Garden Plans

Spring Garden Design Ideas

Spring Garden Design Ideas
I’m Brokefarmer and in this episode I will be talking about my garden design for spring. I’ve finally took a minute to sit down and put my thoughts and garden ideas onto paper and come up with a design that encompasses companion planting with sun exposure need and developed a plan for optimum growth.
Let me know your plan. discount code: broke 15
#springgarden #springgardenideas #trellis #gardenlayout #Brokefarmer76 #blackgardenersonyoutube #gardenplans


  1. Greetings Broke, planning is always a good thing.
    I have kept sweet potatoes up to nine months in a cardboard box with dirt, in a dark cool place.
    Stay Safe and Blessed!

  2. Thank you so much for this video Broke!!! I'm redesigning my garden next season, because some things got too much sun and others not enough! You just gave me some really good ideas, that will be a game changer in my garden!!! Thanks again!

  3. I am ABSOLUTELY planning the heck out of my next garden. I can’t help it I’m just always planning it. Onions are another thing that stores well that you can use for several months. The sweet yellow won’t store as long as the white onions but onions are definitely something I’m still working on getting better at.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Yes I've been doing the same clearing out a section of backyard from flower bed to have veggies & herbs but a much larger space. This video is perfect cause I didn't consider more shaded area here in zone 9a Florida its get hot 🔥 and the wind during the hurricanes are extreme. Looks like will have multiple areas for this now thanks for posting another great video.

  5. Wait lifetime warranty!! Plus your discount code i need these in my life. Are they comfortable?

  6. Good stuff Broke! Our brains go into overdrive this time of year thinking and planning for next year! I've been editing many of my beds all fall long. Dope boots Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Great share 🎉 and congrats on them Hisea BOOTS 👢 It's never too early to plan. Especially when fan favorite seeds sell out in this coming season. Peace fam 👩🏾‍🌾

  8. It’s never too early. I’m going to plan my garden out too plus a schedule for when I’ll plant everything because I want to produce more food. I’m going to use shade cloth for my tomatoes next year. I didn’t this year and hardly got anything. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  9. Heyyy Broke Farmer!!! Awesome video!!! I don’t think it’s too early to start planning for the Spring. I’ve been planning for Spring 2024 since August 2023. I’ve purchased some new beds and new seeds for the new year. TFS!!! 🤗🤗🤗

  10. When I tell you I started this a couple weeks ago. Drawings are made and I've planned what's going where. ❤😊

  11. I have started planning for spring too. I'm having a time deciding what to plant because my garden is still really small. I'm trying to shoehorn in a trellis for pickling cucumbers. I'm thinking I might have to put them in a pot, but I'm not sure how they'd do like that.

  12. I recently bought a garden journal by can’t find his name. It’s on here pawpaw Ridge Homestead that I’m gonna fill out and use to help me with what I’m planning on growing this year because I want to figure out an advance what is going to be grown wear and make sure I know when I need to startdoing what?

  13. Good evening Broke Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family also to everyone else❤ and yes I'm mapping out everything for next planting season 👍 Thanks for sharing and happy planning!

  14. Looks like you’re off to a good start. Great minds think alike I’ll be planning too more. Proud of you broke farmer you eating arugula, companion planting, and planning more. Kudos 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  15. It's never too early to plan next season's garden. Now is the time to prepare your soil for next spring. Nature is imperfectly perfect. Check out Garden Like a Viking here on YouTube – you might find an idea or two of his that you like.

  16. I'm moving this winter into a new build house with super dead, dry desert soil. Definitely no spring plans beyond keeping my container pepper plants alive and putting down all the compost I can get in future bed sites. It will take a lot of work, but it will hopefully give me way more food than my little 10×10 box of black gold at the old house.

  17. Hello Broke Farmer! Internet Cousin, I am starting flowers for Spring. I will not start tomatoes, until late January. I am in zone 8 Texas. Companion planting works. I usually grow lettuce, carrots, beets and onions together. Great companions! Happy gardening, you have some great ideas.

  18. Lol😂😅…okay, when you jumped off the back of the bed of your truck. I thought for a hot second you were about to fly….lol I'm in GA and had great success with my tomatoes. My first year I did it in the ground then after that I've been growing in raised beds. My indeterminate tomatoes kept producing all the way up till the fall. Really until I pulled them. Thank you for the video.

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