@One Yard Revolution

One Yard Revolution: Bigger Winter Garden Harvests!

Big changes to the winter garden in hopes of bigger harvests!

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0:21 Brief summary of our season extension approach
0:46 TempShield insulation on north and west walls of cold frame
1:11 Modified cold frame bed to slope 14° toward sun
1:38 TempShield insulation on north side of hoop house
2:01 New shelf to support ten 5 gallon black buckets of water that will act as heat sinks
2:26 Changes to hoop house door
3:08 6 mil greenhouse film on north wall
3:45 Reusing and recycling poly
4:32 New small garden bed
4:51 Reinforced ridge pipes on double layered hinged low tunnels
5:17 Expanded the winter garden in the front yard

I’m passionate about an approach to organic gardening that is frugal, easy, sustainable, and works with nature to achieve amazing results. My videos will help you grow more healthy organic fruits and vegetables, while working less and saving money. I don’t push gardening products. I don’t hype bogus “garden secrets”. I provide evidence based strategies to help you grow a lot of food on a little land without spending much or working harder than you have to!

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