple containers together. I want to find a spot to do one extra large container some day.

  6. One of the best winter containers ever! The large branch is beyond perfection. Love that you decorate first before putting it in the container. I am going to copy you.

  7. Your containers are, by far, the most beautiful, stylish, impactful and creative I have ever seen! Thanks for showing how you put them together!!

  8. Beautiful! I just did mine yesterday, but I do need to secure them in a little better. Unfortunately most of my wild red twig got bulldozed to start our house but i was able to find a small handful! I also can’t reach any of my spruce branches anymore so I might have to buy 1 clump. 😂 Wild grapevines can make some neat structure or even a tree form wrapped on a tomato cage and dried out milkweed pods add nice white (I like to use those where they don’t get wet though.)

  9. Thanks Erin! Always love seeing your winter containers. They look amazing. And some really good tips about how to do them. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and stay warm.

  10. you have such beautiful, creative containers, Erin. You are an inspiration, and I loved watching this video. Thank you for what you do and wishing you the happiest of holidays!

  11. Do you worry about pots cracking with the freeze and thaw of the soil? Im afraid to leave concrete upright due to that. Even plastic would crack as well as pottery, ceramic..😮

  12. ERIN! WOW! What beautiful works of art! This video was wildly informative & inspiring! Thank you!! 🎄❄️❤

  13. Gorgeous! What wonderful ideas. I cannot wait to implement something similar out front this winter. We had to remove several diseased trees that had been with us a long time. We needed something to fill the empty spots.

  14. Such great tips! Why haven't I ever thought of the hot water tip? I'm going to try that this year after Christmas to take out Christmas and add winter elements. You have also inspired me to do more with lights. As always- you have absolutely stunning displays!

  15. Absolutely gorgeous! I never thought to about making winter containers before. You have made me fall in love with the idea! Thanks☃️

  16. Hi Erin – I'm very impressed by the beauty of your outdoor containers. They look very much like Deborah Silver's from Detroit Garden Works. Anyone who has visited her website knows how impressive those are and your containers rank right up there. Thank you for all of the great tips you shared with us.

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