Garden Plans

Clean up the house helps the homeowner “want to come back to live here”, overgrown weeds cover house

He worked far away and now wants to return to his hometown to live. We talked to him. He said he plans to renovate the garden and pond and live far away from residential areas.
Happy to help you and everyone else.
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Clean up the house helps the homeowner “want to come back to live here”, overgrown weeds cover house


  1. Parabéns pelo trabalho muito bom. Milhares de beijos pra você capacete Verde te amo. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💋💋💋💋💋🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️

  2. Bawa gergaji nya yang bagus yang tajem yang mahal yang ada merek nya , jangan bawa gergaji yang jelek yang murahan , masa ngga ke beli , malu2 in , yang nonton juga geregeten ,

  3. Měli jste hodně práce. Mně to připadalo, že kácíte celý les. Myslím že jste byli rádi když jste skončili. Dobře odvedená práce vám musí být útěchou. Gratuluji! 👍👏🌿

  4. You all work so hard I hope that the owner appreciate all the work you do ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊

  5. Who's thatbman who keepsbon posing and posing? Is he the owner of that area. Why not offer a big hand to them? As if he's paying the job. If we know that is a free clean up. If ever, on your next videos, don't ever let them be catch by cameras. If disturb our mood on viewing. We know how hard is your job, that's why we're always supporting you by viewing your videos, like them, sharing, and not skipping the ads. We apent some penny, we spent time and effort, that's why we're conscious on what's the content of your videos.

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