Edible Gardening

Forest Walk – Exploring Nature beside our Homestead in Portugal

Discover the fungi, mushrooms, berries and trees as together we explore a local forest after the rains. We notice nature in all its splendour.
Here in Central Portugal, we have wonderful woodlands that burst with life at this time of year.
Relax and enjoy the wonder of the woodland and look for mushrooms.


  1. An enchanting film from an enchanted forest! 🌿💚 With beautiful music accompanying you along the way, and what a delicious looking meal Dan cooked. 😋

  2. То что вы собрали и пожарили, в моей стране, обычно пинается ботинком и никому не приходит в голову это съесть. . В моем регионе сбором грибов занимаются почти все( для личного потребления и как хобби).Это там, где ваш супруг увидел на рынке чурчхелу. Мне стало любопытно и я поискал что растет у вас в Португалии. Amanita-dos-césares, Boletos Edulis, Cantharellus cibarius, Lactarius deliciosus – прекрасные грибы первой категории. По поводу "зонтиков"… В Португалии их сушат , мелко измельчают и добавляют в блюда для запаха. Я считаю это пищевым извращением, но это мое мнение. Шампиньоны выращенные на конском говне и купленые в маркете я тоже не ем. На 2-29 – это "поддубник", можно отварить, воду слить и замариновать. На 6-00 скорее всего "белая сыроежка". Но могут быть варианты …. может быть "белый груздь" , может быть " скрипица" (она скрипит при трении о зубы). Неопытному грибнику лучше не брать пластинчатые грибы . Кроме " рыжиков" – их ни с чем не перепутаешь и они королевские грибы , хотя португальцы больше ценят "цезарский" гриб. Губчатыми грибами отравиться сложно , первый признак не съедобного гриба = изменение цвета разреза на розовый ( синий – можно есть) и розоватый цвет губки . Это "желчный гриб" или "сатанинский", но он просто очень горький , не токсичный, просто испортит все блюдо. Все остальное на видео я бы не стал собирать и пробовать .

  3. Oh my. Mushrooms have been really prolific here in Oregon this year. Unfortunately, I don't know a thing about identifying them. I'll get mine from the store to be safe. Call me chicken. It's okay. I'll leave the wild ones for my friends who are educated in that area.

  4. Oh my heavens…I just loved that walk!! I felt like I was right there beside you…a forest is my favourite place to be…thank you for that. I just love your videos. Hugs from Kent 🇬🇧🥰🥰❤️

  5. Beautiful forest,such lovely to watch nature and you be able to get those beautiful mushrooms 😊

  6. our quite big property here in Germany is currently also full of mushrooms of all kinds, but I have no idea what they are and wouldn't dare try any of them. Wish I’d know more about them …

  7. Lovely walk with you, Meraid, foraging for mushrooms. Nice haul, they look good all cooked up, and even yummiest in your pasta. 🤗

  8. I just love how much you and your guy love nature. It's so akin to my own sensitivities, I wish I was there to sketch the different mushrooms in your fields. Please please please please please please. Be careful with the mushrooms, I live in the Pacific Northwest where people who are educated in mushrooms and such there's always somebody dying once the year. I would hate to lose you guys.

    Do you have a patreon page?

  9. I love Cogumelos, I saw some on my walk last Sunday here in Wales. You obviously know your mushrooms as for me I’m not so knowledgeable and let M&S pick the edible ones for me. ❤ your videos.

  10. Is the oak forest on your land? I hope so because it is lovely.
    It is a young forest and there was once a stone wall. A former pasture perhaps?

  11. How beautiful is that forest. I enjoyed watching this so much, you really are so clever the way you understand the earth and flowers etc, loved this video.❤

  12. Does it mean when parasol mushrooms are flat there past it and shedding seeds, and if so can u collect the seeds?

  13. Hello! People in Portugal don't pick mushrooms that much, only certain species, mostly because peoiple don't know them well. With my ex-girlfriend, from the Alps, picking mashrooms used to be an real orgy, as no one picked them, there. They had all the time to grow and no one would pick them. I remember the first time she saw a 'Chanterelle' bigger than a cigaret packet. She took a photo and told me her parents would never believe her, if she didn't took the photo. Eucalyptus, changed a lot the biotope and the soil, in just a few years , from Oak to Eucalyptus > no good!
    ps And in 'Cintra' (Endemic and ancient forest) mushroon picking just became ridiculous, each time we went there (almost all year around!)

  14. I have a fascination for Mushrooms since ever! I think they are fabulous looking, tasteful, smart (yes!), and so 'Alien'! One of my favourite foods, for sure! I love to watch your videos, it gives me the impression I'm back there! Love the scents and scenery in the forest! Take care!

  15. Eucalyptos> no mushrooms as they takle all the nutrients in no time, mostly, only Acacia and Mimosa manage to survive!

  16. I loved the music you have chosen for this video (and I immediately thought that Coimbra guitars sound could also be fantastic for these landscape). I really enjoyed watching

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