@Gary Pilarchik

Gary Pilarchik: Harvesting 5 Gallon Container Potatoes and Ground Turnips & Kohlrabi: How to Peel & Eat Kohlrabi

Please Visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop:: https://www.therustedgarden.com/

I harvest container potatoes and ground turnips & kohlrabi from the garden. This is why we have a garden! Thoughts on planting for the fall and how you peel and eat kohlrabi.

Join The Rusted Garden FB Gardening Shop & Video Page

Follow me on Instagram for 60 Second or Sow videos and Gardening Tips… https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/

Check out my vegetable gardening blog: The Rusted Garden. It is filled with garden information, videos, pictures, seed catalogs and seeds & things I sell. http://www.therustedgarden.blogspot.com

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