@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: 2016 Garden Goals, Grow More, Experiment, Try New Things and Much More!

2016 Garden Goals helping to shape a simple, organic and sustainable food sources for my family.
2015 was a busy year in my garden and on my YouTube Channel and 2016 looking even better! Today I want to go through my top 8 goals for 2016 that you will be able to follow through my weekly videos on Friday afternoons.
Before I do anything in the garden I like to think of the three words I have chosen for my channels motto Simple Organic and Sustainable. These three words really represent what I hope to achieve and show you through YouTube. It is time for the first goal.
1. Increase the production of food in my garden.
2. Testing Garden Assumptions
3. Home Garden Field Trials
4. Harvest videos How we use the produce including recipes
5. Frugal Gardening
6. Outreach through my community and YouTube
7. Engage the kids in my life to learn
8. Try New Things such as a new video blog series

I understand some of my goals may be contradictory to my mission statement and that I feel is alright. I selected the three most important things to me in the garden knowing it would be a balancing act that I will continue to fine tune over the growing season and years to come.
I feel through these 8 goals 2016 is going to be a fantastic year filled with many adventures I look forward to sharing with you. I would love to know what your goals for the 2016 season are and how you plan to achieve them!

Check us out on
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/stephenlegaree14
Webpage: www.albertaurbangarden.ca
Google +: google.com/+StephenLegaree
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlbertaUrbanGarden
Twitter: https://twitter.com/northern1485
Pintrest: http://www.pinterest.com/ABurbanGarden/

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