
Make $300/day Market Gardening for a living, How to Make your Small Farm profitable, Farmers Market

Get on the New Farm list here – http://BluegrassTeam.com/homefinder call 859-379-5263 for more info. Sustainable River Property – LIVE water Farm Land in Kentucky.
#MarketGardening #SmallFarm #FarmersMarket
Country setting – yet just 7 miles to town and an amazing 75 acres with 2 rivers, 4 barns, 2 ponds – this property is super cool with LIVE WATER. Sustainable River Property, river property, Farm land, farm land for sale in Kentucky, Market Garden, market gardening for a living, how to make money market gardening, how to sell vegetables, how to sell produce, Sustainable River Property, river property, farm land for sale in Kentucky.

Horse Farm + River Property in Kentucky – 75 acres, 4 barns, 2 ponds, bottoms, woods, basement

Best, Best feature – property taxes are only $600 per YEAR!

asking 300k – it has a pellet stove for ‘backup’ – a stove that heats the whole house for 300-400/yr. 🙂

VIDEO – Make $300/day Market Gardening for a living, How to Make Money on a Small Farm, Farmers Market

With the work our sellers have put into this market garden business – and the additional capital improvements they have made to the farm (nearing 6 figures), and the financial support of having this market garden farm turn-key – the chances of your market gardening business success improves greatly.

Why not replace modern agriculture with market gardening?

As you know, the problems with modern agriculture are numerous, but the solutions, not so much. Local organic market gardening agriculture can (and will) transform society in positive ways, but the limiting factor is the number of people willing to make a change for their community. Our world needs more small-scale farmers who have an interest in market gardening – like you.

Market Gardening for a living?

Feeding people locally is hard work, but it can be part of a fulfilling lifestyle with a deep sense of connection with the land, family and your community, says Jean-Martin Fortier, a pioneer in the field of Market Gardening. J-M’s low-tech strategy kept his start-up costs to a minimum, and overhead expenses low. The farm became profitable after only a few years, now with revenues north of $140,000 and margins over 50% — and that is on only an acre and a half — he claims they have never felt the pinch of financial pressure with his market garden business. I’ll say.

Farmers Markets on a serious rise, numbers growing rapidly – How to Make Money on a Small Farm –

Since USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service began tracking farmers’ markets in 1994, the number of markets in the United States has grown from 1,755 to 8,144 in 2013, an increase of about 4 percent from the previous year. The states with the most farmers’ markets include California (759), New York (637), Illinois (336), Michigan (331) and Ohio (300). Total annual sales at U.S. farmers’ markets are estimated at $1 billion. Kentucky hasnt even touched the tip of the iceberg yet — this is the opportunity to grow quickly and be the authority in Market Gardening.

Why Market Gardening and Farmers Markets?

A farmers’ market allows growers the opportunity to market directly to consumers without dealing with a food broker. Growers can explain how the food is grown and educate consumers on how to prepare it.

What do I do when it isn’t summer season?

Most farmers’ markets are operated on a seasonal basis, opening in the spring and closing in the fall. However, there are year-round markets and they are generally found on the West Coast, southeast and southwest United States.

Top 5 things you need to do to run a successful Small Farm Market Garden as a business:

1 – Purchase a market garden property that has a conducive layout to growing, has great soil, access to live water and has HUGE growth potential —— CHECK

2 – Purchase the equipment to run this market garden as a business – not just getting by, but real equipment that is sized properly. This is not inexpensive —— CHECK

3 – Put in 6 figures of capital improvements to your property to make it market-gardening-as-a-business-ready. —— CHECK

4 – Start your market garden business, grow crops, establish a market for your products and begin to be profitable and make money (this can take years) – it is already done for you. —— CHECK

5 – Find a market niche and expand on your established business by offering products all year long. —— what are YOU going to make for the winter months? With an Artist’s community the next town over – Berea, KY – the sky is the limit.

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