Garden Plans

The Celtic New Year…Time for A Deep Clean

Samhain marks the Celtic New Year and I am getting into the spirit of things, making plans and doing some deep cleaning. I want to face into winter with my dreams and aspirations clear in my mind; as well as snuggle down into a clean house. If you would like to make your own cleaning agents, some recipes are below.

I prefer all things natural which includes my cleaning products. Apart from those, I make my own medicines too. If you would like to know how to make medicines yourself, have a look at my Introduction to Herbal Medicine course,

An Introduction to Herbal Medicine – A 6 Month Digital Course

My two little books, The Weed Handbooks Volume 1 and 2 are helpful aids to getting started with wild plants and they are available here –

We have just celebrated Samhain which is one of the great festivals on the Wheel of the Year. My course Wise Woman Way training is a transpersonal course which follows the Wheel of the Year. We meet with Plant Spirits, Irish Goddesses and craft magical and medicinal remedies as we heal from past hurts. Our next festival to celebrate will be the Winter Solstice. More information here –

Thanks so much to Lol for the music and editing. You can find out more about Lol’s music here He is also on youtube –

The cleaning agents I use in my home are natural and free of toxins. I clean windows and glass with a mixture of white vinegar and a drop of liquid soap. To wash woodwork I use Soda Washing Grains which are dissolved in hot water and then a clean rag or cloth is soaked and wrung out and applied to the woodwork. I use the Gem brand which is freely available in Ireland. For bath and sink cleaning I mix bicarbonate of soda with a little white vinegar and some liquid soap to make a smooth paste. Sometimes for extra hygiene I add a little lemon juice. This is very effective for bath tubs, sinks and taps and tiles. Sometimes I will add a drop of a favourite essential oil for a clean fresh scent. I like to spray my laundry – especially bedding – with Lavender water. There are a number of ways to make Lavender water. Sometimes I infuse water with Lavender flowers, with a cap of vodka added. Alternatively I use 150ml of distilled water and 30ml vodka and add about 20 drops of an essential oil. I hope you enjoy making your own home cleaning agents.

Thanks for watching and Happy New Year!


  1. I love to see how the chickens, dogs and cats are able to roam free around your land – thank you for letting them live their best lives!

  2. Thanks Terri lets all bring some positive energy into the world Enjoy your cleaning Love to you and yours xxx

  3. Yes, a good time for that deep clean inside and outside ourselves as well. Lovely to learn about the cleaning liquids, etc.

  4. Inspiring as always most appreciated… and a gentle reminder 'kick up the bum' to get on with cleaning 😮
    best wishes and thanks for posting ✨

  5. thank you dear Terri for the tips…………………always a new beginning…… in Germany I live also the celtic year……………………..and by the way,in December I am comming again to Dublin……..Blessings and Greetings from Daggy,Kiel,Germany☘☘☘

  6. Is that Desert Rose in your pots??? I grow this it’s my favorite flower 🌸 wasn’t sure if it was this or Jade maybe

  7. Thank you for this inspiring cleaning video. All the ingredients for cleaning i have in my house, including overripe lemons, which I normally use for potpourri I can now repurpose as a disinfectant. I love your beautiful garden; it is an oasis in the already beautiful Irish countryside. Take care and God bless 🙌 🙏

  8. Happy New Year to you as well. Holding a vision of nurturance and wellbeing for everyone. Love the shot of the kitty in the window with the arch relection behind. 😻

  9. Thank you for the cleaning tips Terri, I would be lost without my white vinegar and bicarb 😁 I have been using them for a while now. We've gradually replaced all the shop bought stuff with more natural ingredients which are , as you say, much better for the planet. Always a pleasure to see you best wishes 🌼

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