Gardening Supplies

40 Acres and New Adventures

Pecan Grove – Where LIFE is Rated PG
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Deep South Homestead
P.O. Box 462
Wiggins, MS. 39577

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▶ Wanda’s channel CRAZY DAZES:
▶ Danny’s BIBLE channel — ALL GOD’S CHILDREN

▶ETSY Store
ENGLISH PEA MANUAL books written by Danny.
These books show how to plant, grow, harvest, cook and preserve these vegetables. The books include pictures from Deep South gardens that show step by step.
▶▬ COOKBOOK compiled by Wanda
From Garden to Pantry to Table in the Deep South Kitchen

PORCH TIME tshirts and CRAZY DAZES Tshirts are available too.

▶▬ Patreon: All proceeds here goes to our building project — CANDY CORN CABIN — Our Off Grid Cabin

▶▬ Channel Art by Felisha:

*******Some of my links below are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. 🙂 Thanks for helping our homestead.
▶▬ AMAZON LINK: ▬ You shop for ALL your Amazon needs and we receive a small commision.
(affiliate link*). #commisionsearned

▶▬ HIGH TUNNEL KITS Greenhouse KITS promo code: DeepSouth This is a 10% discount

▶▬ Water Filtration System or LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Alexa Pure
MY Patriot Supply
Stainless Spigot:

▶▬ Harvest Right Freeze Dryer:

▶▬ EMP Shield

▶Visit HOSS TOOL (affiliate link): For ALL your Garden Tools and Seeds

▶ Visit GreenStalk Vertical Planters __ You get $10 off you order using our link. code word Deepsouth

▶▬ Renogy Solar Panel Kit 10% discount Promo code: DeepSouthHomestead
▶▬ *** CANNING LIDS***
For Jars Lids
▶▬Survival Garden SEEDS
▶Danny and Wanda’s KUJO Yardwear SHOES promo code DeepSouth for 10% off
▶▬Herbal Coffee


  1. Hopefully the “agenda” will not pull Deep South Homestead. If it happens, I did find PG and am watching those too. Prayers for each of you.

  2. But porchtime was our spiritual side…that's needed in this world as well..the devil working hard…but i love you guys

  3. Thanks Danny and Wanda for those updates. The link you dropped above for Pecan grove does not work. it brings you to a page that has a 404 error . I entered pecan grove in the search engine and the page popped up. . Just wanted to Thank you. Blessings

  4. YT will start taking any and all videos down that teach any kind of self reliance – gardening, canning, raising animals and how to fix things. Powers that be don't want people knowing any of those things. So backup all your videos to save them. Too bad you can't bundle videos in to the different categories and make copies and sale them. This mess with censorship is crazy but it's going to get so much worse. YT won't tell you that they're going to take it down they'll just wipe it in the middle of the night. Thanks for the update. God bless and protect.

  5. Whew! And to think I always know you are here on this platform when I need to research something or hear some enlightening words. Thank you for the explanation. Love you both very much 😘❤

  6. Hooray for you all! Illegitimi non carborundum—don’t let the Bas*** get you down! But I really enjoy porch time. Strange times are upon us all. Hugs!😊

  7. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  8. Subscribed to PG! Can’t wait to watch what is happening with the new place. Congratulations Mr Danny and Mrs Wanda. Keep Going! God Bless

  9. FYI. We live in a world that we allow to be. We don't live in this world because we are forced in someway. Just as no one can make anyone feel anything. What happens in your head is of your invention. If you choose to participate then you are party to the consequences.

  10. Thanks for the update. I look forward to Pecan Grove information, but I do hope the woke insanity infesting social media platforms doesn't bring Deep South down. We can pray that the "powers that be" will eventually wake up to the evil they are perpetuating and reverse course. Their current path is so against a free society that, especially being a vet, it makes me want to cry. God bless and keep you both.

  11. I love listening to Danny's porch times it's sad that they can't just leave it be it's simple it's life even if they think it's not right they're just crazy that's all I can say so Danny keep doing what you doing I love it Wanda you're amazing thank you all for doing this for us for us younger generation coming up not having grandparents or anyone to look up to as far as gardening and simple living I love it keep it up I'm right behind you.

  12. Wow, it was not easy to find your new channel. But I found it! I love your porch talks, so I hope you can continue those somewhere. 😮
    I did not know about crazy dazes
    Smart to jump ahead and be prepared! ❤

  13. Wonder if I should start another channel. I’m jealous of all you do. I just can’t do it all myself. I just have been doing the kind of videos you describe for Pecan Grove but they don’t get many views.

  14. They don’t want people to know the truth, how to do anything for themselves, or anything beneficial but the truth always comes to light. I love this channel❤Hang in there y’all!!!

  15. PORCH TIME would be GREAT on a, Sunday morning, pod cast. I’m 71 and was raised in (VERY) rural Kentucky. We couldn’t always get to church, so found a deep comfort in SOME radio programs (couldn’t get many) that just dealt with sincere subjects, in a “down-to-earth” way of speaking. I miss that comforting talk, on Sundays😊…

  16. Hi Danny and Wanda. I appreciate you sharing about the new platform. I will definitely subscribe and be here on Deep South as long as they don't take you down. I pray they turn their eyes elsewhere and stop taking stuff down. I'll have to find your podcast as well. I don't do a lot of other platforms like Apple but I'll see what I need to do.
    I very much appreciate all you share and just want you both to be blessed no matter what.

  17. Wow! 11,178views and only 28👍. We know there’s a lot more than that!!! Love you in The Lord Jesus Christ 💕💗💕

  18. Sounds like a good plan! I know of one youtuber that didn't do anything like this. She had a few videos taken down, and then her channel was shut down completely, without warning, and she lost all her content, followers didn't know what happened or where to find her…now she's trying to start over from scratch.

  19. If God wants you to keep the word moving, he’ll keep you where you’re at or create a new venue. He made a plan for you both before creation! 🙏😘You sound a little panicky so follow your own advice. GOD HAS YOU! I believe!

  20. How sad that the masses are fooled by the phrase 'miss information'….it is freedom of speech taken.

  21. They’re doing that to a lot of people getting rid of their videos due to so-called misinformation. It doesn’t go along with their agenda. Craziness. Blessings.

  22. Btw, I love the play on words with the title of the pecan grove channel. “Where life is PG” PG- pecan grove. Lol😊 thought it was a cute double play on words.

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