Garden Plans

Homegrown Homestead Salad

The feeling you get when you grow your own food is unreal.

Welcome to our High Desert Homestead where we inspire the dreamers to make big plans in small spaces! We have lived in four different U.S. States over the past eight years. In that time I learned to cook from scratch, bake with sourdough, and grow gardens wherever we lived. I grew blueberry bushes at a rental where I couldn’t “garden,” I grew tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, radishes and flowers on our apartment balcony, I grew herb gardens in sunny window sills, and began my journey towards growing our homestead on our one acre property here in the high desert.

Let’s learn and grow together wherever we are on our homestead journey!

For more how to instruction go to

Are you new around here?
Check out this playlist!

Take a stroll through my high desert market garden-you might learn a thing or two!

Let’s preserve food together!

Grow a little Fruit Tree with me!

Grow a pasture on ONE ACRE of land!

Our home build from start to finish!

Raise your own meat

My favorite tools:
Soil blocker
Capillary mats (for soil blocks)
Digital Pressure Cooker

My seed starting set up:

Pruning Fruit trees (to keep them small)

Prune Fruit Trees: How to Keep Trees Small

Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden on your Sunny Windowsill

Design a Therapy Garden

How to Design a Therapy garden

About Me

About Me



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