@Gary Pilarchik

Gary Pilarchik: Transplanting Seed Start Chives & Herbs into Cups: Have a Plant Yard Sale! – TRG2016

I show you the next step in my over-seeding herb method. Once they get to size they can go into their transplant cups. I use bagged Garden Soil for the transplants as it is inexpensive. You can feed and bottom water them once they are in their new cups. This is how I once prepared for my annual plant yard sale. I sold plants for $1 and made enough to support my garden needs for the Spring.

Check out my vegetable gardening blog: The Rusted Garden. It is filled with garden information, videos, pictures, seed catalogs and seeds & things I sell. http://www.therustedgarden.blogspot.com

Join My FaceBook Gardening Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/262500970619372/

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