Container Gardening

The garden work that must be done!

Zone 6 (Chicago, IL, USA)
Hey there! Join me as I get much needed garden work done while the weather is still lovely here in Chicago!
📸: October 23-25, 2023
– GreenStalk Vertical Planters (use code BETTA for an additional $10 OFF $75+
– Farmers Defense (use code B_BETTAGARDEN for 10% off your entire purchase). Shop for sleeves, hats, aprons, etc., at
– Vego Gardens – Shop for metal raised beds and accessories at

FYI – Some links are affiliate links which help support my channel as I may receive a small commission (there is NO additional cost to you). And rest assured that I only recommend products that I truly believe will be an asset to your gardening experience. Thanks for your support and happy gardening!
Below are a few other videos you might enjoy.




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  1. All my greens got eaten all the way down. Aphids have taken over most of my plants. It pretty gross. I'm tempted to just pull everything. Your garden looks great.

  2. Are you going to bless us with a video of you cooking some of your harvest? I recall watching a video of yours (a couple of yrs ago) showing all of your jarred peppers. I know many gardeners plant/grow peppers 🌶️ but I’m only into the bell peppers. Either way I’d love to see you cook some of your veggies. Headed to your playlists in case I missed some cooking or jarring😊

  3. I've never grown brussels sprouts – is there a reason you are topping them? Also, I had no idea you could eat those leaves!

  4. According to Charles Dowding, stepping on soil isn't enough to compact it and, still according to Mr. Dowding, firm soil isn't the same thing as compacted soil. I'm not sure what it takes to compact soil, but apparently more than the weight of a human being stepping on it. I'm assuming that soil composition is a big part of that equation; soil composition and soil health? What do you think?
    We've already seen our first frost, and Halloween night it began snowing. That's not expected to last, as the ground and the pavement, especially, are still too warm for snow to accumulate, but car roofs and hoods and trunks and of course windshields and rear windows are already acquiring some coatings of ice to be brushed away or scraped.

    Have you made your plans and drawn your "maps" of next year's gardens?

    Much gardening love from Ohio! 💚💚💚💚💚☺

  5. Batavia, your garden is a delight! The kale and collards & Brussels all look incredible!! I am in Southern Ontario, Canada. It’s Nov 1st today and we had our frost 2 days ago, so it’s sort of like Chicago weather, except I think you might get more snow and wind than us here.

    My question is, after you’ve grown the brassicas in that bed, how will you amend it to put nutrients back in that soil for next growing season?

    I did not have the best yields this year (my 2nd yr veg gardening). Soil tests I did on one of the beds revealed high alkaline & low to very low NPK. Last fall I had added 1-2 inches of composted sheep manure to the bed. I added a thin layer of triple mix yesterday and a thick layer of leaves yesterday to close up the beds but I’m not sure how to improve fertility. I’m making my own compost but there’s not enough to add to the beds each yr. I’m in a city garden.

    Thank you 😊 P.S. love your podcast and listen regularly! Keep up the great work!

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