Edible Gardening

November Update – Mulching the Dahlias

It’s been a rather wet month but the cold weather has arrived. Join me on a chilly but bright afternoon to get the dahlias mulched before it turns even colder. We also take a look around the plot and discover a spring flower in bloom! See many times do you see Mr Robin pop up!

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‘Fractal of Light’ by Chris Haugen, ‘Where I am From’ by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena. All licensed under Creative Commons.


  1. Yes we got snow here in ontario canada.minus 7 today..i dug my dahlias a month ago amd store but maybe nextyear i will try the mulching method.not sure if it will survive here.we normally got loads of snow in our winter.. anyway while ur mulching their was a cute cardinal bird infront of you.dont know if you have noticed it

  2. It was so cute how close the robin came to you. In my garden is one as well but he's still very shy. In Berlin it's snowing and we have a lot of snow already on the ground 🌨⛄️❄️☃️ Take care and stay warm 💕

  3. I do love your accent! I am learning how to speak like a Brit by practising your accent. Congratulations on your recent marriage. Are we to assume there there will soon be a little one to help you plant your Daliahs?

  4. It was my first year with my dahlia’s in pots this year so I have lifted and stored them but I would love to get some in the ground permanently, if I can find a sunny enough spot for them. 🤞🏻

  5. Katrina give yourself grace, you’ve had a very busy but exciting time with your wedding. Your tidy up will be done eventually so try not to stress ♥️

  6. I cut back everything end of August I know it was early but I had a hip replacement and knew I wouldn't be able. But everything flowered again and is just starting to die back now. i even still have sweet peas flowering, I brought 2 cherry tomato plants in have them on the kitchen window and they still giving me tomatoes . O and noticed today I have one pepper on the plant I cut back its outside but covered. Next year I won't be cutting anything back or put my garden furniture away 😊. All my spring bulbs are planted I don't plant daffodils or many tulips because the bulbs i have put in the last few years flower from march / April right to August, I did add 100 crocus blubs this year. Going to wait till after Christmas before I start on the veg. I live in the south east of Ireland so mild winters well that's what they say. I
    can't wait for spring

  7. Another great video, you've given my wife and I a heap of tips about Dalia's and keeping then healthy, this seasons crop are just showing there heads so we've started steaking them (we live in Aussie) and getting ready to tie them, we get our tubers from Tasmanian and I think a couple of the varieties cost like $40 bucks….. Yeah!.. but they get flowers the size of dinner plates and they brighten up the house. Stay warm Katrina 🦘👍.

  8. So glad you have robin friends too. I’ve had pairs of robins bring their young to my home garden (not my allotment unfortunately) but at home it’s so wonderful such a treat

  9. That’s a beautiful mahonia not heard of it. I’ve got two mahonia charity. Not much scent tbh but provides flowered and berries twice yearly. Bees love flowers blackbirds love berries 🤩

  10. 7:15 In Cornwall, I often see gigantic stinging nettles, because they're supposed to be herbaceous perennials, but they are failing to die back in winter, so they continue to grow the following year, I've seen some 6-8 feet tall. Some apple trees had two sets of leaves grow, the first lot that came out in the spring, and then some more that came out later in the year when the weather switched from dry to constantly rainy. Mostly the first set of leaves have now fallen, but not many of the second.

  11. Thanks for the update ! This winter a family member is moving and will no longer have a garden. I am to receive their complete seed collection. I can’t wait to see what I get. It will be fun planning next year’s garden 😀

  12. So lovely to see your robin friend photo bombing the video!

    Take the time to cut everything back and plan next 2024 season.

    This was your wedding year and your plot more than served you well. No need to feel stressed or overwhelmed.

    Enjoy being a newly wed and give yourself a much needed break this winter! <3 x

  13. Always hate to see the freeze come, it's sorta sad. But Wow, think of all the compost you will have next year!
    Alot of work but goodness it was glorious when it was in bloom. That robin needs a name! 🥰🐦
    Slow progress through the winter, it will get there…rest some, too.

  14. Thanks for taking us along with you! Even if it is soggy, the allotment still looks like a place of serenity to come to and step into another world! In Indiana, USA we have only had flurries, no coverage of snow, which is sort of sad… But I am hopeful for a white Christmas!
    Have a blessed Christmas season full of togetherness! 🙏🎄

  15. I lost about half of my dahlias left in the ground during last winters deep freeze here in Northants. All the Honka dahlias came back bigger than ever. I’ve mulched with grass clippings . Fingers crossed!

  16. Thankfully no snow here in WA state, but we've had many frosty mornings, more so than usual. You've inspired me to get out in the cold and continue my garden cleanup. 😊

  17. Nice seeing you working in your garden, and so surprised you actually have some active growing happening. I personally don’t like the change into cold weather, sitting here thinking I should live in England. We had -6 Celsius yesterday and a inch of snow to go with it. So no garden work for me. Your garden served you well this year, your wedding flowers were beautiful,as well as the bride.thanks for sharing. 👍❤️😊

  18. my dahlias are just starting to bud up here in New Zealand, I have a few more varieties this year, that i a looking forward to

  19. Hello Katrina, So glad to see you today. I have been watching all the different dahlia videos you have this year as this was my first year to grow them. Mine are all inside now id dry potting soil brown paper bags in the coolest room dark.
    You mentioned -3° C Monday night into Tuesday morning we woke up to -16° C today were we up to 10° C all day. A 26 ° C change in 36 hours. All my beds are amended and covered in mulch straw or leaves for the winter. This way the soil is ready to go as soon as it is warm enough so I can go to planting straight away without all the amending and such. I am learning in my wisdom years to be ready for tomorrow makes tomorrow go better. Love your channel thank you for the video today peace and blessing Cya next time.

  20. That Robin is such a scene stealer. As I'm based in New Zealand it's spring heading towards summer here. We've had some days in the mid to late 20 degrees centigrade but the growth of my vegies doesn't seem to be increasing. My tomatoes, corn and snack peppers were getting a bit tired and stringy in their inside warmth of my sun room and so I planted them outside and in the nearly 3 weeks since then the weather has tended to be colder!

  21. omg I would drive to Nottingham (from Southampton) just to pick up a Dahlia from you :') Please please pleaseeeee.

    I failed at overwintering a dahlia last year…. trying again with one this year… hopefully I can keep it alive. It would mean so much to me to have a Dahlia from you (and make me more invested in keeping one alive over winter hah hah)

  22. Fantastisch Good work Kristina you the best te moostiun thans te video groetjes 👍❤️🌞🧣🌡️🌿❄️🧤🌺🔥☕🎈🥀💐💫

  23. There has been some strange solar activity these past few weeks. Perhaps the bursts of UV radiation caused by the flares thrown out is giving unexpected results to certain plants 🤔 (only thing i can think of for strange plant behaviour 😆)

  24. I will be absolutely depending on you for guidance as to what to be doing this winter as I start to become a gardener. I lost a month to exhaustion then a bug then a small but rather painful fall, so absolutely nothing has been done yet in the garden; I noted you said Jan for hedging, & I know that I need to trim lavenders (& keep composting & start mulching) but that’s about it apart from that I know bulbs & trees go in in the autumn, and that I need to be pruning fruit trees. I have 2 biggish apple trees from which daughter made & bottled apple juice which I am using for mulled hot drinks (fruit/spices)with local or her own honey. She has chilli plants in the tumbledown leaky broken greenhouse which I feel I need to trim, save, bring indoors. Hardly any room though! ❤

  25. You were a busy girl over summer, you shouldn't worry too much about what's going on in the plot. If I wasn't in the states, I'd volunteer. My zone has been bumped up a notch, I'm now in 8a. Still haven't had enough rain to being us to normal levels, I still have some flowers blooming away, may even leave the dahlias this yr. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  26. Wow, crazy how your dahlia bed looks so much smaller once you cut them all back.
    I've left one dahlia in the ground to test it out, and dug the rest up.
    Thank you for the video 🙂

  27. There is such beauty in your winter garden. No less gorgeous. There will be some drier days to be had over the next weeks to tackle those jobs. Thats what i tell myself anyway! No hurry

  28. Your doing great Katrina,just by being at the allotment is good enough right now. You’ve got the whole of winter to sort it all out. Write a Things To Do List and just tick off as you go. You’ll get there💜💜 What a year you have had just appreciate your space it served you well💜

  29. Hi Katrina, I always leave mine in the ground. I have about 50 in two square doughnut beds with a fruit tree in the middle. Like you I mulch them, however instead of composting the stems I just chop them up and use them as part of the mulch.

  30. We have so much snow here in Estonia had to shovel it from top off my green house at least its somewhat good for the plants and bugs because its like soft and bit warm blanked last year was no snow but just really cold. Also that robin is so cute.

  31. Little and often is the name of the game! The allotment will still be there, it’s not going anywhere. Enjoy being a newly wed and don’t fret over the plot. Best wishes from a freezing, steadily snowing Kendal!

  32. Omg please make video how to look after and growing chilies and lime 😭 mine 1x tried sow and now rotten

  33. I know that overwhelmed feeling look on your face 😊 me too and I haven't had a wedding this year so you'll get there a bit at a time !

  34. I think your garden is lovely even when it's wet and mushy. Mine is under quite a bit of snow, and I really can't do anything in it now. I probably won't be able to do anything in it until May. Enjoy each little task, and don't try to do too much.

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