Gardening Supplies

Strawberries 101: How To Plant & Grow Lots Of Strawberries From Bare Roots #garden #gardeningtips

Hey there, fellow garden enthusiasts! In this video, I’m going to take you on a journey into the sweet world of strawberries. I’ll show you the step-by-step process of planting and growing a bountiful crop of these delectable berries right in your own backyard garden. I show you how to plant bare root strawberries and nurture them into thriving strawberry plants, so you can enjoy the freshest, most delicious strawberries at home. ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒฑ

This strawberry growing guide covers:

๐ŸŒฟ Selecting the right strawberry varieties.
๐Ÿก Preparing the perfect spot in your backyard for your strawberry patch.
๐Ÿ‚ Planting bare root strawberries for optimal growth.
๐Ÿ’ฆ Watering, feeding, and caring for your strawberry plants.
๐Ÿ“ Tips on maximizing your strawberry harvest.
๐ŸŒž Protecting your strawberry plants from pests and diseases.

So, if you’re eager to enjoy the incredible taste of homegrown strawberries and create your very own berry oasis, don’t miss this video! Hit the like button, subscribe for more gardening goodness, and let’s grow some strawberries together. ๐Ÿ“

I have a very limited supply of “Sensation” strawberry bare roots available for purchase on my website. They are sold in bundles of 25. These are the freshest and largest strawberry bare roots I have ever seen and are ready to plant right now:

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***Supplies/Products Mentioned In This Video***
Sulfur granules to acidify the soil:
Fox Farms Strawberry Fields Strawberry Soil:
Acid Loving Plants Soil Mix:
Greenstalk 7 Tier Leaf Vertical Garden Planter:
Espoma Berry Tone Organic Granular Fertilizer:
Miracle Grow Acid Loving Plants Fertilizer:
Organic Insecticidal Soap:
BT organic spray for worms:
Spinosad organic spray for worms and soft bodied pests:

Follow me on social media for daily gardening inspiration, info on raising backyard chickens, beekeeping, and information on the same varieties of seeds and plants available in my shop.

Find the same gardening supplies I use in my own garden by following my Amazon link:

#strawberry #berries #backyardgardening #homegrown #garden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden #fruit #floridagarden #plants


  1. I bought a strawberry plant at Loweโ€™s last spring and it didnโ€™t say the variety. I planted it on my tower garden and it survived all summer, it started growing runners in late summer and now it is fruiting. I was able to fill the tower garden with one strawberry plant and now I wish I know what variety it is because I never in my time living here in Florida was able to grow strawberries during summer and much less reproduce. Now I go to Loweโ€™s every weekend to check if they bring more. Thanks for the video โค

  2. Iโ€™m in Portland Oregon zone 8B. My local nursery had a sale late summer all the plants were 50% off. So I went and bought 30 plants. I planted them all. They look great.

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