@Gary Pilarchik

Gary Pilarchik: The Rusted Garden YouTube Channel Introduction: About My Channel – The Rusted Garden 2013

Welcome to my gardening channel. My goal is to create informative useful garden videos that quickly bring you the information you need for your garden.

I hope to help you have a better gardening experience. I have a video series called 60 Seconds or Sow. In about a minute I present garden tips, tricks and techniques. Short and to the point. Your time is valuable.

I take request topics and love answering questions. Just leave a comment.

I make videos weekly that cover all aspects of gardening activity. They are topical, relevant and designed to teach. I have over 300 garden videos that cover; seed starting, indoor lighting construction, container gardening, raised bed gardening, organic gardening, planting, tending, harvesting and even grilling and making mixed drinks. Everything and more!

Gardening is meant to be fun and exciting. Please subscribe. Good Luck!

New to Gardening? Check out my 2nd Gardening YouTube Channel dedicated to New Gardeners. The videos are longer and more detailed. Each video presents as if you are new to gardening.

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