Vegetable Gardening

Harvesting Orange Goes to the village sell – Gardening, Farming – Green forest life

Harvesting Orange Goes to the village sell – Gardening, Farming – Green forest life
hope you will help me to have a beautiful farm: Donate Paypal:


  1. Hey there Duong, doing the spider woman thing in the orange trees, please just be careful. I don’t know if you get told enough, but you have a very beautiful smile and you should share it more often. It literally lights up the world when you do. So take care and stay safe beautiful lady.💐💐💐💕💕💕😊😊😊🌹🌹🌹✨✨✨👋👋👋

  2. ¡Hola hermosa Duong! Buenas noches joven amiga preciosa. Aunque no vendiste todas las naranjas fue buena venta. Siempre tan trabajadora y productiva. Cuidas muy bien a tus animales, y tus cultivos. Ten una bonita noche. Saludos cordiales de tu amigo mexicano Francisco. Cuidate mucho joven dama preciosa. El universo te brinde siempre su luz e ilumine tu camino hacia el éxito, la salud, la prosperidad y mucha felicidad junto a tu familia y seres queridos. 🇲🇽🤗🌹😘🇻🇳

  3. Hello Doung hope you well. Puppies growing big now they adorable and admire you garden looking so healthy ready to harvest again ❤❤

  4. Be careful climbing in those orange trees! You sold most at market place, which was great! Love how you take care of the animals and your fur babies.

  5. Mi piacerebbe sapere come funzionano le cose in questo paese ; ognuno è libero di andare a raccogliere qualsiasi cosa dove si trova x venderla al mercato ? Se c'è qualcuno che sa come funziona tutto questo x favore mi può spiegare ? Grazie mille Dall'Italia ….😊

  6. Xin Chào Thị Dương. Траву которую спалола не кидай в мусор отдай свиньям или курам или утятам они эту траву очень хорошо едят. И капусту надо обработать от капустной Блохи на капусту нападает Блоха . Обработай её. Я бы тебя помог но я далеко. ❤

  7. How do you get access to all these different areas where the fruits and vegetables are growing? They're obviously cultivated by someone.

  8. Die Tomaten brauchen Pfähle zum Halt, die Pflanzen daran anbinden. Immer wieder anbinden, wenn sie höher wachsen.!

  9. Awesome video Hương !!😍😍😍😍
    What an awesome job harvesting is, it's a lot of work but the benefits are worth it :).😉
    Excellent farming too.💯
    I love them "Sup Sneakers" :).❤

  10. Então pelo qui vô num outro canal da do mesmo país eles compra e revende e ainda tem que pagar uma taxa pro mercado esse pomar de laranjas e de outra pessoa

  11. Eles não responde e não bota legenda falta de concideracao com os escrito os brasileiros gostam de assistir vocês mas não entendemos na dica de nada kkkkk

  12. When your plants are very young, just coming up, if you heavily mulch around them, you will eliminate most if not all of your weeding. This will save you lots of time and also improve and nourish your soil. Work smarter not harder.

  13. Bonjour à vous , tout est toujours parfait, par contre, à force de voir vos vidéo , je trouve que vos cochons n'ont pas trop d'espace de vie, pauvres cochons car quand je visionne d'autres vidéo , je peux voir que les cochons ont un espace de jeux assez grand peux voir que vous aimez les animaux , et cela me semble bizarre de laisser ces bêtes là ,dans un enclos très petit , et de ne pas les laisser se dégourdir
    j'avais pensé, pourquoi ne pas faire un autre enclos près des poules , et laisser les cochons avec les poules ?
    bonne continuation à vous

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