Vegetable Gardening


#shorts #pepper


  1. Pepper plants can live up to 4-6 years! They are perennial by nature and given the right conditions, they have the potential to live for many years and continue to produce fruits.

    In colder regions like where I am. Prolong Temperatures below
    10°C (50°F) can be harmful to the plant. So in order to keep them alive for many years, they will need to be overwintered indoors or in a heated greenhouse. If you do plant to bring them inside your house, make sure to trim off the leaves, cut the stem where it forms a Y shape, rinse the stems and roots and repot with indoor potting soil. This process will reduce the chance of bringing unwanted pests like thrips and aphids into your home.

  2. Trying to perennialise my own pepper plants this year! I was just wondering since you have potted pepper plants, what gallon sacks do you use for your pepper plants, and feel works for you?

  3. My 2 and a half meter 8 year old Thai birdseye chilli died last year. Until it died it had hundreds of chillies each year for 9 months a year. RIP…….My (accidently planted as way too hot for me ) Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper is still going strong after 6 years. I live in Sydney.

  4. I live in Athens, I grow vegetables in pots in a terrace. At the end of the harvest, around November, I trim completely the plant, leaving only 2-3 branches (eyes actually) & plant lettuces/arrugula around them, until May. In May I start reducing the surrounding lettuces and the pepper plant have started producing their first flowers.

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