Gardening Supplies

They will find your garden so PROTECT it

Trust me if you dont have these pests in your garden you will.
Sandy Bottom Homestead was started to supplement our food supply. By Gardening and raising chickens we have been able to meet that goal and start to surpass it. Follow us as we continue to build out our homestead and become better gardeners.
Learn to Grow. Grow for Change

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Learn to Grow. Grow for Change.
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  1. I had an epic battle with a ground hog last year. Tried just about every trick in the book to no avail. Smoke bombs, coyote urine, ammonia, noise makers and a baited trap. Darn thing would leave for a week or so then come right back to the garden. It used to watch me work then come down for dinner. After 3 months of multiple attempts, it re-dug the burrow on the hill overlooking the garden for the nth time. I poured a half gallon of ammonia down the hole and shoved the bottle in for good measure. Next day the bottle was tossed down the hill like it was mocking me. I got angry and grabbed the first bottle sitting in the laundry room and poured that down the hole, shoved the bottle in deep and sealed the entrance with foam insulation and topped off with a 50 lb boulder. Turns out that bottle was bleach. Bye bye ground hog. Chlorine gas did the trick. Haven't seen one since.

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