Front Yard Garden

THE CALL OF THE OLD ONES: 35 Cthulhu Mythos Stories (1 of 3)

Including works by members of the original Lovecraft Circle: Robert Bloch, Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap Long, and Clark Ashton Smith.

What became of those who answered The Call of the Old Ones?

CotOO Playlist:

*** PART 1 ***

00:00:00 – Introduction

00:02:40 – ROBERT BLOCH
00:03:18 – The Shambler from the Stars
00:28:24 – The Haunter of the Dark (LOVECRAFT)
01:32:32 – The Shadow from the Steeple
02:27:24 – ROBERT BLOCH (contd)
02:27:56 – The Secret in the Tomb
02:49:00 – The Creeper in the Crypt
03:15:24 – Fane of the Black Pharaoh
04:05:10 – Notebook Found in a Deserted House

04:52:34 – ROBERT E. HOWARD
04:53:18 – The Black Stone
05:37:26 – The Thing on the Roof
06:01:24 – The Haunter of the Ring
06:42:26 – The Fire of Asshurbanipal
07:38:06 – Dig Me No Grave

08:09:49 – Further Listening

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Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Music and production by Ian & Jennifer Gordon

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  1. Lovecraft was a visionary and pioneer. The great thing about his work is that his ideas had so much potential for development, and these great writers have done exactly that

  2. I miss the creepy ambience in ‘The Shambler From the Stars’, but do rather enjoy how the compilation was structured. Thank you Ian.

    Oh a separate note, do you have any Zothique stories planned? I bet you would have fun with those.

  3. I've heard all of these productions, but it was really fun to hear them again. Listening to them, I had the sudden thought that the Toad from 'The Thing on The Roof' might be the same creature featured in 'The Black Stone.'

  4. Okay, who let the shoggoths out? It was you Mr Bloch wasn't it?
    Shoggoth, shoggi, shoggun? Plurals of shoggoth…. anyone know?

  5. you give me so many treats every day im so grateful!!!! they did this for ME!!!!!! I CAN FEEL IT!!!!

  6. Cthulhu: Howard we could've had something beautiful, how dare you turn me down 😤
    HPL: No one loves me 😞, <dies of cancer

  7. Does anyone know if Ian does all the male voices? Or just the narration ? If he does em its impressive how he switches between the younger mans voice then back to narration so smoothly 😮😮

  8. I'm trying to find a story I could've sworn you uploaded. It's about a man who plants two seeds that either appear out of nowhere or came from space, they grow into a plant/human man and woman. Maybe it was someone else who uploaded it, but I really only listen to HorrorBabble.

  9. Listened to this channel for awhile now and there is no one else I’d rather hear tell these stories. Great work.

  10. Limited to twelve hours? YouTube! Argh. I just saw a NASA video that's 1,480 hours, though. 12 hours might be easier to navigate than 1,480 hours, i guess.

  11. Everytime I listen to 'The Black Stone' I am struck that it's oddly very compatible with JRR Tolkien's legendarium: The monolith, incredibly ancient and once part of an impossibly huge black fortress, could be a stone from Utumno, or Angband. The bestial cultists could easily be descents with mixed Orc and human blood, and the creature could be one of any number of monsters created by Morgoth and Sauron, or a surviving fallen Maiar who had once served them. I've no reason to think this is anything other than a coincidence of details, but it's an amusing thought.

  12. So, in the one story, there's a series of pictures on the wall depicting 3,000 years of history. That would equate to 1 million and 95,000 days. I guess the pictures are very small.

  13. So a day is 1 ft in length. The depiction is roughly 1 million and 95,000 days or 1 million and 95,000 ft. 1 million and 95,000/ 5,280 is just over 207 miles in length. That is a long catacomb. To that point, it's a long catacomb it goes much further than that.

  14. Shadow from the steeple always reminds me of two of my dogs. I have a rottwieller and a black pitweiler that are as quiet as tomb and always slink up to lick their daddy's hand like a pair of leopards. When they both pad up to me like they're guilty of nibbling on a nieghbor, I always think of this story.

  15. By the way, I think the Shadow of the Steeple is one of my all time favorites. The narration is just magnificent. Thank you so much @Ian. 💖🌟

  16. I'm always looking for more lovecraftian works without it being Lovecraft, so this is perfect for me!

    Anyone have any good medieval horror fantasy book/story recommendations?

  17. Working my way through the short stories now and The Shadow from the Steeple was so creative and fun! Very well done narrating again, Ian!

  18. You have done a fantastic thing, my friend, and completely ruined for me all other storytellers. You have done a more important thing than you know, bringing these cosmic yarns to the greater public. They are necessary as cautionary tales for a world moving rapidly into the unknown corners of physics and the mind. And while these “sciences, each straining in their own direction, have hitherto harmed us little”, perhaps one day a lab tech will hesitate to turn on that strange new machine he built from out of his wildest imaginings for remembering the words you’ve relayed.

    Thank you, Mr. Gordon. You are much appreciated.

  19. 8 minutes in and the story hasn't started.
    If I had have wanted to listen to some weirdo narcissistic twat talk about how great they were, I'de have asked for it.

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